How can justice be achieved?

“Thus far, all you've given us is your assertion. Why don't you outline your plan?”
What for? You cannot outline a plan unless you have an objective.
I have been over this already.

Should only successful people be allowed to parent children? Should we round up all the children and have them raised in groups by successful adults?
Do you actually believe these solutions would be effective, or is this some kind of joke?
cool skill said:
What for? You cannot outline a plan unless you have an objective.
Then what, pray tell, is this thread about? What is it you wish to discuss? Or were you just looking for an opportunity to call people names?

No, I can call names anytime I want.
If you don't even know the objective, you cannot possibly come up with a plan.
Oh I forgot I like to call people names. You really are a retarded moron. Happy? Idiot.

Before, I proceed, did I ever once come off as if I had all the solutions?
I have various ideas about objectives and methods. That does not mean I have all the solutions.
I would categorize myself under idealism, and of course meliorism. These are the logical, practical, and realistic belief systems.
It doesn’t mean I have answers to everything.
What it does mean is that I believe in the practical pursuit of solutions.
I believe that assuming there will never be solutions is completely impractical because it does not give solutions, but the opposite of solutions.
I believe in improvement of working designs. That means the designs can always be improved. Designs will always be improved to compensate for the massive progress and technological growth of a progressive city.
The point is to have designs, improve them, and continue to improve them. If something doesn’t work, try something else. If that doesn’t work, maybe something else will work. But to claim that nothing will ever work is not practical input to the improvement of working designs.

“Define poverty.”
For what? I have no intention of going about defining what poverty is, its intricacies, and its standards. It doesn’t take a super genius to figure out what poverty is. There is no need for me to sit here, and define it for you. You are an adult I assume. Define it yourself, and think of actual solutions that are serious instead of the farce about the parents you proposed above.

How about this for a question: Should I really be taking your farce questions seriously?

Let’s move to individual independence: How would you propose the freedom and independence of the individual be protected?
Food: What do you think? Should people be free to eat and consume whatever they choose in terms of food, drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, etc? Should people be restricted to only be legally allowed to consume food products that are healthy for they human body?

My question is this: Do you really intend to come up with solutions that benefit the pursuit of a working progressive city design? Or are you just asking questions with no purpose in mind?

“however it costs lots of money to keep the environment clean. Added production costs drive up the cost of living, increasing poverty. Personal restrictions limit personal freedom.”
This is an impractical problem focused statement. The statement places focus on the problems and barriers instead of the solution. This seems to be a cultural phenomenon. The impractical face-value driven culture that is too preoccupied with relishing in the problems instead of relishing in solving the problems.

Health care.
Here’s a clue: Allocation.

“What do you mean by this? Do you want everyone to have degree, or just make it more affordable or free?”
It’s a general high level of education for the individual of progressive city.

“Well, if you want to become a hermit or a nomad there's nothing really to stop you so I don't see a problem there.”
Nobody ever mentioned the desire to be a nomad.
Are you going to continue with this charade?

“How are you going to change people so that they think and behave differently?”
This is just another case of simple misinterpretation. Nobody is trying to change anybody other than to provide a better life and freedom. To interpret it as manipulating opinions is an interpretation with little insight.

“Seems to me that these are fairly rare already.”
Yes if everywhere is rare. Otherwise, wrong. Utterly wrong.

“How and where exactly are they making choices for the rest of us?”
I have no intention of elaborating on this. It’s fairly obvious that those in control make the choices.
cool skill said:
Before, I proceed, did I ever once come off as if I had all the solutions?
No. You started with a question, "How can justice be achieved?" defining justice as, "A planet with no poverty and crime..." etc.

You stated your objective, " The objective: A society where there is no desperation. People truly have the choice and opportunity to do what they want. No corruption. No sinister plot. No conformity like you so wish to tie into it. You are simply safe from exploitation. "

Then, when I prompted you for solutions you state, "What for? You cannot outline a plan unless you have an objective." So am I to take it that you don't have an objective or that you just refuse to discuss any ideas how to go about it?

I have various ideas about objectives and methods.
Then why not present them? If you are actually interested in finding a solution to your question then it would be a good idea to examine these ideas and see if they make sense.

