Help, My Friend Turned Christian


You sound like a real dick, but that aside if she is your friend, a real friend, than you need to keep your arrogance to yourself and support her no matter what. If you can't do that, tell her "I'm an arrogant jerk and I can't be your friend anymore because I think that what I do is better than what you do."
cato said:
calling all defenders of logic! (Atheists)

I have a friend, she is the smartest person I have ever met, and she turned to the dark side (became a Christian). she is a whiz at math and gave me a run for my money in physics [somehow ending up with a better grade even though we studied together]. what should I do? she knows I am adamantly apposed to christanity, I have told her all of my arguments against religion, but she still turned. she even agrees that some things don't make sense. moreover, she has told me that she has a hard time believing in it, but she wants to.

so what should I do?

Did you read Lee Strobel's book? His wife did the same thing to him when he was an atheist. Strobel was equally opposed to Christianity as you are. He was in shock at how a resonable person could do that, esteeming his wife to be as reasonable as himself. My advice? Give her, "The Case For a Creator" so that she can identify herself and know that she is not alone in defying all logic. It is not easy, cato. My life is filled with doubt because I am a logical man. I was made that way. But, I choose to have faith.

I feel for you man, truly I do, I would be just as disappointed as if a Christian buddy became an atheist. :(
Good luck, cato.
So you just told her that huh? Nothin' to it right? I would hope she would stumble upon this site and discover your sincerity.
what should I have done? lie to her? I just told her how I felt. I will support her and not criticize her, but that does not mean I will like christanity.

You sound like a real dick, but that aside if she is your friend, a real friend, than you need to keep your arrogance to yourself and support her no matter what.
why am I a dick? I consider religion equivalent to doing drugs. you all may be desensitized to people being Christian, but I am not (sure its not a bad drug, but I would put it at about the same level with pot). moreover, some of the language I used in this thread was meant to be funny, like "dark side," "plant seeds," and such. try not to take it too seriously.

You just don't accept her as she is, and your love for her is conditional on what *she* is.
well, firstly, we are friends, love something more for her boyfriend, which, by the way, reacted like I did. secondly, it is because I care about her that I would rather see her independent, and "drug" free.
why am I a dick?

Glad you asked. I just decided that atheism was equivalent to dickheads. and your and atheist, therefore, you must be a dick.

Sounds kind of like your logic huh.

I forgot to add that I accept you as a dickhead, even though I disagree with your choice. I am hoping to plant seeds in your head to take your dickiness away from you. I don't want to upset your free will, so I will try to deceive you into believing what I want you to believe.
So this is the new face of religion? Insult thy neighbour?

You'll probably come back and say that "he started it", and "well he shows it by not supporting his friend" - but then he is not the issue here. He is an atheist - with no god to teach him how to live a moral life, how to be nice to others and so on.

You do, and when you speak you represent jesus. Your behaviour is what we have to go by as an indication as to what your beliefs stand for, what your god is all about. Do you honestly think you give off a decent impression with all the obvious hatred and insults?

It doesn't matter who started it, you are supposed to be above it. When he slaps you don't slap him back - turn to him the other cheek so he can slap that one aswell.

It's one of the most basic tenets and you seemingly can't even adhere to that one. What hope is there when even the religious ignore the words of god?

You set a bad example.
yeah, Quigly seems to have a hair up his ass. (no offense)

I am sorry if I offended you Quigly, I apologize. I was just looking for some advise on what to do, and I decided to put it in such a way as to get a rise out of religious people. however, if I would have known it would end up with them throwing insults instead of real criticism, I would not have done it. furthermore, if you would like to actually explain an argument supporting what you think I should do, feel free to do so.

p.s. you do set a bad example as a religious person attacking me like that =]
You missed how much He thought of you, He called you a dick not a dickhead. A dick head is only one part of it, but he called you a dick. Turn that into a complement. He said that you are all there!!=)

Seriously, I am a Christian but if you want to win her back you can either just talk to her, or kidnap her and feed her gruel until she submits to your will like we do! Or talk to her, but you have heard that already. So, remember that chronic nagging makes us STRONGER!!! Bwahahahaha!!! Also, if good comes to great, accept her as she is. If you are worried she might turn you into on, just don't get into an unmarked cargo van and you should be alright. You could also look at her as a better religious competitor now. Try not look to look at *the dark side* (insert darth vader voice). Look at the positives of her being a Christian. I only stated a few above. Don't worry get creative!!!

