Goodbye Thread

:) Goodbye TruthSeeker. :)

May your road lead on to glory and all the answers you are looking for in life. Believe in yourself and listen well to the people surrounding you.

As for the other posters at Sciforums, everyone speaks his/her thoughts on life and their kind of view. That is what discussions are based on. Not one person is exactly like another.

Speak your truth quietly and keep an open mind for the viewpoints of others.

I wish you all the best on your path , with Love and wisdom to really see. May your path in life bring you insight and lead you to more understanding. Hold on to your feelings, be not afraid to change your view if it is necessarry. Sometimes "things" are different from what you think/believe. :)

Have a good time in Brazil my friend. Be back on the boards if you get the chance. You'll hear from me, before you go...:)
Don't worry, I was somwhat drunk as well as insomniac (er, is that a word?).

which brings up one tangential point: how the hell do people balance life and sciforums? shit, ive only been here less than a month, but this place is already eating into sleep and philosophy- reading time. its fucking addictive.

I registered here and was content to lurk for over a month. I posted a little....and soon I could not wake up without checking up on what is happening here.

You will get hooked. You will learn to care about some posters as if you actually knew them. You will make friends and enemies. You will know people by name, and actually see the person behind the posting ID.

Or you will flee while there is still time.

again, im sorry if i offended you xev. know that for every poster whose respect you have lost you have gained at least one, mine, for standing up for him against your better judgment.

You haven't. I was slightly upset to see the same thing happening again - but this time with a poster whose opinion actually matters to me. You have my deepest respect, and I am glad to have it returned.

From others, praise meant nothing to me
From you, even censure was
High praise --Anna Akhmatova

Thank you.

i dont expect anyone to embrace him lovingly, and by no means do i expect women to be nurturing mother-figures for the ignorant. i just wanted nelson to be treated civilly, at least with an outward semblance of respect.

You're right. And have slipped in my self control. I want to say "But consider the provocation!", but, nah, I know I can do better than that.

and christ woman, did you bother to read up those stats on Brazil? first obscure biblical references, now this.

I'm a geek with no social life save getting wasted with strangers on occasion. What can you expect?

CIA factbook, actually.

P.S: I am really not this serious most of the time. Really.
Nelson, there are no goodbyes only seeyoulaters. ;) Have a great time in Brazil and wherever you may find yourself in the world.
Thanks girls :)


I'm not childish, I'm childlike. What happened with me is that I pursued so much knowledge, I read so much and with so much hunger, that I went from complete reason and logic to complete... I don't even know... there's not even a name for that... :bugeye:

Anyways.. I found a limit, and I went through this limit. What I found is what I'm trying to pass to people here. However, language is already a limitation, as I already told you. For that reason, I can't transmit my message without losing its true nature. What you see me speaking is only superficially. I give you the path to the Truth, not the Truth Itself. The Truth cannot be transmitted, as it is beyond words, reason and knowledge. That's why "TruthSeeker", because I give you the path I took to find what I found. I'm not there yet, but I will eventually get there... :)

Truth is the source of logic and reason, not THE logic and THE reason. What happened with scientists nowdays is that they forgot that they are pursuing a Truth common to everything, the "atom", and they substitued their path by their objective. They narrowed their minds into their own perspectives and their tools, and forgot the goal they were pursuing...
Originally posted by TruthSeeker

PS: Go ahead. Quote me. Discuss about me. I don't care. I'm out of here... I don't need to defend myself anyways... There are a lot of people here that understands me...

Your self-imposed forum exile seems to have lasted less than a day.

Told ya'll he wasn't leaving.
I'm not out of here yet. When I am out of here, I won't post anymore. It would be strange to continue posting if I'm not here anymore... that doesn't make sense... :p :D

I can not pass up this thread without at least saying I wish you the best in life and hope you return.