I believe that assuming there will never be solutions is completely impractical because it does not give solutions, but the opposite of solutions.
Another good way to assure you never find a solution is to sit around complaining about how people assume there are no solutions.

The point is to have designs, improve them, and continue to improve them. If something doesn’t work, try something else. If that doesn’t work, maybe something else will work. But to claim that nothing will ever work is not practical input to the improvement of working designs.
Okay. You've spent 3 pages belaboring this point. How about actually addressing issues and presenting ideas?

For what? I have no intention of going about defining what poverty is, its intricacies, and its standards. It doesn’t take a super genius to figure out what poverty is.
Because the solution may be different depending upon how you define it.

If you define poverty as the lack of basic necessities then the solution is to feed, clothe, and shelter everyone. If poverty is defined as a lack of leisure time then it might be addressed by reducing the standard work week (an appealing solution in several ways). If poverty is defined as a relative imbalance of economic resources then we're looking to redistribute wealth.

It may not take a super-genius to define poverty but unless you do your imaginary solutions mean exactly dick.

Define it yourself, and think of actual solutions that are serious instead of the farce about the parents you proposed above.
I never mentioned parents in reference to poverty. But it is a statistical fact that the educational and economic success of the parents is a primary indicator as to the criminal activity of the child. When you're attempting to alleviate problems it helps to understand the correlations and causes.

How about this for a question: Should I really be taking your farce questions seriously?
What's farcical about my questions?

Do you really intend to come up with solutions that benefit the pursuit of a working progressive city design?
Are you proposing that city planning might resolve all of these problems? I thought we were talking about the whole planet. You know, like in your first post when you said, "A planet with no poverty and crime".

This is an impractical problem focused statement. The statement places focus on the problems and barriers instead of the solution.
Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. First you have to understand the problem. Then you have to understand what, if any, problems the solution may cause.

Here’s a clue: Allocation.
Try saying something meaningful next time. Allocation of what to where?

It’s a general high level of education for the individual of progressive city.
Nebulous but sure, what the hell. "Knowledge is Good" (Kudos to whomever gets that reference).

This is just another case of simple misinterpretation. Nobody is trying to change anybody other than to provide a better life and freedom. To interpret it as manipulating opinions is an interpretation with little insight.
Do you or do you not understand that individuals are discriminatory, racists, unfair, etc. to one another? How do you propose to eliminate these things without changing people?

Yes if everywhere is rare. Otherwise, wrong. Utterly wrong.
I disagree. There seem to be relatively few people that actively want "suffering, distress, oppression, pollution, persecution, etc. on a mass scale". Most people who cause such massive strife are concerned with themselves or their tribe and their own goals. They don't seek to cause it, they just don't give a shit when they do or (more often) they feel that the end justifies the means.

I have no intention of elaborating on this. It’s fairly obvious that those in control make the choices.
I see lots of people making lots of decisions. Some people are in positions to make decisions that affect lots of other people but for the most part, at least in the US, those people are determined by the choices of a lot of other people.

“What's farcical about my questions?”
The framing.
You frame everything in terms of the ipractical question. Why will justice never be achieved. Nobody is arguing that because that cannot be proven. Furthermore, it is impractical because it is not a question that can lead to any results towards the objective.

As I have sated many times, the practical question is about how can it be achieved and why must it be achieved.

If you frame the question to be how can this be achieved, you come with practical answers. Such questions may or may not lead to results. Meanwhile, the impractical question automatically leads to no results.

You cannot outline a plan unless you have an objective. The objective has been defined, but that does not mean it has been interpreted correctly. The correct interpretation of a written or vocal statement is the identification of the author’s intended definition for the statement.
I stated my intention. People went about claiming that getting rid of all the people would lead to giving people a better life. It completely contradicts itself. Therefore, a completely invalid interpretation of the objective.

People went about giving examples of science fiction movies - the proverbial Equilibrium society if you ever saw that movie. When the objective is to prevent such societies that are outlined in such science fiction movies, there is no practicality in associating these movies with the objective. What questions will give us results? How can we fulfill our objective? Or Why will our objective end up a science fiction nightmare dystopia? If I come from the first frame, I may or may not get good results towards the objective. If I come from the second frame, I automatically cancel the objective out, and therefore, automatically get zero results towards the objective. Therefore, a completely invalid interpretation of the objective.

