Hell for Nonbelievers

fahrenheit 451 said:
WTF there is something seriously wrong with you, .

nobody ask you to provide evidence of love, we know that. and there you go preaching for f@*# sake, man. go see a doctor pleaseeeeeeeee, you sick in the head.

Why Am I bothering you? This is a religious forum for discussing faith and religion. Is the Christian banned from the religious forum on Sci-Forums? Perhaps you should hand me over to the web master to see if I should be removed for your sake, that you may not have to suffer hearing about the Christian faith in a religious forum anymore. Perhaps you should just ask the web master if he could change the title from 'Religion' To 'Atheists Only'. Then you might be happy. See if the web master agrees with you.


Spot on with LSD's mind fahrenheit 451. :)

It is not I who has their eyes shut to the message of Love. Love never fails. Love is eternal. Love never dies. I am that I am.
LSD you have a lot to learn about love. It does not come from a book, it comes naturally to all. Only an atheist can know the true meaning of love, we are not clouded with dogma. We are free to enjoy the bountiful rewards of love

Most of us know what your saying LSD. Substitute god with love and the preacher does preach.
"It is not I who has their eyes shut to the message of God. God never fails. God is eternal. God never dies."
You even capitalized the word love at the end of the first sentence, you cant fool us but I'm not sure if you haven't fooled yourself..
Blindman said:
Spot on with LSD's mind fahrenheit 451. :)

LSD you have a lot to learn about love. It does not come from a book, it comes naturally to all. Only an atheist can know the true meaning of love, we are not clouded with dogma. We are free to enjoy the bountiful rewards of love

Most of us know what your saying LSD. Substitute god with love and the preacher does preach.
"It is not I who has their eyes shut to the message of God. God never fails. God is eternal. God never dies."
You even capitalized the word love at the end of the first sentence, you cant fool us but I'm not sure if you haven't fooled yourself..

Am I to be called stupid because I preach the ressurection? That we may live in love for all time?


I can see is point, your not discussing anything are you, so your not adhearing to your part of the conversation which, make it a non-discussion, but instead listen everybody I am speaking, hear me preach.
every post you do, you crave attention.
if you carry on you will only alienate people.
which is exactly what you are doing, we find you obnoxious, and I say this with the full conviction I'm right.
there are a lot of religious people on this site and I'm sure they even are sick of you, you make them look bad. have you noticed there are less talking on these forums at the moment, well us atheist have.
yes it is a discussion forum but your not discussing, your telling.
here is a site where their all like you, they have all sorts of denominations to do battle with too.
go there you'll like it.

but dont forget the doctors on the way.
mis-t-highs said:
I can see is point, your not discussing anything are you, so your not adhearing to your part of the conversation which, make it a non-discussion, but instead listen everybody I am speaking, hear me preach.
every post you do, you crave attention.
if you carry on you will only alienate people.
which is exactly what you are doing, we find you obnoxious, and I say this with the full conviction I'm right.
there are a lot of religious people on this site and I'm sure they even are sick of you, you make them look bad. have you noticed there are less talking on these forums at the moment, well us atheist have.
yes it is a discussion forum but your not discussing, your telling.
here is a site where their all like you, they have all sorts of denominations to do battle with too.
go there you'll like it.
but dont forget the doctors on the way.

I am talking about the Christian faith in a religious forum. I have a personal view on it which is why I am using this forum to share my ideas. Religion is about faith and in my case, the Christian faith. This is what I am discussing. I am not seeking your approval. Who are you that I should seek your approval? And who are you to tell me to go to another forum. If you have a problem with me personally, please speak to the web master.


