Goodbye Thread


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Suggested by A4ever, I'm writting a goodbye thread.

First I would like to thank the following people for showing me how the real world is - a world where you are attacked and insulted because of your point of view: Cris, goofyfish, Xev, Tyler, Godless, Northwind, (Q), tony1... and some others...

From the "debating skills" of goofyfish ("TruthSeeker's Debating Skills" ) to Tyler's "dum" thread ("Am I Dumb....") I've been showed how people attack those who have different opinions.

Those people, who claim that have the answers, call me arrogant, egocentric or whatever...
Who is really arrogant and egocentric??:bugeye:

It actually got to a point where (Q) tried to quick me out of the science forums ("Yanking Our Chains") ...

Originally posted by (Q):
Truthseeker should be outright banned from posting new threads in the Science forums.

I also thank those good fellow Christians that amused me a lot...:D : Sir. Loone, FoxMulder...

I would also like to thank those open-minded people who showed me that there IS intelligent life in this planet. People like Taken, Chagur, sonofbabylon, kmguru...

...*stRgrL*, justagirl and Asguard for the support...
"The Parable of the Seasons"

...GRO$$ for threads like "Nationalism.", "Mass of light.", "The End... and the Beginning? (My little theory)"... I miss you GRO$$... you haven't been posting much... :(

...GOD and bubbl3 for trusting my words... :)
Satori, enlightenment, awakening ...

...KneD, whose ideas are so similar than mines... :)
"Why does light bend?"
"Science, Pscychology and Religion talk about the same thing..."
... you haven't been posting either... :(

...Agent@5, Hoth and Busy Lizzy for a rare philosophical discussion...:)
"HELP!!!! Need to debate new stream of Philosophy"

...Lykan for insightful quotes...
"Inspirational / Insightful Quotes", "More Inspirational / Insightful Quotes", "Another Batch Of Inspirational / Insightful Quotes"

...ubermich and our philosophical discussion (I wish I could continue it...)..."HELP!!!! Need to debate new stream of Philosophy"

...Amp... who I would like to know better and discuss some philosophy...

Special thanks for...
A4ever for supporting me and giving me the idea to make this thread.
Bebelina for her big pink letters...:D

And Banshee... for supporting me and helping me in what seems to have been the hardest moments of my life. :)

See ya someday! :)

PS: Go ahead. Quote me. Discuss about me. I don't care. I'm out of here... I don't need to defend myself anyways... There are a lot of people here that understands me...
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Goodbye Truthseeker!

Have lots of fun in Brazil. Dance lots of Samba. Keep one eye open for your soon to be heroes of the nation (Ronaldo! Rivaldo!) :)

I hope you can share your life with that one girl.

I hope you get your hands on an internet connected computer again soon.

I wish you all the best: truth, happiness and Love.

See ya!
*keels over, pukes. (not at truthseeker.)

you know, im really sorry youre doing this nelson. i dont know if youre leaving or not, (logic tells me you are, but im hoping against my better judgment.) but i think you shouldn't.

this really is sick. what the fuck have we become if we, as philosophers/scientists/curious dilletanttes cant accept the "inadequate" among us. even the most stupid people in society can constantly iterate the mantra "a society is measured by how it treats its most helpless individuals." or something along those lines.

i guess i just havent been around long enough for you to get on my nerves, nelson, but i, quite frankly, thinks it takes some balls to have philosophical discussions, even moreso if you *suck* at it.

like i wrote you on our philosophy thread, don't take shit from people, and dont accept your position as a social outcast because of misunderstanding. use it to your advantage. manipulate people if youre evil. dont if youre good. but dont, DONT, ever let them control you.

to all the people who fucked with nelson: i think you should apologize. (and dont even fucking criticize me for standing on a pedestal and preaching, i know what it feels like to be in his shoes.) and so do you. youre all smart people, in your respective fields of interest, and dont tell me people havent misunderstood you or criticized you for being a "nerd" or for "caring" too much about mastering knowledge or for reading a 600pg book when the kids around you are stuttering the name of Siddhartha. its called life. how the fuck can you turn around and do it to one of your own?

so what if nelson sucks at arguing? i respect the man because he believes in something, without any evidence whatsoever. so what if hes a god fanatic? i consider myself a logical person, but i dont know what to believe anymore. thats what the implications of truelogic, true questioning are--total and complete insecurity and despair. with nelson, he believes in something so blindly that hes oblivious to all the pain of the real world. i know that sounds denegrating and offensive but i wish i were in his shoes . . .

