Hitting a woman

I don't think it's a case of gender - it's a case of size and strength. Most girls are considerably weaker, but if some heffer decided to mug me she'd definatly get it. The same applies to men, if some 11 year old boy attacked me I wouldn't smack him up, just restrain him like a bitch.

On the whole though, I'm not very violent towards people and I think it very unlikely I'm ever going to be put in such a situation with a hefty bird mugging me.
Avatar said:
I'd like to see you retry that with one of the girls from our Taekwondo association.

I was taking my yellow belt, I was a little ill at the time and my reactions were slow. The girl (equal grade) who was sparring with me kicked me right in the face. Not very hard, but just to show me up. Bitch. She was a top class ballet dancer though, quite quick and flexable. That's my excuse!
lol true, it's just the principle of not hitting a woman because she's a woman that makes me doubt human logic and sanity.
I agree, it is and should be about the size and strenght not gender.
i practise my martial arts with a chick in my class, shes only a green belt in taekwondo luckily :p, but it does hurt quite a bit when she hits me

How you choose to defend yourself is irrelevant.

Me? I wouldn't hit a woman unless there was no other option.

Your stance: You refuse to accept that there may be no other option. You'd rather let a 200lb female kickboxer beat the living shit out of you before you throw in a punch or two.

Accept it. Your argument sucks. It's okay. We're all guilty of this. Repeat after me. "In some situations it's okay to hit a woman"

I don't think it's a case of gender - it's a case of size and strength. Most girls are considerably weaker, but if some heffer decided to mug me she'd definatly get it. The same applies to men, if some 11 year old boy attacked me I wouldn't smack him up, just restrain him like a bitch.

Ideally, it should be a case of size and strength. But in the real world it absolutely is a case of gender.

There's something too familiar about a man hitting a woman. This is how it is and this is how it has always been. Now that it's considered uncouth to hit women, hitting a woman isn't just hitting a woman. It taps into the female body of pain caused by millions of years of mistreatment and discrimination.
Just ~15 thousand years ago it was matriarchy. Please don't overexaggerate.
p.s. previous abuse is not an excuse. just as it's not ok for jews to kill germans now.
Just ~15 thousand years ago it was matriarchy. Please don't overexaggerate.

There are always exceptions. Especially exceptionally tiny ones.

p.s. previous abuse is not an excuse. just as it's not ok for jews to kill germans now.

Did anyone say it was?
What if chyna is wailing on your petite girlfriend really visciously and you simply can't restrain her without a degree of force which would be classed as kicking the shit out of her. Is that acceptable?
Also, what if you see a really ugly dirty homeless woman in the gutter and you laugh and then she spits on you and her spit has a foul odour and no one is around but you and her, surely stomping her deeper into the gutter is the only course of action?

Chyna is a nice girl, she'd never try something like that. Assuming the one in a billion chance that she did, I would jump in, maybe throw a punch or two, divert the attack to myself and do my best to defend without hitting more than that. No reason to fuel her aggression.

For #2, I'd get as far away from gutterslut as possible.

On a side note, I would love to wrestle Chyna formally.

pfft, morals
Dude, it has nothing to do with morality

it's just the principle of not hitting a woman because she's a woman that makes me doubt human logic and sanity.

The only situation I'd consider going on the attack is a life and death one. If Chyna were on drugs and wanted to see me dead (miles away from help,) I'd have to.

Your stance: You refuse to accept that there may be no other option. You'd rather let a 200lb female kickboxer beat the living shit out of you before you throw in a punch or two.

Subduing works pretty well against anyone, and there are always people around to jump in and break it apart. But there are a few isolated situations when you have to defend by attacking, I'll give you that.

There are always exceptions. Especially exceptionally tiny ones.

Yup, I completely agree, but most of these exceptions are so tiny they don't even deserve acknowledgement. I mean.... what are the odds that my girlfriend* and I are going to run into a drugged up Chyna in some isolated forest?

You forget: Chyna is and was never a woman or a member of any female species.

