Have you seen U.F.O.'s?


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Have you?
I am being very honest.
I have.
I was in Kelowna B.C. Canada

With a freind.
Keep this short and simple.........We saw about 25-30 of these silver disc shaped crafts up in the air over the city.
That's fucked up in any way you look at it.

Actually I can't think about it to much cause it fucks me up.
Just thought this was an obvious thread.
Peace Out

Any one else have the fortune/misfortune of seeing U.F.O.'s?
If i did i would be on a local news station in Alabama right now telling a reporter my tale.
Unless I had proof like a video image I just don't think it would help in any circumstances.
This is a very unstable subject for me.
Just a question sargent....If you ever did see U.f.O.'s, would it change your daily routine at all significantly or would you just try and continue with what you were already doing?

Because if I focus on the reality of it, it truly does have an influence on how I see everyone and everything.
However I am able to rationalize with myself that because I did not actually see alien beings, that these crafts could indeed be created by humans.

Oh well, as long as they don't fuck with me or my family.
Trying to be somewhat humourous on this subject.
Peace Out.
Yes, I've seen a couple of UFOs. I don't believe they were alien spacecraft, though.
A UFO is literally an "Unidentified Flying Object". I have seen objects in the sky which I haven't been able to identify, so I don't jump to conclusions about them.

I suspect one was an ultralight aircraft of some kind. Another might have been a helicopter. But in both cases, I don't know. That's why they are unidentified.
Moementum7, I don't know if it will make you feel better, but it is
often said that 95% of UFO sightings are mis-identifications of some
natural objects or events. Maybe yours could fall into this catagory.
There is growing belief that a lot more are "black projects" of the US government, possibly CIA or NSA. Most of these are thought to be
of the triangular shape, both the huge triangle and the more
modest sized ones. If you feel like telling exactly what you saw,
maybe someone could help with an idea of what it was. For instance,
was it daylight or dark, near sunup or sunset? Light reflecting off a
flock of birds near daybreak or sunset has tricked people before,
for example. Were you close enough to make out a disk shape for
certain? Were they stationary, moving slowly, moving erratically,
or how? You don't have to give details if you don't want to, of course.
Originally posted by moementum7

However I am able to rationalize with myself that because I did not actually see alien beings, that these crafts could indeed be created by humans.

or maybe a natural phenomenon chief, People dont just say its hot gasses or whatever to cover things up, most of the time an explanation has a good deal of truth to the idea
The bottom line is none of you know me.So I do not expect any of you to beleive me.Espeacially on a subject like this.

It was daytime.Perhaps 11:30am. A nice clear blue sky no clouds at all. Walking along a suburbanite road.When something grabbed my attention up in the sky. We were on the outside of the city on a higher level than the city.A very good veiw of the city and surroundings.

I looked up to see what I first identified as bubbles. You know how bubbles look when in the sunlight, obviously round but with a shiny top,the reflection of the sun.

Since there were two children aprox. 50 feet in front of us I automatically assumed it to be bubbles.
But immediately the movement of the objects were not natural.
What I mean is, they were not flowing in the wind with natural movements.

This is when reality slapped me in the face as to what it was I was seeing.There were at least 25-35 of these crafts up in the air all moving in formation, almost in the shape of an hourglass.

I stopped in awe and said to my freind "what the hell is that?!
My freind said"I don't know....a bunch of aliens that are smaller than us?"
We were at the top of our driveway and stood there for at least what I think was another thirty seconds.My freind then proceeded to continue walking in to the house with out saying a word.I continued to stare at the objects in complete awe.

It is the strangest thing to watch something move that you have no references for.Nothing at all.Just blank stare. taking it all in.

I could not say anything, I looked back at the kids playing at the base of a light post with something on the ground.

I looked back up at the objects which I beleive were at least the size of vehicles. At a relative distance they appeared to be aprox. 1 centimeter in diameter if that makes sense.
If you hold your arm out at arms length ,and make the length of a cm between two fingers ,this was about how large they appeared 3/4's of a cm to be exact but anyways.

