
Do you think Hell is...........

  • A literal place, with destructive properties/ Eternal separation from God

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • A state of mind

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • A big party with drugs, orgies, and shooting craps with the devil

    Votes: 6 7.8%
  • A place made up by humans as a means to control

    Votes: 39 50.6%
  • End of conciousness

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • None of the above- please explain

    Votes: 13 16.9%

  • Total voters
Early stories of harsh places, volcanic islands or inhospitible frozen wastes, were incorprated with fairy tales of punishment.
Yes, fairy tales. And the whole thing about a 'dragon' being evil in the book of rev is a cheap attempt at making some "evil" symbol. Stolen right out of Chinese tradition; it's so weird how the writers of the bible could twist those benevolent weather dragons into the shit that's known as the last book of the bible. Amazing what the human imagination can do, eh?
The picture we immagine when hearing the word 'hell' is most vividly painted by Dante's 'Divine Comedy'.
Dante's vision of hell came to a very large part from his own immaginations, and that is the immage we are sold today.

Since I don't believe in the whole this-world-that-world immage, hell is a place we create for ourselves right here on earth in our own minds.
Hell would be a place, where all the individuals go.. Imagine going to a place where there are no more christians! :) Sounds like heaven to me.
The Truth, Hell would only exist if there were a such thing as nonexsistance. GOD is Science. Ultimately Science prooves nothing does not exsist therefor Hell does not exsist.
Originally posted by joshua
The Truth, Hell would only exist if there were a such thing as nonexsistance. GOD is Science. Ultimately Science prooves nothing does not exsist therefor Hell does not exsist.

**Human knowledge, it can be relied upon to a degree. There's so much we still don't know.
Originally posted by moonman
The picture we immagine when hearing the word 'hell' is most vividly painted by Dante's 'Divine Comedy'.
Dante's vision of hell came to a very large part from his own immaginations, and that is the immage we are sold today.

Since I don't believe in the whole this-world-that-world immage, hell is a place we create for ourselves right here on earth in our own minds.

** End of concious, thats kinda depression
Originally posted by Zero
Yes, fairy tales. And the whole thing about a 'dragon' being evil in the book of rev is a cheap attempt at making some "evil" symbol. Stolen right out of Chinese tradition; it's so weird how the writers of the bible could twist those benevolent weather dragons into the shit that's known as the last book of the bible. Amazing what the human imagination can do, eh?

** Well now.... theres got to be some bad dragons :D
Originally posted by ndrs
Hell would be a place, where all the individuals go.. Imagine going to a place where there are no more christians! :) Sounds like heaven to me.

** Christians gettin on yur nerves
The image of Hell as a place where you're burning in fire and gnashing teeth and such is not to be taken literally. Hell is an extension of your life, if you choose to live your life with your back turned to God and continually deny Him then He lets you continue living that way for eternity. Hell is a place where the people who choose to go without God are, it is where none of God's light is. The reason for the gnashing of teeth is that now you've met God and are regretting having choosen to turn your back, and now its too late.
Its a place where sharp hooks and chains rip your skin off,while demons rape you and melt your sexual organs with acid,
then the big red man with horns comes down and makes you eat your intestines,just pulls them out and rams them down your throat,and (they do this over and over for eternity) they then proceed to murder you in upto a million different ways,while also making you think you are being tortured for hundreds of years,like sometimes satan will leave you in agony with all your bones broken and sticking out of your skin,other times theyll leave hundreds of razor blades inside your sexual organs(broken glass for women).

guess what?
i actually made all that up :D

theres no such thing,its total imagination.
Hell is the abscence of God, that's all. And it's not just in afterlife, it is also during life, as a state of mind.
Stolen right out of Chinese tradition?

Originally posted by Zero
Yes, fairy tales. And the whole thing about a 'dragon' being evil in the book of rev is a cheap attempt at making some "evil" symbol. Stolen right out of Chinese tradition; it's so weird how the writers of the bible could twist those benevolent weather dragons into the shit that's known as the last book of the bible. Amazing what the human imagination can do, eh?

You make an incredible assumption, that the bible writers were familiar with this story in the first place. There is no evidence that I am familiar with, that there was any flow of information, whatsoever between China, and Israel, 2000 years ago. If you have some proof positive, that this is the source, prove it.
Hell, is it real?

Jesus Christ, the creator God incarnate described the Hell that He, himself created, as a place of eternal, and never ending torment, for those who have made the choice to refuse His offer of salvation. Since the chooser has chosen to separate themselves from the love of God, they can be eternally separated from it.

Screaming; Yelling; Gnashing; Pleading; in the range of God? I think not.
Darkness inconceviable; devils unreasonable; void of logic and heart.
Torment and Agony; Nightmare and horror;a dimension which we know not.
Penitentiary unescapable; evil unbreakable;Possiablity of Parole?I think not.
Hell, in the range of God?

Originally posted by Lady

Screaming; Yelling; Gnashing; Pleading; in the range of God? I think not.
Darkness inconceviable; devils unreasonable; void of logic and heart.
Torment and Agony; Nightmare and horror;a dimension which we know not.
Penitentiary unescapable; evil unbreakable;Possiablity of Parole?I think not.

If one forgets that God is Holy, and not just loving, and can not allow unpaid for sin into his presence, I could possibly understand your point, but if you are looking at the whole panopoly of scripture, your position is untenable.

Jesus Christ, the creator God incarnate described the Hell that He, himself created, as a place of eternal, and never ending torment, for those who have made the choice to refuse His offer of salvation. Since the chooser has chosen to separate themselves from the love of God, they can be eternally separated from it.
Id on't yhink so. God nver created such place. It is written that wahtever is good comes from Him. It is against His nature to do such thing. Hell is simply the absence of God, in the same way darkness is the mere abscence of light. Sorry, but your conception is incorrect. Many people have wrong ideas about God simply because they don't know all of It. Who here already read all the Bible? Anyone...?

PS: Which kind of Christian you are? Pentacostal? Baptist? Catholic?...
Who here already read all the Bible? Anyone...?

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Id on't yhink so. God nver created such place. It is written that wahtever is good comes from Him. It is against His nature to do such thing. Hell is simply the absence of God, in the same way darkness is the mere abscence of light. Sorry, but your conception is incorrect. Many people have wrong ideas about God simply because they don't know all of It. Who here already read all the Bible? Anyone...?

PS: Which kind of Christian you are? Pentacostal? Baptist? Catholic?...

That would be me. I have a Masters degree in Theology from Oral Roberts University.

I am presently a Charismatic, but in the past, have been Pentecostal, Baptist, and Catholic, in the reverse order.

I am sorry, but that is not the Hell that Jesus described that he created. You must have forgotten, that both John's Gospel says that He created all thing, and apart from him, not a thing was created. So He should know what he is talking about. When you want to know about something ask its creator.

You don't ask Chevy about Fords, or BMWs, you ask their creator. Jesus himself created Hell for His rejectors. He made the rules. He was the one who confronted Moses at the burning bush, in Exodus 3. We know this, because when the rabbis ask Jesus who He is, He uses the same unspeakable name, that God used speaking to Moses, in Exodus 3.

In the Hebrew Testament (commonly refered to as the Old Testament), the book of Daniel tells us that the wicked will be resurrected to everlasting damnation.
Do you use interlinear Bibles? Do you research the original words? Many times what is written as "do" it is actually "allow". Would God harm you? No. Can He allow it to happen? Yes. You have to be very careful whith words...

Can you quote the passage in Exodus 3?