I would agree if there were any scientists here doing that.
Others can do that for them, scientist are not the only ones allowed to fight for science.
Its a discussion forum, not a school.
So you agree with me about this not being a legitimate crusade and a general means of jerking off?
Agreed, I don't need to eat James cooking, but I missed the part in the FAQ where it said it was his.
Rule of the internet #9: "There are no real rules about moderation — enjoy your ban."
Its his forum, he can do what ever he wants with it, that fact does not need to be stated anywhere it should just be known.
Frankly, I had better hopes from Plazma he showed some promise when he started here and James looked very different when he was popping in once a day to randomly ban a poster here and there for hate speech, antisemitism or racism. Over time he has banned most of the posters who were objective though, so it would seem that the aim is not to retain objectivity, but to encourage stupidity.
I think he has maintained his ideals of banishing only the most offensive, though of course banishing has nothing to do with encouraging objectivity, freethinking and intellectualism, banishing for every small rule infraction for example will bring none of that, its like trying to us a hammer to fix a computer, he needs to implement more tools if he wants to improve this forum.
Maybe we don't include you in all our squabbles, James is anything but "quiet" and he hasn't broken down, he's been at it for over a year at least.
Yeah that why you are permabanned over a year ago, oh wait...
Of course, I don't come here to chat with James, I come here to debate with posters I like or those who challenge my POV. He's just in the way.
If there ever was a cry for "I need my own forum" that would be it.
And nah, I wouldn't banish you
Your on!
I don't believe I've ever complained about you either. I think you're funny and a bit screwy, but then, that a badge of honour at sciforums.
No its not, I'm not in good favor with the moderation here either, but you only notice your own plight and think the world is against you and you alone, if only you could run things you would show them, yep grade A forum administrator material! Not grade B like James that try despite them selves to hold to concepts of fairness and all.