Goodbye Thread


Some people hate ideas. Some people like to wreste with ideas. And some just like to play with ideas. That's the definition of a philosopher.

I like this a lot. I'd also like to add that society always needs someone with completely different ideas in order to progress -always needs someone to come from left field.
true, true. its just that her description of herself as "not even being alive" reminded me of dominique.

oh well, all analogies highlight similarities--and especially differences.

"Do you ever asked my ex-girlfriend? Because... you know... I held her...
maybe when you hugged her, her fright triggered an epileptic seizure, nelson, and her entire body started convulsing in violent paroxysms you thought to be the gyrations of an orgasm. i think thats probably why she closed her eyes and merely slacked her jaw open when you tried to kiss her afterwords, letting her frothy spit fall into your mouth as a sign of her love.

im just kidding nelson. :) :eek: :p im sure you gave her an orgasm shell always remember.
Steven [Hawking] is pure mysticism...

I don't read Steven Hawking...

Not sure if truthseeker means that he has never read Hawking, or that he has read enough to determine that he is a mystic. A lot of truthseeker's writing has bad grammar and is difficult to read. Yes, it is important.

I'm new here, and I've been caught up in another thread of truthseeker's before I knew what was what. My question is to everyone else, in light of the statements that I just quoted above, why has everyone supposedly interested in science wasted so much time with this guy?

The net is stocked full of sociopathic, whacked personalities with little talent for logical, dispassionate discourse, and sciforums, unfortunately, is not immune. It shouldn't be too hard to discern who's not going to understand a logical argument and ignore them. Otherwise we could be wasting a lot of precious sleep trying to argue with creationists.

John Le Coq

im just kidding nelson. im sure you gave her an orgasm shell always remember.

I don't know if I gave her THAT...
Actually... I just don't want anyone to know about my(our?) private life...:eek: :eek:
Originally poated by le coq
why has everyone supposedly interested in science wasted so much time with this guy?

The net is stocked full of sociopathic, whacked personalities with little talent for logical, dispassionate discourse, and sciforums, unfortunately, is not immune. It shouldn't be too hard to discern who's not going to understand a logical argument and ignore them. Otherwise we could be wasting a lot of precious sleep trying to argue with creationists.

Good question! I suggest that everybody here who is interested in science, should stay in the science forums. Everybody here at Sciforums has the right to post their opinions, though. I don't think it's up to others to ridicule and haunt another member because of his/her thoughts. Language is not always native English. People who are used to another, foreign, language can have trouble to express exactly what they mean in English. It's ridiculous all the native English speaking people are so harsh about this. It is most of the times very clear what is meant by the person who not contains the whole English vocabulary. A little patience and some more respect should be in its place here.

If you are bothered by the opinions of someone else, then leave him/her be and go on to posters to whom you do want to reply.

Also I don't understand why you have to label other people as being "creationists" or otherwise. Not everybody has to be marked as being such or such. Every human being is a personality and often a mixture of all kinds of "labels".

Why do you people find such a delight in labelling people anyway? You can not tell how a person is, only by his/her posts on a message board. Often this people appear to be very different in real life.

As a last point I have to tell you that there's a lot of garbage "out there" on the internet and I think it nonsense to always come up with a website as being a kind of proof. Some people have knowledge they learned during life experiences throughout the years. I think this counts too, as being "proof" and/or "evidence".

TruthSeeker is a young man, yes. He is trying to tell his truth and is still going on the real life road to more insight. He will learn over the years how to handle his thoughts and express himself more clearly.

I quit with this, it's no use. To much people with eye shields, who just refuse to be a little more respectful and open to people with another opinion. I think those members have to keep in mind that some posters here are older and are talking from their life experiences. Which are different for everyone. Also its a complete different story when you are coming from another country than the US. Mentalities are not always the same. I think it's not good to force your ideas and opinions upon others.

Well, I guess I get all you people all over me now. That's cool, no problem...
"The net is stocked full of sociopathic, whacked personalities with little talent for logical, dispassionate discourse, and sciforums, unfortunately, is not immune. It shouldn't be too hard to discern who's not going to understand a logical argument and ignore them."

It shouldn't be, but it is.

I'm not exactly an intelligent or intellectual person so it's been my goal since my initial conversation with Nelson to point out one (just one is all I ask of) flaw in his 'logic' (and I use the term loosely) to him. I would have given up the minute he saw one mistake and felt happy that I'd done my job.

Like I said, I'm just not smart enough to leave it alone!
le coq

My question is to everyone else, in light of the statements that I just quoted above, why has everyone supposedly interested in science wasted so much time with this guy

It is due mostly in part to the fact that Truthseeker continues to start threads in the science forums which are not based on anything scientific. His theories are more or less based on dreams and fantasies he has experienced. Whenever someone points out the obvious flaws in his theories, he takes the criticism personally and begins to insult those members who are only trying to help him understand. He persists in trying to convince everyone he is right and they are wrong, regardless of how outrageous his claims.

As most of the members here do not wish to leave unsubstantiated claims lingering, they attempt to set the record straight. Truthseeker does not take kindly to this, hence the banter continues.
What I wrote to Truthseeker is because he is leaving us. He is one of our own.

You may or may not agree with him but he has stood in there, recieved and dished it out. His arguements may leave the topic and wander and so have the responces he has recieved.

Whether I agree or not with his statements is of no matter. It is that this may be the last time he is here. I would wish him well in case I never encounter him again. I would do the same for any of the rest here. I would rather part with good feelings as opposed to ill should the parting be final. It seems like a small gesture; to me it is an important one. All of you here, are part of sciforums. Part of a virtual community. Just as in real life there are disagreements here. Sciforums could not survive without that disagreement. Those of you opposed to Truthseeker have had many a moment of strong disagreement. Look back to the posts within this thread and it is clear. In spite of that most of you have made posts concerning one or another point of contention that you remember well; each his own point to raise. He has brought forth memories from each of you of various times you've butted heads or strove to right a wrong.

These are our parting messages to him. Consider wisely what you would say to one who is soon to be gone from us...
It seems like a small gesture; to me it is an important one

These are our parting messages to him. Consider wisely what you would say to one who is soon to be gone from us...

Now that can't be too hard to understand...
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Originally posted by Banshee:
Why do you people find such a delight in labelling people anyway? You can not tell how a person is, only by his/her posts on a message board. Often this people appear to be very different in real life.

Rational judgement. Categoralization creating a distorted view of reality. That's a good example of what I've been saying... :)

These are Truthseekers departing messages to us:

First I would like to thank the following people for showing me how the real world is - a world where you are attacked and insulted because of your point of view: Cris, goofyfish, Xev, Tyler, Godless, Northwind, (Q), tony1... and some others...

Those people, who claim that have the answers, call me arrogant, egocentric or whatever...
Who is really arrogant and egocentric??

And from his "To Porfiry" thread in Site Feedback:

Eventhough I'm leaving mostly because I'm pissed off with some posters whose insults drove me nuts. Really... after Tyler, Northwind and (Q) came, things started to get pretty annoying, as they attack me personally, instead of my theories...

Anyways... there will always be some people like that somewhere... unfortunatly, the world is full of this kind of people.

I hope someone here will open their eyes and show them what they have done...

Why should we bother to leave Truthseeker with "good feelings" when he is obviously starting these threads to spit venom ?
If you view it that way, so have they.

Good luck truthseeker. This will be my last post on this thread...

I have the right to defend myself after what some posters did...

You are not defending in starting these threads, you are attacking. No one forced you to start these threads to attack us. We did nothing to you except criticize your unsubstantiated claims and theories. And that's what this forum is all about. You are the one leaving Sciforums with a bad feelings initiated by your own doing.
You attacked previosuly. I defend myself with this thread. You continue to attack me. Goodbye.
you'll not always have the ability to run away Nelson. What would you do if traced into a corner?
Learn to live with life.

I was just yesterday pondering what my last words should be, I came to this " Enjoy this world and life, even if you have to die for it's beauty"

Bon voyage, Nelson
Maybe we'll meet again:)

You attacked previosuly.

I never attacked you once, prove it.

I defend myself with this thread.

Defending from what ? There is nothing for you to defend. This thread is clearly an attack on the members of Sciforums.

You continue to attack me.

Where ? Show me where I've attacked you. I've done nothing of the sort. You are acting paranoid.


Yeah, I know, you've been saying good-bye for a couple of days now. Get on with it.