Hi guys... a question

Ellimist if you don't believe in this stuff LEAVE!!!!!

:( YOU know Ellimist im really tired of your non-sence on this board. If you don't believe in these powers, THEN with all do respect GET THE FUCK OF THE BOARD! Because there are plenty of other people willing to listen to our experiances. If your that angry LEAVE! Just get off the board and let us talk about stuff we wanna talk about.

:( If you don't see what were talking about you can't get mad. And you can stay in your little void, Of believeing these abilities don't exist.

I don't mean to be a prick but im really tired of this!

goodbye...until we never see each other again...

Nobody in the world has ever demonstrated an ability to move anything by the power of their mind under controlled conditions.

I can't believe that there are people who actually think this. I'm not going to insult you because just because you are completely ignorant of the subject, I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Originally posted by Ellimist
Especially, you, Soulcry... ask them for one piece of hard, emprifical, verifiable, non-falsifiable piece of evidence that psi exists, and they cannot give it to you.

One piece? How about about thousands? Read something, try to get a little information on the subject before deciding for yourself that you're qualified to speak on it. If you don't know anything about something, close your mouth, you're making yourself look ignorant.

Now, as for those thousands of pieces of information I was talking about:

Encyclopedia Of Psychic Science by Nandor Fodor

Thirty Years of Psychic Research by Dr. Richet 1923

Forty years of Psychic research by Hamlin Garlind

Miracles and Modern Spirtualism, Alfred Russel Wallace, F.R.S.

Life After Death by Prof. Hyslop

Contact With The Other World by Prof. Hyslop

Raymond by Sir Oliver Lodge

History Of The Supernatural by W. Howitt, 1863

Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World by Dale Owen, 1860

The Debatable Land by Dale Owen, 1871

Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism by Sir William Crookes, F.R.S. 1874

Planchette: or the Despair of Science by Epes Sargent, 1869

The Scientific Basis of Spiritualism by Epes Sargent, 1880

Proof Palpable of Immortality by Epes Sargent, 1875

Report on Spirtualism by the Committee of the Dialectical Society, London 1871

Spirit Identity by M.A. (Oxon) 1879

Psychography by M.A. (Oxon) 1882

Spirit teachings by M.A. (Oxon) 1883

The Evidences of Spiritualsim by W.D.C. Denovan, Melbourne 1882

From Matter to Spirit by S.E. De Morgan

D.D. Home, His Life and Mission, by Mdm, Douglas Home, 1888

Modern Spiritualism by E.W. Capron, Boston, 1855

Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism by N.B. Wolfe, M.D., Chicago, 187

The SPiritual Magazine for 1867, pp. 127, 366

No Title by Rev. Meric Casaubon, D.D., 1659

Proceedings for the Society foor Psychical Research

Human Personality and it's Survival of Bodily Death by F.W.H. Myers, London, 1903

(Article) Critics of Psychical Phenomenon and Their Methods by Dr. Gustave Geley publihed in Light for 1923, p. 715

Mysterious Psychic Forces by M. Camille Flammarion

Glimpses of the Next State by Moore, 1911

Wanderings of a Spiritualist by Sir Conan Doyle

Thirty Years Among the Dead by Wickland, Los Angeles, 1924

Frontiers of the Afterlife by E.C. Randall, N.Y., 1922

Spiritualism by Judge Edmonds, N.Y., 1853

Book on Mediums by Allan Kardec (L.H.D. Rivail), London, 1876

The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec, London, 1875, translated by Miss Blackwell

Psychism by Dr. Gibier, N.Y., 1899

Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science, 1922

Photographing the Invisible by Coates

Reality of Psychic Phenomena by Professor W.J. Crawford, 1916

Experiments in Psychic Science by Professor W.J. Crawford, 1919

The Psychic Structures in the Goligher Circle by Professor W.J. Crawford, 1921

Phenomenal Mediumship: A Look at Physical Manifestations by Rev. Simeon Stefanidakis

Three books of Occult Philosophy by Henry Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesh

The Survival Of Man by Sir Oliver Lodge

OCCULTISM AND MODERN SCIENCE, The Proper Philosophical Consequences
by Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich

Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena (HarperCollins, 1997) by Dean Radin

The Human Atmosphere (The Aura)-translated by Paul Kegan, 1920 London. First Ed. 1911

Reichenbach's Physico-Physiological Researches translated by Dr. Ashburner 1851, first ed. 1848

Rigid Tests Of The Occult by McCarthy, Melbourne 1904

Supernormal Faculties In Man by Dr. Osty

Flashes Of Light From The Spirit Land by Putnam

What Am I? by Seargent Cox

The burden of proof is on those who make the claim that this phenomena exists. Well, here I'm offering it to you. Unless you've read most or all of these books, I don't consider you qualified to speak on the subject. Good luck trying to dispute it. It's scientific fact, been proven under controlled conditions hundreds of times, accounts of which are there for anyone to see. Modern science has also made progresses in this field, and there are numerous resources for anyone wilshing to perform research in this area.

