How come theists take offense so readily, and how to avoid offending them?

wrong. people aren't born with insane religious beliefs encoded into their flesh.

Nor, are they born with sin encoded into their flesh.

The insanity comes afterward once they live for eradicating the imaginary sin.
Nor, are they born with sin encoded into their flesh.

The insanity comes afterward once they live for eradicating the imaginary sin.

the propensity for greed, lust, sloth, envy, pride, vanity, and wrath is not imaginary. and i think one would have to be insane not to desire to eradicate it.
wrong. people aren't born with insane religious beliefs encoded into their flesh.

Hmmm...genetic defect. It seems to me that this genetic defect is only visible to theists. Sin is a mechanism for theists to explain what separates us from animals. In their eyes it is the taint in us that makes us want to rebel against a god and be natural. To the non-theist, we see it as a character flaw or a disorder. In both types of mechanisms, it is a beautiful thing for a person to accept their flaw or sin, learn from it, live with it, and overcome it. The question is, what mechanism do you use to overcome it? That is the difference between a theist and a non-theist's view of the concept of sin.

But, that just isn't enough for a Christian to overcome their sin. They have to believe in God to make it to heaven.
Hmmm...genetic defect. It seems to me that this genetic defect is only visible to theists. Sin is a mechanism for theists to explain what separates us from animals. In their eyes it is the taint in us that makes us want to rebel against a god and be natural. To the non-theist, we see it as a character flaw or a disorder. In both types of mechanisms, it is a beautiful thing for a person to accept their flaw or sin, learn from it, live with it, and overcome it. The question is, what mechanism do you use to overcome it? That is the difference between a theist and a non-theist's view of the concept of sin.

a character flaw or disorder that everyone on earth struggles with or is a victim of?

it's just an aspect of our evolution.

the mechanism i use is desire.

But, that just isn't enough for a Christian to overcome their sin. They have to believe in God to make it to heaven.

i think you get what you ask for in the afterlife.
M*W: It concerns me, because christians are a part of society. This is dangerous. Can you imagine being in a society with people like Sandy? That's scary. Real scary.
M*W: It concerns me, because christians are a part of society. This is dangerous. Can you imagine being in a society with people like Sandy? That's scary. Real scary.

we are in a society with people like sandy. nothing to fear MW...karma's a bigger bitch then sandy could ever be.
They take offense, because they have been taught. They have a high stake in their beliefs. If you challenge the beliefs, they defend them because it means more than just swallowing pride and being wrong. Non-theists would abandon their unbelief in a god before a theist would abadon their belief in a god.
the propensity for greed, lust, sloth, envy, pride, vanity, and wrath is not imaginary. and i think one would have to be insane not to desire to eradicate it.

In other contexts, those things can be virtues. One man's greed is another's ambition. We all know the benefits of lust- a strong birth rate. Sloth is another way to say efficiency, no wasted movements. Envy is a reaction to percieved inequality. Pride is called virtuous when it's applied to movements encouraging self-respect such as African-Americans or gays. Wrath empowers our actions when it is deserved. Without these things, we wouldn't be human.
it's everybody Q.

I don't doubt your beliefs, Lori. They are certainly real, if nothing else.

I suppose we won't be seeing any scientific studies that demonstrate your beliefs to genetics? Christian science, perhaps?
In other contexts, those things can be virtues. One man's greed is another's ambition. We all know the benefits of lust- a strong birth rate. Sloth is another way to say efficiency, no wasted movements. Envy is a reaction to percieved inequality. Pride is called virtuous when it's applied to movements encouraging self-respect such as African-Americans or gays. Wrath empowers our actions when it is deserved. Without these things, we wouldn't be human.

you're quite the spin doctor spider...but these flaws cause suffering, and that's nothing to glorify. you know that.
In other contexts, those things can be virtues. One man's greed is another's ambition. We all know the benefits of lust- a strong birth rate. Sloth is another way to say efficiency, no wasted movements. Envy is a reaction to percieved inequality. Pride is called virtuous when it's applied to movements encouraging self-respect such as African-Americans or gays. Wrath empowers our actions when it is deserved. Without these things, we wouldn't be human.

Excellent point.
I don't doubt your beliefs, Lori. They are certainly real, if nothing else.

I suppose we won't be seeing any scientific studies that demonstrate your beliefs to genetics? Christian science, perhaps?

why do you need a scientific study for everything? do you have no perception?

life is a scientific study; take a look around.
One man's greed is another's ambition.

greed is the desire to have more than someone else, at the expense of someone else.

We all know the benefits of lust- a strong birth rate.

resulting in unfulfilling relationships and emotionally fucked up children. lust is a lack of appreciation for the whole person. it's exploitation for the purpose of self-gratification.

Sloth is another way to say efficiency, no wasted movements.

it's also laziness and usually involves sitting around on one's fat ass while those who are enslaved do all the work. it's an unhealthy lifestyle.

Envy is a reaction to percieved inequality.

and that perception is a lie.

Pride is called virtuous when it's applied to movements encouraging self-respect such as African-Americans or gays.

so it's a product of disrespect, discrimination, and abuse.

Wrath empowers our actions when it is deserved.

wrath is an violent emotional response.

Without these things, we wouldn't be human.

we would still be human. we'd just be better off.
you're quite the spin doctor spider...but these flaws cause suffering, and that's nothing to glorify. you know that.

There can only be flaws compared to an ideal. I suggest there is no such thing as an ideal human.