The objective is to prevent a boring controlled society where people are subjected to various injustices and persecution. People went about giving examples of how such a society would be boring, controlled, or full of injustice and persecution. That is completely contradictory of the objective. That is yet another invalid interpretation of the objective.

It is impossible to move forward, and provide actual plans when the interpretation of the objective is invalid.

“Okay. You've spent 3 pages belaboring this point. How about actually addressing issues and presenting ideas?”
I restate the point whenever I get impractical feedback. How can the issue be addressed when I have to continue restating the point? People continue to focus on the impractical question. You yourself have not addressed the issue from a practical standpoint. There is no point for me to address practical solutions with people that focus on the impractical questions. When we are asking two completely different questions, we are discussing two completely different issues. The issue cannot be address when it is not the same. Therefore, I restate my point. Asking the impractical question automatically eliminates solutions towards a practical working objective.

I continue to restate the point because people continue to misinterpret it. We cannot discuss apples when you are dissecting the properties of oranges.

“Because the solution may be different depending upon how you define it.”
Wrong. This is not focused on the solution. This is petty meanderings. If you want to come up with ideas about eliminating poverty, do so. Take steps to do so. A person with a million dollars could be seen as more impoverished than a person with a billion dollars. Blah blah blah. Rummaging in the endless squabbling about if-poverties gets you nowhere.

“When you're attempting to alleviate problems it helps to understand the correlations and causes.”
When you ask yourself why it will never be achieved instead of how it can be achieved, you are not attempting to alleviate anything.

“Are you proposing that city planning might resolve all of these problems? I thought we were talking about the whole planet.”
There is no difference.

“Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.”
Nobody said anything about ignoring anything. What is your gripe? I was talking about problem focus versus solution focus. Focusing on the problem automatically eliminates the possibility of results. Focusing on solving the problem moves you in the right direction towards possibility of results.

“Do you or do you not understand that individuals are discriminatory, racists, unfair, etc. to one another? How do you propose to eliminate these things without changing people?”
Nobody is claiming people are discriminatory or not. You are making issues up out of thin air that do not exist. You are completely misinterpreting the objective, and any practical method of achieving the objective.
This is just another case of simple misinterpretation. Nobody is trying to change anybody other than to provide a better life and freedom. To interpret it as manipulating opinions is an interpretation with little insight.
“Because the solution may be different depending upon how you define it.”
Wrong. This is not focused on the solution. This is petty meanderings. If you want to come up with ideas about eliminating poverty, do so.
Nobody is talking about the term justice in it's metaphysical sense.
The question is how can justice be achieved.
Unless you know what the problem is, you cannot identify what goals you are striving for. Unless you know where you are headed, you are simply floundering in the darkness, getting nothing done but work.

What is Justice?
Focusing on the problem automatically eliminates the possibility of results. Focusing on solving the problem moves you in the right direction towards possibility of results.
This seems to be a cultural phenomenon. The impractical face-value driven culture that is too preoccupied with relishing in the problems instead of relishing in solving the problems.
the "culture" you speak of is assumably western culture. It seems to me that if this negativity you speak of is a cultural phenomenon of western culture, then it is in fact extremem productive. The world has been revolutionised over the past 3 thoughsand years because of this cultural negativity.
Simply building a boat does not help if your problem is climbing a tree. The problem must be understood for work to be productive towards solving the problem.
cool skill:

I'll give a more detailed response when I have some time. But during the interim I'd like to ask a favor. Give us an example of what you refer to as a "practical question".

Raithere said:
Give us an example of what you refer to as a "practical question
I have defined it and given examples a number of times already. Not enough?

river-wind said:
The world has been revolutionised over the past 3 thoughsand years because of this cultural negativity.
Wrong. This "cultural negativity" is what people must revolt against. It is the epitomy of impracticality. It is a primitive standard that prevents humanity from acheiving the justice that all desire.

Pretty much every individual has similar desires:
I want health, education, safety, freedom, purpose, understanding, love, connection, food, shelter, clothes, clean healthy body, clean environment, comfort, convenience. I want to enjoy everything I do. I want intrinsic value for myself and others in what I accomplish out of everything I do.

