
i suggest the idea of heaven and hell originats for our species from actual psychological experience either with psychedelic experience, or by means such as visions which our culture would class as 'mental illness' or NDE', OBEs.

what is notable about the mystical schools, and Abrahamic religions, this individual experience has been made into a dogma of everlasting heaven or hell

does that cancel OUT awareness after death?.what would BE aware, ? your persona? persona means 'mask' ie, what you think is 'you'

does that mean i am speaking about a 'One'--asis believed by some Eastern beliefs? not really. maybe tere MAY be a form of unique but exanded awareness, and that isn't for ever but is a transitory state till forming....ie., consciusness is a continuum, which will include various states including death and regeneration, etc
I died once... and i passed threw the tunnel and i was floating in the light...

and i thought to myself.. "gee.. this is wierd... what am i doing here? i was just sitting in a chair...?"
so i tried to turn around and see the tunnel i just came out of, cause there was nothing else to look at except a vast volume of glowing yellowish white medium of somesort...

and as i turned around.. i remember a vague memory of seeing a tiny dot receeding at great speed...
and then.. all of a sudden i was back in my body, and the nurse was waving smelling salts in my face and asking my name...

well, some people try to make sense using actual words when they use a keyboard.
you, however, love to leave every third letter out of most words.
thats all.
good job, you have 2 in a row!!
The Devil Inside said:
well, some people try to make sense using actual words when they use a keyboard.
you, however, love to leave every third letter out of most words.
thats all.
good job, you have 2 in a row!!
hah....what i am more inter ested in is w h y you have changed the SUBJECT...!!
The Devil Inside said:
hey, all i said was that i was embarrassed that people attach us to the same lines of thinking.
yip i earrd ya. which was intended yto try and embrarrass the person your embarrased to be asociated with...plus to add insult to 'injury' to further humiliate them about spellin etc...........nice person hey? destined for heaven or hell? In heaven or hell? what would u say?

what will you do when them angels show ya on video what a snide so an so yo is...? huh?
when (if) i encounter an angel with a camcorder shot of my life, i will immediately put that angel in it's place, if it tries to lay a guilt trip on me.

angels are servants of G-d, and placed lower than humans, according to judeo-christian belief.

as for you trying to form a thought...stop. its not helping your case.
a quick translation for those who arent fluent in "duendyspeak":

duendy said:
yip (yep) i earrd (heard) ya (you). which was intended yto (to) try and embrarrass (embarrass) the person your (you're) embarrased to be asociated (associated) with...plus to add insult to 'injury' to further humiliate them about spellin (spelling) etc...........nice person hey? destined for heaven or hell? In heaven or hell? what would u (you) say?

what will you do when them angels show ya (you) on video what a snide (snyde) so an (and) so yo (you) is...? huh?

i apologize for not correcting the grammar, as it was kind of a trainwreck (as anyone with knowledge of the english language can see).
As we're on the subject of spelling, I must ask why you put a '-' in the middle of god. had a problem figuring out what letter was supposed to go there?
The Devil Inside said:
when (if) i encounter an angel with a camcorder shot of my life, i will immediately put that angel in it's place, if it tries to lay a guilt trip on me.

angels are servants of G-d, and placed lower than humans, according to judeo-christian belief.

as for you trying to form a thought...stop. its not helping your case.
youu stop.......look, yer showin limited imagination. yes yer being a prick now but with maybe a glass of wine you might might mellow...change of consiousness you see
now. have you read anythin bout NDEs......................?
if you have you know tat usully individual is sucked inot a tunnel and is surrounded b deep feeling of love. now d u amit that'd be change of consciousness?.,,,,,cause it fukin wud right?
then say you see vid of you being a complete prat....what then?
Note to god,
It has come to my attention that some angels have been issued camcorders to my knowledge my angels have not received camcorders please redress this discriminatory action ASP.

I assume that what duendy is referring to is the life review in reincarnation theories.
the "-" is there because i dont feel myself worthy to spell the word out, as i am a human.

and duendy...you are making assumptions about things you have no idea of. like i said, if an "angel" comes near me with his camcorder shot of my life, putting a guilt trip on me better be the last of it's worries. G-d has placed us above all creations, including angels. i would kick the angel back to it's service post. if conviction comes, it will be at the hand of the Ancient of Days.

i agree with candy...i think ALL angels should get camcorders, if SOME do...its only fair.
the "-" is there because i dont feel myself worthy to spell the word out, as i am a human.

Personally I fail to see why. god is not a name, it's a species classification. "I am the lord your god", "don't worship other gods" etc.. His name, (to a jewish person), would be yhwh, to an ancient nord; odin, and so on. Ok, I still fail to see where worthiness comes into saying or not saying someone's name, but even less so when referring to a species.
The heavens... are space and all that is in it... (acording to genesis)

today... we can see it all... and now we contemplate what is outside space...

I,.e.. the God plane... true Heaven.

SnakeLord said:
Personally I fail to see why. god is not a name, it's a species classification. "I am the lord your god", "don't worship other gods" etc.. His name, (to a jewish person), would be yhwh, to an ancient nord; odin, and so on. Ok, I still fail to see where worthiness comes into saying or not saying someone's name, but even less so when referring to a species.

its just a matter of respect for what i hold sacred, SnakeLord.
The Devil Inside said:
the "-" is there because i dont feel myself worthy to spell the word out, as i am a human.

and duendy...you are making assumptions about things you have no idea of.

me)))))hahQ EYE am making assumptions...???????carry on...

like i said, if an "angel" comes near me with his camcorder shot of my life, putting a guilt trip on me better be the last of it's worries.

me))))UUUUUU whyyy, whatchagonna dooooo....???

G-d has placed us above all creations, including angels. i would kick the angel back to it's service post. if conviction comes, it will be at the hand of the Ancient of Days.

me)))oh ek, another ' the ancient of days' freak.....so WHOSE makin assumptions NOW then? where do yo get all this BS from?..errrrm, let me guess. oh yeah, i remember, now. Steiner right? Anthroposophy, yeah?no? where then? whats ya religion??....come on open up, andlets examine it. but try and stay cool

i agree with candy...i think ALL angels should get camcorders, if SOME do...its only fair.
they dont need em they got other shit...of cpurse, i dont know this fo sure
Mosheh Thezion said:
Yes... heaven exists... The God plane.. where God lives...

God who applied the energy for creation.



Soo the greys stole our Earth-Core?