How can justice be achieved?

Clockwood said:
Universal justice can not be achieved by its very definition. It is a thing based on perspective. As a species, we haven't even come to a real conclusion on the topic of right and wrong and probably never will... so how can we handle justice?

If we ever do get close to any highly ordered society, be it Utopian or Dystopian, I will be right there to cause chaos and make it rise up out of its stagnation to smite me. The same holds true for multitudes. Society needs problems and change and instability and bias. It needs a dragon to face and two more standing right behind that one to keep it busy.

Complacency should be feared above all else.

thats what I think too. Definately. I will be right there with you. Its not the way its designed to be as far as I can tell.

I wouldnt mind trying to figure out a way to turn space violet to pink colored instead black though. Any suggestions?
Space itself? Sorry, but I haven't quite figured out a way to alter the laws of physics yet.

You could turn the daytime sky purple by drastically reducing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. That would be disasterous to animal life though. You could, however, spread a thin layer of reflective colored dust in geosynchronous orbit on the night side of the Earth. It would reflect light just as the full moon does for part of the month and give the night sky a colored hue, depending on the color of the dust.
VossistArts said:
cool skill said:
Ps if you’re going to insult someone
Nobody is trying to insult anybody.
I have repeated myself about what I am talking about over and over, while people are jumping in, and completely misinterpreting over and over what I have clearly stated.

Clockwood said:
Society needs problems and change and instability and bias.
First of all, society does not NEED any of those things.
The object is to eliminate problems, eliminate instability, and eliminate bias.
You say yourself you would rather create all these problems, and be part of the problem.

This is the type of thing progressive thinkers are up against. This is the 'how to' problem that we wish to solve. How to put a stop to people that wish destruction and dismay on society.
Such problems as you have described, sorry to say, do not contribute to fourishing and nurturing the growth of a progressive society. They hinder it.

The biggest thing preventing the achievement of such a society as many would rather be part of, and few would wish to destroy, is frame of reference.
Do all the quick-fix activities your heart desires.
The goal is to make an actual science out of it. The design of how such a society would function. As well as the design of how we intend to achieve the design of how such a society would function.

The frame of reference of "it will never happen" is not a solution, nor is it even a step in the right direction. Unless we we come from a frame of reference of being absolutely dedicated to finding a solution, we are nothing short of docile.

This progressive city. This "utopia" if you would rather call it that. The way to achieve "utopia" is to desire it and work towards it. You will not desire something that you have negative views on. I see no logical reasoning in my mind for anybody to have negative views against a world where there is no despair, discrimination, etc. It's a world that I personally want to live in. I would be insane not to want this, and I cannot fathom any person with the least bit of sanity not desiring such a world.
cool skill said:
How can justice be achieved?

We want a society that is clean, we want a society where there is no obesity or any form of poverty, we want a society with no crime and war, we want peace, we want technology, we want progress, we want freedom, we want cleanliness and beauty, we want safety, we want comfort, we want truth in information and entertaining education, we want freedom from racism and discrimination, we want fair treatment and opportunities, we want joy and fulfillment in everything we do etc.
How Huxlian of you. Here are my suggestions:

Kill everyone. Replace them with robots.

Or perhaps you could chemically and genetically alter the behavior of people ala Huxley's "Brave New World"*.

There are two main problems, I know you don't want to hear them, you consider them "Impractical" (whatever that is supposed to mean in this context) but they are inherent in your question.

The first is that your "justice" is subjective (as are a lot of the concepts you mention). The quotation above is your subjective opinion. You need to change the "We" to "I". You want a world that is clean, at peace, without crime, and everyone is fit. You want truth, safety, and comfort. But you don't speak for everyone. What you may think of as "clean" and "beautiful", I may consider sterile and inhuman. What you think of as "comfort" and "safety" I may consider intrusive, oppressive, and boring. And how the hell do you think you know what "truth" is?

The second is the concept of freedom. You cannot have freedom and simultaneously bind human thought and action. They are mutually exclusive. If you have freedom you are going to have crime, discrimination, bigotry, etc. Humans are not robots, we are not angles. We have motives and drives that supercede well considered thoughtful acts. Even to our own detriment.

