
KennyJC said:
1 Knowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account based on fact; a blur of fact and fancy.

2. a. Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.
b. A real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case.
c. Something believed to be true or real: a document laced with mistaken facts.

3. A thing that has been done, especially a crime: an accessory before the fact.

And that proves that there's no life after death how exactly? My point is that no one can prove what happens after you die... until it happens. If you can prove what happens, though, then I'm all ears.
ggazoo said:
And that proves that there's no life after death how exactly? My point is that no one can prove what happens after you die... until it happens. If you can prove what happens, though, then I'm all ears.

Collective suicide is a great idea ! :cool:
ggazoo said:
And that proves that there's no life after death how exactly? My point is that no one can prove what happens after you die... until it happens. If you can prove what happens, though, then I'm all ears.

There is nothing even remotely suspicious about it. Baseless fantasy is the only thing that makes people like you think or hope otherwise.
fear of death, is why ancient nomads created heavens. Control of the masses is why ancient nomads created hell. These are just tools to manipulate behavior. If you do as we say, and we talk to god, you'll go to heaven, if you don't heed our word, you'll go to hell.

Simple as that really.
KennyJC said:
There is nothing even remotely suspicious about it. Baseless fantasy is the only thing that makes people like you think or hope otherwise.

Again, your opinion. Like I said before, you can't prove that there isn't no more than I can prove that there is. What annoys me (or amuses me) is that your stating things like there are fact. Truth is, no one will know until they die.

Godless said:
fear of death, is why ancient nomads created heavens. Control of the masses is why ancient nomads created hell. These are just tools to manipulate behavior. If you do as we say, and we talk to god, you'll go to heaven, if you don't heed our word, you'll go to hell.

Simple as that really.

Not that this will change your mind, but:

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Again, your opinion. Like I said before, you can't prove that there isn't no more than I can prove that there is. What annoys me (or amuses me) is that your stating things like there are fact.

Alas, his opinion is instantly the more valid one.

You cannot prove that there is no such thing as an invisible, banjo playing, 300 foot long, omnipotent banana sundae floating above the Grand Canyon, and I cannot prove there is.

However, until such time where there is valid evidence to suggest the existence of an invisible, banjo playing, 300 foot long, omnipotent banana sundae floating above the Grand Canyon, it can be regarded as nothing more than mere fantasy.

We can all wish and hope that it were real, but that does not change anything. As a course of sanity, it has to remain on the shelf of fiction until such time where there is valid reason to think otherwise.

The evidence concerning death right now is that well.. you die and rot. There is no evidence for any part of you being able to then stand up and do it all over again, in any way, shape or form. "You" decay. Anything other than that has no valid basis in argument.
you reveal a very limited capacity of understanding where tings re at snakelord.
for a kick off, consciousness is not understood. if you can show me ze evidence do it, but you will further reveal your lack of grasping where things are at in that field.......s let me translate you. your WORLD VIEW you have CHOSEN is that we 'rot and die'..........well, yeah. obviously......and? what is MEANING. what does that philosophy actually do for people?.....if i may summarize. i understand tere to be these stream of understanding from our past.........the oldest, that reality is cyclic and is both spiritual and material......
then we have a bullying mindset which beliefes in a sky-god and 'his' subjugation of Nature and pople who believe oter than 'he'........
then when that is dispensed with we get materialistic science which is nihilistic, twlling people it is proven they are glorified computerwhose only purpose is to consume, try get fame, prestige, and success and then rot and die

no continity. no respect for Earth andits cycles. no respect for subtle forms of experience. for after all they can't be measured -'YET'- so are 'obviously woo woo, or mentally ill'

this religion is a recipe for utter alienation from DEPTH
Again, your opinion. Like I said before, you can't prove that there isn't no more than I can prove that there is. What annoys me (or amuses me) is that your stating things like there are fact. Truth is, no one will know until they die.

The definition of the word 'fact' directly sums up death. Death is a fact, life after death is not. If I can not prove we go to heaven or hell, I can also not prove that the universe is a sphere juggled by a pink elephant with the head of George W Bush.

Either conclusion is 100% unlikely.

