group sex, is it rape?

is this rape

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james you contradicted yourself. either its a crime and there for a problem of sociaty or its not. this is for 2 reasons, presumption of innocence for 1. the second has to do with what right people have to delve into someone elses sex life.

few examples: justice kerby
even rudd going to a strip club.

how much say should your employer or the public have over your sex life? should a teacher or anyone else lose there job and be hounded because they are gay? swingers? into S&M? ect,21985,25480811-661,00.html

At the time, New Zealand police investigated the woman's claims that the sex was non-consensual, but the investigation cleared all players of wrongdoing.

Detective Inspector David Long, from Christchurch police, said the original investigation involved up to 80 interviews, and was thorough and conclusive.

"I'm completely satisfied that we got full and truthful accounts at the time and that no crime was committed,'' Det Insp Long said.


Her current story:

Clare claims that several men rubbed their penises on her face, while others lined up at the end of the bed to have sex with her. Unsurprisingly, even years later, she is still traumatized by the incident. She has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychiatrists have reported that she has attempted suicide several times. "For years and years afterwards I was drinking a lot, crying a lot and losing a lot of friends and doing quite destructive things to myself and other people," she told the program. "I was so angry and I wanted their lives destroyed like mine was."
Since there was a complaint at the time, I'm not sure that one can say that she is changing her story years later.

Just from the stories I'd say she went with two and got piled on and what started as consensual went south somewhere in the middle. Certainly the beginning of the story looks consensual but the filing the police report is not generally what you do after a fun night of group sex with the team.

So remember, if you want a prostitute, hire a professional. Getting some naive girl off the street only seems cheaper in the beginning.
yep and all the prisionors in gitmo are guilty. no one was ever charged and from your own link the cop said he was satisfied that no crime was comitted. im sorry but if the men were charged and convicted i would be singing a different tune but they havent been and our system is inocent till guilty not the other way around
A single teen generally isn't going to have much luck with famous athletes and the law.

Your original claim was that she changed her tune 7 years later, she didn't.

Is group sex rape in and of itself? Of course not. But certainly one gal and a bunch of jocks is usually as suspect as one gal and a bunch of fly boys or any other macho pack. I would expect a lot more parity in legitimate group sex.

So is this another one of those posts where we are supposed to think how horrible it is the poor guy is being unjustly persecuted or something?

If so you should vet you sympathy posts better.
How is this group sex and not a gang bang?

If she never said no, then its not rape. Regret doesn't make it rape. If regret made a sexual act rape, then there would be a whole world of people in trouble.
Did she say 'no' or 'stop' at the time, or otherwise express that she didn't want to do it?

If she did, it was rape.
how much say should your employer or the public have over your sex life? should a teacher or anyone else lose there job and be hounded because they are gay? swingers? into S&M? ect
The standard should be whether or not it impacts your workplace. If a teacher is gay but good at teaching, there isn't any clear reason why his being gay would interfere with his job. If advertisers etc. are complaining, obviously that does impact his job. Are you really wanting to argue that a TV show, for example, should be obligated to keep a host even if he becomes unpopular with the viewers and advertisers?

Just because he hasn't been convicted of a crime doesn't mean that people can't judge him on moral grounds.
He had sex with a willing woman. I don't understand what's immoral about it.
I agree with you regarding this specific case. But he seemed to be trying to argue that there should be no consequences or judgment for him because he wasn't convicted of a crime, which isn't broadly true.
I agree with you regarding this specific case. But he seemed to be trying to argue that there should be no consequences or judgment for him because he wasn't convicted of a crime, which isn't broadly true.

Sorry, but group sex is not a crime in any country I know of. As to the specific case; was the woman pressured into the whole thing? If she was, I can see it as immoral, but unless you have a video camera taping the thing, the 'he says/she says' thing can become a real nightmare; who do you believe? Also, the focus here is clearly with this woman and the people she had group sex with, but what's -not- talked about is whether society's views on the matter could have affected her just as much if not more.
Sorry, but group sex is not a crime in any country I know of. As to the specific case; was the woman pressured into the whole thing? If she was, I can see it as immoral, but unless you have a video camera taping the thing, the 'he says/she says' thing can become a real nightmare; who do you believe? Also, the focus here is clearly with this woman and the people she had group sex with, but what's -not- talked about is whether society's views on the matter could have affected her just as much if not more.

I will believe whatever I want to believe and make my decisions as a consumer accordingly.

