Handing Out Evidence for God

Here is a testimony from one of the original team members.
This is the guy who runs the Shroud of Turin website. On the "books" page he pushes several books you can purchase. People believing in the Shroud help him sell books for people. And what else does he get out of it? From his own biography:

"He has appeared in programs and documentaries on every major broadcast and cable television network, including the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the National Geographic Channel, CNN, PBS, the BBC, Fox News, Channel 1 Russia, the Coast to Coast AM radio show, Catholic Answers radio and Vatican Radio. His photographs have appeared in hundreds of books and publications including Life Magazine, National Geographic, Time Magazine and Newsweek and in countless television documentaries. He has written many Shroud articles and papers that have been published in periodicals or presented at conferences around the world, the most recent in the March 2010 issue of Catholic Digest."

A religious motive AND a profit motive. Life Magazine, for example, paid fairly well.
How is it possible to pass scientific scrutiny - even in principle?

It is not possible for a material to indicate the identity of a person, unless we have DNA samples.
It's not possible for a material to indicate that it was involved in a resurrection.

The best it can do is be plausible.

It cannot prove that God is real, it only provides evidence that God is real. Whether or not a given person accepts the evidence is their choice.

Have you ever actually studied all of the evidence that the Shroud provides, or are you just rejecting it because you do not want it to be true?
This is the guy who runs the Shroud of Turin website. On the "books" page he pushes several books you can purchase. People believing in the Shroud help him sell books for people. And what else does he get out of it? From his own biography:

"He has appeared in programs and documentaries on every major broadcast and cable television network, including the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, the National Geographic Channel, CNN, PBS, the BBC, Fox News, Channel 1 Russia, the Coast to Coast AM radio show, Catholic Answers radio and Vatican Radio. His photographs have appeared in hundreds of books and publications including Life Magazine, National Geographic, Time Magazine and Newsweek and in countless television documentaries. He has written many Shroud articles and papers that have been published in periodicals or presented at conferences around the world, the most recent in the March 2010 issue of Catholic Digest."

A religious motive AND a profit motive. Life Magazine, for example, paid fairly well.

And the character assasinations begin...
It cannot prove that God is real, it only provides evidence that God is real.
How so? Does God wear clothes? Perhaps Jesus did, but then he is not God.
Else he would not have to accuse "father" of "forsaking" him, right?

If Jesus was God, he could have stopped this at any time, no? Instead he asked for help.
If Jesus could perform miracles, why not stop the proceedings with some great miraculous sign. He could have converted all who witnessed the event and walked away and perhaps even forgive Judas on the way out. That would have been worthy of an Oscar.

Instead, Jesus died like a criminal and the criminal Barabbas was set free in by choice.
Quite a morality message......:eek:
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Investigators for the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) include:

  1. Joseph S. Accetta, Lockheed Corporation* - Infrared spectroscopy
  2. Steven Baumgart, U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories* - Infrared spectral measurements
  3. John D. German, U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories* - Technical support for all experiments
  4. Ernest H. Brooks II, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Scientific photography
  5. Mark Evans, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Microphotography, photomicroscopy
  6. Vernon D. Miller, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Scientific photography (Deceased)
  7. Robert Bucklin, Harris County,Texas, Medical Examiner's Office -Medical, forensics (Deceased)
  8. Donald Devan, Oceanographic Services Inc.* - Scientific photography, image analysis (Deceased)
  9. Rudolph J. Dichtl, University of Colorado* - Technical support of all experiments
  10. Robert Dinegar, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Chemistry, tape sample removal/analysis (Deceased)
  11. Donald Janney, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Image analysis
  12. Joan Janney Rogers, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Technical support
  13. J. Ronald London, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - X-ray radiography and X-ray fluorescence (Deceased)
  14. Roger A. Morris, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - X-ray fluorescence (Deceased)
  15. Raymond N. Rogers, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Chemistry, tape sample removal/analysis (Deceased)
  16. Larry Schwalbe, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories - Physics, X-ray fluorescesnce
  17. Diane Soran, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories - Chemistry, Archaeology (Deceased)
  18. Kenneth E. Stevenson, IBM* - Public relations
  19. Al Adler, Western Connecticut State University - Biochemist, tape sample analysis (Deceased)
  20. Thomas F. D'Muhala, Nuclear Technology Corporation* - Logistics
  21. Jim Drusik, Los Angeles County Museum - Conservation
  22. Joseph Gambescia, St. Agnes Medical Center - Medical analysis (Deceased)
  23. Roger Gilbert, Oriel Corporation* - Visible/UV spectroscopy
  24. Marty Gilbert, Oriel Corporation* - Visible/UV spectroscopy
  25. Thomas Haverty, Rocky Mountain Thermograph* - Thermography
  26. John Heller, New England Institute - Biophysics (Deceased)
  27. John P. Jackson, U.S. Air Force Academy* - STURP President, measurements/analysis
  28. Eric J. Jumper, U.S. Air Force Academy* - STURP Vice-president, measurements/analysis
  29. Jean Lorre, Jet Propulsion Laboratory* - Image analysis (Deceased)
  30. Donald J. Lynn, Jet Propulsion Laboratory* - Image analysis (Deceased)
  31. Robert William (Bill) Mottern, Sandia National Laboratory* - Image analysis, X-ray radiography (Deceased)
  32. Samuel Pellicori, Santa Barbara Research Center* - Visible/UV spectroscopy
  33. Barrie M. Schwortz, Barrie Schwortz Studios* - Documentation Photography

Note: The researchers marked with an * participated directly in the 1978 Examination in Turin. All others are STURP research members who worked with the data or samples after the team returned to the United States.

Thanks for the list. I took a quick sample.

Raymond Rogers - "The essential conclusion of the article is that the radiocarbon datings were accurate, but because the samples were from cloth that was not part of the original Shroud, they are irrelevant regarding the age of the image area."

Donald Lynn - "Quantitative Color Analysis What color is the body image on the Shroud? What color are the bloodstains? What color is the aged Digital Analysis 24 cloth? What colors are the scorch marks? These questions cannot be answered quantitatively by visual examination of the photographs. The terms "sepia" or "rust" or "old ivory" are not quantitative specifications of color. The perception of color is very subjective; it is more a matter of brain interpretation than response of the eye. In fact, the perceived color of a scene can be changed merely by changing the level of illumination or the color of the background against which the scene is observed."

John Heller - couldn't find the source material. From the closest thing I could find - "The blood on the Shroud has been proven to be real human blood by Adler and Heller from STURP and this conclusion was independently confirmed by Baima Bollone in Italy almost at the same time (beginning of the 80s)." . . . "Adler and Heller (hereafter referred to as A&H, fell well short of proving anything, at least conclusively. They produced a pastiche of findings that simply showed there may have been some real blood present, in varying states of chemical degradation, without excluding the presence of a permanently-red pigment that was NOT blood. Real blood is not permanently red, or even purplish red, or red-brown."

So 0 for 3 on real proof.
More tests that could be done with the Shroud, but it is very hard for scientists to get permission to do tests. This is especially the case for tests that are destructive, for obvious reasons.

The evidence in favour of the Shroud's authenticity as a first-century artifact is controversial and flimsy. The evidence that it is a medieval fake seems to stronger, as far as I can tell, although I take on board the complaint that radiocarbon testing might have been done with a section of the Shroud that was repaired in medieval times. That particular issue could, in principle, be put to bed by allowing testing of a different section of the Shroud.

Claims that the image on the Shroud is an impossible 3D image that could only be formed by powerful light, or similar process (the implication being that the image was formed when God resurrected Jesus, I think) strike me as dubious, since the same effect could be achieved by a competent artist painting on the cloth.

The recent claims that the Shroud must be fake, based on assumptions about the way blood (if it is blood) ran down the cloth, also strike me as questionable and based on a lot of assumptions.

I don't know if it has been clearly established that there is blood on the Shroud, but even if there is there is no way to know whose blood it is.

