Hitting a woman

i am highly suspiouse of people who say they have NEVER been in a situation where they had to fight. i grew up with 2 sisters and they had no quarms about fighting when the occasion suited them and were quite capable of causing as much pain as i am.
It's a huge deal. There's no reason to hit a girl, ever.

I consider self-defense blocking a right hook with your forearm. Why would you ever need to hit her?

*Blah and blah*

Because most males, those who deserve to be called that, can take a good slap from a girl and understand what it means:
a) you did something thats beyond words
b) she's crazy and abusive and you need to leave her
c) Its a sign of affection, playfulness (..yes, it happens)

Hitting a girl is almost always the opposite of love and affection. For a girl, it can sometimes be the only way to show her teeth, as guys are generally stronger and louder and more capable of dominating(edit to add: physically). It keeps them on a level playing field with mutual respect; the guy never does it, the girl does it as little as possible kind of like an extra consitutional right and they keep eachother in line this way.
Puhfucking please, who does your thinking? Dr. Joyce or Miss Abby?

Most guys I know are pussies, bred by pussies and none of them can 'dominate' me.
Better- survey the male populace in these forums, they come off as Olson twins.

Men have beomce pussies, no matter the difference in physiology.
Yeah, so you're sitting there with 35% muscle to my 36% fat, say- this says nothing about being powerful as most of you are weaklings easily dominated by children.

For that matter, you're a worse mysogyhist than I am. You're only admitting how weak you find her by sugar coating your ethics towards her.

She slaps you, slap her the fuck back.
Wouldn't you if it was a male who slapped you ?
Here's the part where you will bring up the difference in strength or body structure between a male and a female- I won't hit her back because she was only showing me her teeth, her “extra constitutional right 'poor thing!

But you would retaliate against a scrawny male without thinking.
Empty logic, asshole.

Violence has never helped a situation, and if your with someone who isn't smart enough to understand that, man or women, I'd start looking for someone new.

All of you so .....bland, manicured, afraid, exhausted.
Violence never solves anything, my ass.

Coordinate peace and you get patronized and put up with, Ghandi style breeding nothing but spiritual weaklings.

Coordinate violence and build empires.

I've never hit a woman or girl in my life. I found that by just leaving a situation that could erupt in violence is much better to do than start hitting someone.
Would love to assault you endlessly and see what you'd do.
Run right?
I think it's time you sat down and reevaluated the situation. Violence has never helped a situation,

That's what they said during the Anschluss.
Kept saying that when Hitler invaded Czeckeslovakia, then Poland...

They were right about that, weren't they?

Weak fool.

Most guys I know are pussies, bred by pussies and none of them can 'dominate' me.
Better- survey the male populace in these forums, they come off as Olson twins.

They'd say differently.
Never say that they couldn't, just that they're too moral to try.
Won't ever risk failure, since they're good people, they don't want to hurt women, they respect women.

Love how that works out.

She slaps you, slap her the fuck back.

That's foreplay, not dominence.

Wouldn't you if it was a male who slapped you ?

No...no see I disagree here, they probably wouldn't.
They'd call the cops. They'd step back and be shocked, shocked!

They'd question the intellectual abilities of someone who needed to resort to violence. They'd pity his obviously abusive childhood. They might get him to seek help.

Last thing on their minds would be hitting back.
you know something

i would actually be shocked if a guy slaped me:p

now if he punched me thats different

oh and bye the bye living with sisters slaping is the last thing that ever came to there minds. GOD i wish i could have taken a pair of sisors to that girls nails.
They'd say differently.
Never say that they couldn't, just that they're too moral to try.
Won't ever risk failure, since they're good people, they don't want to hurt women, they respect women.
"Try", an excellent qualifier and good point.

But dominance has less to do with the physical than the mental- and considering what we have here even those morally comatose would fail.

Which leads me back to axioms- none of them can dominate.
That's foreplay, not dominence

Sloppy sadists are foreplay.
No...no see I disagree here, they probably wouldn't.
They'd call the cops. They'd step back and be shocked, shocked!

They'd question the intellectual abilities of someone who needed to resort to violence. They'd pity his obviously abusive childhood. They might get him to seek help.

Last thing on their minds would be hitting back

My point stands though- given a scrawny male and a female, their cute agruments of female physical inferiourity underlying their twisted misogyiny is fucky.

i would actually be shocked if a guy slaped me

now if he punched me thats different
How does either one depussify you?
Would you punch or slap back?

Or just posting here to get noticed?
nither actually. i was just saying that i would be shocked if a guy slaped as that is more the provance of girls. That wouldnt stop me punching him in the diaphram tho (i like punching there when i have to fight, one good punch and they are winded and they hickup at the same time which makes it had for them to get back up and fight)
nither actually. i was just saying that i would be shocked if a guy slaped as that is more the provance of girls. That wouldnt stop me punching him in the diaphram tho (i like punching there when i have to fight, one good punch and they are winded and they hickup at the same time which makes it had for them to get back up and fight)
Good point.

Which leads to a difference in experience- from your dribble, I take it you're young so not yet bled into that middle-aged mentality that makes living some kind of nursery.
The one punching back impulsively is usually the one ostracized for not having ‘matured’.

Anyway, given a little more time I think you might also end up like these office men, with their sentimental feelings and nuance and impotence.
Get back to me in 5 years.
But dominance has less to do with the physical than the mental- and considering what we have here even those morally comatose would fail.

Any man claiming to be chivalrous is more than capable of cruelty to a weaker female. More than capable, he is almost certain to be, if he can justify so being and if she is not capable of defending herself.

Tell any of the weaker sex's fearless defenders that a female is an outcast and a slut and they'll be more vicious than any misogynist would dream of being.

So I left out biting and hair pulling.

Sloppy sadists are foreplay

"Damned degenerates!" growled Conan
"It is all in the point of view," smiled Thalis lazily
-Robert Howard, "Xuthal of the Dusk"

My point stands though- given a scrawny male and a female, their cute agruments of female physical inferiourity underlying their twisted misogyiny is fucky.

Agreed, but funny as hell.
Most adults have little experience with violence and when they find themselves either as victims of it or as perpetrators of it are quite stunned when they realise what is actually happening. That's an empirical observation by the way, not a sweeping generalisation or a second-hand observation. And those who have little experience with violence frequently find they use far too much.
Wow! That makes so much sense, both grammatically and logically!

And those who have little experience with violence frequently find they use far too much.

Those who have little experience with violence are logically precluded from using too much violence, as using much violence would cause them to have much experience with violence.

It may hurt your cubic femtometers of brain tissue, but please do try to think these things out before typing them.
apart from that is it ok to push her if she came at you with a knife?

how about a club?

what if she was choking you?

what if she was beating the crap out of you?

what if she kept squeasing or kicking your balls?
If she came at you with a knife, its life and death. Don't hurt her any more than necessary to protect yourself from life threatening harm...or harm to the genetilia of course :) You don't have to let her beat the shit out of you, just don't piledrive her if even if you consider it 'equal or greater force'.

i might be wrong but i take the same aproach to EVERYONE, guys AND girls. If they hit me with the intention of causing pain i will aply an equal oposite on them or at least enough to stop them (doubt i would ever go as far as killing someone unless i really had no choice)

is that not fair?
after all i am not a tank of a person who can just take whatever i get all day. Especaially not if its aimed at the nuts
I disagree, but I could be just as wrong. You have to use your own judgement depending on the situation and what you can take, but the eye for an eye mentality? Come on man. There is no such thing as 'fair' unless you and your opponent have mutual respect for eachother (hate to use a cliche, but 'all's fair in love and war' eh?)

Most guys I know are pussies, bred by pussies and none of them can 'dominate' me.
Better- survey the male populace in these forums, they come off as Olson twins.
Some women are like that. It has less to do with a womans personal strength, and more to do with her willingness. Maybe your guy friends are pussies, but your willingness to be dominated changes a whole lot during ovulation. (if you want, you can eat them alive afterwards ;).)

The psychology of a woman is innate and hardcoded. Your response to the whole 'woman is built to be dominated' argument is thus, to be expected in the same way a mimosa plant closes to physical touch. You say you can't be dominated by the hand, but I smell a hint of denial.

Saying "I'd rather die than let one of those pussies litter me with his seed" is a more concrete position than claiming that they can't. (Serious questions: Do you think if you were drunk enough, you'd let them do you? )

Men have beomce pussies, no matter the difference in physiology.
Yeah, so you're sitting there with 35% muscle to my 36% fat, say- this says nothing about being powerful as most of you are weaklings easily dominated by children.
Generally, yes. Thanks to modern medicine, babies that shouldn't have survived long after birth are now doing so. But I want you to know its the same mentality which causes so many guys to be pussies nowadays: They know they're out of place in the modern world, that they've lost their full value, so instead of marketing their abilities as men they take the easier route which is to become a women. Kind of like the current trend to outsourcing with these all powerful minds being forced into retail.

The x-chromosome contains a heck of a lot more genetic material than the y. And its a scientific fact that the y chromosome is slowly dying out. I won't bore you with the details, but not only are we becoming more socially feminine, its also a biological phenomenon. Men aren't built like they used to be- that 35% muscle? Its turning into fat.

For that matter, you're a worse mysogyhist than I am. You're only admitting how weak you find her by sugar coating your ethics towards her.
You think? Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not a misogynist. Far from. My ethics towards women are a response to how much I trust my judgement when it comes to them. Or maybe I'm not mature enough yet and I'm sugarcoating..who knows.

The point is its an invalid conclusion. A good attempt, but still invalid.

She slaps you, slap her the fuck back.
Wouldn't you if it was a male who slapped you ?
Like I said above, its a matter of judgement. With a guy I can usually tell right away what his reason was and if we have enough mutual respect to fight it out. They tend to be less capable of concealing their motives. (Like in ice hockey as an example)

Women on the other hand..damn. Takes a while longer to figure out not necessarily why she slapped me, but what it meant. Does she hate me? Is she turned on? A combination of reasons? And they're physiologically wired to keep it hidden. I can't relate. We're hardly ever on the same level to decide if the understanding is there enough for a physical fight to resolve the conflict even if she is capable of putting up a decent fight. Physical fights across the genders aren't natural. I hope that makes a little more sense.

Here's the part where you will bring up the difference in strength or body structure between a male and a female- I won't hit her back because she was only showing me her teeth, her “extra constitutional right 'poor thing!

I said it was like an extra constitutional right, which is a little different than asking them to ammend the consitution. To be more clear: Women shouldn't have any more rights than men. A man should control his urge to retaliate against a woman because its what makes him a man. A reaffirmation between the two of you of an invisible boundary. 9 times out of ten she won't go for a second hit unless she's a real dyke.

That's what they said during the Anschluss.
Kept saying that when Hitler invaded Czeckeslovakia, then Poland...

They were right about that, weren't they?
yuk..rhetoric. It wasn't that 'they' actually believed the Nazi's had peaceful intentions--not all of them were that stupid. They were ill-prepared to take any action and didn't want to admit it to the people. If 'they' had the resources they would've crushed the Nazi's in a heartbeat.
do you have sisters?

i ask because its more likly that you would have gotten into more physical fights with siblings than people you are dating

have you ever had a girl dig her nails into the sensitive parts of you? not just the balls but things like the neck, arm pits under the arm ect are sensitive and i can tell you after that happens frequently the rule "no hittting girls" stops making sense. My sister can hurt more than my brother can (he genrally goes for headlocks when he fights and they dont cause pain). So yes i strike back and i do it probably more than the pain she causes so that she will think twice about doing it again. After all you cant just leave your family like you can a partener and you cant disarm someones nails but boy can they hurt when they are used as a weapon
Xev said:
Wow! That makes so much sense, both grammatically and logically!

Those who have little experience with violence are logically precluded from using too much violence, as using much violence would cause them to have much experience with violence.

It may hurt your cubic femtometers of brain tissue, but please do try to think these things out before typing them.

Does it make you feel superior to use an insulting tone rather than just making your point?

You could have just said that I wasn't clear or that I was being illogical. I'm happy to explain if you didn't get it the first time around.

The use of violence is natural. We're all capable of doing it. We don't need to be taught to do it. Watch toddlers playing with each other. If one grabs a particulary treasured toy or item that another wants then it's on for young and old - well in this example it's mainly on for the young. They will use such violence that an adult has to intervene.

Now most people are not trained in how to use violence and don't use violence in their lives. So when it happens to them or they have to use violence they're likely to use too much as they're untrained. In the words panic, anger, passion - a lack of mental self control - sees them liable to use too much force. That's what gets people in trouble in situations of what would ordinarily be self-defence when they far more force than is necessary.
oscarmitre ........

You'll get use to Xev sooner or later, she likes to irritate people to get a rise out of them, don't ya Xev.
And its a scientific fact that the y chromosome is slowly dying out.

Give me a link

Men aren't built like they used to be- that 35% muscle? Its turning into fat.

Environment and society. I know it's not as interesting as the notion that men are becoming women, but the reason we're so fat is because of lack of exercise and good diet (myself excluded).

Everything has changed except ourselves.
I understood what you were saying, and it made much sense. Too bad Xev can't be as bright as us, huh?

To the Rest,
Equality between gender and logic tells us that we should hit women without making an exception based upon their gender, right?
But ideology's a shit poor way to live life. First, encourages consistancy, which is never fun. Second, if I hit every bitch that deserved it, I'd be in serious trouble. If I hit everyone who deserved it, I'd be in trouble.

Xev, gendanken, when was the last time you hit someone because they were weak and deserved it?
Roman said:
Second, if I hit every bitch that deserved it, I'd be in serious trouble. If I hit everyone who deserved it, I'd be in trouble.

theres the point i have been trying to make the whole time
it shouldnt be about gender at all, wether they are male, female or an hamaphradite is iralivent. You just dont atack people at ALL because they "deserve it" but if they atack you then fighting back is perfectly acceptable
Nobody deserves to get hit ! Man, women, child or an Alien from Ork
.....unless it is a threat, then there could be justification

P.S - Why does every thread end with some ridiculous comment like, this thread is stupid ? or ridiculing the point of the thread Why bother making a comment
(oh crap, I just did the same thing)
Thanks for the heads up cosmictraveler - I'm not usually so thin-skinned but I admit it gave me the shits.

Gambit Star I'm using one of the officially approved alternatives for ending a thread. Despite that I have no doubt that someone will feel compelled to comment :D