Homosexuality and Religion

Is being gay a sin?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters
LMAO........My mother would have disowned me. I don't know what would be worse though. Telling her I was gay, or bringing home a black b/f:eek:
LMAO........My mother would have disowned me. I don't know what would be worse though. Telling her I was gay, or bringing home a black b/f:eek:

I did both!!! lol And as accepting as my mom is, she was uncomfortable at first with teh fact that I had a black bf. But that lasted all over about 30 seconds lol.
My Mom would have chalked it up to being rebellious and just going through a stage. Now, if I had gotten pregnant...
She told me if I ever got pregnant, just pack my stuff and leave. She didn't want to know where I was going or where I was when I got there.
Both my brothers got their girlfriends pregnant. :D Well, guess who's fault that was...those tramps!
Now, if I had gotten pregnant...
She told me if I ever got pregnant, just pack my stuff and leave. She didn't want to know where I was going or where I was when I got there.

My mom and yours must have been reading the same Parenting Handbook lol

Mine used to also say bring home a black boyfriend and you can pack up too.

Is it any sex outside of procreational reasons, or anal sex in particular that is a sin?

ie. Would anal sex between a heterosexual couple be considered a sin?

I've heard lots of different answers from lots of different people but you always seem to have the best answers when it comes to Christian doctrine.

Is it any sex outside of procreational reasons, or anal sex in particular that is a sin?

As far as i know the bible is pretty specific to the Act of one man having anal sexual intercorce with another man. The things you mention here are not dealt with specifically in the bible as far as i know.

ie. Would anal sex between a heterosexual couple be considered a sin?

As far as i know there is no specific teaching in the bible on the matter.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The question is not whether it's sin, because sin as indicated in the question implies a consensus of religion. I can think of atleast one religion where male transvestites are honored. The simple truth is it's wrong. Wrong, like sexual dyslexia wrong. Homosexuals are sexually handicapped, and I believe thats how they should be treated. Is it right for one who is diseased to hate one who is more diseased than they? I don't accept a gay as being, alright as they are, no more than I accept that it's all-right(?!) for a sick man to refuse treatment by reason of denial. I don't think they should be hated, but if someone wants to minimize their interaction with them because they don't want to end up with their sickness on top of what they already got, I respect that.

You can make all the claims of tolerance, an appeals for anarchy, you want. When was the last time your belly was full because you refused to recognise your hunger. Willingly igorant is an option, but the world will still have only one truth.

Oh, and all unatural sex is sin according the word of god.
As far as i know there is no specific teaching in the bible on the matter.
As far as i know the bible is pretty specific to the Act of one man having anal sexual intercorce with another man. The things you mention here are not dealt with specifically in the bible as far as i know.

Actually it is rather specific.
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Being gay is neither sin nor sickness. It's a neuroendocrine trait. I refuse to accept that it is a sickness, because every gay person I know is merely a normal, rational human being who happens to be gay.

To the people who call it a sin, for fuck's sake ask yourself why. Because the Bible says so? Do you honestly think the Bible is infallible? Even if you accept that there is indeed a god, the Bible was written by humans and has been edited by humans for their own purposes.
.... I refuse to accept that it is a sickness, because every gay person I know is merely a normal, rational human being who happens to be gay.

So ....I take it that you don't think it's a sin. Okay, so what? You're just one vote out of, oh, six billion or so people. So your vote don't mean any more than mine ......and I say it's not only a sin, but it's wrong, it's abnormal, it's sick, it spreads disease, it's not what assholes are made for, human shit is the most disease-ridden thing on Earth, ......, yeah, acting out those gay urges is simply, plainly wrong.

So my vote cancels out your vote.

Baron Max
To the people who call it a sin, for fuck's sake ask yourself why. Because the Bible says so? Do you honestly think the Bible is infallible? Even if you accept that there is indeed a god, the Bible was written by humans and has been edited by humans for their own purposes.

Did you write it? Did you edit it? Than how do you know? Faith? Because some people said so?

Being gay is neither sin nor sickness. It's a neuroendocrine trait. I refuse to accept that it is a sickness, because every gay person I know is merely a normal, rational human being who happens to be gay.

Since when is a deformity not a disease? An normal meaning diseased right?
So ....I take it that you don't think it's a sin. Okay, so what? You're just one vote out of, oh, six billion or so people. So your vote don't mean any more than mine ......and I say it's not only a sin, but it's wrong, it's abnormal, it's sick, it spreads disease, it's not what assholes are made for, human shit is the most disease-ridden thing on Earth, ......, yeah, acting out those gay urges is simply, plainly wrong.

So my vote cancels out your vote.

Baron Max

What a wonderful, rational argument. You say it is wrong, abnormal and sick. The 'sick' part is just your emotional response, so unless you want to give me some kind of scientific explanation of why homosexuality consitutes a 'sickness', you might as well shut the fuck up. 'Wrong'? I don't know what counts as wrong in your system of morality, perhaps you would like to explain that instead of posting rightwing bluster, but in my eyes there is nothing immoral about 2 consenting adults doing something to each other in private. 'Abnormal'? Like I said, most gay people are normal, rational human beings, and if a gay person is also 'abnormal', as in mentally ill or something, that isn't a side effect of gayness. Straight people can be fucked up, gay people can be fucked up. If you're trying to say that the trait of being gay itself is abnormal, then so is left handedness, extreme shortness or tallness or different coloured eyes. So according to you anyone who has any trait that makes them 'different' should be labelled abnormal?

Anal sex doesn't spread disease if you use a condom.

Straight sex also spreads disease if someone is promiscuous and doesn't use protection.

Anal sex is not synonymous with gayness. In some countries gay men have sex between each other's upper legs, not up the ass.

Oh, and you might like to stop posting like a little kid going 'Na na na na na', it doesn't incline people to take you seriously.
Did you write it? Did you edit it? Than how do you know? Faith? Because some people said so?

Since when is a deformity not a disease? An normal meaning diseased right?

1. It is VASTLY more likely that humans wrote it, than that some supernatural being did.

2. How the fuck does being gay constitute a 'deformity'??!!
'Wrong'? I don't know what counts as wrong in your system of morality, perhaps you would like to explain that instead of posting rightwing bluster, but in my eyes there is nothing immoral about 2 consenting adults doing something to each other in private.

Well, that's fine ....you don't think there's anything wrong with it. But I do. Yet you feel obliged to attempt to ridicule and denigrate me for my feelings on the matter. Why?

The post OP asks our opinion on the matter ...and I gave my opinion, you gave your opinion. So why are you upset with me because of my opinion? Are you that intolerant of the views of others which don't align with your own?

Baron Max
I never said men didn't write the bible, I just wanted you to realize the basis for your faith was no different.

You said you believe it to be from a neuroendocrine trait. Such a trait would obviously be irregular and opposite of proper functioning.
Well, that's fine ....you don't think there's anything wrong with it. But I do. Yet you feel obliged to attempt to ridicule and denigrate me for my feelings on the matter. Why?

The post OP asks our opinion on the matter ...and I gave my opinion, you gave your opinion. So why are you upset with me because of my opinion? Are you that intolerant of the views of others which don't align with your own?

Baron Max

Because it fucking bothers me that you label and condemn gay people. (I know you say that being gay is not a sin, but the act is, but get real. Would you be able to go through your life and never have sex? No, you'd end up in a mental institution. So why do you expect gay people to somehow have more control over their sexual urges than you? ) You don't seem to consider what it is like to be a gay person. What if you had a gay son or daughter?