have you critically examined each and every shred of evidence about god's existence?


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
if no, then you're a lazy bastard.

nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.

if yes it exists, then are there requirementsfor me to be happy there? and if there are any, what are they? then you go on with your life..

if there isn't..then we're all specks, so let's make the most out of it..(which is wrecking havoc for me:D)

if you examined some evidence, sighed at the heap that's left to go, dropped the subject and settled with god doesn't exist,
then you're a lazy loser.

that's all there is to it.

that's all there is to life.
if no, then you're a lazy bastard.
No doubt you have critically researched each and every shred of evidence for all the thousands of religions man has followed. No?

Oh right you probably just jumped on to the one that was most popular in your country in the time... or the one your parents were in to.
What does life after death have to do with any gods?

Do you mean "theology"?

And even then, in the afterlife, should souls spend massive amounts of time making sure that they will stay in existence, or should they enjoy their heaven?

What if....they just pretend like this is all the time they have, make the most of it, and find a way to be fully happy? Isn't that the best of both worlds (having decided that the afterlife does or does not exist)?

BUT, if you're saying that it has nothing to do with the here and now, that they should examine whether or not an afterlife exists so that they can be prepared for it, and be happy then...well, that's a different matter.

"nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not."

I would disagree with this statement as a universal gig. To some, the rearing of their child is more important than how they spend their time after they die. What may come will come, but now, I need to give this child more than I had as I was raised. If that's what's more important to them, you can call it stupid, but....I dunno. *shrugs*

"It's an impossible task. "

I would agree. You can get enough evidence to make up your mind, but you cannot examine critically every shred of evidence.

Unless you suggest that you waste your life digging up artifacts of dead cultures' religions so that you may critically examine their religion, see if you believe it's true, and continue doing so years after you have come to a firm conclusion that Islam is the true religion. In which case, I would say, "You're wasting your life. No matter which religion is true, you're probably doing this whole 'life' deal wrong."

Unless, of course, the Mayans had it right, and the only way to true happiness (in this life and the next) is through their religion. Again, *shrugs*
"No doubt you have critically researched each and every shred of evidence for all the thousands of religions man has followed. No?

Oh right you probably just jumped on to the one that was most popular in your country in the time... or the one your parents were in to."

That's a hasty conclusion :\
Ugh, I hate posting multiple times, but I'm too manic to think clearly now.

But I would agree with the OP to an extent. Religion is vastly more important to me than it is to most people I know, and I believe that people, to "live rightly" (in my mind) should give the search for truth an earnest, heartfelt go.
if you examined some evidence, sighed at the heap that's left to go, dropped the subject and settled with god doesn't exist,
then you're a lazy loser.
Please feel free to list all the "evidence about god's existence" that you have critically examined, so that we can add to the list and thus call you a lazy bastard for not yet having critically examined it.

Is my desk "evidence about god's existence"?
So you think you can think? Try again!

nothing in our life is more important than either confirming or denying whether life after death exists or not.

BS. Sooner or later we are going to know it anyhow, so why waste precious time with it?

You get an F....
I just want to tell you that evidence exists. God does exist. By math and science God is revealing him to us. Since my last posts in this forum I have found even more interesting phenomena in Scripture. Other people are constantly discovering new things. There is no way that the Bible or the Quran are work of people, not at any level. The phonetics, semantics, facts and math all point to a divine source. I am lucky that I can read Scripture in original revealed languages. Please consider the issue of God's existence well. Seek knowing more. Pay attention to animal behavior, even tiny creatures with tiny brains like ants, show great abilities and intelligence. Randomness cannot produce such things.

"And he (Pharaoh) said, "Who is your Lord, O Moses?" He said, "Our Lord is He who hath given to everything its form and then guideth it aright."
The Quran - Ta.Ha. 20:49-50

قَالَ فَمَن رَّبُّكُمَا يَـٰمُوسَىٰ * قَالَ رَبُّنَا ٱلَّذِىٓ أَعْطَىٰ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ خَلْقَهُۥ ثُمَّ هَدَىٰ
By math and science God is revealing him to us.
Maths and science are not "revealing god to us".

There is no way that the Bible or the Quran are work of people, not at any level. The phonetics, semantics, facts and math all point to a divine source.
Pure rubbish.
I just want to tell you that evidence exists. yada yada yada...

No one ever suggested that randomness produced forms such as ants. If math and science are revealing God to us, He is being revealed to be something other than any scripture has ever told us. He is disinterested, decentralized, and unintelligent. He is indistinguishable from the stuff the universe is made of.
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I just want to tell you that evidence exists. God does exist. By math and science God is revealing him to us.

Religion disagrees and rejects physical laws and the laws of nature that science has proven to be true. Then people try to use science to lend credibility to their religious beliefs, wherein, all things came into existence violating the laws of nature and physics. Do rational minds think religiously?
What shreds of evidence? :confused:

Check out this earlier topic for some mathematical & scientific evidence:


It is clear that there is an intelligent source behind the Bible & the Quran. Thousands of years ago, people did not know that humans have 46 chromosomes.

Genesis 1:1 is 31 verses. It talks about creation. The only chapter having 31 verses in the Quran is chapter "Human". Human chromosome number (46) is the 31st composite number in universe. This chapter is also the 31st chapter form Quran's beginning that contains the word "Human". In addition, the first verse of this chapter is the 46th verse that contains the word "Human" from Quran's beginning.

And hundreds of such facts.
Check out this earlier topic for some mathematical & scientific evidence:
You mean the topic where you signally failed to support any of your contentions?

It is clear that there is an intelligent source behind the Bible & the Quran. Thousands of years ago, people did not know that humans have 46 chromosomes.
It's even clearer that you (or your source) are grasping at straws.

And hundreds of such facts.
None which can be shown to be "facts".
Check out this earlier topic for some mathematical & scientific evidence:

Why didn't God explain chromosomes then? (Because at the time people wrote the quran, they didn't know about them). I thought randomness can't create anything, but you are suggesting that the random correlation between certain numbers and verses somehow means something.
It is clear that there is an intelligent source behind the Bible & the Quran.

Since "it is clear" to you, there is an intelligent source behind the bible and qu'ran, how do you describe this intelligence? What is your impression of the intelligent source's behavior?
Religion disagrees and rejects physical laws and the laws of nature that science has proven to be true. Then people try to use science to lend credibility to their religious beliefs, wherein, all things came into existence violating the laws of nature and physics. Do rational minds think religiously?

It's one thing to get to know the laws of nature, and another to say that nature governs the world. Who is nature ?! Does nature have self-consciousness ?! Will ?!

Are you serious in reducing the magnificent human experience to nothing ?!?!?!?

Quran, Prophets 21:30 > God says that the origin of heavens and earth is a Big Bang!

"Do not the infidels see that the heavens and the earth were both a solid mass, and that we clave them asunder, and that by means of water we give life to everything? Will they not then believe?"​

أَوَلَمْ يَرَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوٓا۟ أَنَّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًۭا فَفَتَقْنَٰهُمَا ۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلْمَآءِ كُلَّ شَىْءٍ حَىٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ​

It's the truth. You need to seek more info!