The world you describe is idealistic and as with most such notions it is blind to reality. Ideals are fine and often worthy goals to work towards but don't expect to get there. Perhaps we don't even want to.


Suggested reading:

Suggested viewing:
Demolition Man (okay not quite the same caliber, but the message is there, plus its fun)
Raithere said:
Suggested reading:

Suggested viewing:
Demolition Man (okay not quite the same caliber, but the message is there, plus its fun)
First of all, why would I want to even consider all of that science fiction. They are fun for stories. They are about fictional distopias. Outwardly great societies that have some sort of sinister reality behind them.
I have already discussed this docile attitude towards the progressive society, but I guess you have decided to comment on soemthing that has already been discussed because you have not read it all.
Axe all the docile science fiction distopian nonsense. I'd be the first person to mention Demolition Man and Gattica in my assertion about how science fiction that was written for it's entertainment value is taken in the wrong context by the docile. You may be happier in a world where there are few in control, and constantly stive for more power and control.

Raithere said:
Replace them with robots.

Or perhaps you could chemically and genetically alter the behavior of people ala Huxley's "Brave New World"*.
I guess you definitely have no clue what this thread is about. This along with your other examples of scifictional distopias show that you have misinterpreted what I was saying. Stop watching movies if you are going to take them that seriously.

What you consider is intrusive, oppressive, and boring is something that is your mere relativist subjectivity.
Person A: Not being an incarcerated slave makes you free. All those that are incarcerated slaves have no freedom.
Person B: Being an incarcerated slave makes you free. All those that are not incarcerated slaves have no freedom.

They both have their own relative views on what freedom is.

Raithere said:
If you have freedom you are going to have crime, discrimination, bigotry, etc.[
Wrong. You are making something that is absolutely unecessary and mutually exclusive into something that is absolutely necessary and mutually unexclusive.

Raithere said:
Humans are not robots, we are not angles. We have motives and drives that supercede well considered thoughtful acts. Even to our own detriment.
Nobody ever said humans were robots. Nobody is trying to make them robots. Only docile fantasy would make one even think so.

Raithere said:
The world you describe is idealistic and as with most such notions it is blind to reality.
Wrong. Anything blind to reality which is the ideal is anything that has no concept of what reality 'really' is.
Cool Skill: Do you want to be a cog in a vast unchanging machine, condemned to a tomorrow that is a mirror of yesterday? Even if life is pleasant, such a fate frightens me. There is no hope, no chance of glory, and no way to make your mark on the world. It reminds me too much of 'A Brave New World'.

I need obstacles to challenge me. I need the threat of real and ultimate failure to drive me to new heights. I need a foe, real or symbolic, which I can best. I need pain to contrast pleasure and give it value.

Your heaven is a termite mound. My heaven is a frontier where I can scrach out my existence through hard toil and against all odds make a mark on the world that will last for eternity.
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Let me put this more simply for you. You cannot build a Utopia in such a way that it is ideal for everyone because people are different. You will always have to use some sort of coercion to get everyone in line. As much as you "cannot fathom any person with the least bit of sanity not desiring such a world" this is a world of your imagining. I doubt that I would enjoy your version any more than you would enjoy mine.

You toss off such broad concepts as progress, comfort, freedom, safety, and truth as if they were constants. As if you could even define them in such any meaningful way that everyone would be able to agree upon. You have your own notions and you want to process them and package them and pass them out in a bright shiny wrapper to make everyone happy. But everyone doesn't want to live in your version of the world.

No two people think the same, feel the same, have the same desires, the same beliefs, tastes, or needs. These differences often conflict. So to get to the point you're aiming at you have to change human nature. You'd have to press everyone from the same stamp so that we all thought alike, had the same needs and desires. And if you don't see the problem with that you're just another elitist who thinks that you know what's good for everyone else. Or do you think you can just convince everyone to think alike?

As to these specific comments:

Axe all the docile science fiction distopian nonsense. I'd be the first person to mention Demolition Man and Gattica in my assertion about how science fiction that was written for it's entertainment value is taken in the wrong context by the docile. You may be happier in a world where there are few in control, and constantly stive for more power and control.
First off, you obviously don't understand Science Fiction and you definitely don't understand the works I cited. Secondly, how do you come to the conclusion that I'm docile? I'll bet pennies to pounds that I'm more active in these arenas than you are. Thirdly, your conception of the world "where there are few in control" is terribly naive. Hate to tell you this but no one is in control, "the people" mostly get what they want and deserve.