Consider that all your thoughts, personality, memories are a unique and intricate pattern of billions of neuron cells. Without that, you can not exist in any sort of form we call life. Why do you think you did not exist before birth? A before-life is equally as plausible (going by your skewed fantasy) as an after-life, yet we have proof a before-life doesn't exist. Because we all once never existed in a form we can call life, and we will not exist in any form we call life after death.
it's impossible for me to die... i am life... only bodies and persons die... i am omnipresent too... i... christ... the self... exists in you all... and "i will be with you until the end of the world"... without life... there is no world...
you reveal a very limited capacity of understanding where tings re at snakelord.

Although in general I would consider telling someone else that they have 'very limited capacity of understanding' a rather impolite way of conducting a discussion, when it comes down to your posts I will have to concur - because, as always, they are illegible.

However, I shall try my best with my very limited understanding as long as you don't start babbling on about mushrooms and the illuminati. Agreed?

your WORLD VIEW you have CHOSEN is that we 'rot and die'

Wrong. What I have 'chosen' is that when I die, I instantly come back to life on a planet full of 60 gazillion gorgeous blond women that all want to suck my cock.

Choice is irrelevant here Duendy. My post made mention of evidence, not choice. The available "evidence" shows that people die and then rot. There is no evidence that the dead get up and start walking, talking or whatever else the living do. There is no evidence that once you die you ever live again in any way, shape or form. As a result of that, any claim that you do is without any worth whatsoever.

So quick to judge my understanding capacity, when you didn't even understand what my post was about. Next time I would ask that you take some time to read my post before responding to it.

what is MEANING. what does that philosophy actually do for people?

Whatever it 'does' for people is irrelevant. It is what the evidence shows. Look, nobody is asking you to follow the evidence. If you would prefer to dream up an afterlife where you're a rock star, or a sexual dynamo, or simply floating around on clouds with your loved ones then feel free. It is of no consequence to my post.

i understand tere to be these stream of understanding from our past.........the oldest, that reality is cyclic and is both spiritual and material......

Great, so ancient people mentioned spirits and such. The only thing needed now is evidence - and alas, there is none. As such any claims to anything of this nature are without worth.

no continity. no respect for Earth andits cycles. no respect for subtle forms of experience. for after all they can't be measured -'YET'- so are 'obviously woo woo, or mentally ill'

Respect and mentally ill are of no relevance to my post - which states without evidence to show a claim to be plausible, it remains as fantasy. Science might one day find evidence for an invisible, banjo playing, 300 foot long, omnipotent banana sundae floating above the Grand Canyon, and then I will say I am wrong, but until that time any claim that this does indeed exist is based on nothing more than personal want, and a lot of hot air.

Anyway, I thank you for the quick insult and the entirely irrelevant response to my post.
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c7ityi_ said:
it's impossible for me to die... i am life... only bodies and persons die... i am omnipresent too... i... christ... the self... exists in you all... and "i will be with you until the end of the world"... without life... there is no world...

It is clear you think you are God. Nobody denies that is funny. It is as vague as it is irrelevant.

Fair enough if you think it is impossible to die, but on the day you die, you will no longer have the ability to decide want you want to eat for breakfast.

My version of death means the end of my memories and my personality. Wether I'm reincarnated or end up in heaven, if I don't know about it, it is irrelevant. A universe of 15 billion years, and I have only been aware of 23 years and 6 months of it. What comes before and after life is irrelevant to me.
KennyJC said:
It is clear you think you are God.

the self is god, not "me", not "c7ityi_".

Fair enough if you think it is impossible to die, but on the day you die, you will no longer have the ability to decide want you want to eat for breakfast.

i don't eat breakfast. of course this body (and "person") will die but "i" will not die. i will just wake up in another body. the self is within all things.

Don't think i believe this because i want to live forever. if i would stop existing when the body dies, i would kill it instantly. it's annoying, stupid, sad, lonely, scary etc for me to exist, why would i want that? what point is there in living? non-existence would be fucking paradise. i know it can't be attained so easily, but some way it has to be possible.

My version of death means the end of my memories and my personality.

c'mon. that's what happens in my version too.

A universe of 15 billion years, and I have only been aware of 23 years and 6 months of it.

you have always existed existed. don't you see, we're exactly the same thing, just in different bodies, so we appear to be different. besides, the universe isn't 15 billion years old, it has always existed.
* besides, the universe isn't 15 billion years old, it has always existed.

Damn if that be the only thing I agree with. As for the rest of your post. Delusional at best.

SnakeLord said:
Although in general I would consider telling someone else that they have 'very limited capacity of understanding' a rather impolite way of conducting a discussion, when it comes down to your posts I will have to concur - because, as always, they are illegible.