P.S. your'e not just a dick in my book, you've got balls too!

*disclaimer* any material that you deem offensive above, ignore neither a Christian or atheist would like it if they don't have a sense of humor.

P.P.S. let us know how it turns out.
Cyperium said:
Support her of course! What kind of friend are you otherwise??

If you argue against it you put yourself over her, like if you know better. It was her choice, face it. There are no winners.
That would not be too fanatical.
The object of the atheist is to convert others to their self righteous religion.
cato said:
why am I a dick? I consider religion equivalent to doing drugs. you all may be desensitized to people being Christian, but I am not (sure its not a bad drug, but I would put it at about the same level with pot). moreover, some of the language I used in this thread was meant to be funny, like "dark side," "plant seeds," and such. try not to take it too seriously.
Atheists tend to consider religion as something bad because they are self righteous. They believe their ant--religion jokes are supposed to be funny.
Why do you hate the fact she turned to Christianity. Even though you believe it isn't true, Christianity does teach people to become more loving, compasionate, friendly, and kinder to others. As a friend wouldn't you like that for her, for her to be that type of person?

O, and Im well aware of the fact not every Christian is as loving, compasionate, and friendly as some. However if she is a good person, and Im sure she is since your friends with her, she will become an even better one through Christianity.
Conspiracy said:
Christianity does teach people to become more loving, compasionate, friendly, and kinder to others. As a friend wouldn't you like that for her, for her to be that type of person?
she is already the nicest person you could ever meet.

cool skill said:
Atheists tend to consider religion as something bad because they are self righteous.
no, I consider it bad because most religions, by their very nature, ask you to stop thinking and just believe. I don't think people should ever stop thinking rationally, and building irrationality into a persons daily life can't help.
jayleew said:
My life is filled with doubt because I am a logical man. I was made that way. But, I choose to have faith.
then you should not call yourself a logical man, logic and faith are an extreme contradiction.
she has a hard time believing in it, but she wants to.

Then there is little you can do other than be her friend. It sounds more like a cry for help, so instead of trying to argue logic and reason, listen to why she wants to believe and work on that.
cool skill: Atheists tend to consider religion as something bad because they are self righteous. They believe their ant--religion jokes are supposed to be funny.
M*W: Dear cooled skill: Atheists cannot be "self-righteous," because that doesn't fit into their ideals. An atheist has absolutely NO reason to be "self-righteous." "Self-righteousness" is not something atheists have as an attribute. Atheists promote education for the masses, convictions of truth to those who wish to learn the truth (Christians' excepted on this point), and living a good and honest life among those who claim to be believers.

Atheists do consider all organized religions to be "something bad," from their knowledge of all the vast evils organized religions offer to the world. The bottom line is that the religious of the world also fall into the category of the ignorant which Atheists disregard. Religion tends to quieten or subdue Christians to the truth.

Atheists do not believe in a monotheistic god concept nor do they believe in a multitude of gods. To the atheist, no gods need apply. Henceforth, there are no obligations to false religions. There are no commitments made to graven images. There are no tolerances to man-made religions. And there are no requirements meant for those who have been freed of mind.

Atheists represent the undisputable truth at all times. Atheists have no arguments about who their savior is or whom they should answer to. Atheists are fair and just people who see the religionists as controlled robotics.

I was a god-believer when I came to sciforums. I still believed that there was a higher power to be reckoned with. I had doubted the existence of Jesus as savior for some 20 years, but I just couldn't let go of the "god" thing until I became convinced on sciforums that there could not possibly be a god like Jenyar described metaphorically, like SouthStar used to believe in, like Adstar promoted, like C20, "god" rest his English soul, like Woody who is the laughing stock idiot of sciforums, like Lori whon portrays her "god" as delusional, etc., etc., etc.. Where does their delusion end???

There is NO God. There is NO savior God. There is NO death and resurrection of a God-Man. There is NO heaven, and there is NO hell. More people have been murdered in the name of Christianity than in any other religion!!!

Christianity is the evil curse on the world. Christianity is the Antichrist!!! There is only one hope from the believers of the world -- deny Christianity! Deny one's false belief! Deny the biggest lie of any Christian's life! The most evil thing in existence today is Christianity! Leave it before you die! You will never be raised! Death is all we can hope for! For those Christians today, you are doomed!
M*W: Dear cooled skill: Atheists cannot be "self-righteous," because that doesn't fit into their ideals. An atheist has absolutely NO reason to be "self-righteous." "Self-righteousness" is not something atheists have as an attribute.
An atheist can claim to be more rationale or more tolerant than others, or even less self-righteous, but what it amounts to is self-rightousness.