Given the highly developed industry of faking religious relics that existed in the early centuries of the second millennium, I would not be at all surprised if the Shroud is confirmed at some time in future as a medieval fake. It would join all the supposed pieces of the True Cross, the soldier's spear, the fingers and other body parts of the Saints, and so on, that were used to make money and to gain prestige and attract pilgrims to various churches.

To hold up the Shroud as evidence of the existence of Jesus, let alone God, based on what is known, seems to me to be an unjustifiable stretch, given the totality of the available evidence.
More tests that could be done with the Shroud, but it is very hard for scientists to get permission to do tests. This is especially the case for tests that are destructive, for obvious reasons.
To hold up the Shroud as evidence of the existence of Jesus, let alone God, based on what is known, seems to me to be an unjustifiable stretch, given the totality of the available evidence.

Seems to me that if new and reliable evidence was being found, we would have heard about it a long time ago.
Think of the strides in genetics science has made since the first testing of that shroud. If we can establish the age of fossils from millions of years ago, it would seem relatively simple to establish the age of an artifact a couple of thousand years old.
I find it interesting that theists speak of ID and use the flagella a evidence of "divine" construction.
Do theists have any idea of the complicated physics involved in the compound patterns in biology? Divine construction?

The human pattern consists of trillions of individual cells with encoded specific functions and the ability to communicate via electro/ chemical languages . This is being studied by the new science of "quorum sensing". This is what allows bacteria to communicate and form an important part of the human organism.

And theism teaches that with a wave of his hand God created a fully formed human organism made from bacteria which appeared billions of years before? All in six days?

Contra-evidence musing: I submit that human beings are far too complicated for an instantly "creative act" by any causal means. There is no God powerful enough to accomplish such a feat. Not even in Scripture does such a God exist.

God could never have constructed a human being. We are much too complicated and have too many atoms to be able to be formed instantly by any causal agent. It just doesn't work that way.

ONLY chemical evolution over time-spans of billions of years in a chemical rich environment could create the complexity of the parts which make up the human body and brain.

Moreover, the complexity of the human organism does not only rule out the existence of a spiritual creative force, but also affirms the gradual long-term pattern forming into ever greater complexity, until modern man evolved relatively recently, some 14 billion years after the beginning of chemical bonding and pattern forming.
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Side Note...

Evidence that there were Jews who worshiped Jesus following His death and resurrection.
I find it interesting that theists speak of ID and use the flagella a evidence of "divine" construction.
Do theists have any idea of the complicated physics involved in the compound patterns in biology? Divine construction?

The human pattern consists of trillions of individual cells with encoded specific functions and the ability to communicate via electro/ chemical languages . This is being studied by the new science of "quorum sensing". This is what allows bacteria to communicate and form an important part of the human organism.

And theism teaches that with a wave of his hand God created a fully formed human organism made from bacteria which appeared billions of years before? All in six days?

Contra-evidence musing: I submit that human beings are far too complicated for an instantly "creative act" by any causal means. There is no God powerful enough to accomplish such a feat. Not even in Scripture does such a God exist.

God could never have constructed a human being. We are much too complicated and have too many atoms to be able to be formed instantly by any causal agent. It just doesn't work that way.

ONLY chemical evolution over time-spans of billions of years in a chemical rich environment could create the complexity of the parts which make up the human body and brain.

Moreover, the complexity of the human organism does not only rule out the existence of a spiritual creative force, but also affirms the gradual long-term pattern forming into ever greater complexity, until modern man evolved relatively recently, some 14 billion years after the beginning of chemical bonding and pattern forming.

So God cannot do this?
But blind Chemistry plus Entropy can?
Are you absolutely sure about this?

How does Entropy pull this off over a single day, or just 1 year, let alone over billions of years?
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Rocks! Caves! Stone walls! Some more rocks!
Dead guys, from 2000BC to 2000AD wrapped in cloth! And entombed in caves!
Evidence of Jews in Judea?
Evidence that there were religious sects in Judea?
Well, if that doesn't prove there's a god - just the one, mind you! - nothing will.