Wrong. You are making something that is absolutely unecessary and mutually exclusive into something that is absolutely necessary and mutually unexclusive.
I beg to differ. Some people want what's theirs and they want yours too. People also have an inherent tendency towards xenophobia and tribalism. Don't believe me? Go watch a grade school playground during recess.

Clockwood said:
Cool Skill: Do you want to be a cog in a vast unchanging machine, condemned to a tomorrow that is a mirror of yesterday? Even if life is pleasant, such a fate frightens me. There is no hope, no chance of glory, and no way to make your mark on the world. It reminds me too much of 'A Brave New World'.

I need obstacles to challenge me. I need the threat of real and ultimate failure to drive me to new heights. I need a foe, real or symbolic, which I can best. I need pain to contrast pleasure and give it value.

Your heaven is a termite mound. My heaven is a frontier where I can scrach out my existence through hard toil and against all odds make a mark on the world that will last for eternity.
First of all, I never said anything about anybody being a cog in an unchanging machine. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with a brave new world.
There are many idealists throughout history that have dedicated their lived to the science of city design and social sructure. The founding fathers of the United States were such designers. Long after America's indepenmdence, Washington and other founding fathers continued to write about their utopian structures.

You wish to have enemies, and an existence where you can scratch through your existence, there are third world countries all over earth where you can do so. You have again completely misinterpreted what I was talking about. Probably because you cannot comprehend a society where people can be truly live as individuals without threat of oppression of any sort.

What you are saying is that you would rather have your personal glory or whatever than the health and safety of not only you and a select few, but of everybody.
Let me put this more simply for you. You cannot build a Utopia in such a way that it is ideal for everyone because people are different.
Wrong. I have already stated that you can build a society that caters to everybody's differences regardless.
Just a few aspects:
Minimal crime.
Minimal poverty.
Individual independence.
Healthy food to eat.
Clean water.
Clean air.
Clean environment.
No homeless.
Access to high quality health care.
Transportation and communication.
High education.
True freedom to make your life what you want it to be. -To be far away from the current standard of simply making a living and surviving while the rich get richer.
Whatever else you want to add to the list.

The problem you are proposing is that you are adding problems to the list. I did not nor did anybody else put robotic conformity on the list, so stop assuming it is there.
Your entire comment on having to coerce people and whatever is not the point I am trying to make. You have offered no insight to defining how such a society would function nor have you offered a means to achieve it.

You claim that no 2 people think the same. OK what is your point? What are you getting at? What are you proposing?

The object of the progressive city is to allow people to be free and be different without persecution for their freedom or oppression.
Some might say that there are people that enjoy persecution and oppression. There are people that might enjoy being able to oppress and persecute. There are people that enjoy living in a world where others are oppressed and persecuted to varying degrees. Some might say they enjoy the challenge and variety of being in a wolrd where they are persecuted. That's all fine.

The design is about freedom of the individual. You want to be oppressed, be free to pursue your own oppression. The design cannot possibly please all. But it is so that you cannot interfere with the freedom of others, so you may not pursue the oppression of others.
The design cannot please those that want suffering, distress, oppression, pollution, persecution, etc. on a mass scale.

As far as I am saying here, I am not talking about a world of robots and conformity. I'm talking about a world where individuals have the choice and freedom to make their own choices. In our current world that you treasure so much, people do not have the choices. Choices are made for them by the rich - by those in control.

""the people" mostly get what they want and deserve."
Wrong. People mostly do not get what they want and what they deserve. Only very few people control and consume almost all of the resources. You might beleive that 100% of the population control and consume 100% of resources. That is simply not the case. I would say it is closer to 5% of the population controlling and consuming 95% of the resources. Meanwhile probably 50% of the population get to control and consume 1% of the resources.
Reason? Oppression, persecution, lack of freedom, conformity to an ineffective standard, desperation, all the things you are so desperate to cling on to like any docile slave, all the things I am proposing we find solutions for instead of accepting.
I speak of being docile.
Docile is the slave that accepts his fate of being a slave. Therefore, eliminating any pursuit of his own freedom.

