Hell for Nonbelievers

c20 said:
I thought I might try my hand at Hell is...

Hell is always having to say you are sorry.
Hell is being told you are not worthy to live another day.
Hell is watching children be raped whilst you are a child yourself.
Hell is instigated by god.
Hell is being raped.
Hell is condoned by god.
Hell is being tortured.
Hell is sanctioned by god.
Hell is having your children taken off you whilst the person snatching them sneers at your pain.
Hell is watching society and family structures crumble around you.
Hell is feeling powerless to stop evil from happening.
Hell is an absence of love.
HELL!, is the devil,god.
and all brought to you by your friendly, loving, all powerful god.!
pavlosmarcos said:
and all brought to you by your friendly, loving, all powerful god.!

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

pavlosmarcos, you make a grave mistake by despising the one who made you.

God's intentions are always good. He is patient with everyone. Waiting for them to seek Him. God is Spirit. He cannot be seen. He is like the wind. A Father to us all. Yet we do not see this because we are blinded by the world. We have taken the gift and negated the giver. We love our own selves and feel self sufficient yet we cannot escape death. While we may think 80 years is enough, it will never be enough for the love you have concerning your family and friends. That kind of thing is imperishable. Eternal life is ours by grace. We could not earn grace. It is a free gift. Jesus paid for it. For our sakes.


c20H25N3o: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
M*W: Don't you realize that the God of Genesis was Aten, the Sun God? It was the sun that created the heavens and earth -- not some supernatural entity.
c20: you make a grave mistake by despising the one who made you.
M*W: I don't think any of us truly despise our parents for creating us, or hating evolution for evolving us to the status of the God of Humanity. Nothing would be here without the sun -- the ONLY CREATOR!
c20: God's intentions are always good. He is patient with everyone. Waiting for them to seek Him. God is Spirit. He cannot be seen. He is like the wind. A Father to us all. Yet we do not see this because we are blinded by the world. We have taken the gift and negated the giver. We love our own selves and feel self sufficient yet we cannot escape death. While we may think 80 years is enough, it will never be enough for the love you have concerning your family and friends. That kind of thing is imperishable. Eternal life is ours by grace. We could not earn grace. It is a free gift. Jesus paid for it. For our sakes.
M*W: Explain God's 'intentions.' Explain God's 'patience.' Explain why you think God is Spirit. Explain why your God cannot be 'seen.' Explain what you mean by 'blinded by the world.' You're decidedly right -- 80 years is not enough time between family and friends. That's why we grieve when someone we love departs. Explain and provide evidence of eternal life, and those you know who attained eternal life following death. c20, if you document these questions with proof, you would probably convert everyone on sciforums! All we ask for is the evidence.
Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
M*W: Don't you realize that the God of Genesis was Aten, the Sun God? It was the sun that created the heavens and earth -- not some supernatural entity.
c20: you make a grave mistake by despising the one who made you.
M*W: I don't think any of us truly despise our parents for creating us, or hating evolution for evolving us to the status of the God of Humanity. Nothing would be here without the sun -- the ONLY CREATOR!
c20: God's intentions are always good. He is patient with everyone. Waiting for them to seek Him. God is Spirit. He cannot be seen. He is like the wind. A Father to us all. Yet we do not see this because we are blinded by the world. We have taken the gift and negated the giver. We love our own selves and feel self sufficient yet we cannot escape death. While we may think 80 years is enough, it will never be enough for the love you have concerning your family and friends. That kind of thing is imperishable. Eternal life is ours by grace. We could not earn grace. It is a free gift. Jesus paid for it. For our sakes.
M*W: Explain God's 'intentions.' Explain God's 'patience.' Explain why you think God is Spirit. Explain why your God cannot be 'seen.' Explain what you mean by 'blinded by the world.' You're decidedly right -- 80 years is not enough time between family and friends. That's why we grieve when someone we love departs. Explain and provide evidence of eternal life, and those you know who attained eternal life following death. c20, if you document these questions with proof, you would probably convert everyone on sciforums! All we ask for is the evidence.

Jesus came as a human being, was crucified and was ressurected. This should be enough for you.


pavlosmarcos is an atheist, I dont think he cares. how can you despise that which does not exist.
you cannot be harmed by "nothing", there is no power in nothing.

there are I believe over 600 evil deeds directly and indirectly caused by god and about 200 good deeds, in the kjb.
everything said has been researched I suggest you do the same.

oh and stop, for you god sake, trying to impress upon us the error in our ways.
we all came to our conclusion though study, we want to be where we are and who we are, we are not sheep, we dont have a shepard, and dont need one. thank you.
c20H25N3o: Jesus came as a human being, was crucified and was ressurected. This should be enough for you.
M*W: Sorry, it's not, because PAUL WROTE THIS -- not Jesus -- and Paul is not a credible source.
fahrenheit 451 said:
pavlosmarcos is an atheist, I dont think he cares. how can you despise that which does not exist.
you cannot be harmed by "nothing", there is no power in nothing.

there are I believe over 600 evil deeds directly and indirectly caused by god and about 200 good deeds, in the kjb.
everything said has been researched I suggest you do the same.

oh and stop, for you god sake, trying to impress upon us the error in our ways.
we all came to our conclusion though study, we want to be where we are and who we are, we are not sheep, we dont have a shepard, and dont need one. thank you.