As a gay pedophile, you should be wary of any political position that wants to punish people for thought crimes.
He had sex with a willing woman. I don't understand what's immoral about it.
I don't think this is a Yes or No, she filled in Box __________ kind of issue.

The men could have treated her like a piece of garbage and she may have been in too much shock to say 'no'.

Does this mean it was rape?

Possibly not.

Was she willing?

Maybe not.

Can it be OK if a kind of public figure loses his job over acting like an asshole and treating a woman like a piece of shit?

I think so.

Imagine you are 19, or someone meeker than you if you are always tough and say no whenever you feel no. A famous person takes you to a hotel room. You have sex and then other famous men appear. You are uncomfortable, they talk about you like you do not exist. These men could overpower you while brushing their teeth and playing hopscotch. You are scared, ashamed, frozen. It is assumed you will let them fuck you. They do.

Is this rape? Actually I think it is.

Is it a rape that should lead to a conviction. Probably not.

Am I OK with the guy losing a job?

Yes, I am.
I don't think this is a Yes or No, she filled in Box __________ kind of issue.

The men could have treated her like a piece of garbage and she may have been in too much shock to say 'no'.

Does this mean it was rape?

Possibly not.

Was she willing?

Maybe not.

Can it be OK if a kind of public figure loses his job over acting like an asshole and treating a woman like a piece of shit?

I think so.

Imagine you are 19, or someone meeker than you if you are always tough and say no whenever you feel no. A famous person takes you to a hotel room. You have sex and then other famous men appear. You are uncomfortable, they talk about you like you do not exist. These men could overpower you while brushing their teeth and playing hopscotch. You are scared, ashamed, frozen. It is assumed you will let them fuck you. They do.

Is this rape? Actually I think it is.

Is it a rape that should lead to a conviction. Probably not.

Am I OK with the guy losing a job?

Yes, I am.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

His actions were deplorable. The whole team's actions were deplorable. They acted like a pack of sex crazed lunatics. I mean, climbing through the windows? Come on...

There have been sex scandals after sex scandals involving football players in Australia in recent years. There is this almost ingrained misogynistic attitude, where anything goes. This scenario involved a 19 year old girl, possibly star struck and who consented to sex with 2 men. During the act, other men streamed into the room, some through the bathroom windows. The pressure that would have been placed on this girl would have been enormous at that point in time. And these men were not small, but very large and strong football players who did not give her the choice of saying 'no'.

Was it rape? I would say yes. There are now calls to look at the laws of consent because this case proves, that it is currently inadequate and does not deal with situations like this. We aren't talking about a girl who felt embarrassed a few years later and is now trying to get some money out of it. Her identity remains hidden, all we know is her first name. She has attempted suicide and has been suffering from severe depression since this happened, so much so that she qualified for public compensation. Obviously, she's not trying to blackmail or bleed the football club dry in coming forward. She was 19 and reported the issue to police, who would then have been faced with a plethora of club lawyers and all the money they needed backing them to get the players off, and they succeeded. When cases like this come up, there is this usual wall of silence and team members will tend to stick together and 'get their stories straight', and again, they succeeded.

Did Matthew Johns deserve to lose his football coaching career and his TV career because of this? I think it is a small price to pay to be honest. He got off lightly. Astounding still, even in his apology, he has also not named the others who were in the room with him at the time. Again, that wall of silence and attempts to protect his former team mates takes precedence, which makes me question whether his apology was really that honest or whether he was attempting to save his own backside. A friend of Johns and a fellow TV presenter on the show which Johns hosted made this fairly pertinent comment:

Gould said the incident should be the final sledgehammer to wake up the people involved with the game after a series of alcohol-fuelled player incidents and their mistreatment of women in recent years.

"Our players have got to understand it doesn't matter if you think you are in the right," he said.

"It doesn't matter if you think you have the green light, if it is perceived that it is OK to go across with this stuff it's going to end in dramas - somewhere sometime it will come back to bite you on the arse and we're all going to pay the penalty for it.",28383,25485489-10229,00.html

And now a point for Asguard..

ok james, you want to know what i think should happen to him specifically. nothing, just like i think nothing should happen to someone ACUSSED of murder but not proven. rember ignoring that little detail is what lead to gitmo
I want you to consider something. Johns is and was a part of a very rich organisation whose sole concern was to the safety of their players, and who would and have done everything in their capacity to cover up any scandal and to get the players off when needed. Are you surprised that nothing came of the investigation? I'm not. The Police would have been stonewalled and most probably were by a vast number of team and personal lawyers whose sole purpose was to protect those players.

