Good people. Bad people. Nature's force.

what i will suggest is that he chose poorly.
got himself involved with a women who is of lower moral caliber than he is or that had no real interest in him in the first place.

and there lies the lesson.

problem is many do not wish to learn and males get mixed messages from parents peers and x partners and society about never giving up and never taking no for an answer so society creates male stalkers and a very large proportion of women encourage it by the way they live in society.
I agree about some women encouraging certain behavior through ego centered manipulation. Feeding ego by manipulating males. Especially the nice ones who don't deserve it. But never giving up is important as long as you're aspiring for what's right. It's not exactly as much a social misconception as is the illusion that certain goals are out of your reach or that you are unworthy/inadequate.

I think the social aspect has more to do with gender roles. There is nobody more repressed or pressured than males. If they don't get the girl they're suckers so they have to get the girl. If you don't get the girl, you're a loser. And to get the girl, you are told not to show interest in her at the same time as you are told to be a man and claim her as yours.

The whole stalker thing is definitely an issue girls have to face, but it's also something people frivilously impose on each other to the point that people are afraid to talk to eachother out of fear of being coming off creepy. All of a sudden everybody is a stalker. And girls will frame guys as stalkers in order to manipulate them. There are so many underhanded ways to invalidate somebody (make somebody feel bad) without them ever knowing you're doing it. And invalidation is such a major issue in social interactions.

Whether you define him as "nice" or not is irrelevent... he got the azz-end of the stick cause he was a azzhole.!!!

Its obvous that ad-hominim ant the reason you wont apply you'r argument to you'r own self... cause then you woud have to agree wit my above statment (see statment above)... ie... you'r jus arguein to be rite.!!!
Discussions are not about winning/losing as if you're trying to sell something. They're about sharing ideas and coming to conclusions about them. As soon as you start using manipulative communication (ie ad hom and many others), all you're doing is turning it into a win/lose debate instead of an actual discussion. State your points clearly, support them, agree/disagree, share your views on the matter. If you want to continue to throw tantrums or continue to try to manipulate me to into entertaining adhom nonsense by imposing reasons other than what I've stated, you might as well get lost. So am I not answering your adhom question because I'm trying to be right or because I don't respond to adhom ever in any discussion period?

The only time I would "have" to agree with your statement is if you actually make it clear exactly what it is you're saying, and supporting it with reasonable ideas instead of going into a mad frenzy about the matter. Considering all the garbage, I don't even know what it is that you are claiming I am so hell bent on being right about. Why is it so difficult for people to stop trying to manipulate discussions, and just share your views. If you agree/disagree, see any flaws in anything somebody is saying, or have anything to contribute, simply discuss it.
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I don't even know what it is that you are claiming I am so hell bent on being right about.

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
"Whether you define him as "nice" or not is irrelevent... he got the azz-end of the stick cause he was a azzhole.!!!"

The above what you avoid adressin.!!!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
"Whether you define him as "nice" or not is irrelevent... he got the azz-end of the stick cause he was a azzhole.!!!"

The above what you avoid adressin.!!!
Of course I've addressed this. The guy wasn't an asshole. He was nice to her and cared about her. Then he got ditched because of it. That is exactly the opposite of being an asshole. She found him boring and unappealing because he wasn't an asshole. No?
I think I stated that I considered those factors to be independent of whether or not he's a nice person. Those aren't characteristics that make somebody an asshole. I know tons of people who act like that often or once in awhile, and they're many of them aren't assholes at all. You seem to be contending that those factors make somebody an asshole which doesn't seem to be the case. Being honest about his feelings instead of playing games, abuse, or manipulation. Not exactly what I would consider an asshole. Perhaps she didn't even consider him an asshole. She probably even saw him as a really nice person.
Orginaly posted by cluelusshusbund
So you consider his bein clingy needy an wont take no for a answr as bein "nice" to her.???

I think I stated that I considered those factors to be independent of whether or not he's a nice person.

Do you consider his bein clingy needy an wont take no for a answr as bein "nice" to her.???

Those aren't characteristics that make somebody an asshole.

Are they charactersistics that coud cause somone to be rejected.???
Yes for people who have a disdain for those characteristics. Yet what kind of people hate the weak and worship the strong? What made him the better person was the fact that he was good to her.
I never said it was. I didn't say being a such a way would mean that good to her or bad to her. I said he was good to her regardless of that.
I never said it was. I didn't say being a such a way would mean that good to her or bad to her. I said he was good to her regardless of that.

If he hadnt had those repulsive trates mayb she woud have screwed him also.???

Moral of story:::
You can define you'rself as "good"... but if you'r a wont-take-no-for-a-answr azzhole you prolly gonna have to rent a hore for sex.!!!
Not necessarily. You can be strong and good too. I'm a pretty kind and well-meaning person to others. But if someone tries to pull the wool over my eyes and take advantage of me, I will stop them if I must -- even if it means strong arming them in a way that doesn't hurt them.
Not necessarily. You can be strong and good too. I'm a pretty kind and well-meaning person to others. But if someone tries to pull the wool over my eyes and take advantage of me, I will stop them if I must -- even if it means strong arming them in a way that doesn't hurt them.
It's not about being strong or weak. It's what you do with what you have. Like there are all these stories about people overcoming all these difficult obstacles and acheiving through hardship. But none of that tells you anything about a person. It's what they do with what they have. Everybody has a certain level of power. They can either use it to take advantage of others or they can use it to do good for themselves and others.

If he hadnt had those repulsive trates mayb she woud have screwed him also.???

Moral of story:::
You can define you'rself as "good"... but if you'r a wont-take-no-for-a-answr azzhole you prolly gonna have to rent a hore for sex.!!!
Those aren't repulsive traits, and it has nothing to do with taking no for an answer. Repulsive traits are asshole traits that. Either way, he was still good to her. And she went ahead and screwed around with the really repuslive assholes.
What is this nonsense about sowing and reaping meaning good things will come to those who sow good deeds? Nuh-uh!

Good things come to all people, even bad people.

Good people tend to get nothing but taken advantage of. Abusers and manipulators tend to get everything because they take advantage of others.

I disagree, Ive literally been on both sides of this situation because of an addiction I had. Its more about the people you surround yourself with. Your only going to get taken advantage of if you have friends that would purposely take advantage of you. On the other hand if you surround yourself with stable (emotionally) people things like that dont happen.

Isn't it true that the ones who are nice, caring, and giving - get nothing but abuse? While the ones who treat others like crap, bully others, and go out of their way to hurt others - get everything.

It takes a certain amount of wisdom persay to know when your being a helpful good person, or just being abused. The ones who abuse others dont get everything, in fact to them they never have enough. Its a destructive cycle that only ends one way, self-implosion.