Hi guys... a question


Registered Senior Member
Its been over 150 posts on this board and i didnt see this section before. :p Anyway, when i was in the junior high i was in to these things that you talk here. So i tried to move an object (a small bottle) by concentrating on it. I remember i concentrated on that object for almost an hour to move it but couldnt succeed. So, i gave up and never tried before. So, does this mean that i dont have the ability to free my mind like some of you here and should give up. (i didnt try anythin like this after that day)
How do you free your mind?

That should do it!

Don't feel too bad. Nobody in the world has ever demonstrated an ability to move anything by the power of their mind under controlled conditions.

There are lots of people who <b>say</b> they can do such things, but talk is cheap.
[color=b3b3b3]Ah,telekinesis.I think this is one of the most difficult abilities to control.I've only done it once(?) by accident(it was a small piece of paper on the floor,and a nano-second before I looked at it,it sort of jumped)This ability would probably emmerge after some time,after meditation and experience.I also think it's based more on(strong)emotion/energy/unconsciousness.[/color]
Never give up!!!

I am kinetic Spirit Im here to tell you to never give up. This ability can be unlocked you. It just takes meditation and practice. If you give up your doomed to fail! But if you keep at it it will awaken based on your training. I haven't unlocked any power yet but I do notice threw meditation alot more thing around me.


PS: Never give up! Train, Train, Train and you eventually have the right concentrational level to be able to control Telekinetic Power.

goodbye...until we meet again...
Re: Never give up!!!

Originally posted by Kinetic Spirit
I do notice threw meditation alot more thing around me.

Well try noticing a bit more about spelling, and grammar, then. You weren't so bad at first, but now your posts are getting difficult to read.

Soulcry, don't worry about not being able to move things with your mind. Remember, no one has ever done anything great, or even worth wile, using psychic or telekinetic powers, so don't feel bad, you can still be the next Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates, or Stanley Kubrik, if you want.
heyya Soulcry
welcome to the psudo area
its supposed to be an area for doscussing non conformist science and paranoramal stuff aswell
so don't be put off by small minded people trying to get a power trip from bad mouthing your questions.
it seems there are some who see sport in such
anywho that aside
it takes years to control things like telekenesis
and that is only if you are being trained correctly and you have the right brain and body.
it would be easyer to become a profesional sports person!
and once you get there most people buy a big couch and spend more and more time on it, :)
you can start by working on your own inner problems.
once you have those in perspective you will gain greater clarity to start to understand more of the things that are already written about in many books.

keep groovin :)
Would anybody describe to me how teleknesis is suppose to work. How does one transfer synaptic energy of thought into actual knietic energy causing change in the enviroment. I would think that would require abnormal amounts of synaptic action in the mind....even beyond that of severe epilopsy. But still how would those synaptic firestorms create physical movements outside of the mind. Many talk about the possiblity of such phenomenon but seldom anybody ever describes it. Would the Corpus Callosum handle such exchange of information???...hmm one would need a strong mind; emotionally and physically to do such....if it exists. Any ideas on how it works...any info would be appreciated..thanks;)
Electro magnetic resonance?

personal favorite theory

Brain and nervous system are basically a transmitter in the emf band
Usually too weak to cause any disturbance. This keeps us safe.

Now if we look at tesla's work with resonance we can see that even an weak transmission source can do a great deal of work if it can be made to resonate {push pull} at the proper frequency. If you could for instance cause the atoms in a substance to vibrate and then resonate then as with sound one could cause an object to move or shatter or burn. Movement would be harder as it would require different levels of vibration in an object. An interesting side effect of unexplained possible pk movement is an accompanying change in temp.
With respect.
you failed because you tried with a bottle. the mind goes inside the bottle and becomes a prisoner. so try with the Sun. the heat will prevent the mind to get attached with that against your will power. I tried this, believe me, the Sun started moving towards the west...

PS : use photochromatic specks to see Sun..:D
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They are all absolutely right... we use the q-rays that emanate from our temporal lobes to focus on a point on an object to move it... but the problem with that is that people must have strong temporal lobes... What you have to do is bob your head up and down for about an hour everyday, and you can move stuff with your mind, like I can!

