Has God Updated the Bible?


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
Has anybody considered that God may be a liberal. If so he may well have changed the bible, allowing homosexuality and other common practices which the right wing churches dispise.

The church shouldn't asume that God hasn't changed his opinions in 2000 years.
I don't know where in The Bible is written that homosexuality is wrong. They are people just like you and me. God is not stupid not to know what's coming.
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men... homosexual men... change the bible to suit their needs...

personnally... i dont see how anyone can think they can do that...

the only thing we can argue over is translations from greek and hebrew...
thats it...

re-writing it to allow homosexual behavior is ridiculous.

spidergoat said:
But he didn't write it in the first place.

M*W: Correctamundo. You just inspired a thought. In the OT where it says something to the effect that 'a man should not lay with another man as he would lay with a woman, etc.....', maybe that's only talking about the 'missionary position?' Maybe it has absolutely nada to do with sex! It could mean something as simple as not to lie in another man's tent, for example.

I don't believe any of this crap anyway. It's all fodder for interpretation. I'm going to do a bit of research to see if there could be an astrotheological interpretation.
MW and SG don't know shit. Talk so much with a tongue full of fire.

Isaiah said:
Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.

"But he didn't write it in the first place"

your throwing popcorn at the screen kid. I crap better generic responses.

No he didn't come down and write it on the wall with his finger but he sure-as-hell caused it to be written.

Compass yourselves about with sparks.
Nisus said:
MW and SG don't know shit. Talk so much with a tongue full of fire.

Compass yourselves about with sparks.

M*W: So when is God's wrath gonna come down and smote us? I've been talking with a fiery tongue all my goddamned life, and here I am, still... waiting... for that hand of God to put my fiery tongue out of its misery. I've lived a good life and have done everything I set out to do -- and I have done it well, in spite of my fiery tongue. Now that I'm into retirement from an illustrious career, I'm just sittin' here on the porch swang smellin' the flowers. If there's a god up there, or down there, or anywhere, I dare the sorry bastard to put out my fiery tongue. Some folks around here say it's a WMD. Don't make me come looking for you Nisus. Not even God could save you then.
Nisus said:
MW and SG don't know shit. Talk so much with a tongue full of fire.

"But he didn't write it in the first place"

your throwing popcorn at the screen kid. I crap better generic responses.

No he didn't come down and write it on the wall with his finger but he sure-as-hell caused it to be written.

Compass yourselves about with sparks.
I thought it was an important point. Maybe the original bible was just the words of inspired people. If God wanted the bible rewritten, maybe he would inspire other people to do so. Wait, but who would be the judge of that one? We no longer have the wisdom of the early Christian bishops at the Synod of Jamnia, or the enlightened brain of King James to guide us. Maybe God has given up on the whole idea of a bible and wants you to use your individual judgement, and idea robbed from us by the church.

Did God also cause the Urantia Book to be written?
What about the Quoran?
The bagavad Gita?
The Tibetan Book of the Dead?
Walden by Henry David Thoreau?
Pi-Sudoku said:
Has anybody considered that God may be a liberal. If so he may well have changed the bible, allowing homosexuality and other common practices which the right wing churches dispise.

The church shouldn't asume that God hasn't changed his opinions in 2000 years.

You just created a Canadian God.
Medicine Woman said:
Don't make me come looking for you Nisus. Not even God could save you then.

y u gonna come eat my soul? lol Please.

You just like to fervently debate over stupid issues to make it sound, to youself and others, that you actually believe in something.

Creating a world full of false dilemnas, (false dilemna is my buzzword for the month btw) over Testaments given from the mouth of Jews. Religion and rebuttals. Forsaking everylast grain of truth, while you swang and smell flowers.

Spider--Look for inspired words, sealed and marked with the Tetragrammaton. Study them follow their patterns and you more readily and easily will be able to discern between words inspired of men, and the testimonies inspired by Deity.
Nisus said:
y u gonna come eat my soul? lol Please.

You just like to fervently debate over stupid issues to make it sound, to youself and others, that you actually believe in something.

Creating a world full of false dilemnas, (false dilemna is my buzzword for the month btw) over Testaments given from the mouth of Jews. Religion and rebuttals. Forsaking everylast grain of truth, while you swang and smell flowers.

