Have you ever thought, perhaps we are following a path?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Now of course, the likeliness of this would be extremely low....but sometimes I think "isn't that the idea?"

I'm not suggesting or formally putting this idea forward, but sometimes I think "What if there really is a God, and he is precisely attempting to lead us toward atheism"
What I mean is, sometimes I wonder whether or not God (assuming He exists) specifically wants Humanity to use it's "rationality" and to use the world that He would have created around us, in order to basically confine our understanding only to the material world; to use natural systems, which He would have put in place, to explain the world that we live in, thus fooling us.

Now of course, all you atheists are going to call me silly; however, isn't that the idea?

I don't know, it's just something I sometimes wonder.
Evening Norsefire!

Certainly we are on a path - or more accurately - a journey.

"Broad and spacious is the path that leads to destruction, and many are on it, but narrow and cramped is the road leading to life, and few are the ones finding it."


"It does not belong to earthling man to direct even his own steps."

Dozens more Scriptures like these verify that we are most certainly on a 'Path' or a specific journey toward 'Being transformed into the Image of Christ.' We are all on this journey, even those who choose to believe otherwise. ;)

Shalom aleikhem - Jesse.
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Now of course, all you atheists are going to call me silly; however, isn't that the idea?

If that is what you believe then there's nothing wrong with it at all if you believe there is some supernatural being guiding humankind along a certain path. Many people however don't agree and will agree about being on a path but it is their own path they take not some God being directing their every move.
Now of course, the likeliness of this would be extremely low....but sometimes I think "isn't that the idea?"

I'm not suggesting or formally putting this idea forward, but sometimes I think "What if there really is a God, and he is precisely attempting to lead us toward atheism"
What I mean is, sometimes I wonder whether or not God (assuming He exists) specifically wants Humanity to use it's "rationality" and to use the world that He would have created around us, in order to basically confine our understanding only to the material world; to use natural systems, which He would have put in place, to explain the world that we live in, thus fooling us.

Now of course, all you atheists are going to call me silly; however, isn't that the idea?

I don't know, it's just something I sometimes wonder.

If there is a god, that's not a silly idea.
If that is what you believe then there's nothing wrong with it at all if you believe there is some supernatural being guiding humankind along a certain path. Many people however don't agree and will agree about being on a path but it is their own path they take not some God being directing their every move.

That isn't quite what I meant; the universe does operate on it's own from what we observe.

However, what I wondered was whether or not it does so specifically because "God" had made it to do so, and for us to use our "rationality" to be fooled on the reality of things.

Of course it sounds silly, but that's the idea; he'd have wanted it to.
If the universe operates on its own, do our actions have consequences?
If the universe operates on its own, do our actions have consequences?

I mean, the universe has it's own natural laws. However I wonder if these laws are specifically there for our "rationality".
So your assumption is that these laws are necessary for the universe to operate? Can we break these laws?
So your assumption is that these laws are necessary for the universe to operate? Can we break these laws?

No, only simply that the universe operates under natural laws; however, I wonder if this is the case precisely because "God" wants us to use our rationality and basically fool us or test us.
No, only simply that the universe operates under natural laws; however, I wonder if this is the case precisely because "God" wants us to use our rationality and basically fool us or test us.

Have you decided to take my advice and get that book on QM ?

Considering God hasn't fooled anyone really, I mean we discovered the laws and are learning about the Universe, this planet, and other planets on a daily basis.

Considering God hasn't fooled anyone really, I mean we discovered the laws and are learning about the Universe, this planet, and other planets on a daily basis.

No thanks to religion. Most scientists are atheists.
Religion isn't science.

Some religious scientists were quite brainy though.

Heard of Sir Isaac Newton?
Religion isn't science.

Some religious scientists were quite brainy though.

Heard of Sir Isaac Newton?

I have indeed. He lived a long, long time ago when religion ruled the roost. Why not go the whole hog and mention Gallileo. There's two to be going on with.

Have you heard of the Enkightenment ?

Religion is certainly not science. The one is rooted in superstion, the other, reason
Now of course, the likeliness of this would be extremely low....but sometimes I think "isn't that the idea?"

I'm not suggesting or formally putting this idea forward, but sometimes I think "What if there really is a God, and he is precisely attempting to lead us toward atheism"
What I mean is, sometimes I wonder whether or not God (assuming He exists) specifically wants Humanity to use it's "rationality" and to use the world that He would have created around us, in order to basically confine our understanding only to the material world; to use natural systems, which He would have put in place, to explain the world that we live in, thus fooling us.

Now of course, all you atheists are going to call me silly; however, isn't that the idea?

I don't know, it's just something I sometimes wonder.

The one who wishes mankind to follow that path is not God but satan. He wants mankind to be spiritual mushrooms; kept in the dark and fed on.... well you get the idea.

Wiping the slate clean and repressing the truth allows one to inject deception, to inject his own lies as truths to fill the void.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The one is rooted in superstion, the other, reason

They both have the same roots.
They are rooted in man trying to understand the unknown.
Whether scienece or religion makes you sleep better at night by letting you believe that you have the answers to the unknown all depends on the person.
They are both driven by fear of the unknown and a sense of insecurity by not having control of that which affects our destiny.
They both have the same roots.
They are rooted in man trying to understand the unknown.
Whether scienece or religion makes you sleep better at night by letting you believe that you have the answers to the unknown all depends on the person.
They are both driven by fear of the unknown and a sense of insecurity by not having control of that which affects our destiny.

Nonsense. Show me an atheist who enjoys the same certainty as that of a religionist !

Life is a process of cointinuing enquiry; the religionist dodges reality and takes comfort in ignorance and superstition.
The one who wishes mankind to follow that path is not God but satan. He wants mankind to be spiritual mushrooms; kept in the dark and fed on.... well you get the idea.

Wiping the slate clean and repressing the truth allows one to inject deception, to inject his own lies as truths to fill the void.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I bet Satan buys into coal fuitures. That Lake of Fire is going to need an infinite supply of fuel.