
Do you think Hell is...........

  • A literal place, with destructive properties/ Eternal separation from God

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • A state of mind

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • A big party with drugs, orgies, and shooting craps with the devil

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • A place made up by humans as a means to control

    Votes: 39 50.6%
  • End of conciousness

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • None of the above- please explain

    Votes: 13 16.9%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Jaxom
No, it's the definition of species. We are not the same species as monkeys, so we cannot reproduce with them.
Interestingly, a horse will mate with a donkey, and produce a mule?!?:eek: Would those be three different species?
Originally posted by Lady
But ponder this, Our so called ancestors are still swinging on trees. Is evolution that unkind?

You really don't read other's responses to you, do you? Once again, monkeys are not our ancestors, they are distantly related to us through a common ancestor. Try to break free from the egocentric 'my species is better than all the others' mindset.
Originally posted by Jaxom
Try to break free from the egocentric 'my species is better than all the others' mindset.
God made us to be rulers. So we are 'better' in a sense. I think the Lady is just proud to be a child of God.:p
Originally posted by MarcAC
Interestingly, a horse will mate with a donkey, and produce a mule?!?:eek: Would those be three different species?

Good point...my definition was lacking a bit. Perhaps I should append that with "can't produce an offspring that can reproduce in turn"?

The dictionary says "A fundamental category of taxonomic classification, ranking below a genus or subgenus and consisting of related organisms capable of interbreeding." Are horses and donkeys within the same species then, but far enough to damage the genes for later generations?

Okay, to add, horses, donkey, and zebras are all in the family Equus, and can still breed with each other, but the usual product is sterile, due to the number of chromosomes being unequal, and affecting the reproductive cells.

So it's a question of how far apart the two species are...if two species within a family are close enough in chromosome numbers, then interbreeding can occur.

And the mule, since it cannot breed, is not considered a species at all, but a hybrid of two other species.
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Originally posted by MarcAC
God made us to be rulers. So we are 'better' in a sense. I think the Lady is just proud to be a child of God.:p

I don't agree that we were made to be rulers, but that we by our abilities grew to be "rulers"...whether we are good or bad rulers, or as I'd prefer us to be, caretakers of the Earth, remains to be seen. I think we can agree that we need improvement from either viewpoint.
Try to break free from the egocentric 'my species is better than all the others' mindset.

** I admire the animals; God's thoughts in another creation; Yet the common ancestor between animals and man? Animals ancestor's are the Dino's? What about humans? The time frame in which humans appeared was well caculated, neccessary, and thoughtful. These fercious fella's had to go so humans could flourish. And just to reinerate my love for animals. I give thanks just before I eat them.:D
Ok im high so im going to make this short and to the point...
I think JaxoM will agree with me on this point

Lady MarcAC your both idiots! sorry to say that but you are! Can you believe that I I have spent time reading the holy book, look at me i'm a athiest and I read that peice of crap... you people you people don't read shit! you people talk about how flawed science is how can you you don't even know the first thing about it! Read a biology text book ok it about as thick as the bible so it should take you some time.

I'm not knocking science, with faith these two compliment each other. Now can't help you on the Faith part and it is impossible to be talked into believing But should I pretend God doesn't exist because of the interpretation's of men? The Lord knows my heart,likewise, my thoughts before me. He preserves me despite my flaws and rescue me when I fall? No fairy tale on the earth is like this? Alpha& Omega beckoning me. Why should I not be thankful and curious? Hell is the only other alternative? Me and Satan hate each other. Furthermore, I have some college education but the inborn passion art and the paranormal. Another branch of science? Not to many college's for me :bugeye:
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No fairy tale on the earth is like this?

Yes there are many MANY other just like yours. Many proclaim that there are many gods... as well as may higher states of being beyond death none of which are hell. Also many put the blame on things such as satan or desire or lack of clarity. How can you have faith that your god is the ture god/gods? How can you have faith that evil comes from satan, and not from some other source? How can you have faith that heaven and hell are real, and that the after life does not fit a very diffrent order?
Re: How can we 'know'? Faith!