I am a slave. Slavery is normal. Slavery is good. Boy I wish I was the master. Slavery is necessary. There will always be slavery. I have no intention of pursuing my own freedom. I know nothing other than slavery. Without slavery, I will not have any variety in life. Such a fate of being the master frightens me. I do not want it. There is no challenge and no obstacles in being a master. I prefer to be whipped, told what to do, and treated like an animal.

The best way to keep a slave is to prevent them from getting an education.
Socially, a high level of education is the road to freedom and a better life for all.
I think Orwell's 1984 said it best:
"Freedom is slavery."

Freedom is slavery. Slavery is freedom. This is the epitomy of what being docile is about. This sums up what I am proposing about being docile. In order to control society, Big Brother wanted this to be the frame of reference. When people come from the frame of reference that there is freedom in slavery and there is slavery in freedom. People can't comprehend why anybody would actually be this docile, but that is so much the case.

When I speak of freedom and all the aspects of what a progressive free society is all about, people come off as if they feel threatened. It's a psychological frame of reference of the docile. The concept of freedom being slavery might seem insane, but it is exactly the frame of reference I encounter almost 100% of the time.

I am proposing the design of a society where there is no oppression, and individuals truly have the freedom of choice. To feel threatened by such a society is no different than a slave feeling threatened by living as a free man. When I state freedom of choice, and "jusitce", people automatically equate that as slavery. It's not slavery. The object is to create a society with no slavery. There is no practicality in fearing its pursuit.

I'm not proposing we change the color of outer space. I'm proposing the pursuit of our own freedom.

How to achieve a society where individuals are free and there is no sinister plot behind it like in the science fiction movies?
I think everybody thus far has misinterpreted the question. Why?

Here, for the record, is the 1984 statement:


perhaps you could provide some examples of solutions towards gaining some of the ends you list above? ive read this whole thing and all i recall seeing like that was a post by cosmictraveller right at the beginning and yorda.. and well, ive seen my idea of getting rid of all the people once or twice.. and i think everyone has been taking aim at this with the same outcome and youre quick to point out what is wrong so certainly you must have some idea of what ideas are right. id be interested in reading some of those.
Everyone thinks differently and any city will contain the whole wide range of people from the most passive, inward turned man just trying to get from day to day to the loud, biggoted man who will as soon hit somebody he doesn't like as talk to him. You can't pick and choose and they are going to stay that way unless lobotomized.

Some people, possibly a majority, are going to strongly clash with your ideals in one way or another. Some violently. What do you do with them?

THe only society where there is no oppression is the lack of society. And that usually results in a 35 year lifespan and a painful death.
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VossistArts said:
perhaps you could provide some examples of solutions towards gaining some of the ends you list above?
As I've stated, in order to provide solutions, an objective must be defined.
I have defined the objective, what is the point in misinterpreting my objective?

The objective: A society where there is no desperation. People truly have the choice and opportunity to do what they want. No corruption. No sinister plot. No conformity like you so wish to tie into it. You are simply safe from exploitation. I have defined what it is, and you wish to change the definition.

I am not talking about a society where everybody is dead, therefore, it's justice. That is NOT what I am talking about.

I am not talking about a society where everybody is conformed. How you could extract that from me saying that nobody has to conform is beyond me.

A society with lack of oppression is not a lack of society. Oppression is the verything we don't want.
Only a docile minded slave would think that oppression is necessary for society.
One thing I can not be accused of is being docile.

Oppression isn't necessary for the existence of society. It is a necessary byproduct of society. It will occur at one level or another. Anything that can stop one sort of oppression is another sort of oppression by its very definition.
Docile is the acceptance of the inevitability of oppression.
The fact is that oppression is not necessary.
Oppression is not inevitable. It will not necessarily occur.
To be oppressed means that your freedom is limited by severe or unjust use of force.
To forcefully prevent somebody from oppressing others is not oppression.

A slave that feels more threatened by freedom than by slavery is docile. A slave that would accept his fate is a slave that is manipulated to think in the docile frame of reference.
Why will I never be free. Why should I accept my own slavery?

