" Holy Cow"

And eat what? That could feed who?

They eat what the family provides, of course.

And the milk is a good source of protein for their children.

They are not just ornamental pets.

They eat much less corn than SUVs.
There you go. Change the subject and avoid having to answer an uncomfortabe question,

Lets see, using corn to feed animals and people vs using corn to support multiple vehicles per family.
Perfect example of using a fact and arriving at the wrong conclusion:

But the holly cows still eat food, thus you get a double whammy, they are taking away area from other usage and NOT providing a foodsource....

So the correct solution would be to eliminate the holly cows in India.

animals in the meat industry are the ones who gobble the goods.
In all the time I have spent in india, I have never seen a cow that regularly subsists off food suitable for human consumption (sometimes a kid may feed a cow a chapati or a cow may steal something off a vendor, but cows, particularly those that are kept in rural settings, are usually fed what is left from husking the paddy (they store it in big piles and even on stilts to get through the wet season)


that's what the little hut structure is on the right
Sacred cows roam the vibrant streets of India,

Vibrant??? A dead guy, a nearly dead guy, a traffic jam and a bunch of fat lazy cows.

You know, there's nothing wrong in believing there's a god or believing there isn't. It all the stupid shit in between, I think they call it religion, that's really not necessary.
Vibrant??? A dead guy, a nearly dead guy, a traffic jam and a bunch of fat lazy cows.

You know, there's nothing wrong in believing there's a god or believing there isn't. It all the stupid shit in between, I think they call it religion, that's really not necessary.
Right on, brotha.
Vibrant??? A dead guy, a nearly dead guy, a traffic jam and a bunch of fat lazy cows.

You know, there's nothing wrong in believing there's a god or believing there isn't. It all the stupid shit in between, I think they call it religion, that's really not necessary.
In india there are lots of things that can contribute to a person being skinny - sometimes locals even refer to the rainy season as the diarrhea season. Sometimes in villages it is a perfectly normal to enter into a conversation discussing the nature of one's bowels. (one rainy season in west bengal I looked kind of similar to the guy in the photo .... needless to say, I wasn't suffering under the plight of a ravenous appetite ....)

If you want to examine the real reason for human hunger, take a gander at first world economics ....

To solve the world hunger crisis, it’s necessary to do more than send emergency food aid to countries facing famine. Leaders must address the globalized system of agricultural production and trade that favors large corporate agriculture and export-oriented crops while discriminating against small-scale farmers and agriculture oriented to local needs. As a result of official inaction, more than thirty million people die of malnutrition and starvation every year, while large industrial farms export ever more strawberries and cut flowers to affluent consumers. Excessive meat production, again largely for the affluent, requires massive amounts of feed grains that might otherwise sustain poor families. Giant agribusiness, chemical and restaurant companies like Cargill, Monsanto and McDonalds dominate the world's food chain, building a global dependence on unhealthy and genetically dangerous products. These companies are racing to secure patents on every plant and living organism and their intensive advertising seeks to persuade the world's consumers to eat more and more sweets, snacks, burgers, and soft drinks.

etc etc