Homosexuality and Religion

Is being gay a sin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters
You said you believe it to be from a neuroendocrine trait. Such a trait would obviously be irregular and opposite of proper functioning.

Can you not see the difference between a disease, as in something people suffer from, and a difference, as in a trait that others do not have?
Well, when I told my mom I was gay, she told me she is bisexual. lol Then we went to a gay bar together hahaha. I love my mom. When I told my dad, who is VERY closed-minded and hates gays, he told me that he didn't care because I am still his son and nothing is going to stop him from loving me. He had one request though, that I don't bring over guys, which was fine by me. It was his house, who am I to disrespect his rules.

Aw, your mom sounds cool. I'm glad for you. :)
Sodomy (homo sex) is a sin according to the old testament.
Not engaging in sodomy, but having homosexual urges is not a sin.

So being gay is not a sin, but having gay sex is.
I never said men didn't write the bible, I just wanted you to realize the basis for your faith was no different.

I see your point, but I find it vastly more likely that humans wrote it than that God did.
Although you may like to place cause strictly on a physiological characteristic, I know better than to think it so tidy. It's like try to say all people with genetic traits associated with violence are killers or all killers have genetic traits associated with violence. Disease is determind by enviroment, in an inhospitable enviroment disease is manifested.
You asked if I knew the difference. I replied by stating a outline for assessing a point of distinction.
Sodomy (homo sex) is a sin according to the old testament.
Not engaging in sodomy, but having homosexual urges is not a sin.

So being gay is not a sin, but having gay sex is.

I thought with the writing of the NT, the OT didn't count anymore. :shrug:
Of course it does. Where do you think for example are the 10 commandments written?
Well, they both are sexual urges of a particular nature,
one of which is allowed to be expressed in western society, the other is not.

Any way, this has little to do with sin. Bible says that fucking a person of the same sex is sin, and that's the end of it as long as sin is concerned.
Well, they both are sexual urges of a particular nature,
one of which is allowed to be expressed in western society, the other is not.

Any way, this has little to do with sin. Bible says that fucking a person of the same sex is sin, and that's the end of it as long as sin is concerned.

Yes, but that is just one of the MANY religions. Just because one person says something is wrong, doesn't mean it is.

Urges, my boy, urges! You've made the comment that we shouldn't deny gays their sexual urges, and yet I'm guessing that you'd be most willing to deny the sexual urges of some other sexual urges. So, ....?

So, tell me, how do you feel about adult males who fly off to Thailand or one of "those" places, to buy a young girl or boy to ...ahh, satisfy his sexual urges?

How do you feel about adult males who secretly watch young, underage girls while masturbating behind a tree or bushes?

Urges, my boy, sexual urges.

Baron Max

Ok here is the difference between the two, if I must explain it.

Homosexuality is having a loving and MUTUAL relationship between two consenting people of the same sex.

Pedophilia is more often than not the raping of children against thier will.

Do you see the difference yet? One is about mutual love, which harms none. The other is about rape, which obiously is abusive and harmful to the child.

So how does homosexuality harm anyone? And how the hell does it affect anyone else accept the two people in the relationship? It doesn't!

People act like as soon as they legalize gay marriage, its going to somehow change the world for the worse. Like were going to break into your house at dinner time and start fucking on your dining room table or something.
How do you feel about adult males who secretly watch young, underage girls while masturbating behind a tree or bushes?

Baron Max

Did I ever tell you the time I was out jogging around our park. It was dark but there are lights around it. I saw this strange guy go behind the bushes and when I ran by, out of the corner of my eye he is wacking off in the bushes :eek: :bugeye:
Did I ever tell you the time I was out jogging around our park. It was dark but there are lights around it. I saw this strange guy go behind the bushes and when I ran by, out of the corner of my eye he is wacking off in the bushes :eek: :bugeye:

...you like told us this "wacking out" story countless number of times
Did I ever tell you the time I was out jogging around our park. It was dark but there are lights around it. I saw this strange guy go behind the bushes and when I ran by, out of the corner of my eye he is wacking off in the bushes

So what's wrong with that? He had sexual urges and he wasn't hurting anyone at all. He should be allowed to express his sexual urges. You can't expect a man to suppress his sexual urges for his entire life, do you? :D

Baron Max
So what's wrong with that? He had sexual urges and he wasn't hurting anyone at all. He should be allowed to express his sexual urges. You can't expect a man to suppress his sexual urges for his entire life, do you? :D

Baron Max

Your ignorance astounds me so much so that I will not even bother to respond to it.