Have you ever noticed?...

Interesting that they've published this and apparently taken it at face value:

One problem is that unless you know exactly what you're looking at (if it's not between you and something of a known size and a known distance - i.e. in the sky) then you cannot state, from an eye sight-only viewing, what size something is and if you don't know its size then how do you judge the distance?
(Or vice versa- if you KNOW the distance you can estimate the size).
One relatively "famous" viewing (I say relatively because it did the rounds when I was in the Observer Corps and was related to me by the guy on duty in the radar tower at RAF Cottesmore at the time: they were contacted by an incoming RAF flight (trained observers!) to complain about an air-miss (the official terminology when two aircraft are within mid-air collision possibility distance) - the pilot stated, somewhat irately, that ground control hadn't informed him of the C-130 Hercules (40 metres wingspan) at the same altitude within 5 miles and that he'd had to change course to avoid it.
His reputation didn't get enhanced when ground control told him that it was actually a C-5 (68 metres wingspan) at fifteen miles and on a diverging course.
One slight misidentification and the whole situation resolved itself incorrectly.

I know :3

But then, they've also published an account that they've flagged as possibly being a hoax about some dude who was abducted in Death Valley, and warned that we were being watched by aliens with the power to disable our nukes and had dones so in the past - they flag it as a possible hoax, but state they've included it because of the similarities to a 'more reliable' encounter the same day.

Personally, I think one of the more interesting cases has to be the beat up car on the front page.

An entire side completely trashed, no paint damage.

Firstly: calling people stupid, morons, dunces etc. makes it look like you don't have an argument and so are resorting to personal insults.

Secondly: personal insults are a breach of the site rules. If you keep it up you may be banned from sciforums, so please don't do it.
So after a few more pages where are we at?

Still nothing more than speculation, on both sides, with some more insults thrown in the mix...how productive.

Is it so hard to believe the government has anti gravity technology? That the wealthiest 5% of the population who control 95% of the wealth dont want you to know about it? There are very obvious reasons why this technology would be kept secret, use your imagination.
So after a few more pages where are we at?

Still nothing more than speculation, on both sides, with some more insults thrown in the mix...how productive.

Is it so hard to believe the government has anti gravity technology? That the wealthiest 5% of the population who control 95% of the wealth dont want you to know about it? There are very obvious reasons why this technology would be kept secret, use your imagination.

Did you not understand the argument that was put forward?

The one that related to specific claims that have been made?
Did you not understand the argument that was put forward?

The one that related to specific claims that have been made?

Sure I do, still speculation.

See the thing is skeptics cant disprove the UFO phenomena anymore than the believers can prove it. Each has their points, but in the end it comes down to belief.
Sure I do, still speculation.

See the thing is skeptics cant disprove the UFO phenomena anymore than the believers can prove it. Each has their points, but in the end it comes down to belief.

No, not speculation.

Present one single piece of evidence that demonstrates that the equation of state of mercury is wrong.

Present one single piece of evidence that shows that mercury can form a plasma at 25,000 atmospheres, and -120°C (conditions where it should be solid).

All of the hard, physical evidence says you're wrong, and that's not just speculation.
Who says any of that is necessary for a function anti-gravity machine, lol...
Getting a little specific arent we? Are we proposing to know how anti gravity works now? Maybe I did miss that part...:p
Who says any of that is necessary for a function anti-gravity machine, lol...
Getting a little specific arent we? Are we proposing to know how anti gravity works now? Maybe I did miss that part...:p
You missed a lot.
Antigravity is (currently, and for the foreseeable future) ) nonsense.
Who says any of that is necessary for a function anti-gravity machine, lol...
Getting a little specific arent we? Are we proposing to know how anti gravity works now? Maybe I did miss that part...:p

Oh right.

So then you lied when you said you had followed the specific claims that were being discussed then.

And Fouche claims those things are neccessary in an anti gravity machine.
Fouche who claims to have worked in Area 51 doing repairs, and claims to have gotten together with 3 of his fellow scientests and discussed this in a cafe, Fouche who when he appears on camera has his many certificates and dplomas and such in aeronautics on display in the background. Fouche who is the most regularly cited source by those who favour the existence of the TR-3B as an antigravity machine.