Have you ever noticed?...

Awhile back I read they created a fabric that could bend light. Making a person standing in front of you invisible. The first thing that I thought of is what the military could use this for. Whether they have advanced it that far or not is again pretty extrodinary and most likely if true, something we won't be told about for years to come.

Yes, yes, meta-materials.
As I understand it, becaus eof the limitations on the shapes and sizes the Metamaterials can have, practical applications are a long way off.
Yes, yes, meta-materials.
As I understand it, becaus eof the limitations on the shapes and sizes the Metamaterials can have, practical applications are a long way off.

Probably, likely. Ah but we always have speculation and rumor.
It just struck me (rather belatedly I know): in ALL the videos and shots taken of the so-called TR-3B the three lights are on at the corners.
Er, if these are supposed to be rocket engines, and pointing downwards why the hell are they visible (i.e. operating) when the thing is in forward flight?
According to Fouche (let's just take him at his word for the time being - hang him with his own rope so to speak) they're for take off and landing - not required for actual flight.
It just struck me (rather belatedly I know): in ALL the videos and shots taken of the so-called TR-3B the three lights are on at the corners.
Er, if these are supposed to be rocket engines, and pointing downwards why the hell are they visible (i.e. operating) when the thing is in forward flight?
According to Fouche (let's just take him at his word for the time being - hang him with his own rope so to speak) they're for take off and landing - not required for actual flight.

Good question.

I thought it was odd that if they are lights that they would be running such powerfull lights in the daytime like in the vid.

The only suggestion I would make about engines is that it may require to use them for elevation adjustment. Something has to keep in elevated.
The only suggestion I would make about engines is that it may require to use them for elevation adjustment. Something has to keep in elevated.
Not quite sure what you mean by "keep it elevated", but for adjustment "puffer pipes" (similar to the Harrier/ Yak-36/ Yak-41) would be far more effective and economical than keeping oxygen/ hydrogen main motors going.
Not quite sure what you mean by "keep it elevated", but for adjustment "puffer pipes" (similar to the Harrier/ Yak-36/ Yak-41) would be far more effective and economical than keeping oxygen/ hydrogen main motors going.

What I mean by elevated is this thing is supposed to be able to hover right ?

If that's the case it can't just stall without losing elevation. So it must have some system to be able to keep it afloat and even gain elevation.

Can puffer pipes do that other than just getting it airborne. If so and as you say it would be far more economical etc than you would think they would use that.

The tr3b idea is one thing that has been discussed elsewhere at length in another web forum and nobody is any closer to being able to prove that it even exists. What is in the vid/photo's is something, could be a known that just looks odd in the vid/photo. It's not good enough to tell what it is IMO.
What I mean by elevated is this thing is supposed to be able to hover right ?
If that's the case it can't just stall without losing elevation. So it must have some system to be able to keep it afloat and even gain elevation.
That was why I specifically mentioned that the "engines" are on even during forward flight - i.e. when it's NOT hovering but flying.

Can puffer pipes do that other than just getting it airborne. If so and as you say it would be far more economical etc than you would think they would use that.
Puffer pipes are used for adjusting the attitude during flight and hover.

The tr3b idea is one thing that has been discussed elsewhere at length in another web forum and nobody is any closer to being able to prove that it even exists. What is in the vid/photo's is something, could be a known that just looks odd in the vid/photo. It's not good enough to tell what it is IMO.
The TR-3B does NOT exist - I'm just working from the statements made about about it to show how ridiculous the entire concept is.
The TR-3B does NOT exist - I'm just working from the statements made about about it to show how ridiculous the entire concept is.

Again good question. Would be one to present to the guy who claims to know all about it "Fouche" or whatever his name is.

Then again, the vid/photo could be something else that we already know about from and odd angle or something new altogether.

If that's the case then it sounds as if those would not be engines, so why would they have lights going like that during the daytime.

Must be another explanation for the daytime vid and or what the lights, reflections are that might help explain it if it's something we are familiar with.
Again good question. Would be one to present to the guy who claims to know all about it "Fouche" or whatever his name is.
Bearing in mind Fouche's track record - i.e. a self-publicising fantasist, how far do you think one would get?
The problem with this sort of person is that they "rationalise" all of the little discrepancies away.