for all youre fucking philosophy and religion and science, you still dont know shit. youre still controlled by one of many "gods." most notably societal convention. you probably dont consider yourself to be racist, or sexist, or a child molester. but why dont you try using those logical debate skills to question some of your own fucking fundamental values? "why not advocate the systematic destruction of a race? lets consider pros and cons to that one." im not going to get into the morality of rape or some very controversial shit like that, but NOTHING is as clear cut as nelson's blind belief. you must envy him for that.

you can call it insouciant or naive stupidity, but i think theres also an element of guts involved. nelson constructs pathetic little proofs of god or the metaphysical, then turns around and shows us, like a little 8yr old happy to impress his mommy. (again, thats supposed to be complementary.) i would fucking give anything to be like that. total, artless bliss. it all slides off him, man.

if youre unhappy with that, do what you will. but DONT TRY TO CHANGE HIM. PROTECT HIM FROM THE REAL WORLD. quite honestly, i love nelson because he reminds me of a child (again, complementary) and what i used to be before i stepped out into the cold, harsh reality of a truly sadistic world out to rape your fragile emotions and reconstitute them into exploitable resource.
dont become that, please.
Ubermich, Truthseeker is leaving because he has to go back to Brazil, not because people were rude to him.
oh. hahahahaha (thats a fake, affected laugh.)

*crawls into a corner and dies.

shit. uh . . . i didnt mean anything i posted up there. :)

ill shut up now.

Too late, I read it.

Look, how long have you been here? I've been here since January, and dealing with Nelson since then.

I've stood up for the kid when he was attacked. I think a few people know of my "Go easy on him" messages.

I've chided Tony1 for treating him in a way that, frankly, was not horribly evil. I risked losing my favorite sparring partner over that one.

I made a fool of myself to several posters I respected for Nelson's benefit.

He has recruited other posters to start flamefests with me, and I've shrugged it off as an honest mistake.

Oh yes, you're hardly the first poster to be taken in by his passive-agressive shit. But I've ignored it, and I've tried to help the kid a little.

In return I am called stupid, too stupid to understand his wisdom.

You don't know me. Normally I would have flamed and forgotten him. But I sensed and still sense a bit of potential in the kid.

I know I've been a bitch. I am a bitch. But those who know my posts can tell how I am when it comes to an nasty, acerbic reply. How much blatent stupidity annoys me.

Yet I've been sucessfully restraining a natural impluse, viz, to be perfectly blunt, in order to help the kid. If I prove un-nurturing, well, I am not. Women are supposed to be kind and gentle and shit. I am not. But then again, I am barely human as is. As it stands, I tried to be nice in the face of the grossest and most annoying provocation.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Fuck, you may not have meant it.

Well, I don't mean this either. But I am tired of being treated like the Wicked Witch of the West for practically nothing.
Awwwwwwm truthseeker, maaaaaattttteeeee, I was just getting to know you! your name in itself made me quite intersted in what you have to say! Not that im not interested in what everyone says, but yeah you know what I mean..........

Do your best to get a post in here and there! I mean if you can, I understand its not as accessiable as maybe where u are now..

I would give you some words of wisdom, but I am sure you are away of all those hollywood cliche's... so Just have fun!

peace with you...


Here's to believing you are more intelligent than any mathematician in the history of maths and science by "proving" that zero and infinity are the exact same.

Here's to showing that a boy can apparently know all their is to know about love, relationships and sex without having experience any. Well....okay, you think you've experienced love (do note I said love, not Love). If it's possible for you to comprehend this idea I beg of you to believe me that a single three day relationship is neither falling in love (from personal experience I can tell you love is much, much better when the feeling is sent back) nor a relationship.

Here's to 'blessing' us with a thread in the Free Thoughts section with a collection of your posts. The only sciforum user to consider himself worthy or necessary of such a thread.

Here's to believing humans can only understand things through opposites and not replying to questions such as; 'what about 1 and -1? 1 came long before -1.'...or....'what about a potato chip, what's it's opposite?'

Here's to the first human I've ever met that believed at 18 years of age he held all the answers to every question.

Here's to a boy who's read a couple excerts from Descartes and feels he has the authority to call the life work of this classic philosopher "crap".

Here's to a kid who seems to think I believe I know every answer, simply because I can show him where he's wrong in my mind. Despite that never once did I state I knew any 'ultimate truth'.