Life will bring you many strange turns as you proceed down its path. One day you will gain experience to go with your beliefs. I say this, not to rub you the wrong way but in the belief that it will make you a more rounded person and a better one for it.

I see in you, the youth that is in everyone at one time or another as they start down life's path. When first coming out of school it is natural, (and I dare say that most have felt this way) to believe that you have the answers and can change the world if you can just get your message through. It always seems it is the older ones that just don't get it.

Easily, I could have joined the ranks of those saying you are wrong about this or that. Instead, I have been content to view your thoughts and those who disagreed with you and I kept my opinions to myself. Long ago I learned you can not change everyone to your point of view. You have been persistent; I will give you that. When used in the right application it can see you through what would be otherwise an insurmountable barrier. That quality, when applied correctly, can do what no amount of ability can do. It is a wise man that knows when enough is enough though and that is something gained only through experience. This was one of the thoughts I had in mind when I mentioned about not having as much "life experiences" as some you elders have. It was not meant in any way other than I have lain out.

I do hope you return to post within the forums. I wish you all the best that you desire in life and hope that you obtain it. Good luck in your endeavors. There will be many posters who will miss the interaction you provided, as it will seem a dull place for awhile for them. I would say "goodbye" but that always seemed so final. Instead I will say, "till we meet again."
Quoth Truthseeker:

See ya someday!

PS: Go ahead. Quote me. Discuss about me. I don't care. I'm out of here... I don't need to defend myself anyways... There are a lot of people here that understands me...

And then, almost exactly twelve hours later, Truthseeker continues:

I'm not out of here yet. When I am out of here, I won't post anymore. It would be strange to continue posting if I'm not here anymore... that doesn't make sense...

Is this not a cry for negative attention ? Are you coming or are you going ? Are you fishing for more ego strokes ?
Quoth Truthseeker:

And I can't continue to waste my time discussing with close-minded people

And yet you continue, why ?

I don't remember have insulted you...
I do remember you insulting me a bunch of times though...

That is very convenient for you to forget your insults and very convenient for you to remember the so-called insults of others. In fact, most were not insults from others but were instead comments of debate towards your ideas and theories. You took it personal and proceeded to insult.

There are many people coming to this world to open the eyes of people. Banshee is a good example. I'm almost sure Fukushi is too...

Your choice of comrades is predictable, but unwise.

That's why I've been trying to teach things like judgment created distorted perceptions of reality... But I'm always stoned anyways...

I see, so you are in a constant drug induced haze, that explains a lot. It's no wonder you hate using your mind for thinking.

I don't read Steven Hawking...

Perhaps you should.

Without and ultimate truth thre would be no order in the universe...

The "order in the Universe" will exist with or without you and your truth

What is the problem here. I made it clear that knowledge leads to nothing at all...

Of course, you know that to be a lie. Where would you be without your computer, your internet connection, the food on your table, the clothes on your back, the car you may drive, the plane that brought you from Brazil, etc. etc. etc...

All these accomplishments which you take for granted everyday were brought about through knowledge. So don't try and feed anyone the line that knowledge leads to nothing. You yourself know that not to be true.

I never insulted you. However... almost all post adressed to me are insulting.

You are simply reading criticism and debate of your posts and taking them personally as insults. Would you be interested if I posted a series of insults, from you, which were a direct result of criticism and debate of your posts. I really don't want to do that for two reasons; the work involved to search, copy and paste, and the fact you'll be terribly embarrassed.

You are trying to attack me and distort my message... I consider that insulting...

Herein lies the problem. You consider someone's comments as insults. Do you now understand why there are members that call you arrogant and egotistic ?
Ug, I won't bother replying to most of your things. Again they're just more 'I'm right, you're wrong' claims.

"She sent it back... and she still do so...
Of course, we seem to be to children together...
It was cute yesterday, when we ate ice-cream together... that was cute..."

