harry potter a danger???


Registered Member
:bugeye: Is Harry Potter a dangerous pagan book as some officials of the roman catholic church have said?
As for me is an entertaining reading which values more than magic, all the principles any religion.... friendship, trust, honour, courage, love...

Plus, it is, as all books or movies who reach enormous fame, a great way to study, anthropologically speaking, human nature and what is men looking for...

What do you think?

It's a bloody story. Let's talk about kids glued to prime time TV watching people being raped, shot, stabbed, and otherwise terrorized eight times between each commercial break.

I find it strange that the Catholic Church is still getting itself tied in knots over works of fiction, and indeed books of all kinds. The Church is slowly pragmatic, and has bowed to the inevitable in many areas. One of the least obvious ways in which the Catholic Church has subtly changed its position as the twenty-first century approached, was in its attitude to censorship. More and more books have been removed from the infamous Index (although I believe the Index itself has not been completely abolished). This is because no matter what doctrines may be promulgated in books, or what sins and heresies may be described or encouraged therein, it has become more and more obvious that what is considered a most heinous sin, by believers and infidels alike, is the obstruction of free thought and free expression. And of course one influence on that attitude had to be the late Pope John Paul II, a Pole who had consequently lived most of his life before going to Rome under a regime in which free expression was verboten.

To me the first and most obvious point to make about Harry Potter is that as a work of fiction and fantasy, it is certainly not intended to convert its readers to the magical way of life. Of course, it must be said that the books are so widely popular and read by such a large number of children of all different backgrounds, that there is a certainty that some of them would be influenced to an extent that they disregard the evident pointers to the work being utter fantasy, and to believe in the world of magic that it portrays. But if this is the case, surely the fact that they might disregard the teachings of Jesus is very far from their first worry, or the worry of their parents!

In an interview in yesterday's Daily Telegraph, J. K. Rowling did not address the Pope's specific interdiction, but did talk about the fact that any kind of religious feeling or thought, or references to the religious beliefs either of wizards or muggles, is deliberately excluded from the entire saga, on the grounds that she does not find it "helpful". She actually criticised the Narnia books of C.S. Lewis because of their excessive preachiness, citing one lead female character (I'm afraid I don't know the Narnia books at all) having had a bad end in the books entirely because "she started putting on lipstick".

I think Rowling was very wise. I think it's a bad idea to mix fantasy (particularly of the magical kind) with religion. The Religious beliefs of the various races of Middle-earth do not play the smallest part in The Lord of the Rings. There is a theology behind the entire Creation myth of Tolkien's universe, but it only manifests itself in The Silmarillion - maybe that is one reason why Tolkien was never happy enough with that work to let it get published.
jhlopes said:
:bugeye: Is Harry Potter a dangerous pagan book as some officials of the roman catholic church have said?
As for me is an entertaining reading which values more than magic, all the principles any religion.... friendship, trust, honour, courage, love...

Plus, it is, as all books or movies who reach enormous fame, a great way to study, anthropologically speaking, human nature and what is men looking for...

What do you think?

It's very dangerous. Harry Potter is fiction (just as a religion is) and the RCC
is concerned that people will substute their catholic beliefs for something
in Harry Potter's world. Even though movie makers say "its just fiction folks",
there are people who will just 'believe'.
Indeed, I would just say it is fiction, entertainement, without any influence on important attitudes... and I wanted to write that, but then, I sadly remembered that there are people who proclaim their religion to be "Jedi", because of this, I am not so sure anymore about the things people will and will not believe. But then again, there obviously is not enough religious and spiritual basis in Harry Potter books to give basis to any kind of religious deviations. (hopefully)
It is dangerous. If kids start to read, who knows what else they will read and develop their own opinions about.
Holy shit (pardon the pun), the christians have REALLY gone crazy now...
Hapsburg said:
Holy shit (pardon the pun), the christians have REALLY gone crazy now...

Christianity aside the book is nevertheless a figment of the imagination, one that poses a real risk to our children.

As if we dont have enough forcing our children in schools to believe that we descended from baboon like ancestors!!, firstly we have to expose them to stories that will make them believe unrealistic things.

This is a collaboration by the atheists and the demonists( though it is hard sometimes to make a distinction between the two) - get our children confused and then bombard them with baboon like 'stories' when they are in high school.