Here's to a boy that had to start a thread to insult a valuable poster at sciforums because he got his feelings hurt. And I'm cruel to you?? (note; Tony1 is NOT a Real Christian - for anyone who doesn't know, is the thread).

Here's to the poster that thinks he can make a woman orgasm by holding her.

Here's to the kid who confidently states I enjoy masturbation as much as real sex, as I am a cold, unemotional, 'obsessive rational' person who does not have an emotional feeling for another human being. And then calls me insulting because I claim zero does not equal infinity and a man who's never touched a woman in any sexual way can not know everything about sex and relationships.

Here's to the boy that basically has called me a stupid, unemotional robot with no grasp of reality and no compassion for human beings and then says I insult him for his views.

Here's to the poster who considers himself the most kind human being alive, a prophet sent to 'teach the world' (full quote: "I must teach the rest of the world!"), the most loved person in the entire world and a person who will never ever have another problem in a relationship because he learnt everything there is to know about love and relationships in the 3 days before Melissa broke it off (though, he never told us why she did so).....and still considers himself incredibly humble.

Here's to the kid that fully believes he comprehends the most advanced of physics and quantam studies with little more than a Steven Hawking book under his belt.

Here's to the boy that believes the two words "Completely wrong" (after I tried to make a point on my side of the debate) are a valuable and helpful post.

Here's to the poster that can't admitt the possibility there is no 'ultimate truth' and calls those of us who leave room for personal error close-minded.

Here's to the boy that tells me (and Q, Xev) that my view on reality is limited by my knowledge. And then states that my view on reality should have nothing to do with knowledge.

Here's to the kid that believes he has the right to change the English language.

Here's to the poster that is sure there is no such thing as a winner in a war because both sides loose men. When it was clearly illustrated to him that by definition of the word 'winner' there is definetly a victor.

Here's to the kid I could always count on to say 'sorry, I'm right and you're wrong' whenever someone made a point he couldn't answer.

Here's the boy that states things like breathing are not controlled by the conscience mind, therefore they must be controlled by something other than the mind. Then, when illustrated that breathing is controlled by other parts of the brain he snaps back 'yeah, that proves my point'.

Here's to the poster convinced that every single human being that does not see his view on the world will die saying "What have I done with my life?"

Here's to the boy that opened my mind to a whole new world of ego accompanied by denial of simple facts.

As for ubermich;

"i think you should apologize. (and dont even fucking criticize me for standing on a pedestal and preaching, i know what it feels like to be in his shoes.) and so do you. youre all smart people, in your respective fields of interest, and dont tell me people havent misunderstood you or criticized you for being a "nerd" or for "caring" too much about mastering knowledge or for reading a 600pg book when the kids around you are stuttering the name of Siddhartha. its called life. how the fuck can you turn around and do it to one of your own?"

I would not call myself intelligent at all. Somewhat well read in philosophy and politics, but that's about it. And I've never once been called a nerd or anything of the sorts yet I carry around Thus Spoke Zarathustra and An Inquiry Into Human Understanding. Anyway, this is of little importance. I realize you're angry at us in this post because you think we drove him out. Which we did not do.

Nelson is not one of 'my own'. I will never consider myself in the field of a mind that can't comprehend the simple fact that zero is not equal to infinity.

"so what if nelson sucks at arguing? i respect the man because he believes in something, without any evidence whatsoever. so what if hes a god fanatic? i consider myself a logical person, but i dont know what to believe anymore. thats what the implications of truelogic, true questioning are--total and complete insecurity and despair. with nelson, he believes in something so blindly that hes oblivious to all the pain of the real world. i know that sounds denegrating and offensive but i wish i were in his shoes . . ."

Nelson doesn't really suck at arguing so much as he is just plain wrong sometimes. Nelson wishes to dismiss facts and then expects us to believe them and gets angry and calls us stupid and closed minded when we don't take his word for everything. To be honest uber, the last sentance of yours brings us to the question 'is ignorance bliss?'. Well......Nelson seems quite happy most of the time.

"for all youre fucking philosophy and religion and science, you still dont know shit. youre still controlled by one of many "gods." most notably societal convention. you probably dont consider yourself to be racist, or sexist, or a child molester. but why dont you try using those logical debate skills to question some of your own fucking fundamental values? "why not advocate the systematic destruction of a race? lets consider pros and cons to that one." im not going to get into the morality of rape or some very controversial shit like that, but NOTHING is as clear cut as nelson's blind belief. you must envy him for that."