How can I free myself? Why must I free myself?

There is no difference between a person that chooses to accept their own slavery and a person that chooses to accept that a oppression cannot be overcome.

Your examples are rationalizations about why oppression will always exist.
Ask the impractical questions:
Why will oppression always exist? Why is oppression inevitable?
Why is oppression necessary?
Ask those questions, and your brain will come up with rationalizations to answer them.
Such as the amazing rationalizations you provided in your example.
Such questions are not practical. Such questions are not realistic.

Try asking the practical realistic question:
What can we do to put a stop to oppression? How can we put a stop to oppression?
Why must we put a top to oppression?

Follow the practical path, and you will see that there can be freedom from oppression and exploitation. You will see that a better world can be achieved. In fact you might not even care whether it can be achieved or not, all you might be interested is in pursuing it's achievement regardless.

It may not matter to me wether it might or might never be achieved. The only way to answer those questions is to pursue it and find out. Claiming that a better world for all cannot be achieved may not prevent somebody from pursuing it regardless or believing that it must be achieved. Therefore, where really is the practicallity in asking yourself why it will never be achieved? Where is the practicality in askng myself such questions with inherent assumptions? Where is the practicality in asking myself why opperession is inevitable. Who cares? I'd rather pursue the end of oppression and a better world either way.

America would not have been designed or implemented if not for people that asked practical questions.
They did not ask:
"Why will we never defeat the powerful British army?"
"Why will they always oppress us?"
"Why will we never have our own independence?"
"Why is fighting the British an impossible fruitless task?"
"Why is it better to be oppressed by the British?"
"Why would I want to live a boring life of being independent when I can live a challenging life of being oppressed by the British?"
"Why is British oppression not so bad after all, and therefore, pointless to revolt against?"

They did ask:
"Who cares if we will win or not? Why must we fight?"
"Why must we do whatever it takes to achieve our freedom?"
"How can we defeat a seriously powerful empire?"
"How can we eliminate their oppression?"
"How can we come up with some working functional designs for our new independent society?"

If you ask the practical questions, you will get the practical answers. Questions that accept an oppressive system are not practical. Questions on how to design a system without oppression are practical. There is no practical reason to not design a system without oppression and exploitation. There is no practical reason to not design a system that provides people with freedom and equal opportunity. There is no practical reason to assume that such a design cannot work.

The objective is to create a working design. Any input rather than fulfilling the objective of creating a working design is pointless and impractical.
To assume that a working design can never be developed in no way is a practical input towards the development of a working design. To provide reasons why a working design will never work is in no way practical input towards the development of a working design. To focus on inadequacies in the development of a working design instead of focusing on solutions that eliminate inadequacies in the development of a working design is in no way practical input towards the development of a working design.
Clockwood said:
Everyone thinks differently and any city will contain the whole wide range of people.... <snip>... Some people, possibly a majority, are going to strongly clash with your ideals in one way or another. Some violently. What do you do with them?

Ahh, a man who understands reality. Thanks, Clockwood. But you also know, don't you, that you can't tell things like that to dreamers, right? They can just "dream away" any that boring reality stuff! ...LOL!

Baron Max
Wake up, because you obviously have no concept of reality.
You are most likely a docile zombie that believes that the sun goes around the earth.
Sorry to break it to you, but face values are not reality. Try your fakism on somebody else.
I have already stated that you can build a society that caters to everybody's differences regardless.
Thus far, all you've given us is your assertion. Why don't you outline your plan?

I see some room here, perhaps your not as locked in as I thought so let's look at you new list step by step. What might be involved in each of these?

Minimal crime: What factors contribute to crime? Two of the largest indicators are education and the economic and educational success of the parents. Education for all is a worthy and reachable goal but how does one adjust for unsuccessful parents? Should only successful people be allowed to parent children? Should we round up all the children and have them raised in groups by successful adults?

Minimal poverty: Define poverty. Is poverty a lack of basic necessities or is it a lack of expendable income? Or are we talking about real goods, money be damned? Or maybe we're talking about leisure time. If everyone had food, shelter, and clothing is there no poverty or is it a relative thing? Is a grass hut in Haiti the equivalent of a floor in a three-flat in Chicago?