Then again, the vid/photo could be something else that we already know about from and odd angle or something new altogether.
Quite: but TR-3B (and 90% of the other claims) is NOT what it is.

If that's the case then it sounds as if those would not be engines, so why would they have lights going like that during the daytime.
Why do other aircraft have lights on in the day time anyway?
They're called anti-collision lights - it makes the thing noticeable to other air traffic.

Must be another explanation for the daytime vid and or what the lights, reflections are that might help explain it if it's something we are familiar with.
Exactly - it's far more likely it's something familiar but seen under unusual conditions.
Why do other aircraft have lights on in the day time anyway?
They're called anti-collision lights - it makes the thing noticeable to other air traffic.

I like the way in the 'UFO Hunters' episode, 'The one with the triangular time travelling space craft that doesn't perform any outstanding manouevre.', one guy states 'It didn't have an FAA light on it', ... when I think he means 'I couldn't see an FAA light on it.'

It's a subtle distinction, but important. It shows the observer is a cocksure asshole who thinks their perception is perfect!
It's a subtle distinction, but important. It shows the observer is a cocksure asshole who thinks their perception is perfect!

Kind of like the skeptics claiming that they have "debunked" the show. :p

The truth is that the UFO Hunters program and others like it are bringing out a great deal of multi faceted and multi witness corroborated UFO evidence and singular highly qualified testimony. They do an excellent job of presenting all three sides of the UFO curiosity. The have the die hard, egoless skeptic who most of the time remains unconvinced in the least, they have the non close minded, yet very realistic middle man looking for evidence enthusiastically, and they have the extremist wacko that is the UFO Magazine publisher jumping to conclusions all the time. The other two regularly get into Bill's shit about being overly assuming and imaginative.

You can state what you like, but the interviews and the evidence presented are both excellent quality and the integrity of the show is spot on.

Until you have proof otherwise, it's just more ego based skeptical hot air.

Two important considerations at this point in this discussion are (a) I don't believe the UFO Hunters ever refer to the triangle as a TR-3B. (do they?)

and (b) The only reason that I myself even begin to associate the triangles with the TR-3B Astra is because it's simply (whether by fiction or not) is the only described close likeness that I can find that resembles a triangle and simulates some of the described testimony with respect to it's functionality.

Personally, I think history has shown that the private aeronautical R&D world can most definitely keep secrets. If we tested and put into operation atomic powered space travel engines in the late 60s, where the hell are we really at now?

All these cosmologists and quantum physics guys that sit around proving stuff on paper that is multi dimension/universe related, is it not POSSIBLE that select groups of technological R&D teams have engineered or discovered some forms of mechanically facilitated technology that makes use of the same principles?

Of course it is.
You can state what you like, but the interviews and the evidence presented are both excellent quality and the integrity of the show is spot on.

Hilarious. Farcical. Laughable. Ridiculous.

I like the part where the 3 spots in the sky go by and the UFO hunter doesn't see it happen. Later on he states that he was there when it happened.

The gold mine trip is so silly. They have an area 600 miles long and 100 miles wide and check out 1 mine described as a working mine. It's a show mine if anything. No workers. Grass grows right to the entrance of the mine. No equipment. Only lights. They look for 'anomalies'.

They presented the Phoenix lights as a UFO - they have been identified.

In another episode they identify the NJ UFOs as real and dismiss the claim that they could be flares on balloons. They state that they tested the idea and it did not look like the NJ sightings. Yet, that is what they were. The state police reported the lights as flares on balloons.

It's poor quality fiction for electric-fiction.
The gold mine part deserves a rewrite. OK. Instead of the interview being trimmed to the gold mining and gold is used in electronic circuit boards we could have:

"The timber industry has a long history here."
"Wood is used to make paper and pencils maybe the aliens need to restock the office"
"Let's check out this redwood for anomalies. Nothing radioactive about this tree."

"Agriculture has been one of the most important industries in this area."
"Everyone needs food. Maybe the aliens need citrus to avoid scurvy?"
"Let's check this malathion factory for anomalies"

"The immigration of Chinese laborers was crucial to the expansion of Californias economy"
"Let's go to Chinatown and order a pu-pu platter"
Hilarious. Farcical. Laughable. Ridiculous.

