Homosexuality: Choice or Not?

Choice or Not?

  • Gay's are born gay

    Votes: 23 82.1%
  • Its a choice

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It is definitely not a choice.

Why would anyone choose to be gay, they get so much flak for it.

Do you agree with the opposite? That gays are born gay? Or are you into the option not offered in the poll which is that homosexuality is something that develops post birth and not something imprinted into our genes?
I think that they are born gay, just as the rest of us are born hetero. People who 'become gay' are most likely inherently bisexual, but curious.
If they're born gay, and the rest are born hetero, where do the odd bisexuals fit in?
I think of it as a scale from one to 10. Straights are 1s, Gays are 10's and Bis are 5's. We are all born somewhere along that scale. I think I'm a 2 or 3.
That's an interesting way to put it Orleander, and I wouldn't be too surprised if it were true.
I do not know how Occam's Razor apply here, but I always thought same as Orleander. I also am about 2.
Shouldn't there be some sort of in between choice? ie. Not being born gay but becoming gay (or straight) due to personal experience? I wouldn't call that a choice. I think the term for it is innate bisexuality.
Agreed. Kinda.

I think, as a base template, humans are innately bisexual, biologically. However, things influence us to gravitate towards one end of the spectrum or the other. Primarily, hormones and other chemicals, particularly sex hormones like oestrogen and testosterone, the volume of which are determined more or less before birth; so, in that sense, people are born with a predisposition towards a certain sexual orientation, while still being biologically bisexual.
I became predominantly attracted to my own gender a year before high school. My attraction to the opposite sex diminished to almost nothing in a very short period of time while my attraction to other guys greatly increased. In my childhood, I had lots of crushes on various girls, as well as immature sexual fantasies. After I started going through puberty, I developed some sexual attraction to guys, but in mostly a non-emotional sense. During that time, as with most guys at that stage of development, erections happen frequently, and I found it incredibly easy to get aroused by lots of different things.
About half-way through high school, I started having crushes or romantic feelings towards guys that I liked, whereas before that my attractions were mainly just physical or sexual in nature.

How and why I lost nearly all of my interest in the opposite sex, I have no definite answers. All I know is that it happened and the process went very quickly. I would say that it happened in less than half a year.

So in all honesty, in my case, I cannot say I was born that way. For me, it was something that just happened rather suddenly.

I know other people have said they felt those attractions in early childhood too, and I believe them, so I am not able to judge the situation for them. I only know what I experienced, and I am forced to conclude that it is a combination of factors, and that for some, different factors are more prominent.

I can't see how anyone could pick one simple reason for sexual preferences.
However flawed this ideal may be, Its what i think is right.
"everyone is bi for the right price" and i'm not talking only about monetary value.

It is a choice, You can repress the "gayer" aspects of yourself, or you can embrace it entirely. As for being born that way, I don't think anyone ever found a homo gene, not yet anyways. So until that turns up, its a choice.