Individual independence: How much independence? At what point do we limit personal freedom to protect society? At what point do we limit personal freedom to protect the personal freedom of others? What rules/laws are adequate and what methods of enforcement are the most successful? What side-effects come along with legislative, judicial, and enforcement policies and organizations? Do they create elite classes? Do they energize a criminal black-market? How does one mitigate these side-effects to retain a maximum amount of individual liberty? Should laws have a shelf-life or should they stand in perpetuity?

Healthy food to eat: Doesn't it limit individual independence to restrict people's dietary choices? Should people be allowed to be fat and smoke cigarettes if they so choose? Or are you solely addressing starvation? In that case a full support and investment in industrial farming and GM foods would be a good choice. That or consider methods of population control which puts us back to limiting individual independence.

Clean water. Clean air. Clean environment: We can certainly continue to strive for this however it costs lots of money to keep the environment clean. Added production costs drive up the cost of living, increasing poverty. Personal restrictions limit personal freedom.

No homeless: Part of this can be portioned off to health care. The large majority of homeless in the US, for example, disenfranchised mental patients due to spending cuts. There have been many attempts at providing low-cost housing, most of them either flat-out don't work or become high-crime areas (refer back to successful parents and crime). An alternative is to disperse such housing but that is far more costly (again we're looking at economic repercussions).

Access to high quality health care: Excellent health care is brought about by competition and tremendous resources. So how do you obtain the income necessary to provide these services? (An MRI, for instance, costs several million dollars).

Transportation and communication: These are already phenomenally economical. You could provide more mass transit.

High education: What do you mean by this? Do you want everyone to have degree, or just make it more affordable or free?

True freedom to make your life what you want it to be. -To be far away from the current standard of simply making a living and surviving while the rich get richer.
Well, if you want to become a hermit or a nomad there's nothing really to stop you so I don't see a problem there. The issue with the rich getting richer is that it takes money to make money. So what exactly do we do about that? Get too heavily into wealth redistribution and people no longer have the incentive to strive so hard, then everyone is poor... communism is a dismal failure on anything but a tribal level. The point of working hard is, after all, to gain something from your labor.

You claim that no 2 people think the same. OK what is your point? What are you getting at? What are you proposing?
I thought it was quite clear; no matter what you do there will always be some amount of strife, poverty, crime, etc.

The object of the progressive city is to allow people to be free and be different without persecution for their freedom or oppression.
An entirely different arena. I've no ideas for you here. How are you going to change people so that they think and behave differently?

The design cannot please those that want suffering, distress, oppression, pollution, persecution, etc. on a mass scale.
Seems to me that these are fairly rare already. The problem is that what is a worthy goal to one person is oppression to another. When such incompatible perspectives translate onto a cultural level we get warfare.

In our current world that you treasure so much, people do not have the choices. Choices are made for them by the rich - by those in control.
Please elaborate. Are you referring to corporations or governments? Or do you mean simply the "rich"? How and where exactly are they making choices for the rest of us?

Wrong. People mostly do not get what they want and what they deserve. Only very few people control and consume almost all of the resources.
Yes, they do. For instance, when living under an oppressive government one can either accept it or rebel against it. If working for a dictatorial boss, one can quit. When electing officials one can tote a party line or one can try and break up the vote. Nations do not have to sell their resources to other nations, they can keep them. Trouble is that poorer (typically smaller) countries do not have a surfeit of resources. If they're lucky they have something they can sell to obtain resources they are lacking. I suppose we could try to tear down nationalism and install a global government but you'd still wind up with discrepancies; it'd just be on a different scale. Another option is for people to move to where the opportunities are but that's a bit more complex when you're talking about moving from Somalia to Rome instead of from the farm in Iowa to St. Louis.

Reason? Oppression, persecution, lack of freedom, conformity to an ineffective standard, desperation
Well then kudos to Bush for topping a dictatorial regime and attempting to install a democracy... or what?

all the things you are so desperate to cling on to like any docile slave, all the things I am proposing we find solutions for instead of accepting.
Well then by all means get to it. I'd like to hear something more than your sophomoric pontification.