If you know you are right, I will be nothing more than an annoying fly in the summer. Just brush me aside.


c20H25N3o: Jesus came as a human being, was crucified and was ressurected. This should be enough for you.
M*W: Whazzamata, you can't provide evidence or answer my questions? Then you have no evidence nor can you answer my questions. You're copping out as usual, answering a question with a question. What a lousy christian witness you are! The reason you can't answer is because you don't have the truth nor proof. Why are you wasting our time with your worthless preaching?
Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: Jesus came as a human being, was crucified and was ressurected. This should be enough for you.
M*W: Whazzamata, you can't provide evidence or answer my questions? Then you have no evidence nor can you answer my questions. You're copping out as usual, answering a question with a question. What a lousy christian witness you are! The reason you can't answer is because you don't have the truth nor proof. Why are you wasting our time with your worthless preaching?

God is in my heart. He came to be there when I allowed Him in. He is wonderful. I came to share His love.


c20H25N3o: God is in my heart. He came to be there when I allowed Him in. He is wonderful. I came to share His love.
M*W: Again, YOU DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! No one gives a rat's ass what you delude to be in your heart. We want evidence. We want proof. If you are truly a christian, then you should have plenty of answers and multitudes of evidence. Let's hear it. If you avoid another post questioning your religion, then you obviously are a liar -- just like Paul.
Medicine Woman:
M*W: Again, YOU DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! No one gives a rat's ass what you delude to be in your heart. We want evidence. We want proof. If you are truly a christian, then you should have plenty of answers and multitudes of evidence. Let's hear it. If you avoid another post questioning your religion, then you obviously are a liar -- just like Paul.
Don't you ever get tired of being a pestering fly for other pestering flies?
gendanken: Medicine Woman: Don't you ever get tired of being a pestering fly for other pestering flies?
M*W: NEVER! As long as christianity exists, I will always be the pestering fly in their holy ointment.
Medicine Woman:
M*W: NEVER! As long as christianity exists, I will always be the pestering fly in their holy ointment.

Nice to think about, but you're up against a wad of cotton.
Had a talk with mother once (an ignorant, Christian cow) and tried to show her the lunacy of immaculate conception.
Know what I saw an hour later?
A life lesson.

Emotional beliefs cannot be toppled with reason, reason is nothing to a wad of cotton.

"You're up against a condition, an illness, a something that can't be changed by talking, screaming, or beating it.

What are you doing?"-g

I told this to a leftist liberal here who somehow thinks his rage is effective or conducive to change in a state where reason is a non-thing.
THe irony is that the only people who have to worry about going to hell are the religious nutters who actually believe in it.

Atheist know that there is no after life, they are smart enough to understand that religious dogma is aimed at the childish weak willed people who cant think for them selves and perpetuated by an institution of power hungry maniacs.

An atheist is completely at ease with death and do not burden them self with mythical after life. Death is the end, the eternal darkness devoid of consciousness. WE know that our conscious mind (soul) can't be traded, owned or corrupted, that it ceases to exist when your brain dies.

Atheists are free of sin. Atheist are nether evil nor good. Atheist can't be corrupted, we are the free self confident expression of modern culture. As the world of man becomes more educated the absurd magical fantasies of the power hungry religious organizations will be exposed naked to the wonderful power of the intelligence and reason.
right on, blindman, right on, well said.

M*W: I can almost see c20, standing there and saying, must put my truth deflectors on, must go into politician mode, and answer question with question. must become a bricklayer and build a wall. you can see him put cotton wall in his ears, hold his hands over his ears, and shout la la la I cant hear you la la la.
mind you there almost all the same, these fundis.
fahrenheit 451 said:
right on, blindman, right on, well said.

M*W: I can almost see c20, standing there and saying, must put my truth deflectors on, must go into politician mode, and answer question with question. must become a bricklayer and build a wall. you can see him put cotton wall in his ears, hold his hands over his ears, and shout la la la I cant hear you la la la.
mind you there almost all the same, these fundis.

It is not I who has their eyes shut to the message of Love. Love never fails. Love is eternal. Love never dies. I am that I am.


nobody has shut there eyes to love, they shut there eyes to an imaginary lover.

but we are sick of your constant preaching , your not listening,(ie we dont need saving ) and you incessant avoidances of answers, and not providing evidence for any of your claims.
who gives a running f@*#, whether you are who you f@*#ing are, just do the right thing, after all your a frigging xian.
just dont preach.
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fahrenheit 451 said:
nobody has shut there eyes to love, they shut there eyes to an imaginary lover.

but we are sick of your constant preaching , your not listening,(ie we dont need saving ) and you incessant avoidances of answers, and not providing evidence for any of your claims.
who gives a running f@*#, whether you are who you f@*#ing are, just do the right thing, after all your a frigging xian.
answer dont preach.

You are asking me to provide evidence of love. Love just is and is plain to see. I just happen to believe that love is eternal and that those who live in love are to be ressurected from the dead, to live in love forever.

I hold faith to these words of The Holy Scriptures and these words I provide you as evidence. It is up to you whether you believe them or not. I cannot force you to drink them in and rejoice in them as I do.

Revelation 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. KJV


WTF there is something seriously wrong with you,
fah said:
nobody has shut there eyes to love, they shut there eyes to an imaginary lover.
c20 said:
You are asking me to provide evidence of love.

nobody ask you to provide evidence of love, we know that.
fah said:
but we are sick of your constant preaching , your not listening,(ie we dont need saving ) and you incessant avoidances of answers, and not providing evidence for any of your claims.
who gives a running f@*#, whether you are who you f@*#ing are, just do the right thing, after all your a frigging xian.
just dont preach.
and there you go preaching for f@*# sake, man. go see a doctor pleaseeeeeeeee, you sick in the head.