Sadly in a lot of extreme cases, these children actually end up believing that they are cousins to the soon to be extinct chimps that we find on our planet today. No wonder there is so much violence in todays society!!!

you can identify such ones by their 'language'!!! :cool: :cool:
superluminal said:
Jadon, you are exactly the reason we want religion eradicated. You are a shining example.

YOUR AUTHORITY IS FROM THE DEVIL - he who created nothing and will always be nothing!!!!!!
God and Devil are just human ideas for social control. If we aren't related to apes, why do we look so much alike? Why can you teach a chimp sign language? Why do they use tools and create their own cultures like people do? Why do our hands look the same? What do you have against baboons anyway? They are sophisticated and intelligent animals, just like us.
spidergoat: God and Devil are just human ideas for social control. If we aren't related to apes, why do we look so much alike? Why can you teach a chimp sign language? Why do they use tools and create their own cultures like people do? Why do our hands look the same? What do you have against baboons anyway? They are sophisticated and intelligent animals, just like us.
M*W: Yes, spidergoat, you are right. We resemble them, we can teach them, they can use language and tools, and they have cultures like we do. What does Jadon have against baboons? They're intelligent enough to not be Christians!
M*W: superluminal, I'm afraid he's going to need a strong anti-psychotic... something like thorazine, thioradizine or Seroquel and a rubber room.
spidergoat said:
God and Devil are just human ideas for social control. If we aren't related to apes, why do we look so much alike? Why can you teach a chimp sign language? Why do they use tools and create their own cultures like people do? Why do our hands look the same? What do you have against baboons anyway? They are sophisticated and intelligent animals, just like us.

You are confused when you say such things because from the beginning The Creator never forced any laws that you deem to be forms of social control. Social Control is an expression by men to deal with problems making his own rules. Not at any time was all humanity under the rule of The Creator so as to give justification to your arrogant assumption.

from the beginning man could not wait to rule himself and decide his own destiny without a The Guide. Along his erronous ways it became logic to make up rules so that 'every one could live together'. Do not confuse Christianity with the world because from the beginning its members have been few.

Because of man embarking on his own way, ideas and theories have arisen linking you and people like you to baboon like creatures. As such, laws have to be put in place be 'you' to regulate your baboon like creature ways.

Without The Guide, you have become no different from the animals, even thinking that you are an animal.

And by the way, I have nothing against baboons, I am saying that your so called ancestor looks like one, and fortunately, it is Christians like me who are more genuinely concerned about all creatures great and small, then creatures like you who probably get some perverse pleasure out of looking after lesser creatures --oops sorry - equal creatures to you!!!

Learn to think before you 'speak'!!!

:) :)

I'm thinking of running a book on just how long Jadon sticks around in sci-forums before he gives up on the mission god has given him and runs home to his mother.

Any offers?
Dee Cee
Medicine Woman said:
spidergoat: God and Devil are just human ideas for social control. If we aren't related to apes, why do we look so much alike? Why can you teach a chimp sign language? Why do they use tools and create their own cultures like people do? Why do our hands look the same? What do you have against baboons anyway? They are sophisticated and intelligent animals, just like us.
M*W: Yes, spidergoat, you are right. We resemble them, we can teach them, they can use language and tools, and they have cultures like we do. What does Jadon have against baboons? They're intelligent enough to not be Christians!

Yes, They're intelligent enough to know that they are not related to Medicine Woman because perhaps medicine woman would have the intelligence of a lower specie????

There is a word for animals behaving in the way you describe - domestication! Put it back in its original habitat and I suspect you will certainly have a different outcome Spider goat and Medicine woman would make ideal candidates for TESTING THE INTELLIGENCE OF ATHEISTS AND BABOONS - IS THERE A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE??

hee!hee!haw!haw! AND ha!ha!ha!

I have nothing against baboons, I am saying that your so called ancestor looks like one

Why do these nutters always get fixated on this particular stage of the evolutionary process?
You never hear a god botherer say "The bible is truth, do not be lead down satans false path by believing you were once a shrew"

Just an observation.
Dee Cee
DeeCee said:

I'm thinking of running a book on just how long Jadon sticks around in sci-forums before he gives up on the mission god has given him and runs home to his mother.

Any offers?
Dee Cee
Christians have been around since the beginning of time - our message has always been the same!!

It is you and those you represent who have had to continously change your ideologies - albeit the evolution has been around for 300 years.

Did you know that 'mans' track record states that ideologies change every 200 to 300 years???

That means a new ideology is soon to be revealed by the 'great sages of atheism' - I wonder what it will be?

I mean - can you guys sink any lower?