How can we tell the difference between a "true christian" and a "false christian?"

I think Ghandi was an excellent christian!

I agree, but isn't it a bit controversial to call someone like that a Christian ?
And if people that don't believe in God lead a good 'Christian-like' life why wouldn't they be allowed in heaven ?
Lighten up, people are only HUMAN, as if you never did anything wrong.

yes, they are not perfect. That is why I said 'christ-like' life. I didn't say they had to live christs exact life.
How about be a true christian you have to live a life jesus would approve of. I think very few christians do.

and why are you so crabby?
I agree, but isn't it a bit controversial to call someone like that a Christian ?
And if people that don't believe in God lead a good 'Christian-like' life why wouldn't they be allowed in heaven ?

Maybe, but MW asked what a true christian is. I told her what I thought.
And god isn't at the pearly gates letting people in. St Peter (a disciple of Jesus) is. ;)
Maybe, but MW asked what a true christian is. I told her what I thought.
And god isn't at the pearly gates letting people in. St Peter (a disciple of Jesus) is. ;)

What I meant was that the reason you are supposed to believe in God and Jesus and the likes is so that you would adhere to their teachings. Now, if you don't believe in God and Jesus but adhere to the same principles that they teach, why wouldn't you be allowed in heaven ? Because that's what Christians say, if you don't believe in God you are going to hell (or at least not to heaven).
to be a true christian you have to live a life jesus would approve of.

I dont think that is true, you have to try your best to do so. Redemption can happen at any time. From what i have seen Christianity is based on forgiveness. Average people perceive this as weakness which is one reason i am so crabby, and it is fun...thats all.:shrug:
M*W: This question has always bothered me. Many people call themselves "christians." Many other people say the same thing. Christians come in all different shapes and forms, and they all believe they are a "true christian," but others may not.

If "heaven" will only accept "true christians," who are these people? How can we identify them? What makes them different from the other "false christians?"

Being a christian is so complicated. Why would a god make it happen this way? Christians turn on other christians, so how can we be sure which one is right?

If god created the world to hold only christians, why are there so many other religions? Are the christian missionaries failing in what god wants them to do?

Which is the only absolutely right christian church that god represents?

There can be only one answer to my questions. I want to know the truth, and I look forward to your replies. Show me that christianity is the right way.

I don't trust any of them but I respect them to a certain degree. It's when they start telling me their's is the "only" religion is when I really get upset.