The "cultural negativity" that we speak of is the ultimate roadblock against the acheivement of these desires for the individual.

river-wind said:
That's insanity. The peservation of injustice for the sake of justice is a contradiction.
I haven't read that, but thus far,
I see no logic behind the exact thing that I am trying to get rid of: People's cultural refusal to let go of false and impractical beliefs that perpetuate injustice. Here is a book saying that in order for justice to be achieved, injustice must be perpetuated. Sounds pretty far fetched to me. I have written a number of articles on why injustice is being culturally perpetuated, and therefore, preventing progress for the sake of inefficient quick fixes.

In many cases justice=conflict. If a person murders, our society has determined that death or life in prison is Justice for the violent act. That is in direct conflict with the wants and desires of the murderer.
However, because that person has commited murder, we as a society withold their individual rights to freedom (and possibly to life itself) for the sake of the many.
Unless you have an idea of how we can prevent murder, or effectivly procure justice in cases of murder without conflict, then your claims that a non-conflict-based justice/utopia can be had today are in direct CONFLICT with reality.

Your list of wants is great. I'm in agreement that on a basic level, most people will have a similar list.
health: Poor health is created by internal imbalances and/or bacterial or viral propegation. Physical health, therefor, would be a lack of these problems. So if you want health, then you are hoping for good internal balance, and no bacteria or viruses.

education: a good education requires a good teacher. so you are asking for a good teacher and the time available to learn effectively from that teacher.

safety: safety from what? violence? illness? fear? If we are only looking for safety from violence brought about by other people and by animals, then we have that ability today, through continual dilligence.

freedom: what should we do if your freedom encroches on someone else's? Should shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater be legal?

purpose: agreed. always having a purpose would be nice. Finding one's purpose is up to the invididual.

understanding: understanding is available to everyone and by everyone, if they work toward it.

love: via understanding stems compassion; love comes with conpassion

connection: see the above

food: there is currently enough food for all humans on the planet. getting that food to them has proven difficult, but it is not impossible. The current methods for harvesting that food is not sustainable, and population growth means that the current food supply will eventually not be enough.

shelter: shelter for everyone would also be great. certianly do-able in the short-term. see the above.

clothes: again, see the above. posisble today

clean healthy body: see"health" above

clean environment: in order to produce enough food for today's population, this will inherently suffere without a re-invention of farming methods. I have studied this in depth, and have yet to come up with a solution that does not require a reduction in population.

comfort: this one is more subjective. While everyone enjoys comfort, my definition of comfort is quiet, open natural spaces, with few people. My Mom defines it a a couch and a TV. Both are possible, but they are in direct conflict.

convenience: This may or may not be possible. Personally, I feel that hard work increases the value of what you have worked for. plus, hard work in integral to physical health. We evolved to work hard; having everything too convenient means that we have to spend more time exersizing for the sake of exersize.

I want to enjoy everything I do: as do I

I want intrinsic value for myself and others in what I accomplish out of everything I do:I'd say this goes back to "purpose" above.
"Should shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater be legal?"
Yes it should. Same as shouting "I'm a terrorist with a bomb!" in the middle of the airport. It's freedom of speech. An administration that does not uphold one's freedom of speech is an administration of terror.
but doing that may cause the people around them to panic. Doing so could result in the death or maiming of those involved, which would severly limit their freedom. even if nothing that drastic occurs, it may make people afraid, and will limit their freedom to feel safe.

By allowing freedom to that extent, you are allowing for the conflict of freedoms.
river-wind said:
By allowing freedom to that extent, you are allowing for the conflict of freedoms.
Wrong it is not conflict of freedom.
Freedom of speech means you say what you want. You are safe from any American terrorist administration trying to stop you from doing so.
An individual's rights are not based laws.
Laws are based on the individual's rights.

The individual has the freedom to say whatever the individual wants to say. There is no conflict of freedom in that unless there is somebody intentionally interfering with the individual's right to say it.

The "what-if" hypothetical examples you have provided do not exemplify any hard conflict of freedom or justice. They have no relation to one's right to say "The world is going to end. Go kill yourself now before it's too late."
cool skill said:
I have defined it and given examples a number of times already. Not enough?
Why are you being so elusive with everything? It makes you appear disingenuous.

Why not just humor me and give one example that pertains to, let's say, 'a clean environment'?

