How can we tell the difference between a "true christian" and a "false christian?"


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: This question has always bothered me. Many people call themselves "christians." Many other people say the same thing. Christians come in all different shapes and forms, and they all believe they are a "true christian," but others may not.

If "heaven" will only accept "true christians," who are these people? How can we identify them? What makes them different from the other "false christians?"

Being a christian is so complicated. Why would a god make it happen this way? Christians turn on other christians, so how can we be sure which one is right?

If god created the world to hold only christians, why are there so many other religions? Are the christian missionaries failing in what god wants them to do?

Which is the only absolutely right christian church that god represents?

There can be only one answer to my questions. I want to know the truth, and I look forward to your replies. Show me that christianity is the right way.
There is no such thing as a "true Christian"; but there are exceptions of the rule, like Francis of Assisi. Most people use religion as a cover for their doubts. This is not only in Christianity, but in all religions, even Buddhism (although in smaller degree of hipocresy).
My two cents.
dear all

well the problem is that the word "christians" was a label used by the enemies of the ffollows of christ to identify them. Jesus would not know what a christain was if he came back down to earth today. if you are a believer in God you are a muslim.,.,.,

dear all

well the problem is that the word "christians" was a label used by the enemies of the ffollows of christ to identify them. Jesus would not know what a christain was if he came back down to earth today. if you are a believer in God you are a muslim.,.,.,
How so? Judaism is older than Islam. So wouldn't it be more fitting to say if you believed in God, then you are Jewish?
How so? Judaism is older than Islam. So wouldn't it be more fitting to say if you believed in God, then you are Jewish?

They all branched from Judaism, so if you believe in God, you're all three. The religious trifecta.
How so? Judaism is older than Islam. So wouldn't it be more fitting to say if you believed in God, then you are Jewish?

Eeerrrr well actually this depends on when you think Islam was born.

islam means to submit to the will of GOD. Judaism was a term like christianity which the enemies of the Jews used to label them with.

All the prophets are Muslims, all the true christians and Jews are Muslims.

In fact when you are born you are muslim!! So mikey Boy you were (or maybe still are amuslim) when you first came out of your mom's womb.. why you say becuae at this time you are governed by the rules fo nature, and who governs nature????? GOD?? And nature submits to the Will of GOD

take it ez
The debate seem to be raging on as intense as ever.
As these following Youtube clips will demonstrate.
View all the comments..all you will see are people bickering about "who is a true Christian"

I tend to agree with Billy Graham in the first clip. I believe it's the "essence" of what Jesus represented that's also reflected in other teachings,more or less the same thing...Krishna, Goddess Aset from ancient Egypt..later ,the cult of Isis and other enlightened teachings.


This guy John McArthur represents to me the worst of narrow minded fundamentalists.
Sorry to give the boring answer, but a "christian" is anyone who worships Jesus because they believe he was divine. That's all there is to it, really.
I think a true Christian is someone who lives a non-judgmental and giving life patterened after Jesus Christ. All other self-professed Christians are false.
Sorry to give the boring answer, but a "christian" is anyone who worships Jesus because they believe he was divine. That's all there is to it, really.

eeerrrrrrr is it?????????????

have you asked Jesus(PBUH) that???
I think a true Christian is someone who lives a non-judgmental and giving life patterened after Jesus Christ. All other self-professed Christians are false.
Well, it was standard procedure among all denominations to burn "witches" up until around the 1500s. If you're going to say that that sort of behavior makes someone "not a real christian" then apparently christians didn't exist for the first 3/4 of christianity's history. Of course, someone from back then would probably say that it’s the people today who aren’t “true christians” because now we don’t burn witches any more.

in all seriousness... WHO THE HELL CARE!
god jesus!
higher power!
does it matter?
anyone has the right to religion! its in the constitution...
who cares if they're real? they're trying or they want to be...

so screw you all..

you guys are stupid


:eek:"omg i cant believe you said that!"
yah well its my right
I agree with Orleander, people who follow Christ's teachings are Christians, the rest are just poseurs
I agree with Orleander, people who follow Christ's teachings are Christians, the rest are just poseurs

Uhm, that might not be that many people SAM.. I think it's fair to say that almost noone (if indeed anyone) follows Christ's teachings exactly.