This is something I pray to god you understand. Three days is no where near enough to have experienced everything there is to experience about love. This is literally as disturbing as if I tried to explain to you what monkey brains taste like when I've never even seen them.

"I answered those questions..."

No you didn't. You just said 'I thought Xev said 1 and -1 aren't opposites?? :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: '

"The center of his philosophy is easily proven wrong. If the center of his philosophy is wrong, all the rest is wrong too, as it's all based on the center..."

Wrong. And you never proved it wrong. By your logic, if I can disprove Adam and Eve (which we have) then all of Christianity is useless.

"I don't believe you know every answer... I don't know from where did you got that.."

Brush up on your reading. I said 'you seem to think I believe I know everything'. Which you do. Repeatadly you've said 'you're the one who thinks he knows everything :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: '

I'm not hurt. I'm just a little impatient...
And I can't continue to waste my time discussing with close-minded people..."

If you didn't want to waste your time then why did you bother starting a thread to insult him.

"Do you ever asked my ex-girlfriend? Because... you know... I held her...
(She actually got pretty scared with what she was felling...
Whatever it was....
...No comments on that... )"

I'd like to get an opinion from some women here.
1) Is it possible to orgasm through being held?
2) In the near-to-impossible chance that you ever found a man who could somehow work magic and do this, would you dump him the next day?

"I don't remember have insulted you...
I do remember you insulting me a bunch of times though..."

Closed minded. Unemtional. Immoral. Unable to love. A couple of the things you choose to 'judge' me as.

"I'm almost sure Fukushi is too..."

Amazing you'd pick a man with so much anger in him as one of your representatives. Seems quite odd and quite against the base of your theories.

"She created illusions, by judging the situation. Those illusions created fears. Those fears created a kind of wall between us, which started to separate us.
An example. She though her problems would make her fight with me and hurt me - an illusions, that's not true. Then, she started to fear that and she started to feel uncomfortable. Next, she create a wall between us so that she could protect herself from hurting me. Soon, she started to become more and more away from me... until she broke"

And this took 3 days eh. Nelson, let me explain this to you in an analogy you will understand. Take your whole philosophy. Now imagine someone only read the part that says you're Christian. Would you say they know everything about all of your theories? Hardly. Havey ou read any Nietzsche? For those of us who have, would any of you say having read once about Will to Power makes you an expert on Nietzsche?

"I don't. I never said that. I don't read Steven Hawking..."

I said 'little more than a Steven Hawking book'. All you've read is a few scientific magazines.

"Without and ultimate truth thre would be no order in the universe... I wouldn't actually be talking to you anymore, since one time you exist and the other you don't (if there's no ultimate truth...)..."

Groundless theory. There's nothign to suggest this.

"What is the problem here. I made it clear that knowledge leads to nothing at all..."

No, lack of knowledge leads to nothing. It leads to you.

"With violence, nothing is won..."

Land, freedom, food..... All can be won in war.

"Not exactly. Those who valorizes money, power and other sick things will certainly die saying that..."

As one example, my greatgrandfather spent his entire life working as a lawyer. Always going after what he loved; money. Money which gave him the ability to pay for his fishing trips, purchase green fees for golf and give his children the childhood he had wished he had. His dieing words were (and I quote, word for word); "In life, do what makes you happy". (er....okay his dieing words were actually 'I love you' to his wife but this came right before). He was always very happy about his life and never regretted a moment. Actually, he was the most cheery man in my family. Always had a new (well, new to us, usually it was very old) song to sing every time we came to visit. Always a big smile on his face. Always ready to please and always pleased.

The problem with you, Nelson, is that you think you know everything about what makes a person happy. Money makes some people very happy.

I don't dismiss facts. I actually explain them over and over very patiently... Of course, there is a limit even for patience... so I don't plan continue arguing on those things with people like you"

Zero = Infinity is dismissing a fact in math since the concept of infinity was 'invented'.