I'm not racist. I am slightly sexist (or, at least, I think I am). Um, I'm definetly not a child molestor. I must envy Nelson for having a clear cut belief? Quite the opposite. I respect questioning, not ignorance and arrogance in ones beliefs.

"you can call it insouciant or naive stupidity, but i think theres also an element of guts involved. nelson constructs pathetic little proofs of god or the metaphysical, then turns around and shows us, like a little 8yr old happy to impress his mommy. (again, thats supposed to be complementary.) i would fucking give anything to be like that. total, artless bliss. it all slides off him, man."

So you conclude that ignorance is bliss. I use to think that. Eventually I figured depression was a fine price to pay for being well read. Mainly because I have such little respect for people who are ignorant by choice.
First I would like to thank the following people for showing me how the real world is - a world where you are attacked and insulted because of your point of view: Cris, goofyfish, Xev, Tyler, Godless, Northwind, (Q), tony1... and some others...

Again, Truthseeker, you're not correct. As usual, you are misinterpreting and twisting words to suit your own agenda. Never once did anyone here insult you unless you insulted them first. And yes, we attacked your point of view, THAT"S WHY WE'RE ALL HERE! This is a forum, a place to debate thoughts, ideas and theories. Whenever you began a thread, members began to debate, point by point, your views and theories. You were treated no differently than anyone else. However, you misinterpreted those comments as personal attacks against you. It's no wonder most here thought you were arrogant and egotistic. At that point you turned to insulting those members, and from then on, the flamewars began.

From the "debating skills" of goofyfish ("Truthseekers Debating Skills" ) to Tyler's "dum" thread ("Am I Dumb...") I've been showed how people attack those who have different opinions.

It should be no surprise to you those members began those threads. You instigated every single flamewar. Goofyfish is one of the most patient and thick skinned members in this forum. He rarely, if ever, attacks other members. He always points out the flaws in someones ideas or theories with insight, wit and clarity. It was you who attacked and insulted him, but of course, that's something you have conveniently forgotten.

Those people, who claim that have the answers, call me arrogant, egocentric or whatever...
Who is really arrogant and egocentric??

Those that you perceive as claiming to have the answers don't have the answers to everything. They do however, know what they're talking about when compared to you. You have admitted many times that thinking, logic, rationale and reason are wrong. You have placed yourself alone in an ocean of thinking, logical, rational and reasonable people and have stated they are all wrong and you are right. It should be no surprise to anyone that you've been considered arrogant and egocentric.

This thread is just one more example of that arrogance and egocentric attitude you've portrayed.

It actually got to a point where (Q) tried to quick me out of the science forums ("Yanking our Chains...")

Again, no surprises here. Your theories and ideas had absolutely nothing to do with science. Your methods had no method. Your conclusions were not based on any observations or evidence. The science forums are specific to debating science and you refused to adhere. You continued to start threads that were not based on any scientific background.

See ya someday!

All the best to you Truthseeker. I hope edification comes your way. :)
Originally posted by (Q)

Again, Truthseeker, you're not correct. As usual, you are misinterpreting and twisting words to suit your own agenda. Never once did anyone here insult you unless you insulted them first.

Just for the sake of accuracy, Q, I am pretty sure I insulted him without being insulted first. Probably more than once. But hey, he deserved it.

Do you guys actually believe he is leaving? In my experience in online forums, these "more in sorrow than anger" farewell letters are rarely genuine. Far more likely that in about a week or so, some new forum member will pop up, with a whole new set or irritating behaviors.

You will note that lately he has not been as active, and when he has posted, he does not get the kind of reactions he used. People are tired of him. His schtick has become boring. Posting the same arguments in response to his crap got old. He recognizes all this, and is therefore creating a new "character".
I note that Nelson is still perusing the boards, and that Brazil has 50 ISPs and 8.65 million internet users out of a population of 174,468,575 people, as of 2000.
After reading this thread, the only response that comes to mind is...

We silly humans.
Just for the sake of accuracy, Q, I am pretty sure I insulted him without being insulted first. Probably more than once. But hey, he deserved it.

Thanks for setting the record straight. I should not have stated that no one had insulted Truthseeker first. That said, is it still fair for Truthseeker to play the sympathy card ? Have we not all insulted or been insulted by someone else ? Are we that thin-skinned as to allow those insults to generate threads such as this one ?

Truthseeker has set himself up as one against all others. Unfortunately, it appears he can't handle that position.