I just moved my phone... knocked it off the hook. I practiced a lot.

Someday we will all be able to move things with our minds!!! and talk without technology between vast distances, phone companies will go out of business, factories will go out of business... telepaths will rule the world!!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Stop living in a dream world, children, our minds are deficient enough, we don't need people dumbing others down with superstition and pseudoscience... pseudo meaning fake, and science. Fake science. You like science? study bio, chem, geo, phys. Something useful. Don't waste your time trying to do something impossible.

Especially, you, Soulcry... ask them for one piece of hard, emprifical, verifiable, non-falsifiable piece of evidence that psi exists, and they cannot give it to you. I guarantee you that. Anecdote, conspiracy theory, assertions, assumptions, and the like are not evidence, they have no base. Thinking something impossible based on the laws of science is "freeing your mind"... something got switched... I love the idea of psychic powers, but they just don't exist. All fairy tale, all false. No matter what people tell you otherwise. They offer no evidence for it. And there must be, for the claim was made that humans are able to move things with their minds or see into the future or see someone else's dream... but there has been no evidence for any of it... and I think that was part of the original plan, when people first started discussing psi powers... they knew that at the time, psi powers could not be tested, but now they can, and no tests, I repeat, no tests have verified the existence of psi powers.
I was thinking

How many times the Wright brothers, Einstine, or Nickoli Tesla were told somthing like this

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Stop living in a dream world, children, our minds are deficient enough, we don't need people dumbing others down with superstition and pseudoscience... pseudo meaning fake, and science. Fake science. You like science? study bio, chem, geo, phys. Something useful. Don't waste your time trying to do something impossible"

"Thinking something impossible based on the laws of science is "freeing your mind" " to bad the Curies, Franklin, Goddard, Howard Hughes, and Dr. Jonas Salk didn't know this.

"Especially, you, Soulcry... ask them for one piece of hard, empirical, verifiable, non-falsifiable piece of evidence that psi exists, and they cannot give it to you. I guarantee you that. Anecdote, conspiracy theory, assertions, assumptions, and the like are not evidence"

Here I agree with you that they are not measurable evidence. They are however indicative evidence which one must have to asses the situation and devise experiments with.

here are some definitions:
empirical: experiential, experimental, observed, pragmatic, practical

assertion: declaration, statement, claim, allegation, contention, affirmation

assumption: supposition, statement, postulation, hypothesis, guess, best guess, theory, conjecture, notion, belief, idea

evidence: proof, indication, show

someone who wishes to be a scientist should be careful with his words.

"one thing: scientific experiments cannot be based on assumptions, they cannot be valid. Just thought I'd let you know... ::smirk:: "

with respect:cool:

If as you say?

. "one thing: scientific experiments cannot be based on assumptions, they cannot be valid. Just thought I'd let you know... ::smirk:: "

Then since science is based on proving "supposition, statement, postulation, hypothesis, guess, best guess, theory, conjecture, notion, belief, idea " to make the laws of science then all science is therefor invalid.

with respect:cool:
You can not believe in this pseudo stuff: If it doesnt happen to you, you deny it; if it does happen to you, you dont believe, you KNOW. it happens to me, and i dont have to question it, i just know im not the only one who can do these things.
to all nonbelievers: at least accept a possibility of these happenings, otherwise you'll miss a lot.;)
ANYways, can anyone tell how to actually do the telekinetics stuff?
assuming that telekenisis does work, how *could* it work, based on what we know about chemistry, physics, biology, etc? How can consious though transform into effect on the physical word, outside of physical interaction. My theory is that the following is one possible method:

1)brain conceives of consious thought.
2)somehow the though is converted to an internal change. I do not know how, but it has been shown in reproduceable lab experiments that this works. From "Move my left arm and smack Dr" *smack*, to "warm up left forefinger".
2)internal changes in the body effect the external environment. increase in body tmepurature is detected by the ratiation of that heat to the external environment.
3)once internal change has been achieved, a pattern of internal change is created. How? again, I'm not sure. this is a thoery, based on limited evidence, and very large assumptions which have not been shown in controled conditions. assume this is possible as well.
4) that pattern reaches frequency with the contituting matter of the surrounding environment.
5) the matter which makes up the environment then moves in a pattern predicable, and then, inturn cuases the desired effect.

for a more concrete example: The game of Pool. you want the 6 ball to drop. You create a physical change in the world (moving the cue stick), and create a vibrational effect in your immediate environment (single impact with the cue ball), which then forces your immediate environment to transfer your energy to the goal (6 ball). The desired effect is created in the goal by a well designed transfer of energy.

To translate this to telekenisis. I think that I want to start a fire above my finger. I concentrate of warming my finger. The molecules in my finger move faster and faster. I don't want my *finger* to catch fire, though, but the air above my finger. So instead of increasing the heat in my finger until I reach the point of cellular combustion, I create a pattern in my warming such that the molecules which make up my finger act as a tennis racket. (ie, when playing tennis, you don't run the ball over to your opponant, you create a short busrt of energy at the right moment to transfer the motion to the ball, which you then send, unassisted from that point on, over the net) My molecules rock back and forth at the resonance frequency of the molecules which make up the air. They bounce out from my finger, and then are bounced back by surrounding air moelcules. Some of thenergy is lst in this impact, but not all. Some of the air molecules come back to the surface of my finger at a faster speed than they did the first time. Continue this proccess, maximising the time of contact w/ the air molecules to bring them into a wave pattern. Continue until the combusion point of the moelcules is reached.

The above would take an ability to control your internal, molecules on an individual level. I have never met anyone who could do that, I certainly can't. It would be boardering on Uncertainly principle ruling it out all together. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible. that just means that I have not done it. If someone out there can do this, then we have evidence that the above is capable. Based on particle physics, there is no reason why it can't be possible. Just very. very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very hard.

Any one here think it's possible to form a ball of air and then send it across a room to hit a sensor? without the ball of air disapating along the way so that the sensor never recieves a signal?

It's certainly not easy to create the proper vortex, and send a ball of air shooting across a room. But it's not impossible. Just very, very, very, very hard to get all the variables just right so that it works.

Once you can do it, and know how you do it, repitition of the event is easy.
Grimreaper... this will be my final time speaking with you, for I cannot tolerate ignorance and stupidity for too long. I have grown weary and tired by your limited intelligence and lack of concern for things that may alter your preconceived notions about the world around you... and may I say how fucking annoying it is when crazy pro-mental power people claim it is analogous to a revolution in science and refer to Aristotle, Wright Brothers, and Galileo and the rest, implying that what they believe is science and real, based on the past where people thought "out-there" ideas were crazy.
Let me tell you something: it is indeed dumb as shit to say something like that. You and the all the rest of you who think you have more powers than you really do are lying to yourselves and others, and I feel sorry for you, I do... I only wish I could have helped. But often, ignorance can not be appeased... information and logic just will not sink in.
You are all not revolutionaries; you do not have new ideas; your beliefs will never be proven. You little beliefs have been around for thousands of years and people think them to be true because they don't have experience in critical thinking. They don't try to figure things out, they take explanations from mystics and story-tellers. and you are damn right there is no physical evidence. There can't be; all supernatural activity is physically impossible.

In science and reason, I leave you now to stew in your own stupidity and ignorance and disregard for logic.

~The Ellimist
Ellimist I Greive for the

Your world is limited and dark.
Since I have been acquainted with you have only trolled and flamed, ranted and raved. You claim to be physics major yet don't post in any hard science forums. Where you have posted you do so only to heckle the ideas of others.

Sir and I use the term loosely I advise you to major in politics as this is the only course for one with so little imagination.

You will not debate me for I use your own words against you. You claim to have presented evidence but had a hard time with coming up with even the lightest conjecture. Where a true scientist would ask first how could it have been done your answer is it is impossible. An easy way to escape exercising your mind but a poor way to explore the universe.
