Hi guys... a question

<i>I guess you owe Nelya Mikhailova 20 grand. Pssshhtt thought so! Don't you know that the force exists? It's been proven, registered, on machines, in laboratories, many of the experiments presided over by nobel prize winning scientists.</i>

'fraid not.

There have been a miniscule number of properly-controlled experiments on telekinesis. From memory, Mikhailova has been revealed as a fraud.
Im posting the same stuff in the other post..

Here are NAture and SCIAM magazine articles for you to see
(not available on their site databases... search elsewere)
and please, dont debunk this saying these articles are non-existant... even on the skeptic sites they talk about this articles and know they are quite real..

Here are the references:

7 December - Nature - Editorial: "A Challenge to scientists"

18 October - Nature Vol.251 - Editorial: 'Investigating the Paranormal' pp.559-560 #/ R.
Targ & H. Puthoff. "Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding" p.603-7


13 February - New Scientist - "Can MoD Prevent Taylor from Using Money to Study 'Geller
Effect'" p.400

14 October - National Enquirer - "ESP experiment defies odds of 10 billion to 1"

August - Scientific American - Martin Gardner "Mathematical Games: An Astounding
Self-Test of Clairvoyance by Dr. Matrix" pp.98-101#

(plenty of more, but these are enough I believe)
Originally posted by James R
'fraid not.

There have been a miniscule number of properly-controlled experiments on telekinesis. From memory, Mikhailova has been revealed as a fraud.

Miniscule by who's count? To me, tens of thousands of controlled experiments cuts the word "miniscule" from my vocabulary.

Nelya was never exposed as a fraud. In fact, her advocates(inspecting scientists) were some of the most respected men in science, including Dr. Ya Terletsky, Chairman of theoretical physics at the prestigious moscow university and holder of the Laureate of the State prize. She was investigated and found to be authentic by several nobel prize winning scientists.

The report of her "exposure" was written by a journalist who had not only never seen her or her performances at all, but had absolutely no working information of the tests she was performing. The "revealing explanations" he offered to explain her experiments had absolutely no application to what she was doing.

She did things like take a raw egg suspended in a solution, then seperate the white from the yolk, move them around a bit, and put them back together. She could take a glass container filled with smoke, and force it to opposite sides of the container leaving empty space between it. The journalist who wrote the article said these things were done with magnets and strings. Personally, I'd believe someone with a nobel prize at their back over someone who had never even seen the things he was debunking in action.

To further elaborate on this article, it was published in the soviet newspaper pravda, which at the time was controlled by the Brezhnev clique in the government. It served as their own personal propaganda machine. At time, ESP wasn't a publicly discussed topic, due the cult of personality(Stalinism) because it oppsed the materialism they preached. And so different people had reasons for knocking it down. The article was premediated to be published on the morning of the first international esp conference as an attempt to discredit the gathering. After the conference, the same "exposing" journalist published another article "revealing" that the conference never took place. Sounds like a real trustworthy fellow.

Keep it coming.
Soulcry don't give up. though I have a question- why would you want to move objects, is there a hidden motivation like making the world beter or somthing?
Suggestion- try moving the thing with your eyes closed, eyes open don't make any damn difference but I guess people believe the myth of sending off energy with the eyes. with eyes closed you will concentratte better sort of like meditatin.
It's not about moving things with your mind. It's about understanding human physiology, and the link between mind and body. It's about what drives every scientist to do what they do. To understand. Everybody knows that every living thing has a field around them that scientists hesitate to call electromagnetic, but attribute to a form of energy not yet defined. How do you think things get their shape? It's not in their genetic code. It's already been proven that this field reacts in the presence of emotions, thought, illness, brainwaves, and PK. It's no longer a question, it hasn't been for several decades. It's scientific fact, and right now science is no longer concerend with proving to ignorant sceptics what has already been proven and demonstrated a thousand times over. Though, at first, the West invested way too much time reconstructing all the earlier experiments, because we're morons and have to see everything with our own eyes to believe it. We're now tens of years behind the Eastern Bloc in research because of it.
Originally posted by Halcyon
Everybody knows that every living thing has a field around them that scientists hesitate to call electromagnetic, but attribute to a form of energy not yet defined.

Poppycock. There is absolutely no evidence to support that. Beyond normally charged positive and negative ions within our cells (i.e. calcium, potassium, sodium, etc.), which are also a part of our neural networks, there is no other "form of energy not yet identified."