However, I shall try my best with my very limited understanding as long as you don't start babbling on about mushrooms and the illuminati. Agreed?

me))))))errr yeaaaah, like i said: 'VERY limited capacity...'!

Wrong. What I have 'chosen' is that when I die, I instantly come back to life on a planet full of 60 gazillion gorgeous blond women that all want to suck my cock.

me))))))didn'tmean that and you know it. you have chosen the materialistic science propaganda. even tho--listen up---there is NO evidence for such assertions. None

Choice is irrelevant here Duendy. My post made mention of evidence, not choice. The available "evidence" shows that people die and then rot. There is no evidence that the dead get up and start walking, talking or whatever else the living do. There is no evidence that once you die you ever live again in any way, shape or form. As a result of that, any claim that you do is without any worth whatsoever.

me))))))of course organisms die and rot and make compost. that IS natrual. i mean if we DIDN'T it would be horror wouldn't it?no space, even less resources than we have on tis already overcrowded planet.
But what death MEANS is HOT know. what this prcess MEANS is not known. ie., theproces of life death and regeneration is not known by sciende. it THINKS it knows and has creates a nihilistic philosophy around it, but that is ALL it is. that shows in your rather cold joyless tone....you are all matter and no spirit

So quick to judge my understanding capacity, when you didn't even understand what my post was about. Next time I would ask that you take some time to read my post before responding to it.

me)))))understand it well sire

Whatever it 'does' for people is irrelevant. It is what the evidence shows. Look, nobody is asking you to follow the evidence. If you would prefer to dream up an afterlife where you're a rock star, or a sexual dynamo, or simply floating around on clouds with your loved ones then feel free. It is of no consequence to my post.

me)))))donwanna BE a silly rock star, sexual dynamo, or floating round on clouds. is that as far as your imagination gos...??....we are implying that Nature is entient, meanig Nature is living. and tis organism is a process of life death and regeneration. a sacred process, NOT the nihilistic meaningless trip you'll materialists claim it to be via your limited capacity of understanding

Great, so ancient people mentioned spirits and such. The only thing needed now is evidence - and alas, there is none. As such any claims to anything of this nature are without worth.

me))))))sheeeesh..posiTiVIST or what? tho of course you are free to live such a shallow existence

Respect and mentally ill are of no relevance to my post - which states without evidence to show a claim to be plausible, it remains as fantasy. Science might one day find evidence for an invisible, banjo playing, 300 foot long, omnipotent banana sundae floating above the Grand Canyon, and then I will say I am wrong, but until that time any claim that this does indeed exist is based on nothing more than personal want, and a lot of hot air.

me))your REALIGION dear boyyyy is nihilism

Anyway, I thank you for the quick insult and the entirely irrelevant response to my post.
maybe the onl irrelevance is the sad fact you are so engrossed in your gross science trip you will live your life as a 2d cut out.
you have chosen the materialistic science propaganda. even tho--listen up---there is NO evidence for such assertions. None

No evidence for what assertions?

But what death MEANS is HOT know.

O...k, now I know what death means.. but uhh what does this sentence mean?

that shows in your rather cold joyless tone....you are all matter and no spirit

Considering there is no evidence of 'spirit', (other than vodka etc), I will concur with you.

donwanna BE a silly rock star, sexual dynamo, or floating round on clouds. is that as far as your imagination gos...??....

My apologies. Those were just a couple of examples, had I have known we were conducting an 'imagination competition' I would have tried a lot harder. Tell you what, I'll get my imagination to the level you require it to be, if you can get your English to any level above that of a 5 year old. Deal?

we are implying that Nature is entient, meanig Nature is living. and tis organism is a process of life death and regeneration. a sacred process, NOT the nihilistic meaningless trip you'll materialists claim it to be via your limited capacity of understanding

While that's certainly very interesting Duendy, it is of no relevance to my post. Shall I assume your ability to read is as dire as your ability to write?

sheeeesh..posiTiVIST or what? tho of course you are free to live such a shallow existence

So the minute someone asks for evidence they're living a shallow existence? Okie dokie.

me))your REALIGION dear boyyyy is nihilism

Well, you'd certainly know more about me than I would. I thank you for informing me. Was there any relevance to my post?

maybe the onl irrelevance is the sad fact you are so engrossed in your gross science trip you will live your life as a 2d cut out.