I have some work to do tonight but once I'm finished I should be able to work up a proper reply.

cool skill said:
You frame everything in terms of the ipractical question. Why will justice never be achieved.
As a matter of fact, I did not. I gave two examples right from the start that would achieve justice as you defined it. Both solutions would eliminate poverty, oppression, environmental pollution, etc. You just didn't like them. You, yourself beheld them to be "impractical". That is, you considered the problems such solutions created instead of purely focusing upon the solution as you keep admonishing us for doing.

Therefore, I'll restate my pragmatic solution. We can achieve justice by genetically and chemically altering human behavior.

When you reply to my solution I expect not to hear anything about how it's not feasible, unfair, or might cause problems.
That would be impractical, problem focused thinking. I expect you only to focus upon how it might work.

The correct interpretation of a written or vocal statement is the identification of the author’s intended definition for the statement.
The onus here is on the author. If your audience doesn't understand what you are trying to convey that's your fault, not the audience's.

I stated my intention. People went about claiming that getting rid of all the people would lead to giving people a better life.
No, the replies stated that the only way to get complete justice was to modify human behavior or eliminate humans altogether. We answered the question you asked.

Your opinion seems to be that humans could live in complete harmony with each other and the environment if only we could find the right model for civilization. This is the premise that most of your respondents disagree with. This is the point you need to try to convince us of.

The objective is to prevent a boring controlled society where people are subjected to various injustices and persecution. People went about giving examples of how such a society would be boring, controlled, or full of injustice and persecution.
No, people went about trying to get you to understand that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. You want to protect people from the actions and beliefs of other people but you want to do it without altering or coercing anyone's behavior or limiting anyone's freedom.

As far as I understand human behavior what you're asking for is simply impossible. Yet you keep insisting it is not. So I will once again ask you for an example because I have no fucking idea of how to solve it.

I continue to restate the point because people continue to misinterpret it.
Then I will restate mine. The onus of a correct understanding of your question falls upon you. Thus far, as you admit, no one understands what you are trying to say. Try a different approach because repeating yourself over and over again is not getting us anywhere.

No sir, it is you who is utterly and completely wrong. One cannot resolve a problem unless one understands what the problem is in the first place, unless by accident.

There is no difference.
You cannot be serious.

Nobody is claiming people are discriminatory or not. You are making issues up out of thin air that do not exist. You are completely misinterpreting the objective, and any practical method of achieving the objective.
Okay. Then where do you think oppression, persecution, racism, etc. comes from if not the beliefs and actions of other people?

"We can achieve justice by genetically and chemically altering human behavior. "
Again you are misinterpreting. Furthermore, you are throwing in ideas that have nothing to do with the topic.

"No, the replies stated that the only way to get complete justice was to modify human behavior "
Wrong. Completely irrelevant as well. This has nothign whatsoever to do witht he question. It's another one of your feeble utter misinterpretations.

"Your opinion seems to be that humans could live in complete harmony with each other and the environment if only we could find the right model for civilization."
Wrong. Ive already stated my point thirty times, and yet you still refuse to achknowledge it.
For the hudredth time.
The point is the practical question versus the impractical question.
I'm talking about apples, and you come rediculous misinterpretations, and start talking about oranges.

"because I have no fucking idea of how to solve it."
I've already provided the first step. I stated it complete and clear.

"You cannot be serious."
Of couse I'm serious.

You continue to misinterpret the issue. You have yet to provide anything productive towards the correct subject matter.
Cool Skill: You aren't exactly being clear on your stance or any of the information to back it up that you have been giving. You can't blame the audience.
If any part of the audience would purposely change the premise, than it is your fault.
Cool skill:

I have tried to understand you. I have repeatedly asked for you to give ideas, examples, and to explain yourself better to no avail. Either you don't really understand what it is you're trying to discuss and thus unable to communicate this vague notion clearly, or you're just being difficult. Or perhaps this is simply some sort of experiment.

In any case, unless you have something more honest and deliberate to say I can find no reason to continue discussing this nonsense with you. You're babbling about imaginary solutions that are apparently supposed to come from thin air without any sort of analysis, problem solving, or even a clear understanding of what the problem is in the first place.

Thus far, all I've gleaned from you is that you think that the reason these problems exist is because people can't think of solutions that don't have consequences.

Welcome to reality.