Originally posted by Halcyon
How do you think things get their shape? It's not in their genetic code.

Why wouldn't it? Wouldn't this be the reason why promenant noses run in families? The shapes of faces?

Originally posted by Halcyon
It's already been proven that this field reacts in the presence of emotions, thought, illness, brainwaves, and PK. It's no longer a question, it hasn't been for several decades. It's scientific fact,

More poppycock. Show the proof or one of the "facts" you so diligently claim. In another thread, you mention "lots and lots" of evidence in one post and include citations to a bunch of 1960's Warsaw Pact era literature. If you have even one of these citations, I'd like to see you scan and post it to the web for scrutiny. Undoubtedly, we'll find substandard testing methodology or weak science alltogether. If there were any conclusions that were extraordinary, it would be mainstream by now.

Originally posted by Halcyon
and right now science is no longer concerend with proving to ignorant sceptics what has already been proven and demonstrated a thousand times over.

Baloney. Scientists and skeptics are one in the same. Skepticism is the ultimate in openminded posture. Being skeptical simply means that scientific method is used to evaluate hypotheses... not wishful thinking. A skeptic doesn't accept either side of an issue without looking at the facts.

On the other hand, New Agers generally rely on mere say-so by another New Ager for information. There's no other way to explain poppycock like pyramid power, for instance. The same holds for this ESP/PK nonsense. There is certainly some interesting data that is in EEG results, but including this data, there never has been any conclusive data shared in a public manner.

Originally posted by Halcyon
Though, at first, the West invested way too much time reconstructing all the earlier experiments, because we're morons and have to see everything with our own eyes to believe it. We're now tens of years behind the Eastern Bloc in research because of it.

More wishful thinking. In fact, if you go to the DIA's website (http://www.dia.mil) and click on FOIA, then look down a bit to the last 1/3 of the page. You'll see a link to a document with title like "Parapsychology Research in Warsaw Pact Nations" or something similar. Within this document, it is alluded that the Soviet Union discontinued much of its research because parapsychology threatened Marxist ideologies. There was also issues of credibility among researchers and nothing conclusive was discovered. This document is a DIA study on the Warsaw Pact research of the time-frame of all the citations you gave in the other thread.
We dont want to reinvent the wheel right?

Please guys, try to check some facts..

Yes, skeptics and some skeptic scientists still believe this is all nonsense, and there will be skeptics until the day of absolut proof be made.. (absolute and total since many statistical and factual evidence as pointed towards the evidence of a real phenomena like ESP)

As you skeptics talk hundreds of scientists (not para or looneys, but a lot of known scientists are indeed interested in Scientific paranormal research)
hundreds of scientists are working at dozens of research labs, institutions, etc..

I mean just try to look a little hard, J.B. Rhine Institute is just one, along with many others

These institutions exist today, have hundreds of employes and there are ongoing psi experiments ranging from those known biological phenomena to the more obscure "ESP/biologic data transfer" of it...

Still its ok for skeptics for not believing, indeed until the day we find a Brain part that shows when psi is working or not and making experiments based on such readings then well have some hardfact study to publish for all skeptics and "believers" to see..

Psi functioning as been proven hundreds if not thousands of times for many skeptics.. this led to the fact that these institutes are still groing as they did in the 70s and 80s

Many are working to use Magnetic Scans (lots of methods, TAC scans, and so on..) on the human brain and have been getting pretty good data

The question is, once hard facts regarding the brain lobe that activates when this Anomaly cognition occurs are obtained, an absolut proof will be published on known magazines and be addressed as a true and hard science.

I believe we are close to have that happen in the next few years
I said "i believe" but Im not sure if thats going to happen eventually.

Until that (or not) skeptics should be more openminded and Paranormal "believers" should develop a more skeptical mind

There is enough information that as lead a lot of scientists to say that there is something going on regarding some ESP statistical experiments

Until we get an hard grip on the material facts, all we have to do is speculate..

Over and out!
Skinwalker, before I reply to your post, I want to read that article on the DIA site, but my work computer has issues with the file type, it won't display it for me. My work computer is the only computer I get to use, so is there any other way you can think of to show me that article? Any way to make it available in another format?
It's a portable document format, one of the most universal types. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to convert it.

You can, however, find the free adobe reader at http://www.adobe.com They have it there somewhere.
Heh, nevermind. Took awhile, but I managed to download it. This computer has adobe, but it wouldn't let the browser display it.