As for my signature, hey it's your quote. If it's insulting to you that clearly means you find the quotes stupid. Hmm, though I should add on Relationships and Love before the first one.
to xev.

insomniac. ha. thats like the word "integrity." ive asked all the dictionary gurus i know and they all say theres no adjective form of it. come on, what asshole made a noun adjectivally underivable? so now i use "integritous" quite often, my own word. :)
You will get hooked. You will learn to care about some posters as if you actually knew them. You will make friends and enemies. You will know people by name, and actually see the person behind the posting ID.
Or you will flee while there is still time.
i fear it is too late. i am already doomed to an eternity of dialectical musings with several people ive never seen before. i feel the cold grasp of sciforums now choking out all physical interaction with the outside world from my body.

*explodes with excitement.
You haven't. I was slightly upset to see the same thing happening again - but this time with a poster whose opinion actually matters to me. You have my deepest respect, and I am glad to have it returned.
youre opinion matters to me as well, xev, very much so. im glad i havent destroyed that. you kind of remind me of an ayn randian female protagonist (dominique from the fountainhead maybe?) you read any of her stuff?
quote from wet1:

I see in you, the youth that is in everyone at one time or another as they start down life's path. When first coming out of school it is natural, (and I dare say that most have felt this way) to believe that you have the answers and can change the world if you can just get your message through. It always seems it is the older ones that just don't get it.

Easily, I could have joined the ranks of those saying you are wrong about this or that. Instead, I have been content to view your thoughts and those who disagreed with you and I kept my opinions to myself. Long ago I learned you can not change everyone to your point of view. You have been persistent; I will give you that. When used in the right application it can see you through what would be otherwise an insurmountable barrier. That quality, when applied correctly, can do what no amount of ability can do. It is a wise man that knows when enough is enough though and that is something gained only through experience. This was one of the thoughts I had in mind when I mentioned about not having as much "life experiences" as some you elders have. It was not meant in any way other than I have lain out.
very, very eloquent and true wet1. thats what i meant by my original post, except i wasnt as articulate. perhaps its my irrational, rebellious youthfulness too inexperienced to explicate true wisdom, or perhaps it really was just the adrenaline and the lack of sleep.

to nelson,
i think, to be perfectly honest, part of me hates your naive idealism, while part of me loves it. im just going through one of those post-idealism periods as a person, where i used to think knowledge/emotional fortitude could change the world---and then i was burned and realized what a stupid little fool i was.

you remind me of a friend of mine. smart, not too logical, but with a big heart. its kind of interesting to get an optimistic idealist and a pessimistic pragmatist in the same friendship :)
The center of his philosophy is easily proven wrong. If the center of his philosophy is wrong, all the rest is wrong too, as it's all based on the center...

Nelson dear, "I think, therefore I am" is not the center of Descartes' philosophy. It is an integral part, but not the core.


I'd like to get an opinion from some women here.
1) Is it possible to orgasm through being held?

*A million responses flit through Xev's mind; "Gee, I dunno, wanna try?"*

Umm, no. This ain't even my opinion as a woman, it's a basic physiological fact.

Closed minded. Unemtional. Immoral. Unable to love. A couple of the things you choose to 'judge' me as.

"I meant that rational people tend to be insensible...
You forgot that you are giving love to a human being just like you... and think that it's fine... That's how you can do sex with a slut, or just mastubate (I'm not talking about you Xev...) and so on. You have no intimacy with the person you are doing sex with. It doesn't make any difference for you. For Tyler, for example, it wouldn't be different to do sex with a slut, masturbate or whoever. He wants his pleasure. He is rational. He is self-centered (those two comes together...). But when you are sensible and less rational, intimacy is made necessary. "

Ooooh maaaaaaaan, I just read that entire thread.

I had some good insults there, I think. Remember ndrs?

insomniac. ha. thats like the word "integrity." ive asked all the dictionary gurus i know and they all say theres no adjective form of it. come on, what asshole made a noun adjectivally underivable?

