" Holy Cow"

I wasn't aware that the link was exclusively focusing on Mcdonalds .....
Yeah, whatever. It's big, developed nations that are responsible for world hunger, I know. :rolleyes:

It couldn't have anything to do with a population that's 3 to 5 times the carrying capacity of the region?
Yeah, whatever. It's big, developed nations that are responsible for world hunger, I know. :rolleyes:

It couldn't have anything to do with a population that's 3 to 5 times the carrying capacity of the region?
I guess to answer that question you would have to examine india's export industry and the local resources it ties up .... hey that just happens to be what the link is about!
It makes me sad to see all the cows wandering the streets in the urban areas. :(
You've never encountered a complete stranger offer to sell you drugs?
You must have a wardrobe like an undercover cop or live in a cave?
Are you kidding me? You've never lived in the US have you? If so, you clearly come from a shitty area.
If I traveled to India and sacrificed a cow for Eid al-Adha, would the local Hindus punch my face in, or would they respect my decision?

We don't sacrifice cows in India, we sacrifice goats or sheep.