Anyway, I'm reading the appendices, particularly pgs 116-117(Not much time, being at work, to read the whole thing), so far it seems to support what I've been saying. Please direct me to the parts you feel are detrimental to my argument.

Oh yeah, and I'm reading pg 61 here(randomly picked...) and it outright supports some of the findings by PSI researchers. Show me what you're talking about.
I believe in psychic powers, but I don't believe in telekinesis. Some believe you can do it if you concentrate, but it isn't true. If it was, you would see it going on all the time, but you don't. Try working on persuasion, telepathy, and precognition instead. They at least seem more reasonable.
No, you are wrong. Telekinesis does exist but many people are too lazy. Anyone is capable of having psychic powers, but it does not come to you instantly. One can't force the power to reach surface but at least one can make the process a bit faster by practicing higher levels of meditation.
Originally posted by Ellimist
You are all not revolutionaries; you do not have new ideas; your beliefs will never be proven. You little beliefs have been around for thousands of years and people think them to be true because they don't have experience in critical thinking. They don't try to figure things out, they take explanations from mystics and story-tellers. and you are damn right there is no physical evidence. There can't be; all supernatural activity is physically impossible.

In science and reason, I leave you now to stew in your own stupidity and ignorance and disregard for logic.

~The Ellimist

you my idiot friend are so lost you are not even sharing the same air space as the rest of us... do you even realize that the very mindset you have is preventing you from exploring the unimaginable realm of the human mind and its capacity to amaze? you are hindered by your lack of imagination and encumbered by your purging of the irrevocable fact that we CAN NOT know of these things without first believing in their possibility... proving or disproving becomes irrelevant, the exploration of such things is far more rewarding and gratifying for any revolutionary... i would rather have a sip of honour than my fill of medocrity... Stella, i love ya... but i digress...

your tone speaks for you... i don't know but something tells me you are severely prejudiced, completely contrived and extremely congested when it comes to concepts your little pea brain can not accept, ponder or mentally digest... the human mind is more powerful, resourceful and inventive than you could probably ever fathom, although your antiquated thought process does not surprise me, i am however, disheartened to learn that i do in fact continue to share the planet with people of your lower mental development... those with only rationally and logically in their vocabulary are to say the least, boring... and just no damn imagination = i feel sorry for YOU...

last but most certainly not least, without stories and theories and less critical thinking our species is doomed to become ostentatious, unsympathetic, hedonistic walking flesh with no soul... is that just a word to you also, perhaps a myth? i suspected as much...

Originally posted by Ellimist
You are all not revolutionaries; you do not have new ideas; your beliefs will never be proven. You little beliefs have been around for thousands of years and people think them to be true because they don't have experience in critical thinking. They don't try to figure things out, they take explanations from mystics and story-tellers. and you are damn right there is no physical evidence. There can't be; all supernatural activity is physically impossible.

In science and reason, I leave you now to stew in your own stupidity and ignorance and disregard for logic.

~The Ellimist


you my idiot friend are so lost you are not even sharing the same air space as the rest of us...

So what happens if he is right? Do we depend on our chemicals in our brain or what? Well the answer is getting closer and closer. Me as myself thinking of it as (the chemistry in my brain is doing this) something not explained and something that will be, got me to the point of not caring 2 much either there is chemistry or a soul as it goes to 1 single point: we all die and the truth that lies there is somewhat different as you both imagined. Either we will awake on that point or be slept forever!
It doesnt metter who is an idiot and who is a saint (wannabe).
HA! I went off to read that paper and I forgot that this thread was here! Oh man, if you're still interested:

Originally posted by SkinWalker Poppycock. There is absolutely no evidence to support that. Beyond normally charged positive and negative ions within our cells (i.e. calcium, potassium, sodium, etc.), which are also a part of our neural networks, there is no other "form of energy not yet identified."
Oh, trust me, I know ALL about the DC Perineural System. I was talking about Eastern Science. The field as it turns out is electromagnetic, although, like I said, scientists have hesitated in the past to call it that for lovely semantic reasons. And I never said "Not yet identified," you're putting words in my mouth and twisting what I say. I said "defined," which is essentially true in all cases. Sidestepping these semantics, all matter, living and non-living, is essentially electromagnetic phenomena. It was wrong of me to say that there is a field around us and instead should have said that we ARE the field. I was at a loss for a better way to describe what I was trying to say. It would be best if we proceeded with that scientifically valid and undisputed view. Atoms, by definition don't exist, they're metaphors for helping us understand and study the phenomena they represent. They are better described as waves. This better describes what I was trying to say.