Female species? You could say that to her face and she still wouldn't be offended cause it's so god damn stupid. If she has a vagina, she's a woman. More so than a guy with underdeveloped testicles is a male

(* I'm not with anyone at the time of this post... but it depends on the girl. If she were strong -as some girls are- I'd let her duke it out seeing as how I wouldn't want her interfering in my own fights)
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Just like in any other situation there is a line between hitting someone and abusing them. Sure as a child i got smacked back in line a few times.. never abused. If a woman hits a man, he has every right to hit back. with the same rules applied. A child is punished by a good smack sometimes but a good parent doesnt hit their child to cause pain. they hit their child to stun them, and shut them up so they will listen. lol. Sometimes a good stun is necessary. Hitting simply for injury is not.
But there are a few isolated situations when you have to defend by attacking, I'll give you that.

And so there are also situations when it's necessary to attack women.
firstly i asume we are not taking about play fighting or sexual choices? after all what happens in bed is the choice of the people taking part. My GF likes to bite and get her hair pulled. thats not abuse thats just what turns her on

apart from that is it ok to push her if she came at you with a knife?

how about a club?

what if she was choking you?

what if she was beating the crap out of you?

what if she kept squeasing or kicking your balls?

i might be wrong but i take the same aproach to EVERYONE, guys AND girls. If they hit me with the intention of causing pain i will aply an equal oposite on them or at least enough to stop them (doubt i would ever go as far as killing someone unless i really had no choice)

is that not fair?
after all i am not a tank of a person who can just take whatever i get all day. Especaially not if its aimed at the nuts
The rules for biffing people make no distinction between male and female. Having said that a man who biffs a woman and who is not in defence of himself from a gun, a knife, a large piece of very heavy furniture being used to hit him over the head, is a prick and it not worthy of the term "man". He is a thoroughgoing arsehole. I have been on the receiving end of biffage from an ex-wife who at that time was a black belt (1st Dan) in tae-kwon-do and I can tell you it hurt, but even then I only used sufficient force to defend myself from major damage (and she was quite capable of doing so). But the thought of retalitation beyond defence was and is abhorrent.
oscarmitre : i have a question for you. If you recived the same from a guy what would you have done? I am asuming if she is a black belt she could do conciderable if not leathal harm and im asuming you didnt start it so in the same situation what would have done to a guy?
It's easy to say "proportional response" and in many jurisdictions that is the maximum response allowed. But that would be deliberately avoiding the intent of your question I suspect. Truthfully I would have used sufficient force to defend myself. Defending myself from a woman who was/is smaller than me but a skilled exponent of a martial art obviously needs more force than if she was smaller than me and had no martial arts skills. If it had been a man with the same martial arts skills then I would have had to use more force than if I were defending from a man who didn't have such skills but who was unarmed. Sounds a bit tricky I know but that's how it works in my mind. I had no qualms about defending myself, I was just conscious of the need for a proportionate response.
my view is as soon as ANYONE hits you they lose the right not to be asulted, i dont mean that cause someone hits me i beat them into a pulp but i will do anything needed to stop them. Gender isnt and shouldnt really be an issue. the fact that they are smaller just means they are probably faster. As a point of fact tho a women is probably more likly to cause more injury than a man is because guys "fight fair" where its ok for a girl to bite, kick you in the balls ect so you have more to fear from a girl. In the end it boils down to doing whatever is needed to stop the threat. I seriously doubt that you could calculate how hard to punch to take down each oponante in the heat of the moment, i am asuming what you mean is you go all out at the guy untill he is on the ground but why would you treat the women any differently?
Fair point - you should use sufficient force until you can either get away or you neutralise the force being used against you. You don't pummel them into a bloody mess on the ground (not that I'm suggesting you implied that). Gender is irrelevant because you should defend against whatever you are faced with (I have had a grandmother try and stick a knife in my guts for example) but gender obviously has a bearing on the person's physique, strength, ability to harm you and so on. Again proportionate response.
I've never hit a woman or girl in my life. I found that by just leaving a situation that could erupt in violence is much better to do than start hitting someone. If another woman were to hit me, i'd turn around and walk away or run, for the police usually think the guy is at fault in many instances and therefore I'd be in deep shit if I were to stick around and beat the attacking lady up.