Holocaust Denial

Next time, how about just posting the relevant quote - "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz," - and providing a link to the rest of the material.

Although as I had to ask you twice to provide that single quote, perhaps you were over compensating for the delay.

As for the article in its entirety, I find it laughable at best, disgusting at worst, that such a biased and one-sided report is allowed to be published. The reporter seems happy with the judge's ruling of David Irving as a "falsifier of history" an "associate of right-wing extremists" and "an active Holocaust denier" in a country where questioning the Holocaust is perfectly legal and left-wing extremists are rarely criticised.

Freedom of speech? I think not. Anyone should have the right to call his views into question, but to put him on trial for it? Ridiculous.
I'm curious. In America there isn't much of "Holocaust Denial"; infact American schools pound the WW2 Holocaust into the mind of children for years. Which is good IMO.

BUT, America's left-wing strangle hold on our schools (and Hollywood) shows when they DELIBERATELY refuse to teach children about the MUCH LARGER Communist democides of the 20th century; where up to 100,000,000 innocent civilians were torchered and killed by Communist governments.
Occasionally theres some teachers that brush over civilians deaths under Communist governments, but not much more than that.
In the US, you're much more likely to find teachers talking about how "Communism is the "best" form of government/society" than you are to hear about the evils of Communism in practice.

My question is, how do European schools cover (or not cover) the much greater Communist democides ? :shrug:
But when those teachers discuss Communism as the perfect government, they discuss the abstract ideal that has never, and will never be attained. Perfect true communism calls for the government to slowly dismantle until the "will of the people" is the law of the land. In the US, the federal government is so hopelessly bloated that it's really no wonder that we look at the idea of a dismantled government with peace & cooperation as an ideal.
Next time, how about just posting the relevant quote - "I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz," - and providing a link to the rest of the material.

Although as I had to ask you twice to provide that single quote, perhaps you were over compensating for the delay.

As for the article in its entirety, I find it laughable at best, disgusting at worst, that such a biased and one-sided report is allowed to be published. The reporter seems happy with the judge's ruling of David Irving as a "falsifier of history" an "associate of right-wing extremists" and "an active Holocaust denier" in a country where questioning the Holocaust is perfectly legal and left-wing extremists are rarely criticised.

Freedom of speech? I think not. Anyone should have the right to call his views into question, but to put him on trial for it? Ridiculous.

Oh Lord! You are either unable to read or unable to understand but I fear most likely both. I tried to make it as clear as possible by posting the articles in full in the hope that you would read and understand them. Let me spell it out again:

The first article is about a libel lawsuit that David Irving brought against another academic who had questioned the historical accuracy and validity of Irving's 'research'. David Irving LOST HIS OWN CASE because HE ACCIDENTALLY PROVED that his work WAS INDEED historically inaccurate to the point of bare faced fabrications. David Irving was cuckolded by his very own libel suit. He showed the world his own arse. He then carried on with his holocaust denials in Austria and Germany before finally being arrested as reported in the remaining articles I posted here. In an attempt to avoid a trial he admitted that he wasn't an expert on the holocaust and that millions of people had indeed been gassed in concentration camps (depite the fact that he'd already seen the proof in that previous libel case trial a few years before).

All this was widely reported by press and media of all persuasions. I just googled it for you.....
You know that approx 9 million ukranians died through political incompetence from late 20's to early 30's and then during the war BUT, you don't see them whinging on about it,steps being made to avoid again or persecuting their fellow man in the same way they where... No some people just get on with their lives pff the holocaust was over nearly 100 years ago like i give a shit move on whiney children of david....lol israel seems to have no Qualms about using nukes therefore no value of human life therefore just like nazi's i'm bored shit of hearing about it.. its bad enough that the world is constantly dragged back 2000 years with biblical fairytales now they want to drag us back to 1940 ...piss off move on get over it....practice what you preach treat palestinians like you would... want to be treated as a human being not like a german loon treated you last centuary pff barbaric..

Perhaps if they hadn't behaved like such savages to the indeginous people of palestien I could empathise but now grow :scratchin: up your boring.. your obviously not bringers of peace but war from all the religious wars and now to nukes how poisonous can a race be...?:mad:

Behave like human beings treated like human beings...

(obviously this is not a poke at any individuals or an entirety but just my op

perhaps it is time to move on ne's pas
What about all the other genocides of comparable loss of life and atrocities?

I see despite replies by others, you haven't edited your post to amend it.
What impression do you think that gives people? That you only think it matters when its people you care about?

i dont see any reason to edit something i believe in, and i dont edit in general.

i think im not the issue here, i think the problem is you trying to blame me, for not feeling sympathy for the jews who were murdered in the holocaust, and that is very unfortunate.
The jews are themselves partially to blame for causing holocaust denial. It's because they are whiny bitches and are using the holocaust as an excuse to harvest pity and money even 60 years later (it's a business plan, really) that many people might be tempted to deny holocaust altogether and stick it to the jews.
You don't see other people doing that, Hitler and Stalin exterminated much more than just a few jews.
i think jews hating has nothing to do with the jews actions, its just the same old hatred. if you people really cared for the holocaust victims you wouldnt deny it in the first place.
Here's a part of the film The Soviet Story about the Soviet regime exterminating 7 000 000 Ukranians in one year - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSVs1sQaw4Q

But almost nobody is bothered by that, and it's sadly natural to human nature, life goes on. On the face of that and other tragedies that happened during those times the constant whining of the jews is annoying.
Here's a part of the film The Soviet Story about the Soviet regime exterminating 7 000 000 Ukranians in one year - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSVs1sQaw4Q

But almost nobody is bothered by that, and it's sadly natural to human nature, life goes on. On the face of that and other tragedies that happened during those times the constant whining of the jews is annoying.

you are contradicting yourself, you say its a tragedy but then you say its a natural thing and jews crying on their own tragedy is annoying. so what exactly is it that you want?
I'd like that the jews stopped benifiting from their tragedy, it's revolting how they've turned it into a business plan and a PR stunt.
I'd like that the jews stopped benifiting from their tragedy, it's revolting how they've turned it into a business plan and a PR stunt.

how exactly jews are benefiting from the holocaust? ive never benefited from the holocaust, my family was reach before the holocaust but when my grandfather came to Israel he was penny less and sick.
until such a thing will happen to you.
Bad things have happened to every group on earth.

"Theres a great myth in America about the passion of the Irish. The only time we're passionate is when we're singing about what the English did to us for four hundred years!"
-Frank McCourt
how exactly jews are benefiting from the holocaust? ive never benefited from the holocaust, my family was reach before the holocaust but when my grandfather came to Israel he was penny less and sick.

I don't have the time or inclination to explain the bluntly obvious for anyone with eyes.
And of course I'm generalising - jew bankers, polititians, fundraisers, zionist zealots, etc. are the benefitors.
Bad things have happened to every group on earth.

"Theres a great myth in America about the passion of the Irish. The only time we're passionate is when we're singing about what the English did to us for four hundred years!"
-Frank McCourt

Agreed! But jews still want to be special. People chosen by God my arse.
I'm not denying jew genocide or anything, but it's nothing special or extraordinary on the face of history.