I want you to imagine the scenario this girl was placed in. She consented to sex with 2 men. And then she was confronted with basically half the team, many of whom stripped off and began to have sex with her. They didn't speak to her but stood around her naked and spoke about her as if she were a piece of meat. Do you honestly think if she had said the word "no" or "stop", they would have listened? I don't. At the end of the day, it was her word against theirs. She was a 19 year old girl and they were part of a multi-million dollar organisation that did everything to cover up the story and ensure that their players were found innocent. Are you surprised that the police could not find enough evidence to charge them for rape? I'm not. The cover up and the 'getting their stories straight' would have been huge. So the police basically decided to drop the case. The girl then went on a destructive cycle that involved suicide attempts and severe depression. So it is quite blatantly obvious that she has suffered from the ordeal. For you to blame her is quite astounding to me. In your profession, if you are unlucky enough, you could find yourself having to face and help treat a young girl or boy like this particular girl. I would hope that you would show them a bit more compassion than you have shown this girl.

The demand is now in place for the other players in that room to come forward. They have not done so. The 4Corners report was about the 'Code of Silence' that exists within the 'Code' and this past week has shown it to be quite true.

Several women linked to various sexual misconduct allegations that have been publicised in the past broke their silence to talk to Four Corners about the NRL's "code of silence".

While no new allegations were made, it revealed disturbing details, in some instances, of what occurred, as well as a troubling reluctance of women to follow through their complaints for fear of being disregarded or looked down upon by authorities.

"Clare" said she suffered for years after her incident, when as many as 11 Cronulla players entered the room at the Racecourse Hotel where she worked and began touching her and themselves in a sexual manner.

"For years afterwards I was drinking a lot and crying a lot and losing a lot of my friends, and just doing quite destructive things to myself and to other people," she said.

"I just thought I was a useless person that I couldn't like."

NRL CEO David Gallop, on behalf of the game, issued an apology after last night's show.

"The distress of the victims spoke for itself and to the extent that the game can apologise for the actions of individuals then I offer that apology unreservedly,'' he wrote in the statement released after the program.

He said the program "dealt with issues that I would hope everyone in the game finds appalling and unacceptable''.

"It is important, however, to understand the very substantial efforts the NRL, the clubs and the players have made in changing attitudes, particularly since 2004.,22049,25465994-5019031,00.html

Johns is (or was) a man who was in a powerful position as an assistant coach, mentor to other young men and media personality. He was looked up to by boys and girls. His actions have shown that he is not a role model for children or young people who play or do not play the game.
bells, i find it facinating that this morning her female friend came out and said that she was excited that she got to have sex with so many famous men. Do i place much weight on that? not really because they dont report the background of it either.

As for "they treated her like a piece of meat" would you like to have a look at some of the S&M stuff? seriously, piece of meat is quite an acurate depiction of it and yet no one argues that its not consentual (for the majority of it i mean, not the random sociopaths who actually abduct, rape and kill there victoms).

Im sorry but the police investigater didnt come out and say "we were stone walled and though we think there was something wrong with this case we dont have enough evidence" He said (as quoted on this thread) "we investigated and interviewed 80 witnesses and we belive that we got the truth in this case and there is no evidence that a crime took place" (if that quote is slightly wrong i apologise but its on this thread).

As for being a roll model that is the argument which was used to FIRE both a gay and a lesbian teachers from my partners high school simply because the principle found out they wernt straight. Its a REALLY bad precident when unproven allegations and things which are simply not crimes start to become reasons for being publicly and proffessionally atacked.

Rember justice kerby, rember rudds strip club incident (though those really backfired on the then goverment). Rember that once you open the door to legal actions being cause for public and proffessional atack you open the door to the 2 teachers who were fired because of there sexuality (at a PUBLIC school i might add).

Criminal actions SHOULD be procuted, legal actions shouldnt be.
As for "they treated her like a piece of meat" would you like to have a look at some of the S&M stuff? seriously, piece of meat is quite an acurate depiction of it and yet no one argues that its not consentual (for the majority of it i mean, not the random sociopaths who actually abduct, rape and kill there victoms).
Most of the SM community is even more explicit about what they want then the outside vanilla world. They have to be. Of course consent problems happen, but there tend to be stop words and before and after talk sessions, at least until they get some rhythm together, ha ha. It is a culture. And generally the people know the culture they are coming into.