None of the references you listed tested for psi ability under well-controlled conditions.

Do you have anything more recent than the 1920s?
It’s all well and good to write lengthy pseudo scientific volumes of information about a particular phenomena, but that’s really putting the horse before the carriage, isn’t it? Before you come up with an explanation for a phenomena it’s usually best to have some point of reference, say an observation, so you know just what the hell you’re writing about. Show me conclusive evidence displaying psychic phenomena, and then write me a book about why and how it has occurred.
I just attempted a simple telekenetic experiement... I've never really tried it before. The experiement consisted of a styrofoam coffee cup with nothing in it. I placed it at the edge of a table so one little nudge would knock it off the table. I attempted to meditate on the object by focussing on it for about 20 minutes, and I imagined it moving at first. I eventually got it to wiggle (there were no drafts in the room whatsoever) about halfway through my meditation. When I realized it wiggled, I somewhat was surprised, because I've never really experienced it before. I kinda of lost my concentration due to my thoughts entering my mind. Again, I slowly began to concentrate on the cup for sometime, and at one point, I imagined myself getting up and nudging the cup... it wiggled again.

I never really got it to fall off the table, but it seems that maybe I had something to do with the cup wiggling? Because when I thought about it wiggling, it happened. Any suggestions/thoughts/explanations?

Thanks. I'm a newbie to this telekenesis idea.
Originally posted by Mystech
It’s all well and good to write lengthy pseudo scientific volumes of information about a particular phenomena, but that’s really putting the horse before the carriage, isn’t it? Before you come up with an explanation for a phenomena it’s usually best to have some point of reference, say an observation, so you know just what the hell you’re writing about. Show me conclusive evidence displaying psychic phenomena, and then write me a book about why and how it has occurred.

I'm trying really hard not to call you a moron here. Just letting you know that I'm thinking about it. Most of these books were written as accounts of experiments performed under controlled conditions. Not one of them offers to explain anything that was not personally witnessed and tested repeatedly. Did you not even try to reference anything that I listed? Everything you just asked for, I already gave you. And well, what the hell is with the "Pseudo scientific" mis-judgement? Anyone with any sense to take a look at the evidence with an objective mind and evaluate it scientifically knows that this is not pseudo-science. It is in fact a valid branch of science. This is also shown in the fact that every ivy league college, and most major scientific universities have studies in this area.

I might also add, that never been ANY piece of evidence obtained by these studies that has been successfully disputed by skeptics.

None of the references you listed tested for psi ability under well-controlled conditions.

Well, yes, in fact, quite a few of them do, though I'll be honest, I left out the more definitive and conclusive volumes. The reason that most of these books are so old, is that the investigation of spiritualism(It is directly a part of psi studies, and it would be improper to consider one without the other) didn't begin for the scientific community before the mid 1800's, and died out around the first half of the nineteen hundreds. Every aspect of psi and spiritualism(at least, as far as they knew) had by then been documented, researched, dissertated and picked apart by scientists and special organizations of doctors and researchers assembled specifically to examine the phenomena from a scientific and very skeptical point of view. Here, if you're really interested in the well doccumented and controlled tests of psi ability and mediumship(like I said, directly corrolated), check out the three books by W. J. Crawford, D.Sc.; The Reality of Psychic Phenomena, 1916; Experiments in Phsychical Science, 1919; The Psychic Structures at the Goligher Circle, 1921.

Just because a book is written in a time less technologically advanced than ours, does not discount it's accuracy or the author's objective studies. Most of the science that we use today is founded on the discoveries made by those who came before. Also, almpst evry single one of these authors entered into their research as skeptical dis-believers, exactly like I did. But after being presented with the phenomena and having the ability to test it and experience it under controlled conditions, each and evry one converted their beliefs. The same for me. I started out a staunch disbeliever in everything in the genre, but when you honestly and objectively view the facts, it's impossible not accept to accept the phenomena as valid.