You know, it is probably one of those words deliberatly made up to confuse you.

Oh yes, there are such words. For me it is spelling. Words like "cheivalry" exist only to be misspelled by me.

i fear it is too late. i am already doomed to an eternity of dialectical musings with several people ive never seen before. i feel the cold grasp of sciforums now choking out all physical interaction with the outside world from my body.

Not only that, but you will never see face to face. There is a place to post pictures, somwhere.

You will spend hours here. You will read the books other members recommend. You will read the sites we recommend. You will spend hours arguing, and backing up your arguments. You may well drag your friends and lovers here. You will find yourself accepted into a weird and diverse community. You will laugh with us, and cry with us, and get drunk with us.

You will become one of us.

youre opinion matters to me as well, xev, very much so. im glad i havent destroyed that. you kind of remind me of an ayn randian female protagonist (dominique from the fountainhead maybe?) you read any of her stuff?

I am glad of it too! I deeply respect and like you.

You know, I haven't tried in years. Maybe after my current Nietzshe binge I'll go on a Rand binge.

I have enough experience tobe leaving now...:bugeye:


Is this not a cry for negative attention ? Are you coming or are you going ? Are you fishing for more ego strokes ?

For God's sake...

And yet you continue, why ?


That is very convenient for you to forget your insults and very convenient for you to remember the so-called insults of others. In fact, most were not insults from others but were instead comments of debate towards your ideas and theories. You took it personal and proceeded to insult.

I didn't insult anyone. However, I've seen you insulting not only me but also others in the forums...

Your choice of comrades is predictable, but unwise.

You insult me... I can stand...
You insult those who Love me...
and I started to get really annoyed... :bugeye:

I see, so you are in a constant drug induced haze, that explains a lot. It's no wonder you hate using your mind for thinking.

Personal attacks again... :eek:

Perhaps you should.

For what? Enter in your universe of imagination and compulsive rationalism??

The "order in the Universe" will exist with or without you and your truth

Truth=order in the universe...
You didn't get it yet...

Of course, you know that to be a lie.

I made myself clear.

Where would you be without your computer, your internet connection, the food on your table, the clothes on your back, the car you may drive, the plane that brought you from Brazil, etc. etc. etc...

IN HEAVEN...:bugeye: :eek:

All these accomplishments which you take for granted everyday were brought about through knowledge. So don't try and feed anyone the line that knowledge leads to nothing. You yourself know that not to be true.

Those things mean nothing for me. I can easily live without those things. Of course, you are addicted to those things, so you can't live without them...

You are simply reading criticism and debate of your posts and taking them personally as insults.

I remember very well insults coming from you, Northwind and Tyler. Others I don't remember very well...

Would you be interested if I posted a series of insults, from you, which were a direct result of criticism and debate of your posts. I really don't want to do that for two reasons; the work involved to search, copy and paste, and the fact you'll be terribly embarrassed.

It would be interesting to do this with you...

Herein lies the problem. You consider someone's comments as insults. Do you now understand why there are members that call you arrogant and egotistic ?

I am my message, as I am my Love. If you insult my message and my Love you are insulting me.
*ignores all the petty squabbling from both sides of the fence*

Goodluck Truthseeker in whichever direction life will take you!

Take care,
I'm sorry to hear you're leaving, Truthseeker.

Honestly,I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I think you must be an intelligent person. I don't consider you arrogant, although maybe you would yourself. Your contributions to threads were always interesting to read.

Some people hate ideas. Some people like to wreste with ideas. And some just like to play with ideas. That's the definition of a philosopher. I consider anyone who enjoys playing with idea's to be a philosopher. Most at sciforums are. Calling someone "stupid" or just saying that they're always wrong, makes you a person who wrestles with idea's, or just hates 'em. That's not something to strive for. Although I do consider some of TS's philosophies to be somewhat..uh....unrealistic, there's room for all idea's. And TS had alot of em. I hope that one day, he finds his way back here and adds all his idea's to the pot. THeres no such thing as a stupid idea, right? only stupid flames IMO.

