Good news for Proof of E.T's

orions stargirl

Registered Member

I am the observer that filmed this sighting and it is an honor and great fulfilment of purpose to have been sighting and in contact with these amazing beings for more than 13 years and then to one day be in the right place at the right time with my Camcorder ready.

May the truth and great documentation be with us always!

Filmed on the 31st of October? Sure it wasn't just a Witch and Her cat on a broom stick?

I am the observer that filmed this sighting and it is an honor and great fulfilment of purpose to have been sighting and in contact with these amazing beings for more than 13 years and then to one day be in the right place at the right time with my Camcorder ready.

May the truth and great documentation be with us always!


This is a joke. Give me some LEDs, a battery pack, a piece of string and a video camera and I can do the same thing.
It looks to me like they just filmed someone moving around in their dining room.
The three minutes of clips in no way do the entire sighting justice. I personally would have posted better footage from those nights, like what was removed from UFOs Northwest. It is unfortunate for now I am to be judged from this little bit the publisher deemed to give away, but hopefully soon everyone can see the rest.

I have filmed two more sightings that I taped about a half hour of both. One is excellent (I think) because the etv is in the daylight sky and this is the first time I have filmed one during the day. I am trying to have all my sightings in their entirety on a site so that everyone can see what I have been filming.

May the Proof of the Truth be with you always!
while filming, stargirl, while being in the "vicinity" of an alien presence, an alien consciousness, can you describe your own state? were you overwhelmed? calm perhaps? subtle "differences"? magnetic "pulls" of consciousness? a feeling of... ? Or was everything regular as usual?
I'm as sceptical as the next person - unless the next person is orionstargirl, or whatever she's called (scrolling - it's so laborious, isn't it?) - but, anyway, this is interesting.

UFO expert wants probes into sightings

THE Earth is wide open to an alien attack, a Government expert warned yesterday.

Former MoD chief Nick Pope said officials are not doing enough to probe UFO sightings leaving us vulnerable to an extra-terrestrial invasion.

Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry's UFO project from 1991 to 1994, said: "The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge. Frankly we're wide open."

He said there has been a number of "highly credible" sightings and landings of strange metallic aircraft across the UK.

But don't panic, the scientist doesn't think we're on the verge of being over-run by Dr Who-style monsters.

Nick said: "There's no evidence of UFO hostile intent - but it cannot be ruled out in future.

He added: "There has got to be the potential for that and one is left with the uneasy feeling that if it turned out to be so, there is very little we could do about it.

"If you believe these things are extra-terrestrial craft then you cannot rule out that what is happening is some kind of covert reconnaissance."

Reports of UFO sightings include a "vast, triangular-shaped craft" lying over RAF Cosford, West Mids, and RAF Shawbury, Shropshire, in 1993.

But Nick, who quit his job at the MoD's Directorate of Defence Security this week, warned: "If you reported a UFO sighting now, I'm absolutely sure you would just get back a standard letter telling you not to worry.

"If something doesn't behave like a conventional aircraft now, it will be ignored. That's because the X-Files have been closed down."

But an MoD spokeswoman insisted all UFO sightings were investigated for "evidence to suggest that UK airspace has been compromised by hostile or unauthorised air activity".

She said: "Unless there is such evidence, the MoD doesn't attempt to positively identify what was seen."

Feel free to dismiss this as an out-of-work ex-government official seeking advance publicity for his new career as a freelance UFOlogist. I know I will. ;)
I dismiss this as an out-of-work ex-government official seeking advance publicity for his new career as a freelance UFOlogist.
From what people have said to me in the past, the reason he's an Ex-Government employee was because he was getting a little too... erm... weird.

Heres a simple mathematical equation that would suggest Popes concerns aren't really worth worrying about.

Iraq - Land Area 432,162 km²
US Soliders sent 147,000 (This number is obviously smaller than the actual number considering soliders from other countries were also sent)

Earth - Land Area 148,939,100 km²

Mathematics as follows:
(Earth Area / Iraq Area) * US Soldier number = Approximate size of an invasion force.

50,661,668 Alien entities would have to invade earth to control the land and the people on it. This doesn't include "Water Area" as if that was included the number would increase further.

For 50+ Million entities not just to escape their own planets gravity but then to travel countless light years (get fed, watered and survive the harshness of space), just to invade a planet for no more reason than "Because they can" is ludicrous.
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while filming, stargirl, while being in the "vicinity" of an alien presence, an alien consciousness, can you describe your own state? were you overwhelmed? calm perhaps? subtle "differences"? magnetic "pulls" of consciousness? a feeling of... ? Or was everything regular as usual?

From the moment I saw the large light in the sky while driving home with our family I felt drawn and wanted to look at it through my camera. It is hard to explain but there is a heightened sence of consciousness and you really feel as if something is there looking at you as you are it. The first night of filming I experienced much amazement, I was calm but fascinated by what I was seeing.