Unfortunately, for too many reasons to list, not much effort has been made recently to understand this phenomena. I take that back, not much effort has been made in America. But then, there never was. American interest in this field was spurred in the first place by the progress made over seas in Europe and Russia. Russia is without a doubt the leader as far as research in this field goes. Although it's nearly impossible to get your hands on most of the information they've obtained. Anyway, you asked a question, hopefully this will help you. You want current info, you need to look here:










There's a wealth of information there.

I suggest that those of you who like to spout off without thinking about what you're saying actually take a look at some the evidence present before making blind conclusions and sticking your foot in your mouth. Just to close, Mystech, I heard the flat earth society has a position open. You sound like you'd fit in there perfectly. You made yourself look pretty stupid. You can fix that by actually doing some honest research before you make your next commentary.

To everyone else, the information is out there, don't be like mystech, if you honestly want to know about this, then do some research and then form your own conclusions.

Ive found someone that KNOWS something about psychic studies..

One thing for the non believers, or other guys that talk about Pseudo-scientific studies..

Try to inform yourselves... you'll see that many universities around the USA and other big countries have ongoing projects about telekinesis, counsciousness studies, and other parapsychology stuff

One example is Uri Geller
is one of the best examples of a psychic that as done dozens of experiments under laboratory controlled experiments..

There is one negative thing about this... the "oficial" news dont talk about it too much, althought from time to time some news to get out into oficial news sources..

Not only Uri geller bent metal in a laboratory with controlled equipment measuring it, He did it a lot of that work on universities around the world in the 70s, 80s, 90s and today too..

He bends spoons to every VIP he meets, and thats not only what he is capable of (yes the spoon thing from the Matrix movie comes from that..)..

Many people can do this, unfortunately this kind of "psychic" force that makes telekinesis work can not be explained by modern physics, cause its not EM waves, or any other kind of force.. its still undetected, it can only been proven with the effect it causes on the target objects..

To all the sceptics... please try to read some stuff... you will at least be a little informed..

At least I try not to loose my temper when I read some posts here, well lets hope Halcyon doesnt explode with the next uninformed skeptic posts :D

Oh, BTW here is some controlled psychic experiments online from a serious research institution:
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OK, ertai did better than I did. I admit that I tend to lose my temper when it comes to this situation. I keep thinking of this situation where someone says that they don't belive in gravity, that the idea is rediculous and there is actually no scientific proof to back it up. People can relate to that statement, because we all know gravity exists, that it's common knowledge. It's the same thing for me. I can't stand it when people think they know something about a subject they haven't put any effort into knowing anything about. It makes them seem soooo ignorant, and I am of the long staning belief that ignorance should be painful. I better quit before I get worked up again. ;)

Thanks for the link. I thought I had the most conclusive list of online research material for the subject, but I find more stuff day after day. ;)

<i>One example is Uri Geller is one of the best examples of a psychic that as done dozens of experiments under laboratory controlled experiments..</i>

Almost none of which were adequately controlled. Geller failed to produce any effects in the ones which did have adequate controls. These days he refuses to be tested by skeptics.

Did you know that he was a stage magician before he started claiming he could do psychic stuff for real?

<i>To all the sceptics... please try to read some stuff... you will at least be a little informed..</i>

How about you try to read some skeptical stuff, too, so that you will be a little better informed?
Originally posted by James R

Almost none of which were adequately controlled. Geller failed to produce any effects in the ones which did have adequate controls. These days he refuses to be tested by skeptics.

Did you know that he was a stage magician before he started claiming he could do psychic stuff for real?

No my friend.. are you James Randi or what? lol

We was not a stage magician... one more proff that you dont know a thing about it..
We was a stage psychic... He did is spoon and mind reading tricks for years, (he did it since he was a kid)and never claimed it to be magic, but indeed true powers.

And yes, he refused to be tested by skeptics like James Randi(that 1million dollar test is completely bogus, James R. doesnt use true science on that)
And yes, he did a lot of controlled laboratory experiments.. And I mean a LOT! Inform yourself, there is no doubt about this fact.

Originally posted by James R
How about you try to read some skeptical stuff, too, so that you will be a little better informed?