I like the part where the 3 spots in the sky go by and the UFO hunter doesn't see it happen. Later on he states that he was there when it happened.

The gold mine trip is so silly. They have an area 600 miles long and 100 miles wide and check out 1 mine described as a working mine. It's a show mine if anything. No workers. Grass grows right to the entrance of the mine. No equipment. Only lights. They look for 'anomalies'.

They presented the Phoenix lights as a UFO - they have been identified.

In another episode they identify the NJ UFOs as real and dismiss the claim that they could be flares on balloons. They state that they tested the idea and it did not look like the NJ sightings. Yet, that is what they were. The state police reported the lights as flares on balloons.

It's poor quality fiction for electric-fiction.

You try so hard to Troll like the big guys don't you? Well, bless your little heart. You certainly deserve an "E" for effort. :)

The Phoenix Lights have NEVER been identified my little velveteen dose of cranium crust. Not even close. Just some weak kneed mumbo jumbo spewed by the "official channels" about flares which is an absolute joke. You're lost. (as per usual)
The Phoenix Lights have NEVER been identified my little velveteen dose of cranium crust. Not even close. Just some weak kneed mumbo jumbo spewed by the "official channels" about flares which is an absolute joke. You're lost. (as per usual)

Actually my sweet little illiterate subhuman they have been observed to be military flares, road flares, and airplanes in the 3 different incidents.

Your vacuous and inane claims on the Phoenix Lights again demonstrate your lack of knowledge and inability to read and comprehend. Pobre cito.

For those that want to read the excerpts from " The Phoenix Lights Explained (Again) by Tony Ortega" here it is:

As I first revealed in the Phoenix New Times, a young man with a 10-inch Dobsonian telescope, Mitch Stanley, spotted the vee from his backyard, and saw that it was a formation of airplanes. Using a magnification of 60X — which essentially put him 60 times closer to the vee than people only using their naked eyes — Stanley could see that each light in the sky was actually a double, with one light under each squarish wing. The planes still looked small in his scope — suggesting they were flying at high altitude — and he didn’t know what type they were. But there was no doubt, he told me, that they were planes.

On the night of March 13, news of the 8:30 pm sighting traveled fast, so a large number of people were outside with video cameras when the second and unrelated event, at about 10 pm, happened in the sky southwest of Phoenix. A string of lights appeared in the sky, and slowly sank until they disappeared behind the nearby Estrella Mountain range. This was later shown to be a string of flares dropped by the Maryland Air National Guard over the North Tac military range. Dr. Lynne Kitei, featured prominently on the Dateline program, can repeat all she wants to NBC and other media that these lights were magical and “intelligent” and later showed up just outside her living room window, but the videotapes taken that night by many people show without a doubt that this was a string of mundane lights that fell and disappeared behind the range, exactly as a string of flares dropped by the military planes would have.
Bearing in mind Fouche's track record - i.e. a self-publicising fantasist, how far do you think one would get?
The problem with this sort of person is that they "rationalise" all of the little discrepancies away.

Of course and there will be those who believe it. I agree that most of them are just out to peddle their books and speeches.

Why do other aircraft have lights on in the day time anyway?
They're called anti-collision lights - it makes the thing noticeable to other air traffic.

I realize that they run lights but not like these, at least I haven't seen lights that bright being run, that is why I wondered if it could be something other than lights, say a reflection which could produce such a bright source.

Another idea is to try and find examples of such bright daytime running lights or reflective surfaces from known planes on film to see if there is somewhat of a match in circumstances.
Actually my sweet little illiterate subhuman they have been observed to be military flares, road flares, and airplanes in the 3 different incidents.

Your vacuous and inane claims on the Phoenix Lights again demonstrate your lack of knowledge and inability to read and comprehend. Pobre cito.

For those that want to read the excerpts from " The Phoenix Lights Explained (Again) by Tony Ortega" here it is:

That has to be the dumbest and most inadequate explanation yet.


Time to get "real" and leave the Maxwell Smart pretense to Don Adams.
That has to be the dumbest and most inadequate explanation yet.

Too bad you can't concede that you fell for a stupid claim. People that believe in the Phoenix Lights are delusional.

Time to leave the fables behind pobre cito.