Hitting a woman

I don't think it's a dumbass thread at all. I think it is an important issue around the world. I also think that if someone hits you (regardless of gender), you should just try to walk away from the situation and if the person comes after you, then only hit back in self-defense. Both your ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend (before he gets on the wrong track and starts to think hitting is okay no matter what) should get some sort of counseling for anger management. My nephew had quite a temper and went to see a counselor, and boy did that do wonders. The counselor taught him many ways to control himself before has anger got out of control. It does not work for everyone, but your ex and her boyfriend seem younger and I think the younger you are, the better your chances are at breaking a potentially-future-threatening cycle.
Xerxes said:
argumentum ad hominem(the no-no you forgot to include)
Actually, it's not ad hominem, it's a categorical argument. Besides, you're using a red herring, AND making an ad hominem, Xerxes. SouthStar made a call on your logic (or lack of), then you retorted with an et tu mofo on a thread that hadn't anything to do with SouthStar's invalid logic.
Just my 2c.

Xerxes wasn't calling this a dumbass thread, he was calling SouthStar's dumb.

On topic:
I don't think hitting a woman out of anger is ever a good idea. She may deserve it, she may be asking for it, but the courts and contemporary society won't see it that way.

Besides, what kind of man knocks around a woman?
Roman said:
Actually, it's not ad hominem, it's a categorical argument. Besides, you're using a red herring, AND making an ad hominem, Xerxes. SouthStar made a call on your logic (or lack of), then you retorted with an et tu mofo on a thread that hadn't anything to do with SouthStar's invalid logic.
Just my 2c.

Xerxes wasn't calling this a dumbass thread, he was calling SouthStar's dumb.

Thanks man but I think I'll just drop it - no use.

Besides, what kind of man knocks around a woman?

Mike Tyson?

I wonder though, if you were raised up in a world where no one told you hitting a woman was bad you would probably not think twice if some woman provoked you well enough.
One of my earliest memories, maybe my earliest, certainly the most vivid of my early memories, is of being reprimanded by my grandmother for kicking my female cousin in the face after she bit me on the leg.
I was 5 or under at the time, hadn't been to school or even preschool.
I remember it so clearly because it was the first time in my life I was completely shocked by the way things were. Before this adults seemed to just inherently be correct about everything. But this time I knew they were wrong and I was right.
I was there, I had experienced a situation where the "never hit a girl no matter what" rule exhibitted its flaws.
I had every right to kick my cousin in the face, she was biting me, there was no alternative.

I've somewhat mellowed on my staunch "hitting girls is a-ok" stance since then. I can now see how it is bad for all involved if husbands beat on their wives, and how big men shouldn't go picking fights with women at bars.
However, I think the beating of strippers and prostitutes must be accepted by society if we are to flourish, and boys and girls should definately be on equal terms untill they are over 12.
Fair comment Lou. Kids belting each other at 8 years old i can live with that. Come to think, my older sister used to kick the crap out of me when i was a kid. The revenge i took on her was sweet though ;)
I've no problems with hitting/kicking a girl.
They can be just as mean and disgusting as men, thus I treat them like every other human being.
Having boobs don't make you divine-untouchable, at least in my company.
Actually, it's not ad hominem, it's a categorical argument. Besides, you're using a red herring, AND making an ad hominem, Xerxes. SouthStar made a call on your logic (or lack of), then you retorted with an et tu mofo on a thread that hadn't anything to do with SouthStar's invalid logic.
Just my 2c.

If it were an attack on my logic, I would've liked to know the logical flaws in my opinion. Or, while we're at it, lets dispose of all opinion on EM&J and write out our arguments with truth trees and hypothetical syllogism...


I was there, I had experienced a situation where the "never hit a girl no matter what" rule exhibitted its flaws.
I had every right to kick my cousin in the face, she was biting me, there was no alternative.

Well, gender isn't really defined until puberty...so maybe you were right, but I guess they were just trying to help you form a natural inhibition against doing it. When you're older and pissed, its easy to forget that she isn't one of the guys...