Spider--Look for inspired words, sealed and marked with the Tetragrammaton. Study them follow their patterns and you more readily and easily will be able to discern between words inspired of men, and the testimonies inspired by Deity.

M*W: No, I wasn't implying that I'd "eat your soul." Your words, not mine. Besides, I don't swallow, I spit.

The things I believe in are not usually discussed on this particular forum.

As to my prounciation of "porch swang," I am a girl who was proudly raised in the South. Being one of the GRITS, I'll use any figure of speech and pronounce any word any which way I choose when reffering to my heritage. I know a few big college words, too.

As far as "truth" goes, I don't believe in any man-made dogma. I obey the law even if I don't agree with it. But when it comes to ancient man-made mind control statutes, I denounce them all. None of them could have been "inspired," because there is nothing there to do the inspiring. Those who believe there is are foolish. If there was/is a creator god, we would have ALL been inspired equally, not just a chosen few whose credibility cannot be determined.

You have your truth, and I have mine. We both can't be right, so one of us is wrong. According to your logic, whichever one of us is wrong will be smoted by the hand of YOUR God. Let's see... YOUR God. YOUR book. YOUR laws. YOUR beliefs. YOUR rituals. YOUR heaven. YOUR hell. And, you think I am the one who's going to be getting smoted when it is all in YOUR head!
I'm down with the south, and grits too. been to LA lived in GA.

Anyways I'm like 5K+ thousand years after Monotheism influenced planet earth, so I only own my own words!! No books, beliefs, Gods or rituals. Just intelligence that helps me tune, and I mean literally, into the source of intelligence and to think and live on that frequency.

Hell isn't mine, it's another frequency, sheol, the grave.

I just wonder what is the source of your contempt for God. And why you fuel the contempt and why it holds you in servitude.
Nisus said:
I'm down with the south, and grits too. been to LA lived in GA.

Anyways I'm like 5K+ thousand years after Monotheism influenced planet earth, so I only own my own words!! No books, beliefs, Gods or rituals. Just intelligence that helps me tune, and I mean literally, into the source of intelligence and to think and live on that frequency.

Hell isn't mine, it's another frequency, sheol, the grave.

I just wonder what is the source of your contempt for God. And why you fuel the contempt and why it holds you in servitude.

M*W: You are mistaken. I do not have contempt for any "God." It is impossible to have contempt for something that doesn't exist. That's just like saying that I have contempt for Santa Claus or that I hate the tooth fairy.

The contempt I have is for man-made religions and the lies that it has spawned, christianity being the one that lied to me. "It" doesn't hold me "in servitude." I hold myself "in servitude" to spread the truth about the "lying liars and the lies they told." (Al Franken's words).

If people want to believe lies, hey, that's fine by me. That's their ignorance in action, not mine. With so many refutations of everything religious, it amazes me that you people still refuse to use your heads for something besides a hat rack.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You are mistaken. I do not have contempt for any "God." It is impossible to have contempt for something that doesn't exist. That's just like saying that I have contempt for Santa Claus or that I hate the tooth fairy.

But tooth fairies does exist. They break people's teeth! Whether we call them tooth fairies or some other name is not so important... the point is that somehow our teeth break, so "tooth fairies" exist!

Just as God does. It's just that today people understand more, so ordinary people don't call "it" God anymore. Just as they don't say that tooth fairies break their teeth... yet those "things" exist.
Yea anyone that believes in God, can't be as intelligent as you MW******

For believing in things not seen****

I would hope someone like you, who flaunts so much wit in their verbal sorcery, understands what a generalization is.

That's a fine statement MW. A simple thought communicated in a different form, using imagry and metaphor. "head--hatrack--" Just like Jesus of Nazareth..

But i'm absolutly positive there are very intelligent people, such as yourself, and others who exceed your intelligence who also believe in Deity.

Your words insinuate that believing is ignorance...
Not knowing for a certainty, is also a degree of ignorance. And i'm very sure you can't 100% refute the possibility, that everything in the Bible could have occured, in this universe full of possibilities.

A simple seed can lay in the soil and grow up to a tree, massively exceeding it's former size. (1) possibility. But God can't exist, or be half as intelligent as you...?