Why wouldn't it? Wouldn't this be the reason why promenant noses run in families? The shapes of faces?
Was talking about the tensile structure of our being, the elements that we're composed of, not our physical(genetic) characteristics. I should have clarified. I was tying this all in with the Theory of Enformed Systems.

More poppycock. Show the proof or one of the "facts" you so diligently claim. In another thread, you mention "lots and lots" of evidence in one post and include citations to a bunch of 1960's Warsaw Pact era literature. If you have even one of these citations, I'd like to see you scan and post it to the web for scrutiny. Undoubtedly, we'll find substandard testing methodology or weak science alltogether. If there were any conclusions that were extraordinary, it would be mainstream by now.
We all know that for every thought and emotion we have, there is an electromagnetic and chemical reaction. Why is this even a question to you? It's tought in schools, practiced, and experimented with. It's not like I'm proposing some outlandish theory, this is medical science that is held pretty much as common knowledge. For our bodies to show outwardly this type of electromagnetic phenomena, it has to change inwardly.

Baloney. Scientists and skeptics are one in the same. Skepticism is the ultimate in openminded posture. Being skeptical simply means that scientific method is used to evaluate hypotheses... not wishful thinking. A skeptic doesn't accept either side of an issue without looking at the facts.
No kidding, I never said they weren't. If you read it again, I said IGNORANT SCEPTICS. Not intended as the usual insult, it means precisely what it means; unaware or uninformed skeptics. Skeptics on the other hand are more than welcome, as I have been a long-standing member of the Sceptical Society. Being sceptical has absolutely nothing to do with scientific method. I came into this from a medical education first with no presuppositions. I stand by what I said, and if you haven't learned fully about both sides of the equation, you shouldn't be passing judgement or even arguing it. Basing your evaluation on what naysayers say is not an objective view of the evidence, and destroys the involvement of scientific method that you claim to use.

On the other hand, New Agers generally rely on mere say-so by another New Ager for information. There's no other way to explain poppycock like pyramid power, for instance. The same holds for this ESP/PK nonsense. There is certainly some interesting data that is in EEG results, but including this data, there never has been any conclusive data shared in a public manner.
Precisely the opposite, this is how you are appearing to be, substitute New Ager (sans shock quotes) for naysayer. Not intended as an insult, but if you haven't read the reports, then you're not qualified to judge them.

Within this document, it is alluded that the Soviet Union discontinued much of its research because parapsychology threatened Marxist ideologies. There was also issues of credibility among researchers and nothing conclusive was discovered. This document is a DIA study on the Warsaw Pact research of the time-frame of all the citations you gave in the other thread.
The part I bolded is such an invalid statement. I read the document, and it outright supported most of the subjects. I'll ask you again to show me where you read that gave you that theory. In fact, by sending me to it, you added an impressive battery to my repetoire. It seems you helped my cause, and I would recommend everyone else to read it, being that nearly all the subjects of papers I listed in other threads(and their researchers) are neatly covered in this document. In absence of a computer of my own or even an acquaintance with a scanner(where do you live that such things are expected to be common household items?) this report you sent me to is one of the best reference materials I can find.
Hi Guys,
I can understand what The Ellimist try to say, though he should have made this more politely. But I also can understand the rest of you.
On the one side, he is right when it comes to things that need to be proven. Almost the only way to accept things according to the new "Science Methodic" is to be able to replicate it or to prove according to "recent science trend", which is solely based on Yes-No logic.
I'm an experienced hypnotherapist and I discovered many things, among which that the logic we refer to as the basis for every logical thing, which is the "Yes-No" logic, not necessarily the right for every aspect. It is hard to comprehend what other logic could be, but there are others, such as the Yes-and-Yes logic. To explain this, I may give the following example:
In awareness (consciousness) someone who is driving a car, cannot be in another place at the same time. He cannot be driving a car, and then immediately sitting with a couple o friends having lunch somewhere else, and then flying in a plane.
In dream this is possible. One can drive a car, and immediately be with friends having lunch and also flying in a plane, and immediately afterwards being on top of a high building. The subconscious does not find that strange.
People may say, this is because it is a dream. The actual reason is, not because it is a dream, the subconscious has its own reality. In its reality the second logic is relevant and not the first one. There is no single proof that the first reality (the consciousness) is more real than the other one. Actually believing that the one is more real than the other is belief and religion, but surely not science.
If one can extend his control and capabilities from one reality into another and be in control of the two realities, natural laws might not be the same as they used to be. This means, he might be able to do things, which do not comply with conscious Yes-No logic.
Since this field is taken unserious by most scientists, it has been under average explored and experienced. Scientists are afraid not to be taken serious, when searching in this field and prefer to stay within “recognized” fields.
The lack of serious and intensive research in this field had led to classifying it as unserious and also to certain disability to prove and replicate experiments.
Most of the “supernatural” phenomena appear to happen sporadically and usually judged subjectively by the person, who had this experience, but they were very hard to replicate. So the person himself starts believing in what happened, but not the scientists.
There are many theories to prove or falsify such phenomena, but none of them is solid. Actually what the old Greece philosophers said and what Heisenberg repeated is that you cannot judge a system neutrally, when being within. Understanding this means that we actually don’t even know, whether we live in reality or in dream! Maybe our dream is the reality and vice versa.
It has been proven nothing is a solid fact as we think. Everything can be wrong and can be right. What people consider today for a solid fact can be tomorrow a nice joke. During the year 1889, the chief of the American patent office has claimed that everything that can be discovered has been already discovered and only some minor improvements might be registered in the future. No need to mention how many new things has been discovered ever since.
Even if telekinesis and other phenomena might sound stupid today, this might not be the case in the future. Everything is open and everything is possible, and if we look at things in terms of hundreds of years instead in terms of recent technical stand, then we may discover how stupid and short-sighted we were till now.
Borma said:
the logic we refer to as the basis for every logical thing, which is the "Yes-No" logic, not necessarily the right for every aspect.