Originally posted by MarcAC
Well you basically answered the questions you asked. I actually integrate science, logic, and religion - through logical reasoning, based on what is observed in reality, one ends with many paradoxes which more often than not represent ignorance about certain phenomena.
Originally posted by MarcAC

The interesting thing is that most non-theists will always see a problem which crops up in religious doctrine as a contradiction [via short sighted rationale] when many times, when treated as paradoxes, these 'contradictions' can be resolved.
Interesting perspective, but I belive I see short sighted rationale. You say "problems that come up with religious doctrines" lead to pardoxes. I'm okay with paradoxes in certain cases, but you spun the point. The point is why are you consulting religious doctrine in the first place. Sure, it contains certain valid elements of history, but to place more focus on it that for instance, my physics book.. or my calculus book, seems unwarrented. Further, your insistence that you're integrated logic, reason and religious seems false since you seem (and pardon me please if this is incorrect) to choose religion as a base and then integrate logic and reason on top of it. Certainly this will lead to parodox. No problem if the conditions leading to said paradox are consistent with demonstrable repeatable evidence, but kind of lame when you're just making them up.
Originally posted by MarcAC

But however, my main point is that there is no basis on 'truth' where one can definitely say scientific/logical or religious thinking are better methods of obtaining truth - the only way you can take a side is to excersises faith.
I agree, but there are reasonable thing to have faith in.. for instance reason. To have faith in that which is NOT reason is to abandon reason, leaving yourself without the integrated picture you claimed before. Further, I would say that truth is only knowable subjectively (by definition, focus: knowable, ie... to know, ie, to cognificate (I made that last one up because I thought it sounded cool)). If that is true then the truth cannot be ascertained literally through any type of external input, it can only be "known". If that is true... what makes your truth more valid than mine?

Okay, I may have bullshitted a bit in that last part there. I think there is validity.. but it might just be my ass hanging out. Pardon.
Originally posted by MarcAC

In essence atheists think they are so very different from religious people - they don't realise that they are 'religious' themselves.
They generally eat, shit and fuck like everyone else.
Originally posted by MarcAC

And as a note - I abhor the word and concept of religion, though, I'm a Christian. I hate to be labeled as religious.[/color]
I mostly do to.. but it's hard for me to completely loath it when it does comfort people sometimes. I hate the religion.. but the folks is allright.
Originally posted by MarcAC

To add; Why do you think Jesus sooooo strrrreeeessed the importance of faith in the bible? He knew that without it you had nothing - in fact without faith in Him you do have nothing.

I don't care what jesus said to be honest. He's a dead guy, I am sometimes interested in what dead guys said.. but pretty much anyone who would say "I am the light, I am the way" or whatever really pisses me off and I think they are delusional and sick in the freakin head.
Re: Re: How can we 'know'? Faith!

Originally posted by wesmorris
I don't care what jesus said to be honest. He's a dead guy, I am sometimes interested in what dead guys said.. but pretty much anyone who would say "I am the light, I am the way" or whatever really pisses me off and I think they are delusional and sick in the freakin head.

Well, he might no have said I'm the light or I'm the way, on the same token he might have been saying I'm an idiot who submitted to my creator, and it might be a typo or misinterpretation in the old Samiratin to Greek to Latin to English....It's impossible to put the blame on Jesus in anyway, because we will never be able to trace history back to debug the problem in hand.

You have a strange way of communicating which I barely understand, but I think I agree with what you said.
Lady--I've finally figured it out

I've finally figured it out, Lady. Hell is any place you are.

--Tiassa :cool:
LOL!!! Amen to that sister! Lady you are my daemon too! Just don't torture me that would turn me on!


I don't want to go to Hinnon Valley when I die! please show me how to save my soul from the horror!
Re: Lady--I've finally figured it out

Originally posted by tiassa
I've finally figured it out, Lady. Hell is any place you are.

--Tiassa :cool:

** Well you are a sucker for punishment.;)
Oh Hell!!

Well cooked...

If you think the link I posted was saying you are going to the Valley of Hinnom when you die, you better brush-up on your reading comprehension.
Brief Anaylsis

By looking at the poll, it makes sense why the world is 3/4 eclipsed in spiritual darkness.:eek: