Great Explanation of Global Flood Model

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For instance, just suppose that tomorrow a sentient extraterrestrial civilization makes its presence known to mankind. This new race demonstrates to us that life on our planet is millions of years old, via visual recordings taken at the time. How would you fit that into your belief system? How would you cope?

Or then again, perhaps something a little less fantastical. What if when the oceans of Europa are explored, microscopic extraterrestrial life is found? How would that fit into your beliefs of a Young Earth? I’m pretty sure the bible doesn’t advocate panspermia or exogenesis.
Extraterrestrial "evidence" is found all the time (remember the Mars hype?), never pans out, but to answer your question, the Bible does not rule out ET's, so no problem there, and I think ET's, UFO's, are fooling people because they start and stop on a dime, high speeds, so they are not physical entities.
Mars was different that was down to interpretation. I'm asking about a bona fide race of people able to commmunicate our past to us. I'm sure the bible doesn't rule E.T's out but it would make the claim for a literal interpretation of the bible (i.e. Earth = a few thousand years old) defunct. Once again how would you cope on a personal and religious level?
But your literal interpretation of the genisis account in the bible would remain incorrect. So, I guess what I'm asking is. How integral to your religious beliefs is such an interpretation?
As I've said several times before, I was born-again in a conditon of Darwinian/Lyellian indoctrination, so my salvation has really nothing to do with my interest in Genesis history, I just love it.
But you are such an ardent advocate of Genesis history, how would you react if all that was taken away from you?
Good for you. So you would admit that your predilection for the Genesis account is based upon faith?
Sorry perhaps you misunderstand: You would admit it if the scenario given above were to occur?
Because the alien race would present you with incontrovertible proof of the earth being millions of years old.
How? On the one hand you are saying the bible is the absolute word of God period. On the other you would have absolute evidence that the bible is incorrect. How would you reconcile the two?
Like I said, I became born-again while under Darwinian/Lyellian indoctrination, and millions of born-again Christians believe the Earth is old, as I did, so no big woop.
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