P.S Send me a pm if you'd like to learn how to use the quote function.
SnakeLord said:
No evidence for what assertions?

me)))wakey waaakKAY!!! that 'it' is 'just' 'work and death' and 'that's it'. that is ypur subjective ontological belief you and yer cronies impose on one an all cause yer science book tells yer so

O...k, now I know what death means.. but uhh what does this sentence mean?

me))))actually the following sentence made it clear, but you believe you are so very very cleverpointin out my typose....power hey? does it feel good? ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Considering there is no evidence of 'spirit', (other than vodka etc), I will concur with you.

me))))))no evidence. that is your religion's mantra. ahythin you cant jeasure wid yer little rulers is discounted .....wish you could dig what a sad sad trip yeron. tell me. is LOVE real?
can you measureit? how big isitthen?

My apologies. Those were just a couple of examples, had I have known we were conducting an 'imagination competition' I would have tried a lot harder. Tell you what, I'll get my imagination to the level you require it to be, if you can get your English to any level above that of a 5 year old. Deal?

me)))))))what wit.....phewwwww

While that's certainly very interesting Duendy, it is of no relevance to my post. Shall I assume your ability to read is as dire as your ability to write?

So the minute someone asks for evidence they're living a shallow existence? Okie dokie.

me)))))))evidenceabout WHAT?? about SPIRITUAL depth? of course yer soddin shallow ifyou apply the friggin limited sci method to T H A T. of bleeedin course yer shallah!!

Well, you'd certainly know more about me than I would. I thank you for informing me. Was there any relevance to my post?


P.S Send me a pm if you'd like to learn how to use the quote function.
do you feel reeeal smart saying that? just wondering
wakey waaakKAY!!! that 'it' is 'just' 'work and death' and 'that's it'. that is ypur subjective ontological belief you and yer cronies impose on one an all cause yer science book tells yer so

No Duendy, that's what all available evidence shows. To test it you can use humans, animals, insects, or trees and plants. Birth -> eat, sleep, and reproduction -> death and decay.

actually the following sentence made it clear, but you believe you are so very very cleverpointin out my typose....power hey? does it feel good? ahhhhhhhhhhhh

I know you would like to believe it's about power, when what it's actually about is your piss poor ability of typing in a manner where anyone can understand it. What does "But what death MEANS is HOT know" mean? It is not a legible sentence.

tell me. is LOVE real?
can you measureit?

Yes and yes. All you need to see love at work are your eyes, little more. Look at a person who is in love, it's quite obvious.

evidenceabout WHAT?? about SPIRITUAL depth? of course yer soddin shallow ifyou apply the friggin limited sci method to T H A T. of bleeedin course yer shallah!!

So, I would be less shallow if I made up something that I can in no way corroborate? What for exactly.. the mere sake of it?

do you feel reeeal smart saying that? just wondering

Offering help? No actually, I offered for purely selfish motives - namely that I'd finally be able to read your post.
SnakeLord said:
No Duendy, that's what all available evidence shows. To test it you can use humans, animals, insects, or trees and plants. Birth -> eat, sleep, and reproduction -> death and decay.

me)))))pand i have already said...YE we all DO live and decay and die. i am not disagreeing with you there. clear?...of course we do, and we make good compost which feeds further life and on and on.
what i DISAGREE with you about is yur interpretation of this process as being UNsentient and without meaning. ...is THIS clear to you?
so i preempt yer inevitable 'wheres zee evidence' reponse. well we could look at the current explorations about CONSCIOUSNESS ala philosophy and cognitive science -called the Hard Problem (David Chalmers), we could look at NDE reports. NOT t create a religion of floating souls in thearms of Jesus type thing,but what is it meaning the ense of consciousness seemingly able to be aware out of the body-system...please don't pretend you know about this in and out....??
we could look at modern consciousness research--whereexpriential reports from people having undergone psychedelic psychotherapy and non-psychedelic techniques such as 'Holotropic Breathing' also point to dimensions ofbein not accepted by materialistic science but nevertheless seemingly real to those who experience them....
we might research about pre-atriarchal ideas via mythology, and insights into te sentience of Nature and their whole dfferent worldview regarding life,death and regeneration and RESPECT for community and Nature and peoples expression of their own unique depths, thus respecting M E A N I N G...??

