How can we tell the difference between a "true christian" and a "false christian?"

I thought "true" christian was a word that described christian people who pushed their own moral beliefs and values on others while doing the exact opposite in their own home?
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There can be only one answer to my questions. I want to know the truth, and I look forward to your replies. Show me that christianity is the right way.
There is a difference in defining someone as a true christian and attempting to prove christianity as the right religion.
Put short and simply, it is impossible to know whether or not Christianity is right. In my honest and humble opinion, it is not, because it has a skewed and corrupt view of ethics, morality, justice, and metaphysics. I find it to be a cruel and destructive religion, despite its inherent call for social justice, because the rest of their mythology book is horribly intolerant and corrupt. That's what happens when the stories about someone are written down a century or more after they made their statements: facts get skewed, history is exaggerated, and personalities becomes deities.
On the other hand, people are free to believe what they want, and to take whatever opinion or view they think fits them best. So long as they don't carry their views into violence and harmful action, they can believe whatever they so choose.

Defining someone as a true christian is a bit trickier, but can be fairly simple if you let it. In my view, a "true christian" is anyone who affirms the teachings of Yeshua ben Yosef and tries to live those teachings in their everyday life, just as a Buddhist would try to affirm and live up to the teachings of the Buddha in their everyday lives. Faction or sect or cult or congregation do not matter.
However, people have the liberty to define themselves however they so choose. If someone wants to call themselves a Christian without completely following Yeshua ben Yosef's teachings, they can go right ahead.
If someone isnt following the christian doctrine as they should it should be the job of other christians to help them find the path, judging others is not what christianity is about.
If someone isnt following the christian doctrine as they should it should be the job of other christians to help them find the path, judging others is not what christianity is about.

No but judging others is what God is about, and Christians just obey God. It's not their fault they are mindless sheep, God wants them to be.