" Holy Cow"

When a cowgod watches a human dying of starvation you would think He would offer the poor wretch a sirloin or side of beefjust to be nice.
well I guess you will just have to take my word for it that there are people who not only use drugs in america but also have very lax principles who they will sell to ... kind of like how every place in the world has some bad quality
Wow. You're a sage for the ages LG.
We are confused as to why they don't eat cows, but in certain other countries, wouldn't they be confused as to why we have soup kitchens when there are perfectly edible dogs walking around?
LG, All countries have problems. On the curve of crappiness, India is a hole, a pit, a cesspool.

Why mince words? No country is a bed of roses (except maybe holland). But c'mon.