This thread does not sound much like a good-bye thread as it sounds more like a "give me some sympathy and attention while I spit venom" thread.

ill shut up now.

No, you won't.

Originally posted by Tyler:
I realize you're angry at us in this post because you think we drove him out. Which we did not do.

I don't think so...


...from personal experience I can tell you love is much, much better when the feeling is sent back...

She sent it back... and she still do so...
Of course, we seem to be to children together...
It was cute yesterday, when we ate ice-cream together... that was cute... :)

We Love each other anyways... :)

Here's to 'blessing' us with a thread in the Free Thoughts section with a collection of your posts. The only sciforum user to consider himself worthy or necessary of such a thread.

No... I actually loved the idea when Bebelina (I'm almost sure it was her...) suggested people there to do the same...
Besides that, I needed that thread to organize my ideas. I made it because some people asked me what I've been writting. So then, I made a thread with the links to make my work easier...

Here's to believing humans can only understand things through opposites and not replying to questions such as; 'what about 1 and -1? 1 came long before -1.'...or....'what about a potato chip, what's it's opposite?'

I answered those questions...

Here's to the first human I've ever met that believed at 18 years of age he held all the answers to every question.

I never said such thing...

Here's to a boy who's read a couple excerts from Descartes and feels he has the authority to call the life work of this classic philosopher "crap".

The center of his philosophy is easily proven wrong. If the center of his philosophy is wrong, all the rest is wrong too, as it's all based on the center...

Here's to a kid who seems to think I believe I know every answer, simply because I can show him where he's wrong in my mind. Despite that never once did I state I knew any 'ultimate truth'.

I don't believe you know every answer... I don't know from where did you got that...:bugeye:

Here's to a boy that had to start a thread to insult a valuable poster at sciforums because he got his feelings hurt. And I'm cruel to you?? (note; Tony1 is NOT a Real Christian - for anyone who doesn't know, is the thread).

I'm not hurt. I'm just a little impatient...
And I can't continue to waste my time discussing with close-minded people...

Here's to the poster that thinks he can make a woman orgasm by holding her.

Do you ever asked my ex-girlfriend? Because... you know... I held her...:bugeye: :eek:
(She actually got pretty scared with what she was felling... :p
Whatever it was.... :eek:
...No comments on that... :eek:)

Here's to the kid who confidently states I enjoy masturbation as much as real sex, as I am a cold, unemotional, 'obsessive rational' person who does not have an emotional feeling for another human being. And then calls me insulting because I claim zero does not equal infinity and a man who's never touched a woman in any sexual way can not know everything about sex and relationships.

You are starting to get repetitive...

Here's to the boy that basically has called me a stupid, unemotional robot with no grasp of reality and no compassion for human beings and then says I insult him for his views.

I don't remember have insulted you...
I do remember you insulting me a bunch of times though...

Here's to the poster who considers himself the most kind human being alive, a prophet sent to 'teach the world' (full quote: "I must teach the rest of the world!"), the most loved person in the entire world and a person who will never ever have another problem in a relationship because he learnt everything there is to know about love and relationships in the 3 days before Melissa broke it off (though, he never told us why she did so).....and still considers himself incredibly humble.

There are many people coming to this world to open the eyes of people. Banshee is a good example. I'm almost sure Fukushi is too...

...though, he never told us why she did so...

Yeah... I never did...
It's a good time to do so...

She created illusions, by judging the situation. Those illusions created fears. Those fears created a kind of wall between us, which started to separate us.

An example. She though her problems would make her fight with me and hurt me - an illusions, that's not true. Then, she started to fear that and she started to feel uncomfortable. Next, she create a wall between us so that she could protect herself from hurting me. Soon, she started to become more and more away from me... until she broke...

That's why I've been trying to teach things like judgment created distorted perceptions of reality... But I'm always stoned anyways...

Here's to the kid that fully believes he comprehends the most advanced of physics and quantam studies with little more than a Steven Hawking book under his belt.

I don't. I never said that. I don't read Steven Hawking...

Here's to the boy that believes the two words "Completely wrong" (after I tried to make a point on my side of the debate) are a valuable and helpful post.

I replied before. I wouldn't rewrite everything again...

Here's to the poster that can't admitt the possibility there is no 'ultimate truth' and calls those of us who leave room for personal error close-minded.

Without and ultimate truth thre would be no order in the universe... I wouldn't actually be talking to you anymore, since one time you exist and the other you don't (if there's no ultimate truth...)...