-Seeya later Truthseeker, and GL in all your future endevours. May you find the true truth!

This is something I pray to god you understand. Three days is no where near enough to have experienced everything there is to experience about love. This is literally as disturbing as if I tried to explain to you what monkey brains taste like when I've never even seen them.

I'm talking about other "love"...

No you didn't. You just said 'I thought Xev said 1 and -1 aren't opposites?? '

It is in the thread it belongs... :bugeye:

Wrong. And you never proved it wrong. By your logic, if I can disprove Adam and Eve (which we have) then all of Christianity is useless.

You cut the roots of a tree. Will the tree still be alive? I don't think so. Grow up.

Brush up on your reading. I said 'you seem to think I believe I know everything'. Which you do. Repeatadly you've said 'you're the one who thinks he knows everything

You believe I believe YOU know everything, but you are wrong, I don't believe. Still distorting my messages...

If you didn't want to waste your time then why did you bother starting a thread to insult him.


I'd like to get an opinion from some women here.
1) Is it possible to orgasm through being held?
2) In the near-to-impossible chance that you ever found a man who could somehow work magic and do this, would you dump him the next day?

My God... you know nothing...

Closed minded. Unemtional. Immoral. Unable to love. A couple of the things you choose to 'judge' me as.

Those are really not insults... I'm just showing you what I see, the big picture...

Those things are not an insult for you...

Amazing you'd pick a man with so much anger in him as one of your representatives. Seems quite odd and quite against the base of your theories.

It's not hard to get pissed off with a world where people are completly blinded...:bugeye:

And this took 3 days eh. Nelson, let me explain this to you in an analogy you will understand. Take your whole philosophy. Now imagine someone only read the part that says you're Christian. Would you say they know everything about all of your theories? Hardly. Havey ou read any Nietzsche? For those of us who have, would any of you say having read once about Will to Power makes you an expert on Nietzsche?

You know nothing about those things. You don't even no WHO am I...

I said 'little more than a Steven Hawking book'. All you've read is a few scientific magazines.

No. I read books. But Steven is pure mysticism...

Groundless theory. There's nothign to suggest this.
A Truth without being common to all things is not a Truth by definition. You completly forgot the "atom" idea... as I can see...

No, lack of knowledge leads to nothing. It leads to you.
A common insult...

Land, freedom, food..... All can be won in war.

Nothing is more valuable than a life. A life is more valuable then land, freedom, food and whatever. You valorization for land, money, power and other things just show what I said before about you: unemtional, immoral (I don't remember this one...), unable to love...

As one example, my greatgrandfather spent his entire life working as a lawyer. Always going after what he loved; money. Money which gave him the ability to pay for his fishing trips, purchase green fees for golf and give his children the childhood he had wished he had. His dieing words were (and I quote, word for word); "In life, do what makes you happy". (er....okay his dieing words were actually 'I love you' to his wife but this came right before). He was always very happy about his life and never regretted a moment. Actually, he was the most cheery man in my family. Always had a new (well, new to us, usually it was very old) song to sing every time we came to visit. Always a big smile on his face. Always ready to please and always pleased.

The problem with you, Nelson, is that you think you know everything about what makes a person happy. Money makes some people very happy.

Positive aspect of money: it may bring joy, by giving wholeheartly to those who you love (in form of goods or money itself. However, a life is still more valuable than money. Then, it comes...

the negative aspect of money: causes greed, violence, attachment, addictions, etc... (most of the world are in this side. That's one of the reasons why we have a world like THAT...:bugeye: )

Zero = Infinity is dismissing a fact in math since the concept of infinity was 'invented'.