I stood there waching these things continue to move in there formation.....Until I finally denied it to myself that this was actually happening.I turned and began walking towards the house saying to myself.."theres just no way.....theres just no way" basically repeating this to myself over and over as I went into the house.
As I was about to shut the door when I said to myself one last time but out loud"theres just no way!" I ran back up to the end of the driveway to see the impossible and guess what. No fricking way right?
They were gone.
That the part that messes me up the most.
Like they knew they were being watched.But as if they could know this right?

Anyways I was messed up for about the next half hour trying to integrate what I just saw into trying to be normal, like what I was like before I saw them. Sounds strange I know.I wasn't sure if I should be excited,scared or what.

They were the color of silver mirror chrome.In the shape of a disc,the classic shape of ufo's. And there was a force feild around them.The force feild sounds corny I know, but it was there.

That's why I thought they were bubbles at first. Bubbles with the shiny tops of sun reflecting on them.nope.

The way they were able to move in the air was awesome now that I think about it.So smooth.Unaffected by any outside influences. solid,smooth mechanical movements.So steady, and they all moved in such an order like they all knew where the other crafts were at the same time. Like they were all peices of the same machine.

If I hadn't seen them with somebody else I would probly never tell anyone about this.
Peace Out

P.S. No matter how many times you might hear of stories like this,like me you can not beleive it until you see it for your self.
I know what I used to think of other people telling these same stories before I myself had seen them.
And I even strongly beleived in the possibilty of other intelligent life, and I still thought they might be crazy.

I have seen so called Fo-fighter , orange ball doing all sorts of crazy stuff on the clear night sky ;) I 'm affraid that's it ;) no more sightseeings from me
There is a sense of honesty in your story that is convincing to me(and refreshing actually).
I believe you saw what you saw.
Don't know what it could be.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is a sense of honesty in your story that is convincing to me(and refreshing actually).
I believe you saw what you saw.
Don't know what it could be.

I've read some books relating on the UFO subject and I have some idea what it could be , nevertheless I cant be sure of it , at this point I can just say that the "thruth is out there" ;) I have heared that that kind of phenomena is common in some places in my country (Croatia) , I know a few people (who are in the army) who say that there is one place where such ufo's can be seen daily on more occasions , I still havent checked that (so I can't claim that it's true) , well, ufo's are real there's no question about it ,
moementum7, if you are being sincere in your description of your
sighting, and I have no reason to doubt your sincerity, then I
personally have yet to come up with a reasonable hypothesis to
help explain it. Maybe someone else can help.
Re: UFOs

Originally posted by MiTo
I have seen so called Fo-fighter , orange ball doing all sorts of crazy stuff on the clear night sky ;) I 'm affraid that's it ;) no more sightseeings from me

foo fighter =P, and sunny or not that could be ball lightning
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There is a sense of honesty in your story that is convincing to me(and refreshing actually).
I believe you saw what you saw.
Don't know what it could be.

Define honesty? you cant really tell unless yo usee someoen talking about it, this kind of goes for a lot though, Like jahiro talking about sollog etc. though i guarantee in some peoples cases (Like a certain person whos name begins with a J and rhymes with "Ahiro") that some of them are just very very stupid and dont know that they are, and they are so stupid in fact anythign that comes out of their mouths is unbelievable
Re: Re: UFOs

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
foo fighter =P, and sunny or not that could be ball lightning

sunny or not , night or day , with ball of lightning I didn't play ;)
I have never seen anything that couldn't be explained as a natural phenonomon or hallucination. I have never seen a piece of REAL evidence , like a alien or part of a spaceship, that was ever found and shown to the public. That means theres no facts to support alien or UFO's as yet. I do keep an open mind and when a alien actually is in front of me of a piece of spacecraft is shown that is truely alien, then I will give it more credibility.
Originally posted by cosmictraveler
I have never seen anything that couldn't be explained as a natural phenonomon or hallucination. I have never seen a piece of REAL evidence , like a alien or part of a spaceship, that was ever found and shown to the public. That means theres no facts to support alien or UFO's as yet. I do keep an open mind and when a alien actually is in front of me of a piece of spacecraft is shown that is truely alien, then I will give it more credibility.

hardcore sceptic ha , ;) well I don't know , I just cant ignore milions of people who claim that they have seen ufos , aliens and other stuff , logicaly most of reports could be explained as something that has nothing to do with aliens or ufos, as I said there are too many reports that can't be ignored