A 19 year old, or even an older person, may think, oddly enough that sex is about affection, or at least a kind of friendly attraction. I'll bet if he had come out of the bathroom in leather with a whip she would have known immediately she was with a guy who had different ideas about what he wanted for sex than she did.

As for being a roll model that is the argument which was used to FIRE both a gay and a lesbian teachers from my partners high school simply because the principle found out they wernt straight. Its a REALLY bad precident when unproven allegations and things which are simply not crimes start to become reasons for being publicly and proffessionally atacked.
Not a good example. The phrases alleged gay should not make sense. being gay should not be seen as immoral or something one is accused of. Being a prick is another story.

Rember justice kerby, rember rudds strip club incident (though those really backfired on the then goverment). Rember that once you open the door to legal actions being cause for public and proffessional atack you open the door to the 2 teachers who were fired because of there sexuality (at a PUBLIC school i might add).
That door is already open and it's another door.

Criminal actions SHOULD be procuted, legal actions shouldnt be.
but he's not being prosecuted is he?
in most countries you can walk past an old person who has fallen down in the street and not help them and it is quite legal to not help them.

might be OK to fire people who do, though.

I mean these guys are young strong. They can find another job.

Who has a right to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars for running around with inflated dead animal?

A fantasy that this was important got them these ludicrous jobs.

So people being disappointed in them as fantasy figures seems fine justification for them losing those jobs.

A lesbian who can teach isn't doing anything wrong and has a useful skill.
scott3x said:
Sorry, but group sex is not a crime in any country I know of. As to the specific case; was the woman pressured into the whole thing? If she was, I can see it as immoral, but unless you have a video camera taping the thing, the 'he says/she says' thing can become a real nightmare; who do you believe? Also, the focus here is clearly with this woman and the people she had group sex with, but what's -not- talked about is whether society's views on the matter could have affected her just as much if not more.

I will believe whatever I want to believe and make my decisions as a consumer accordingly.

Crime, as a general rule, is generally taken to mean what is illegal. As far as I know, group sex isn't illegal anywhere. I think your message would be better conveyed by saying that in your view, it is immoral, so as not to confuse your personal belief with the law.
bells, i find it facinating that this morning her female friend came out and said that she was excited that she got to have sex with so many famous men. Do i place much weight on that? not really because they dont report the background of it either.

Again, the trauma she suffered was enough to warrant her eligibility for compensation and for receiving free therapy. What does that indicate to you?

As for "they treated her like a piece of meat" would you like to have a look at some of the S&M stuff? seriously, piece of meat is quite an acurate depiction of it and yet no one argues that its not consentual (for the majority of it i mean, not the random sociopaths who actually abduct, rape and kill there victoms).

I'm sorry, but what does S&M have to do with this? People who participate in S&M do so with full knowledge and full expectations to be treated as they wish to be treated. What she was engaged in was not S&M. What she was involved in was a room full of drunken arseholes who only saw her as a cum bucket and treated her as such, to the extent where she attempted to kill herself afterward.

Im sorry but the police investigater didnt come out and say "we were stone walled and though we think there was something wrong with this case we dont have enough evidence" He said (as quoted on this thread) "we investigated and interviewed 80 witnesses and we belive that we got the truth in this case and there is no evidence that a crime took place" (if that quote is slightly wrong i apologise but its on this thread).
You expected him to say it? How naive! 80 witnesses? What? None of them can now come forward and name those involved? The club and the players would have had a plethora of very expensive lawyers to ensure the investigation did not go further. The players were interviewed when they returned to Australia, a lot of time to get their stories straight. The police accept that something happened but there is not enough evidence to prosecute for rape. That something happened is obvious. You choose to believe the players, the blokey blokes and the rest, including the NRL, are choosing to believe that this girl (and others) suffered from their treatment and they are attempting to deal with it.

As for being a roll model that is the argument which was used to FIRE both a gay and a lesbian teachers from my partners high school simply because the principle found out they wernt straight. Its a REALLY bad precident when unproven allegations and things which are simply not crimes start to become reasons for being publicly and proffessionally atacked.
Which has what do with this story or case?

You are comparing football players, role models and who expect to be treated and viewed as such, climbing through windows of a hotel room to masturbate and have sex with a girl who had only consented to have sex with two men.. who acted like complete and utter arseholes, who treated her as if she was just a fuck toy, who then and continue to engage in a 'code of silence' to protect themselves, with complete disregard for the victim.. you are comparing that with two teachers who have done nothing wrong being fired because of their sexuality?