What this has to do with it. Btw... a concept invented is clearly mythological... :D

As for my signature, hey it's your quote. If it's insulting to you that clearly means you find the quotes stupid. Hmm, though I should add on Relationships and Love before the first one.
I made it clear you are distorting my messages...

Yeah... I guess taht's enough. I had enough from those people.:mad: Goodbye.
"I'm talking about other "love"..."

Hoorah. Then why did you enter a thread filled with other people's discussion about the normal kind of love and expect not to get put down?

"You cut the roots of a tree. Will the tree still be alive? I don't think so. Grow up."

It will not be alive. However, you didn't answer my question. Which can only lead me to believe you are either to dumb to understand the question or realize the answer so won't post it.

"You believe I believe YOU know everything, but you are wrong, I don't believe. Still distorting my messages..."

To quote you Nelson: "You are the one who thinks he knows everything". There....see?


You started a thread to insult Tony1. That or your a little wuss who can't take the slightest bit of teasing so you ahve to try and get the first antagonist you meet kicked out of the forum. You choose.

"My God... you know nothing..."

Another brilliant response which clearly shows your side. Everyone else seeing this? Surely we can all now bow to Nelson's brilliance as he clearly proves me wrong by saying 'you are wrong'. We should all take up this form of discussion!

"Those are really not insults... I'm just showing you what I see, the big picture"

I just show you what I see. You seem to think they're insults. If I call you an idiot it's because in my view you are an idiot. So all I'm showing is what I see.

"It's not hard to get pissed off with a world where people are completly blinded..."

You would make an excellent dictator Nelson. Heil Nelson! Anyone with a different view is "completely blinded"!

"You know nothing about those things. You don't even no WHO am I..."

Another 'you are wrong' reply. This gets quite repetitive.

"A Truth without being common to all things is not a Truth by definition. You completly forgot the "atom" idea... as I can see"

There is no bit of evidence to suggest any such 'Truth' is necessary or exists.

"Nothing is more valuable than a life. A life is more valuable then land, freedom, food and whatever. You valorization for land, money, power and other things just show what I said before about you: unemtional, immoral (I don't remember this one...), unable to love..."

Go back to first year English grammar Nelson. You stated that nothing can be won in war. I said tehre are things that can be won in war. Now you seem to think I hold these things in higher regard than human life. It's disturbing how bad you are at following three sentances of conversation.

"Positive aspect of money: it may bring joy, by giving wholeheartly to those who you love (in form of goods or money itself. However, a life is still more valuable than money. Then, it comes...
the negative aspect of money: causes greed, violence, attachment, addictions, etc... (most of the world are in this side. That's one of the reasons why we have a world like THAT... )"

I never once saw my greatgrandfather depressed. He was one of the least greedy people I knew (I told you how he treated his kids. This is actually a true story too, everytime we would come visit he'd hand us a card with a new poem and a $20 bill). Violent? Never. Refused to fight in a war. Attatchment? Yes. He deeply loved his family. I'm sorry you see this as a bad thing. Addiction? I suppose he may have had a secret addiction he kept away from the family for 92 years, but I don't seem to recall hearing anything.

"What this has to do with it. Btw... a concept invented is clearly mythological... "

I do hope the smiley face indicates a joke. For starts I put 'invent' in quotes indicating I used it for lack of a better word. I would have said 'discovered infinity' but that sounded silly. Secondly, your concept was invented by you....

"I made it clear you are distorting my messages...
Yeah... I guess taht's enough. I had enough from those people. Goodbye"

On second thought, you'd make a terrible dictator. Any true leader or philosophical figure would never be scared off or have their feelings hurt by others.

I still fail to see how I distorted your message. The first one in my quote was actually all you said in a post. You simply said 'I will not have problems'. I just copied and pasted your entire post.

May you enjoy Brazil and your World Cup. I must say if nothing else your stay has given me quite the challenge. It's not everyday someone claims 0 and infinite are equal and thinks everyone who views it differently is crazy.