Holocaust Denial


Whose Worth's unknown
Registered Senior Member
No war, no genocide, no other horror throughout time has a law like this applied to it in our modern-day society.

Many people are rotting in prison right now because they have been accused of 'denying the Holocaust in part or in whole'. For example, if it is 'established' that six million died, it is illegal for someone to do some research and then say: "actually, there's no evidence for that, it was probably a lot lower."

How on earth can this be justified? Do you honestly think that contradicting methods or numbers should add your face to the overcrowded prison system? Would this really be a way for Neo-Nazis to take over the world?

It is ridiculous.
on one hand i agree with you especially on an indervidual level but on another country wide level i can see there point, that enough pain has been caused and debating it symply causes more.

kevin rudd did something slightly similar on the aborigional apology, he said that if one single member of parliment voted against the apology motion he would withdraw it and leave the oposition to deal with the public backlash (and it would have been MASSIVE). this forced the oposition leader to actually control members like wilson tucky who are lose cannons and roaring biggots.
i can see there point, that enough pain has been caused and debating it symply causes more.

Why would debating it cause more pain? Because the subject would keep being brought up?

We seem to unearth and televise it annually without any revision at all.
I don't think holocaust denial warrants any punishment. Besides it's not a crime here in the US, only in Germany and Austria I think.
I think this is only in Germany, which politically and socially has still not recovered from Hitler pulling it down.
What do you call the complete destruction of Germany in 1945?


He said the German people have failed me, now they shall all suffer...rather than capitulate and save Germany a massive amount of damage. Even the Japanese had more sense.

Hitler would have let the allies nuke every city.
WHERE did the 6 million number come from? (Hope that doesn't get me arrested.)

When did they start jailing people for this? How many?

Cellar Door - It can't be justified.

Asguard - There's a huge difference between a paliament leader controling a bigot for 1 or 2 voting sessions & putting someone in prison for questioning some or all of the Holocaust. BTW, I hope that apology does more good than the lame apologies made by the US gov to Native Americans.
It's illegal in nearly all of Europe, and Canada.

wiki says:

Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 13 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Switzerland. Slovakia made Holocaust denial a crime in late 2001 but repealed the legislation in May 2005. Spain decriminalized Holocaust denial in October 2007.[90] Italy rejected a draft Holocaust denial law proposing a prison sentence of up to four years in 2007, the Netherlands rejected a draft law proposing a maximum sentence of one year in 2006 and before this the United Kingdom twice rejected a Holocaust denial law. Denmark and Sweden also have rejected Holocaust denial legislation.
the United Kingdom twice rejected a Holocaust denial law.

Aah, but is still a legal term. If someone had said or written that there was 'little evidence for the Holocaust except personal accounts', this could be used against them in a court of law (in a case for something else). It would be put to the jury by the prosecution - "the defendant has already been proved to be a Holocaust Denier".
They'd SAY that, and do say that, but Holocaust Denial isn't even technically illegal.
What is more curious to me is how it seems that the magical 6 million number is greater than ~75 million. Which is the total amount of deaths due to world war II.

Why is it that the magical 6 million jews killed are valued more than the remaining 69 million???

Why is it the jewish losses of the war are spotlighted in world war two history? Where as many many others died who were not jewish?
You have a point there...it's just so easy to single out the Jewish deaths, because in fact they were singled out. There were not the result of dumb-guided bombs, the rape of a city or even the brutal slavery they suffered before their death. They were gathered up from all across NAZI occupied europe, put to slave labour and then, when even Hitler could see he was going to lose, they were quickly put to death.

The closest thing would be to compare the brutal treatment of Ukrainians before and after the war by Stalin. Now imagine being a Ukrainian Jew during that time.

Another close comparison is the civilian victims of Japanese war crimes, totalling 5,469,000. They were however, mostly Chinese/SouthEast Asian and killed or died for a large variety of reasons or causes. Mostly cause the Japanese were using Feudal doctrines with Modern scale warfare.
What is more curious to me is how it seems that the magical 6 million number is greater than ~75 million. Which is the total amount of deaths due to world war II.

Why is it that the magical 6 million jews killed are valued more than the remaining 69 million???

Why is it the jewish losses of the war are spotlighted in world war two history? Where as many many others died who were not jewish?

They aren't necessarily more "valued", but they were victimized the most as a group (of civilians), by the Nazis. That's just history. People that try and pretend, in the name of objectivity, to subvert the truth, usually have a hateful agenda, to undermine the percieved power of the Jews. The idea that people pay more attention to the Jewish victims of WWII than others is also a lie. The Holocaust Museum, for instance, concentrates not only on the Jewish story, but actively works against genocides of others around the world.
In my experience, every time WW2 is mentioned 6 million Jews are mentioned. Most don't know Hitler targeted many others. Most don't know that far more nonJews were killed.
6 million Jews and how many tens of millions of Russians?

Not that I am an anti Semite of course, well I can't be!