well said blindman fahrenheit and misty, he is not of this planet, but I do feel sorry for him, it must be hard being him.
c20H25N3o: I am talking about the Christian faith in a religious forum.
M*W: But this is NOT a christian forum. Therefore, we don't want to hear anymore of your witnessing.
c20: I have a personal view on it which is why I am using this forum to share my ideas.
M*W: Your ideas are NOT well-received on the Religion Forum.
c20: Religion is about faith and in my case, the Christian faith. This is what I am discussing.
M*W: No, you're wrong. There is MORE to the study of religion than faith. All you seem to write about is YOUR faith -- YOUR testimony.
c20: I am not seeking your approval. Who are you that I should seek your approval?
M*W: No, you're preaching incessantly and trying to convert the sciforums members. You preach repetitively. It may be interesting to you but not to the rest of us.
c20: And who are you to tell me to go to another forum. If you have a problem with me personally, please speak to the web master.
M*W: Perhaps you'd be happier there. The problem that I have and think other members have is that you believe YOUR FAITH to be the ultimate faith. Yet, you cannot back-up or document anything you BELIEVE ON FAITH, because you have not researched nor read anything but the Bible, and then you posts tons of scripture, which most of us have thoroughly read -- that's why most of us are atheists on the Religion Forum.

Firstly, in the meantime, I suggest you do some 'outside of the bible' reading about Paul, creation and evolution, and Jesus. There's enough on the Internet to give you a proper education.

Secondly, I suggest you browse through the other Forums on sciforums, you might be more educated or well-read in some of the other forums.

Thirdly, I would ask James R, our moderator, to relocate your preaching to the Cesspool, where your posts belong.
Personally I don't care if he does his little brainless preaching. We've all heard it before a gazillion times. It's like constantly watching a repeat of last weeks lottery, already knowing the result is utter bollocks.

However, what I do have issue with is the way he either

A) Cannot comprehend what a question is

B) Cannot understand how to answer a question

C) Can't read English


D) Cannot answer the questions, but can only preach.

If he answered the questions and then preached, it wouldn't be all that bad. Instead, he ignores every question and still preaches.

god might have taught him the rules of salvation, but he didn't teach him the rules concerning the almighty question mark.
c20H25N30 said:
Hell is always having to say you are sorry.
Hell is being told you are not worthy to live another day.
Hell is watching children be raped whilst you are a child yourself.
Hell is being raped.
Hell is being tortured.
Hell is having your children taken off you whilst the person snatching them sneers at your pain.
Hell is watching society and family structures crumble around you.
Hell is feeling powerless to stop evil from happening.
Hell is an absence of love.

God is love. Jesus overcame the powers of Hell on the Cross. The powers of Hell were unleashed fully upon Him which is why He cried "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me." As I said, Hell is an absense of love and God is love. But even in all that blackness, all that pain. all that suffering, all that injustice, there was still a light. That Light was in Jesus and that Light was Jesus, for inside of Jesus' heart there was love for man and there was love for God - "Father forgive them because they do not know what it is they are doing"
Because God accepted Jesus as a pure sacrifice, we are washed clean by the blood of His Lamb.
Hell is always having to say you are sorry - something I was taught to do at Sunday school - to always feel guilty.
Hell is being told you are not worthy to live another day - something I was frequently told at Sunday school, and believe me I have not had the worst kinds of religious education, as suffered by the previous generation, particularly in Ireland (but which may be still going on today for all I know).
Hell is watching children be raped whilst you are a child yourself - as practiced very often by priests forced into an unnatural and unscriptural celibacy.
Hell is being raped - see above.
Hell is being tortured - again, something specialised in by people of a religious disposition; the Inquisition; Witch-burning, the list goes on and on.
Hell is having your children taken off you whilst the person snatching them sneers at your pain - again something religion has done for centuries to people it considered unworthy for whatever reason (now performed by social services).
Hell is watching society and family structures crumble around you. (That is true - I can't blame religion for that).
Hell is feeling powerless to stop evil from happening - particularly when you're constantly told that "God is love", and yet never, ever, ever shows it. compare 26 Dec.
Hell is an absence of love - or a ban on giving or receiving love for the sole reason that you prefer to express love to people of the same sex (or someone of a different race).