I wonder though, if you were raised up in a world where no one told you hitting a woman was bad you would probably not think twice if some woman provoked you well enough.

Attacking someone weaker than yourself has always been considered disgraceful. Everywhere.
What about the Romans?
And I only use them as an example because I'm a fan.
What about every government thats ever existed? The police that go and arrest the wifebeater are technically attacking someone weaker than themselves.
In any interaction one party is bound to be weaker than the other.
The Romans?

So they built a few aqueducts, but it doesn't change the fact that they were disgraceful savages. Same with any authority that doesn't operate strictly on honour, but out of control. (any government really) The Roman empire was too spread out and suffered corruption

And technically, the police are acting out of defense for the wife.
And what you do if the woman turns out to be a martial artist and beats the crap out of you? Still won't fight her?
And it's more ok to fight with a weak man than with a weak woman?
Or is it still something to do with gender?
Avatar said:
And what you do if the woman turns out to be a martial artist and beats the crap out of you? Still won't fight her?
And it's more ok to fight with a weak man than with a weak woman?
Or is it still something to do with gender?

You'll just have to take it like a man if she's a martial artist.

If you let the woman beat you, society scoffs at you.

If you beat the woman, society scoffs at you.

It's a win-win situation.
Good, because I don't give a damn about society. :m:
I'm not taking anything from anyone if I'm able to,
no matter what gender or what age the opponent is.
Again: As a rule, no.

I'd try to block her attack, or subdue her, but I wouldn't hit her.

And it's more ok to fight with a weak man than with a weak woman?

There are some guys I'd never fight. Retards for one. The elderly..

But I love wrestling and I'd never turn down a challenge from anyone, ANYONE as long as they consented, woman or man. One of the best people I ever wrestled was a girl. She had great technique. I could pull any move on her as long as it wasn't open handed groping and we had a mutual respect going.

This is the difference between fighting a woman and a man. When I wrestled her, it was nothing personal. I didn't even see her as a girl. But when a woman comes up to you and kicks you in the balls, you have to make the painful distinction that the respect between adversaries doesn't exist. You're playing into the womans hands and disgracing youself, so you have to walk away from it.

If a weak guy attacks me, unlike the girl, its almost always a territorial thing, or something of dominance so it becomes an attack on my manhood. I'll show him a some pain, but do my best not to hurt him. An example:

Once, I was in a situation where this guys friends were egging him to fight me. I told them I wasn't interested. I could see he didn't want to fight either, but eventually he cracked under the peer pressure. In a way, it was his friends attacking me. I did my best not to hurt him. But it was just one of those situations where I had to. This kind of thing hardly every happens across the genders because the differences between a girl and a guy are too apparent. And theres that whole sexual thing going too

In a funny way, the fact that he had testicles neccesitated it, even though he was as weak as a girl. As males, we had a bit of that 'respect between adversaries' that wouldn't have been possible with a girl of his same strength. I had to do it out of respect for him, and out of respect for myself. Its as old as humanity itself. Female wolves don't fight for dominance because they don't need to. Neither do humans

anyways, I'm off for the night, but I'll be pondering :m:
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What if chyna is wailing on your petite girlfriend really visciously and you simply can't restrain her without a degree of force which would be classed as kicking the shit out of her. Is that acceptable?
Also, what if you see a really ugly dirty homeless woman in the gutter and you laugh and then she spits on you and her spit has a foul odour and no one is around but you and her, surely stomping her deeper into the gutter is the only course of action?
§outh§tar said:
What the hell is that? We are in the intelligence forums.
The following are not allowed:
- Argumentum ad misericordiam (Appeal to Pity)
- Argumentum ad numerum (Appealing to the Majority)
- Argumentum ad populum (Appealing to the Gallery)
- Audiatur et altera pars (Arguing from unstated assumptions)
- Circulus in demonstrando (circular reasoning)
- Petitio principii (Begging the question)
Did you miss your own approach, argumentum as nauseum? :)
hey, why do we need to hit women, its not as if it hurts. i had a friend of mine punch me in the arm for 5 minutes until she was exhausted and gave up, i guess she didnt find my joke funny :p