And yes, you did made the perfect question
I was a truly skeptic person, But I was not a extremist dumb skeptic (the ones that just say: "That is impossible, so that is a woax")
I started to study this kind of stuff... after some years, I did a lot of hard work and defenately there is plenty of good scientific evidence (factual direct evidence, and statistic proff too)

If you know what Stanford Research Institute is (near Standford university) then for your knowledge, Uri made his first controlled experiments on this place, they made a report that proved that it was genuine physical effects that he could produce..

Years later Uri made trips to dozens of labs and universities for more experiments, and he was not the only one that did this..
And yes... the media dont talk about it, but that doenst mean these studies and reports dont exist..

So as a former skeptic (Im still a good skeptic because there is plenty of Flim-Flam on this area of research that is parapsychology) I tell you that this is pretty much real..
but keep your skepticism of course, you'll need it do discover the true woaxes that unfortunately exist thruout mankind..

Best wishes,

<i>No my friend.. are you James Randi or what? lol</i>

Randi has his own web site, which you might like to check out.


<i>We was not a stage magician... one more proff that you dont know a thing about it..We was a stage psychic...</i>

I'm sorry. Please explain the difference for me.

<i>And yes, he refused to be tested by skeptics like James Randi(that 1million dollar test is completely bogus, James R. doesnt use true science on that)</i>

The conditions of the test are agreed upon by both the skeptics and the people being tested prior to any test being carried out. It is a very fair test.

<i>And yes, he did a lot of controlled laboratory experiments.. And I mean a LOT! Inform yourself, there is no doubt about this fact.</i>

Please give me a few references, if you have them.
Solid objects need a force to move. Telekenesis is as fake as santa clause and the boogie man. It is impossible too move something with your mind. If there is someone who can do it with no cheap tricks I have 20 grand waiting for you right here. pssshhtt thought so!

Too move something with your mind would prove that their was an equivalant force matching the object too be moved. a 10lbs bottle would require enough force too move 10lbs too move an even a bit. Its not hard too believe but simply impossible too belioeve that a brain would create an invisivble force too do such a thing.

Stop watching star wars!
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Hi, happened upon this thread and thought I'd pull up a chair.

I lived and worked in India for about 4 years in the late 80's where I saw a number of things that challenged my understanding of humanity (appart from the poverty).

One stand out example I can recall was a crazed street begger called 'Rasanda Eumbigu' . . . an Eygytian name I believe. This fellow had a talent for setting things on fire just by looking at them and cursing. Furthermore on the numerous occasions I saw him 'do his stuff' I never once saw him get burnt (which I can tell you is remarkable).

He was also called 'Rathcjha' too . . . has anybody ever heard of this fellow? He was somewhat a pariah amongst his own people and seemed a little deranged to me (he'd talk to inanimate things).

Apparently he was once a monk but became (or so the story goes) a demon. After seeing him many times I eventualy tried to enguage him in a conversation but was overcome with an absolute frustration and angst (I can't describe the feeling which was very unpleasant and awful) . . .

For weeks after speaking to him I felt constantly irritated by the most trivial things . . . Anyway sometime later he had vanished form his ussual haunts . . . (to my delight I must admit)

I have all kinds of theories but I guess I'll never know who or what he was.
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Never heard of anything like that before? Maybe you were on :m: at the time. LOL just kidding . ;) But really Never study anything like that before.


goodbye...until we meet again...

PS: :m: LOL
Originally posted by James R

<i>No my friend.. are you James Randi or what? lol</i>

Randi has his own web site, which you might like to check out.


<i>We was not a stage magician... one more proff that you dont know a thing about it..We was a stage psychic...</i>

I'm sorry. Please explain the difference for me.

I said psychic, but I could say another thing
not magic, but true phenomena.. meaning he was not using tricks to do the effects,

<i>And yes, he refused to be tested by skeptics like James Randi(that 1million dollar test is completely bogus, James R. doesnt use true science on that)</i>

The conditions of the test are agreed upon by both the skeptics and the people being tested prior to any test being carried out. It is a very fair test.

No, unfortunately even some scientists saw the evaluation tests done to a lot of people that did the test of James R. and failed,
well the tests are always chosen by Randi, and he does them in such a way, in such means of evaluation that even if the Psychic person does a Telekinesis or ESP true effect, Randi will rule it out, and even Randi says of himself that he is a lyar, a sleight of hand, etc... so If he isnt even a scientist (is a magician goddamit!) why would even is "tests" be valid?