The allegations are proven. They forced their way into a room and had sex with a girl who may or may not have consented to it or who may have been in a position where she feared for her safety if she did not consent to it and proceeded to treat her as if she did not exist, and was only there for them to get off on. Those allegations are known and have been accepted as being correct. And somehow, you seem to think what they did was somehow acceptable? I'm sorry, but which reality do you exist in?

Rember justice kerby, rember rudds strip club incident (though those really backfired on the then goverment). Rember that once you open the door to legal actions being cause for public and proffessional atack you open the door to the 2 teachers who were fired because of there sexuality (at a PUBLIC school i might add).
Okay. Kirby and Rudd had done nothing wrong. Neither had the homosexual teachers. These football yobbos have done something very wrong. The NRL admit that what they did was wrong and those who came after them to lead the club they belonged to admit it was deplorable. And yet, here you are saying they hadn't done anything wrong.

I guess intimidating a girl into having sex with half a dozen men and having the rest strip off and masturbate over you (literally over her since they stood around the room and over the bed to do so) without seeing whether it was alright with her first, is not wrong for you?

Criminal actions SHOULD be procuted, legal actions shouldnt be.
With all due respect. The legality of their actions currently exists within a grey area. Just because there was not enough evidence to proceed with legal action does not mean they are innocent. I would suggest you keep that in mind.

The result of their actions has now resulted in queries of the adequacy of the consent laws, since they do not deal with situations like what this girl was made to endure.

james you contradicted yourself. either its a crime and there for a problem of sociaty or its not.

Many things are not crimes and yet still cause huge problems for society. Alcohol consumption is one example.

How much say should your employer or the public have over your sex life? should a teacher or anyone else lose there job and be hounded because they are gay? swingers? into S&M? ect

It depends on whether their sex life impacts their job. If you're a role model for children, for example, you probably wouldn't want to be too out there about your sexual fetishes. And if you are, you should be prepared to accept the judgment of the general public.

yep and all the prisionors in gitmo are guilty. no one was ever charged and from your own link the cop said he was satisfied that no crime was comitted. im sorry but if the men were charged and convicted i would be singing a different tune but they havent been and our system is inocent till guilty not the other way around

Nobody disputes the primary facts in this case. These men are not "innocent". What they did was wrong, morally if not legally.

Did she say 'no' or 'stop' at the time, or otherwise express that she didn't want to do it?

If she did, it was rape.

It seems she didn't say "no" or "stop". But that doesn't mean she consented to the whole thing.

bells, i find it facinating that this morning her female friend came out and said that she was excited that she got to have sex with so many famous men. Do i place much weight on that? not really because they dont report the background of it either.

You don't know the motivations of this "friend". I would take the assessments of the psychological and police professionals who investigated the case as more important than the claims of this "friend" who for some reason wants to paint her "friend" in a bad light. (What kind of friend does that, anyway?)

As for "they treated her like a piece of meat" would you like to have a look at some of the S&M stuff? seriously, piece of meat is quite an acurate depiction of it and yet no one argues that its not consentual...

In this case, the woman did not invite the whole team back to her room for an S&M session.

Im sorry but the police investigater didnt come out and say "we were stone walled and though we think there was something wrong with this case we dont have enough evidence" He said (as quoted on this thread) "we investigated and interviewed 80 witnesses and we belive that we got the truth in this case and there is no evidence that a crime took place" (if that quote is slightly wrong i apologise but its on this thread).

Yes? And so?

As for being a roll model that is the argument which was used to FIRE both a gay and a lesbian teachers from my partners high school simply because the principle found out they wernt straight.

That's unfair dismissal. And again, not at all relevant to the case under discussion here.

Its a REALLY bad precident when unproven allegations and things which are simply not crimes start to become reasons for being publicly and proffessionally atacked.

People are sacked for far less than this. You don't have to commit a crime to lose your job.

Rember justice kerby, rember rudds strip club incident (though those really backfired on the then goverment).

Kirby and Rudd did nothing wrong. Their cases are also nothing like the one we're discussing.

Criminal actions SHOULD be procuted, legal actions shouldnt be.

Don't be silly. Legal actions obviously aren't the subject of criminal prosecutions. The acts in this case weren't the subject of a prosecution. That doesn't mean they were all just fine and dandy.

You're taking a scattergun approach to this in a desperate attempt to exonerate these footballers. Why?