charles cure said:
You might have noticed, I'm not exactly agreeing with you here.
who cares if you disagree, you have put forth no reason as to why my assertion is incorrect. if you came here just to disagree without any real reasoning, then i'll see you later.
How exactly does this equal tolerance to you? I am curious to know...also you seem conflicted between tolerance and accepting two completely separate concepts
i knew i would have to do this - from
Main Entry: tol·er·ance
Pronunciation: 'tä-l&-r&n(t)s, 'täl-r&n(t)s
Function: noun
1 : capacity to endure pain or hardship : ENDURANCE, FORTITUDE, STAMINA
2 a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b : the act of allowing something : TOLERATION
notice that the definition does not contain any necessary respect for anyone elses belief, only an allowance of it. if something is allowed legally, then i don't take that right away by speaking out against it. but if i think it is wrong it is my right to attempt to persuade people as to why its wrong. i would argue that i can do that and still tolerate the belief although i don't agree with it. intolerance would be attempting to eradicate it through violence or through a change in the law that would criminalize the practice of religion. i was never advocating something like that. i don't know how you have gotten so confused.
I would think you would recognize the power of self delusion...
how exactly is that relevant? hitler espoused his beliefs about the jews in literature and in speeches before taking absolute control of the country. you can only blame so much on charisma and propaganda. the german people agreed with hitler to an extent, and those that didn't may still have seen him as the antidote to their troubles and so they accepted his bad qualities as a necessary evil. so what? let's not belabor the point, the germans knew that he had an intolerant agenda and they went along with it. they failed to speak out and stop hitler from coming to power. self-delusion or not is irrelevant. in fact the hitler aspect of this conversation is irrelevant. the original point is that people believe in dangerous and irrational ideas sometimes and have reaped the negative consequences repeatedly. religious belief is no less irrational than the beliefs that form the basis of ideas about racial supremacy and the fact that holy books claim to be authoritative, but are left open to interpretation and distortion by a slew of hacks, ambitious politicians, demagogues, and the like makes them potentially extremely dangerous when taken seriously by the majority of society.
And you think all the countries were fighting about religion? not about power?
when did a fight even enter the discussion? i was talking about how religious belief forms a basis for law in society, and specifically how christian belief has influenced lawmaking in the united states and how muslim religious law plays a huge role in the formation of legality in the middle east. are you even paying attention to the conversation or are you just trying to misdirect it because you can't come up with a proper counterargument?
How about "you believe in the absence of theism?"
Are you familiar with semantics?
yeah i am, but apparently you aren't. this isn't a semantic distinction at all. i don't believe in an absence of anything, i simply refuse to believe that something is there without evidence. there are a ton of things i don't believe in because they seem totally unlikely, even impossible, and there is no reason to believe that they exist. superman for example, or smurfs. there are books written about them, yes, even tv shows, but there is still no evidence for their existence, so i consider them made up. now, do i believe that they don't exist - no, i have precluded myself from even wondering if they do because there is absolutely no reason to think that they ever would.
by the way, i don't believe in an absence of theism either, i'm well aware that theism exists.
No but I do view violent opposition of theists ( on the sole ground that they are theists) as anti-theism, which is completely separate from atheism.
Atheists disbelieve in the presence of a deity; anti-theists are convinced all theists are irrational.
good for you, when did we start talking about violent opposition to theists?
yeah, i bet. enlighten me then, and while youre at it bring all the proof that you can find that corroborates the core story of christianity.
please try harder next time.