<i>And yes, he did a lot of controlled laboratory experiments.. And I mean a LOT! Inform yourself, there is no doubt about this fact.</i>

Please give me a few references, if you have them. [/B]

Yes, there are a lot of stuff you can find on the net, im gonna show you here some links but you can find more that this. And these are not bogus sites, or any type of bogus information on these links(cause Im a skeptic too, and rule out many "funky" sites that are out there..):

(SRI= Standford Research Institute it exists, there is the official site for you to see)

Large artical, scroll some pages down you'll see references to the test he made with Randi, and the confirmed laboratory experiments, and all the stuff about CIA psychic spies..

videos of the laboratory experiment of Uri, check "SRI video" names(its a link to his site, but the videos are all from the labs)

and the summary of that experiments

(yes its HIS site, but the source of information is true and its pasted in a lot of sites, including the skeptic ones trying to debunk it... but simply cant make much out of it since it WAs indeed on a Laboratory full of scientists)

another interesting stuff:

here is a good quote:
28 December 1972:
Russell Targ, in an interview with Scientific American magazine, said, re Geller: "...extraordinary sense perception and ability to perturb physical systems, have been carefully verified and well documented in this laboratory."

There are more experiments, with more persons (not only Uri of course, but you can search for Ingo Swann who was an american that made tests in some labs, and passed thru SRI too)

Just stories, but...

Inside a glass ball there was a clear oil with some small metal particles. This guy told me once that he saw some martial arts grandmaster sit and look at this glass ball and after a couple of minutes he got these metal particles to start moving in circular movements.

Some old monks of Tibet would sit in a circle around a huge rock and meditate. After meditation the rock was gone. Moved to some closeby hill.

That's enough food for thought for me.

I want to believe.
Kinetic Spirit said :

"Never heard of anything like that before? Maybe you were on :m: at the time. LOL just kidding . But really Never studied anything like that before.

thx ... goodbye...until we meet again...


I am not on the pot . . . (not much anyway) . . . but I was once an alcoholic.

Have you ever had a 'huge' argument with some-one? There's an awful yet exhilerating feeling you get in the "pit" of your stomach that is like a fire. Its kinda like the effect of adrenelin too since its effect lingers taking some time to subside.

naturally I'm speaking about anger. Anger has a depth and shade to it but in all cases seeks to direct itself outwards (like in a pressure boiler) through the easiest path. We shout, screem, kick, punch, kill etc etc. Most the time fortunately anger doesn't get its way and it is subdued by our own reasoning and willpower.

This is easier for some than others, and varies greatly upon circumstances that cause irritation. (Wow this is starting to sound like The Hulk Movie - how timely and apt . . . hehe).

There is a branch of Tantra called Sutralism. It is essecially a practical extension of Kundalini Yoga. In Tantra primevel energy inherent to even what seems inanimate can be economically refined to service higher aims using ones own body.

I believe this man made use of this knowledge but was somehow perversed by it. There is more on this to find . . .
I know Exactly what your talking about!

I use to fight long ago, and I would get that burning feeling inside of myself, plus my heart would be beating very fast. And for some strange reason my hands shake like im trying to hold something back. I assure you its not fear. This usually happens when I get into a fight, argument, whatever. I know how that feeling is, I use to feel that feeling most of my time during Elementary and Middle school, but Im a better person now. And I don't fight people anymore I try to reason. When reason is not possible...I now walk away.


goodbye...until we meet again...

PS: I was just kidding about you being on maryJ didn't you read my post. :)
Originally posted by Ertai
I was a truly skeptic person, But I was not a extremist dumb skeptic (the ones that just say: "That is impossible, so that is a woax")

Hehe, you know what that makes me think of? This:

Originally posted by PAcingYourName
Solid objects need a force to move. Telekenesis is as fake as santa clause and the boogie man. It is impossible too move something with your mind. If there is someone who can do it with no cheap tricks I have 20 grand waiting for you right here. pssshhtt thought so!
Originally posted by PacingYourName
Solid objects need a force to move. Telekenesis is as fake as santa clause and the boogie man. It is impossible too move something with your mind. If there is someone who can do it with no cheap tricks I have 20 grand waiting for you right here. pssshhtt thought so!

I guess you owe Nelya Mikhailova 20 grand. Pssshhtt thought so! Don't you know that the force exists? It's been proven, registered, on machines, in laboratories, many of the experiments presided over by nobel prize winning scientists. I'd insult you, but the challenge is gone. Brush up A LOT on your scientific history.