Handing Out Evidence for God

Worded like that gives the impression that you think belief existed in the first place, and that atheists (or at least clueless) originally did believe and then "had that belief removed".
Clueless' post doesn't indicate that he did believe at one time.
It is always there for mere mortals.

EDIT: You know peasants like us.
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I didn't mean it like a single moment of clarity; but you (presumably) did believe in God as a youngster (even if it's just because you were told) but now you don't.

From earliest memories about it… God-stuff seemed to be accepted by everbody but i had a much stronger connecton to Santa… prolly cause he was a happy old man an brout good presents… but i had caut on to the Santa lies by age 6... an by age 8 i know i was skeptical about Bible-stuff.!!!

At 8 in Sunday school after a bible story was told i asked… is God an Jesus the same person… an the 2 teechers just looked at each other an kinda smiled but didnt answr my queston… but even befor that… somptin alredy seemed fishy about Bible stuff -- like i wasnt bein told the truth… but i kinda learned to just play along an act like it was all true.!!!

Later on at Sunday school we was given old magazines an told to cut perty pitchers out of ‘em… an i cut out a nearly full size page of a beautiful square-type whisky bottle/container… an i knew that wasnt what they had in mind... an i thank it was my way of protestin them not givin me an honest answr to by God/Jesus queston :)

I stopped going to church as soon as I was brave enough to defy my parents. That was at 16.
I'm not sure when I first started thinking this God thing was hokum.
It was a bit of a challenge; my mother had just finished getting her Bachelors in Theology.

Sounds like a very interestin time in you’r life.!!!

So did thangs get serious wit you’r parents over you’r resistance to church stuff… or more like uncomfortable for a while.???
So did thangs get serious wit you’r parents over you’r resistance to church stuff… or more like uncomfortable for a while.???
They were really more irritated that I was exercising my will, than what I was exercising it about. So, typical teenage friction. I don't think it was ever brought up again.

My mother got her Masters or something in Theology. My father has revealed over time that he went more for the community (and for my mother) than any actual religious beliefs.

They supported their children in pretty much everything, and I suppose that included their ability to make their own decisions.