How can we tell the difference between a "true christian" and a "false christian?"

I agree with Orleander, people who follow Christ's teachings are Christians, the rest are just poseurs

That's a pretty harsh definition, Sam, do you apply that same definition to all people who call themselves Muslims? Or Hindu? Or Buddhists? Or....?

Baron Max
Well, it was standard procedure among all denominations to burn "witches" up until around the 1500s. If you're going to say that that sort of behavior makes someone "not a real christian" then apparently christians didn't exist for the first 3/4 of christianity's history. Of course, someone from back then would probably say that it’s the people today who aren’t “true christians” because now we don’t burn witches any more.

and were they patterning their lives after jesus? Noooooooo. They weren't real Christians either. They were murderers. I don't care what they called themselves, they weren't.
They follow Christ's teaching exactly ? That's almost impossible, not in the least part because of the contradictions in the bible.

If they followed it exactly, they would be Christ. He was sinless, remember?
I think its in the spirit of the caring and giving. A lot of missionaries condemn and judge all the while saying they are doing god's work. They aren't. They are doing their work. But if you go out into the world and teach good things by exmaple (by living a christ like life) well those ones are Christian. Actions speak louder than words.
and were they patterning their lives after jesus? Noooooooo. They weren't real Christians either. They were murderers. I don't care what they called themselves, they weren't.

No, it was simple, Orleander, the Christians of old just declared those who were NOT Christians were "savages", therefore not human. And therefore, the laws and rules didn't apply to them.

Baron Max
Real Christian's don't exists according to that definition. Well, maybe the odd one or two but no one leading a normal life can't follow these teachings exactly.
...Which is the only absolutely right christian church that god represents?...

All religions belong to god. we are all his children and he doesn't pick favorites.
The christian religion belongs to Jesus. I would think jesus would pick the Salvation Army, but that's not a religion is it.
They follow Christ's teaching exactly ? That's almost impossible, not in the least part because of the contradictions in the bible.

Exactly is impossible isn't it? But the spirit of his teachings.
and were they patterning their lives after jesus? Noooooooo. They weren't real Christians either. They were murderers. I don't care what they called themselves, they weren't.
Right...and according to that, there weren't any real Christians for the first 3/4 of the Christian church's history. Real christians didn't come into being until around 500 years ago.

And, along those same lines, anyone from Scotland who puts sugar on is porridge isn't a real Scott, because everyone knows that no real Scotsman would ever put sugar on his porridge. :rolleyes:
Yes, but one still has to violate some of the teachings then.

Not really, the spirit of Christs teachings are pretty clear. If I say you are kind, it does not mean you are kind 100% of the time, but that does not mean you are not a kind person.
Right...and according to that, there weren't any real Christians for the first 3/4 of the Christian church's history. Real christians didn't come into being until around 500 years ago....

Do you think Christ would consider witch burners Christians? Slave owners? Adulterers?
If you are not living a christ like life, then no, you are not a true christian.

There's a difference between a bible follower and a christian
Not really, the spirit of Christs teachings are pretty clear. If I say you are kind, it does not mean you are kind 100% of the time, but that does not mean you are not a kind person.

I assumed we were talking about the teachings of Christ from the bible. We are though, right ? For example, how many people do you think turn the other cheek ?
Do you think Christ would consider witch burners Christians? Slave owners? Adulterers?
If you are not living a christ like life, then no, you are not a true christian.

There's a difference between a bible follower and a christian

Lighten up, people are only HUMAN, as if you never did anything wrong.

“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Do you think Christ would consider witch burners Christians? Slave owners? Adulterers?
If you are not living a christ like life, then no, you are not a true christian.

There's a difference between a bible follower and a christian

So one can be a true Christian even when one doesn't believe in Jesus and God ?
Do you think Christ would consider witch burners Christians? Slave owners? Adulterers?
If you are not living a christ like life, then no, you are not a true christian.

There's a difference between a bible follower and a christian

I would love to live a Christ like life, then i will be a very very very much 100% better muslim than i am now!!!!!!!!!!!