I know you would like to believe it's about power, when what it's actually about is your piss poor ability of typing in a manner where anyone can understand it. What does "But what death MEANS is HOT know" mean? It is not a legible sentence.

me))ohhh gawdy dont yer waste effort on trivialities

Yes and yes. All you need to see love at work are your eyes, little more. Look at a person who is in love, it's quite obvious.

me)))oh yes. and how is that. care to explain your subjective opinion?

So, I would be less shallow if I made up something that I can in no way corroborate? What for exactly.. the mere sake of it?

me))well you just did above. was it sooo hard to do?

Offering help? No actually, I offered for purely selfish motives - namely that I'd finally be able to read your post.
good reading
me)))))pand i have already said...YE we all DO live and decay and die. i am not disagreeing with you there. clear?

Absolutely, so what you talking to me for?

what i DISAGREE with you about is yur interpretation of this process as being UNsentient and without meaning. ...is THIS clear to you?

I guess it would be clear if you can show where I said anything of the sort. My post merely stated that there was no evidence to indicate an afterlife, and thus that what Kenny said had more validity than what ggazoo said.

However, as you have decided to engage me in some irrelevant off-topic drivel, what exactly are you claiming is sentient?

we could look at NDE reports. NOT t create a religion of floating souls in thearms of Jesus type thing,but what is it meaning the ense of consciousness seemingly able to be aware out of the body-system...please don't pretend you know about this in and out....??

Actually it's what I do. OOBE's and the old "I saw my life flash before my eyes", are seemingly little more than the brain's way to make death slightly more comfortable. Be honest here Duendy, if you get hit by a bus tomorrow how would you rather go out? Looking at your guts lying across a cold wet pavement soaked in your own blood or a vision of your loved ones in moments of happiness?

It is interesting to note that people on their way out do not have OOBE's if they're lying at home in bed. The only time people claim to have had OOBE's is after a seriously traumatic incident. Admittedly, few people that are going to die quietly in their sleep ever get saved as opposed to people that are sprawled in front of the traffic on the local high street, but to consider the event as a specific action caused by the brain to make death slightly more comfortable is certainly a better idea than to think it's a sign that you're going to spend eternity floating around the cosmos with a harp or that after 'actual' death there is anything at all to follow.

we could look at modern consciousness research--whereexpriential reports from people having undergone psychedelic psychotherapy... point to dimensions ofbein not accepted by materialistic science but nevertheless seemingly real to those who experience them....

In this instance the "psychadelic" says it all. As for 'holotropic breathing'.. It doesn't point to much. You can achieve a serene state of mind, (through many many different ways). I used to play that old band.. uhh.. you remember the one many years back now that played real funky kinda trip out music. Alas I forget the name - they were kinda like Enya. Anyway, people have become very relaxed - to a state where they have 'felt' their limbs leave their body. Of course the fact of the matter is that their limbs didn't go anywhere.

I once had this dream where I was being shot at by a gang of nasty people. I had no idea why they were shooting at me, and did a runner like any smart person would do. Eventually they found out where I lived and by the by I ended up getting shot. I woke up instantly, but found myself paralysed. I literally could not move. The reason I could not move had nothing to do with being shot, but with the chemicals that were working their way through my system. Meditation and other similar techniques also cause the release of certain chemicals that make a person feel a specific way. What we're talking here is chemistry, not inner beings.

me))ohhh gawdy dont yer waste effort on trivialities

I am truly shocked if you honestly consider typing correctly, (in a place where the only form of communication is via typing), as "trivial". I am still curious to know what; "But what death MEANS is HOT know" means.

me)))oh yes. and how is that. care to explain your subjective opinion?

Certainly. I suppose we should firstly clear up exactly what level of 'love' you would like to know more about. Love is a rather open word. We could mean love for our family, love for some material object, a sexual love and so on.

The way to understand people is to simply look at the body - how they move and what they do. I assume at some stage you have flirted with women and tried chatting them up. Did you see how they moved their heads, where they placed their hands, what they did with their feet? These are clear, and undeniable signs of how a person feels. I actually have a good night out often with friends just pointing out what other people want and feel. It can be rather amusing, and is simply unavoidable. We are animals Duendy, nothing more. Like animals, the majority of communication is not done verbally, but physically.

As an example: If you're talking to someone they will generally tilt their head in one direction. If they tilt their head backwards they consider themselves superior to you. Even dogs do it, (usually seen in the way they hold their tail and ears).

It is not subjective opinion, it's the way it is.

If you want to go through it in depth, I am more than happy to do so.