Atheists represent the undisputable truth at all times. Atheists have no arguments about who their savior is or whom they should answer to. Atheists are fair and just people who see the religionists as controlled robotics.
I'm not following you here. If there's no free will like most atheist believe, then were all robots anyways.
Medicine Woman said:
Dear cooled skill:
The most meaningful "statement" I expected to see such that I didn't read much further. :D

I'm really starting to see the jokes in atheists' posts such that I begin to understand the humorous nature of their position. :D

Some more than others might I add... doesn't help the thread much I know... but one fool (via replies) makes many. :D
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cato said:
no, I consider it bad because most religions, by their very nature, ask you to stop thinking and just believe. I don't think people should ever stop thinking rationally, and building irrationality into a persons daily life can't help.
Wrong. Atheists irrationally believe that they are rational. Which makes them even more irrational.

Medicine Woman said:
Atheists cannot be "self-righteous,"
. . . Followed by nothing but self-righteous line after self-righteous line. How dumb can you be to claim that atheists are not self righteous, and then follow that claim with nothing but self-righteous assertions that completely and utterly prove your original claim wrong.

Medicine Woman said:
An atheist has absolutely NO reason to be "self-righteous." "Self-righteousness" is not something atheists have as an attribute.
Get real. Atheists are the most self righteous louts of all religions. Your entire post is one of the most obscenely self-righteous fanatical garbage ever. In fact, of all the atheists in here, you seem to be the most fanatical about imposing your self righteous religion.

Medicine Woman said:
Atheists promote education for the masses, convictions of truth to those who wish to learn the truth (Christians' excepted on this point), and living a good and honest life among those who claim to be believers.
You are a nutcase. You are a fanatical psychopath. Get a grip on reality because your delusions are taking over you. You seem to have no clue as to how psychotically fanatical and self righteous you are.

Medicine Woman said:
Atheists represent the undisputable truth at all times.
If you actually believe that is not self righteous you are insane.

Medicine Woman said:
I was a god-believer when I came to sciforums. I still believed that there was a higher power to be reckoned with. I had doubted the existence of Jesus as savior for some 20 years
If you have been doubting the existence of Jesus for 20 years, you certainly did not come here as a believer unless you came here over 20 years ago.

Medicine Woman said:
Christianity is the evil curse on the world. Christianity is the Antichrist!!!
You need serious help. Atheists are self righteous indeed. They believe that their religion is the all righteous and only truth. Get off of your self righteous pedestal, and find yourself a shrink.
An atheist can claim to be more rationale or more tolerant than others, or even less self-righteous, but what it amounts to is self-rightousness.
I think people come with all personality types. there are a-hole Christians, and a-hole atheists. however, most atheists have a very hard time understanding why people would worship some like, say, jesus. it seems just as logical, perhaps more, to worship your mailman, your landlord, your governor, or anybody else you come across in your daily life.

If there's no free will like most atheist believe
I would not make a blanket statement like that. I believe in free will.

Wrong. Atheists irrationally believe that they are rational. Which makes them even more irrational.
what is this, the adult version of I'm rubber and you're glue? anyway, how is it rational to worship something that you have never seen? Christians worship a god because words in a book, and people who have read the book, tell them to. how is that more rational that saying that the religion is so logically flawed that you can't bring your self to believe it.

p.s. To paraphrase someone on this site (I can't remember who, and the search is not working for me) about my stance on religion; I am Atheists to religion, and agnostic to god.
You need serious help. Atheists are self righteous indeed. They believe that their religion is the all righteous and only truth. Get off of your self righteous pedestal, and find yourself a shrink.

I am one, and while we could get into a wonderful discussion concerning MW, I would simply advise that you spend more time concerned with yourself instead of her. You wont even be aware of what you display publically to the world, but it isn't a pretty sight.

Besides, everyone could use a shrink. We're here to listen to people who have some problems, (which is everyone). I guess it's a similar job role to god, only we're actually real.
It's interesting to note that the Christians here would much rather spit venom then offer cato their so-called enlightened views.

Or is that the Christian view?