Of course not. Boundaries only limit the supernatural and paranormal, therefore proponents of such fantasies throw out the boundaries of science to eliminate the limitations.

Borma said:
In dream this is possible. One can drive a car, and immediately be with friends having lunch and also flying in a plane, and immediately afterwards being on top of a high building. The subconscious does not find that strange.

Hence the term, "dream."

Borma said:
The actual reason is, not because it is a dream, the subconscious has its own reality.

And this is based on what empirical data? If not, then it is merely speculation. And can safely be discarded.

Borma said:
Since this field is taken unserious by most scientists, it has been under average explored and experienced. Scientists are afraid not to be taken serious, when searching in this field and prefer to stay within ?recognized? fields.

No. Scientists stay within fields that are bounded by the laws of physics and logical positivism. The supernatural and metaphysical, by their nature, require explantations outside of the empirical realm and in the realm of pure speculation. Once you begin to use speculation as the mechanism for explanation, you end up with pure fantasy and superstition, much like that which existed in the pre-Copernican age where witchcraft was blamed for being left-handed or outbreaks of disease.

Borma said:
There are many theories to prove or falsify such phenomena, but none of them is solid.

In which case they are not theories at all, since they would be solid if they could endure the testing phase of the hypotheses involved.

Borma said:
Actually what the old Greece philosophers said and what Heisenberg repeated is that you cannot judge a system neutrally, when being within.

This is the etic versus emic argument that has been accepted to be valid from either position as long as a hypothetico-deductive method is employed and limitations are acknowledged.

Borma said:
Even if telekinesis and other phenomena might sound stupid today, this might not be the case in the future. Everything is open and everything is possible, and if we look at things in terms of hundreds of years instead in terms of recent technical stand, then we may discover how stupid and short-sighted we were till now.

Bleh... more pseudoscience/paranormal dribble. Sure its all possible.... yada, yada, yada... Really, if you paid attention, no one said it was impossible (Ellmist, James R, et al). They said there's no current evidence to support the speculation, and attempts to measure the paranormal junk like telekinesis have always resulted in failure, refusal, or significant inconclusion.

The real problem guys like us have is that this type of thinking replaces the critical thinking capacities of those that buy into it... not to mention the outright theft of money that occurs from those that sell books and classes related to garbage like Remote Viewing, channeling, hypnotherapy, etc, etc.....
"They said there's no current evidence to support the speculation, and attempts to measure the paranormal junk like telekinesis have always resulted in failure, refusal, or significant inconclusion."

Think for yourself much?


Very small taste of the scientific and peer reviewed literature out there on the subject.

Parapsi researchers & labs links:

Don't be a pseudo-skeptic. Most people here are such, a lot of them claim to be skeptical without even understanding what the word means. here's some help for those people:

Don't let other people's opinions guide your own. You haven't researched the material accurately, as you've shown. Be a true skeptic. Refute the evidence.