Here's to the boy that tells me (and Q, Xev) that my view on reality is limited by my knowledge. And then states that my view on reality should have nothing to do with knowledge.

What is the problem here. I made it clear that knowledge leads to nothing at all...

Here's to the kid that believes he has the right to change the English language.

You don't know figures of speech...

Here's to the poster that is sure there is no such thing as a winner in a war because both sides loose men. When it was clearly illustrated to him that by definition of the word 'winner' there is definetly a victor.

With violence, nothing is won...

Here's to the kid I could always count on to say 'sorry, I'm right and you're wrong' whenever someone made a point he couldn't answer.

I could. I actually did about ten times before. I tried to explain the same thing over and over... taking me pages and pages of threads for each subject..

Here's the boy that states things like breathing are not controlled by the conscience mind, therefore they must be controlled by something other than the [conscious] mind. Then, when illustrated that breathing is controlled by other parts of the brain he snaps back 'yeah, that proves my point'.

Correction already made above...

Here's to the poster convinced that every single human being that does not see his view on the world will die saying "What have I done with my life?"

Not exactly. Those who valorizes money, power and other sick things will certainly die saying that...

Here's to the boy that opened my mind to a whole new world of ego accompanied by denial of simple facts.

It is clear that it is you the egocentric one...
And close-minded...

Nelson doesn't really suck at arguing so much as he is just plain wrong sometimes. Nelson wishes to dismiss facts and then expects us to believe them and gets angry and calls us stupid and closed minded when we don't take his word for everything. To be honest uber, the last sentance of yours brings us to the question 'is ignorance bliss?'. Well......Nelson seems quite happy most of the time.

I don't dismiss facts. I actually explain them over and over very patiently... Of course, there is a limit even for patience... so I don't plan continue arguing on those things with people like you..

I never insulted you. However... almost all post adressed to me are insulting. Look to your signature, for example. You are trying to attack me and distort my message... I consider that insulting...
to tyler:
So you conclude that ignorance is bliss. I use to think that. Eventually I figured depression was a fine price to pay for being well read. Mainly because I have such little respect for people who are ignorant by choice.
thats pretty interesting tyler. i guess in my limited experience with knowledge i havent come to accept depression as a necessary consequence of knowledge. as far as "ignorance by choice," i wouldn't say it's by choice for nelson, it just seems, so natural to him--part of his childish nature. what i was proposing was much closer to "ignorance by choice" : realizing the inadequacies of the world, and embracing ignorance as the only option to manipulate yourself into some type of naive happiness. im exploring that right now. with or without your respect, i guess.

im sorry if i offended you, yes, i agree that your "props" to nelson highlight some pretty ridiculous and closeminded practices on his part if theyre true. i just got carried away by my adrenaline rush/insomnia at 4:00 in the morning.

which brings up one tangential point: how the hell do people balance life and sciforums? shit, ive only been here less than a month, but this place is already eating into sleep and philosophy-reading time. its fucking addictive.

to xev:
Oh yes, you're hardly the first poster to be taken in by his passive-agressive shit. But I've ignored it, and I've tried to help the kid a little.
In return I am called stupid, too stupid to understand his wisdom.
You don't know me. Normally I would have flamed and forgotten him. But I sensed and still sense a bit of potential in the kid
again, im sorry if i offended you xev. know that for every poster whose respect you have lost you have gained at least one, mine, for standing up for him against your better judgment.
I know I've been a bitch. I am a bitch. But those who know my posts can tell how I am when it comes to an nasty, acerbic reply. How much blatent stupidity annoys me.
Yet I've been sucessfully restraining a natural impluse, viz, to be perfectly blunt, in order to help the kid. If I prove un-nurturing, well, I am not. Women are supposed to be kind and gentle and shit. I am not. But then again, I am barely human as is. As it stands, I tried to be nice in the face of the grossest and most annoying provocation.
i dont expect anyone to embrace him lovingly, and by no means do i expect women to be nurturing mother-figures for the ignorant. i just wanted nelson to be treated civilly, at least with an outward semblance of respect. as far as this nurturing/womanhood notion is concerned, dont get caught up in that. some of the smartest, most stimulating women i know are downright chilling. they'll rip you a new asshole if you appeal to that "help me, nurturing woman" gender expectation, then have a nice conversation about the weather afterwards. theyre called feminists.
and christ woman, did you bother to read up those stats on Brazil? first obscure biblical references, now this. :)