A tramatic event had happened at the family business that night and so there was an emotional discussion taking place between my fiance' and his friend on the same deck I was taping from. I taped in silence for a few minutes and then I called them over to look at what I was filming. The friend was afraid after not knowing what it was and my fiance' was excited and amazed for not knowing what it was and remarked that it was good that we were getting it on film.

I did feel wonderfully excited for I had never seen something like what I was taping. I also later felt an overwhelming sence of thanks, for this was the most amazing recording I had ever filmed. Having observed much for years and not having the ability to record those things, now I had something unknown to show everyone.

The following night (July 3rd) the object was present before the stars were out at around 9:30 I looked then and at 10:00 but it was not as brilliant, I thought I would check later and went out to see at 11:00. What I saw and filmed then did feel overwhelming.

The night before appeared to me to be one object behaving in a manner I had never before seen, but now what I was seeing I could not understand; colors and shapes; one becoming five and more and less, all independent of each other, different shapes, colors and many things moving around. It appeared as if they were solid light based energy masses that could join together resulting in seemingly huge explosions of light and color or they could leave the main source as well as having smaller sources leave it.

I became too shaky and stopped filming to call my family who were inside the house. I filmed with witnesses the next 15 minutes of so until this whole spectacle moved out into space quite quickly. There are too many words too describe what I felt and experienced through this time and the next hours.
I was inspired to much thought about where we are now and how this is a part of our evolution.

It is exciting and you never know what you will see when you film these sightings but I try to focus on what I am filming and remaining calm, I feel greatly humbled in the precence of these energies but at the same time I know there is nothing to fear and knowledge to be gained and experienced by all.
From the moment I saw the large light in the sky while driving home with our family I felt drawn and wanted to look at it through my camera. It is hard to explain but there is a heightened sence of consciousness and you really feel as if something is there looking at you as you are it. The first night of filming I experienced much amazement, I was calm but fascinated by what I was seeing.

A tramatic event had happened at the family business that night and so there was an emotional discussion taking place between my fiance' and his friend on the same deck I was taping from. I taped in silence for a few minutes and then I called them over to look at what I was filming. The friend was afraid after not knowing what it was and my fiance' was excited and amazed for not knowing what it was and remarked that it was good that we were getting it on film.

I did feel wonderfully excited for I had never seen something like what I was taping. I also later felt an overwhelming sence of thanks, for this was the most amazing recording I had ever filmed. Having observed much for years and not having the ability to record those things, now I had something unknown to show everyone.

The following night (July 3rd) the object was present before the stars were out at around 9:30 I looked then and at 10:00 but it was not as brilliant, I thought I would check later and went out to see at 11:00. What I saw and filmed then did feel overwhelming.

The night before appeared to me to be one object behaving in a manner I had never before seen, but now what I was seeing I could not understand; colors and shapes; one becoming five and more and less, all independent of each other, different shapes, colors and many things moving around. It appeared as if they were solid light based energy masses that could join together resulting in seemingly huge explosions of light and color or they could leave the main source as well as having smaller sources leave it.

I became too shaky and stopped filming to call my family who were inside the house. I filmed with witnesses the next 15 minutes of so until this whole spectacle moved out into space quite quickly. There are too many words too describe what I felt and experienced through this time and the next hours.
I was inspired to much thought about where we are now and how this is a part of our evolution.

It is exciting and you never know what you will see when you film these sightings but I try to focus on what I am filming and remaining calm, I feel greatly humbled in the precence of these energies but at the same time I know there is nothing to fear and knowledge to be gained and experienced by all.

It's hard to believe that a group of superior advanced aliens lit up with LED's would travel from another planet hundreds of light years away in a space ship for the prime purpose of being videotaped buzzing a few canadian roof tops. As Mr. Spock would say; 'That's Illogical'. Maybe they came here to buy some George Foreman grills.
Stargirl: I was inspired to much thought about where we are now and how this is a part of our evolution.

Thanks for your reply, Stargirl. I'm sure you've figured out by now that one's experiences in this fringe area is not much appreciated here. And I can't of course accredit or dismiss your experience either, but instead try to decipher it as a plausible event -- to find something solid to consider, imagine -- see, perhaps even grasp at a possible sensation of a possible scenario: thus I will proceed and consider.

The fact that you were able to nonetheless keep your distance while filming -- and I get a sense of incomplete detachment throughout -- points to what might be a similar attitude, a reverse reverberation, if you will, from the ETs themselves. Inotherwords, I get a sense of tolerance on their part (it all seems to tie in with telepathy, somehow). However, the quote I posted above also points to something else: following the same reverse-reverberation theory -- an overflowing residue of a more powerful consciousness influencing an ambience: an inspired reaction that you picked-up on: a state of aloofness: an overall attitude towards the developing consciousness of human terrestrials?

Somehow I also get the impression that you can't quite believe it all actually happened, as if you're still waiting for something else...
The following night (July 3rd) the object was present before the stars were out at around 9:30

So this thing appears over two nights, and all you can capture is shaky out of focus footage? You don't call anyone over with better equipment to capture footage? Nobody else in the vicinity taped it, or got decent stills?

Why am I suspicious that you have filmed something mundane, and mis-labelled it?