Good job " gang"

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Good, but once you become "good friends" with a pretty woman that you like, don't expect anything more than "just friends"

That is the world famous line:

"Let's just be friends"

A good friend is priceless. And you can trust a good friend a lot more than your lover.
Nice guys whine.
I'm not a nice guy?:confused: :eek: :bugeye:
You are who are you" - you can't help it right?
self hypnosis, self - control, will power
HOW and WHY is it manipulative?

If playing headgames is not manipulative, I don't know what is.

Anyway Xev, I have a feeling you would break many guys hearts. If a nice and desperate guy trys to hook up with you, you don't respect him, and you would manipulate him, since you don't respect him.

Likely not.

When the exceptional human being treats the mediocre more tenderly than himself and his peers, this is not mere courtesy of the heart – it is simply his duty. --Friedrich Nietzsche

How am I trying to manipulate? How am I trying to control? Sure I am being controlled, you are loopholing the entire idea.

So you admit to being pussy-whipped? Good good, my point made.

I wonder why you allow it.....

Xev, basically you have very weak claims against me, thus you are the weak one. I always give REASONS, examples, to my claims. You on the other hand, like everyone else that is "anti-Chosen" have failed.

Weak claims do not make a weak person. Inability to master oneself makes a weak person. Allowing others to control you might make a weak person - not positive in this one.

I'm not anti-Chosen. I like you - only it seems that your, will to power, has been twisted.

No, REAL WOMEN fall for those type of men. Confident, humourous, men who KNOW HOW to RESPOND to them and their needs/wants.

Actually, a strong woman, just as a strong man, does not "fall" for anybody.

Women want powerful males.

*Smiles wryly* In order to dominate them.

From what I have observed and from many others, women like to be dominated, not in the sense that you totally run their lives, but in the sense that you are direct, you speak your mind, you aren't afraid and self-conscious, you don't seek approval, etc.

I'll lend you my handcuffs. :p

Seriously, everyone posesses a will to power, and this manifests itself in the attempt to control other people. Women express this need to control in different ways than men do.

Good, but once you become "good friends" with a pretty woman that you like, don't expect anything more than "just friends"

Or "friends w/benefits".

In any case, a friend is waaaaay more valuable than a lover.
How can anyone find her amusing????

She is homophobic, rascist and she talks way too much shit. She is like a little child who thrives on negativity. She needs to be taken out and shot. She is one of the few people that I would give my right eye to be locked in a room with for a few hours. I bet she wouldnt talk any shit after that:D
Maybe so, but after driving the little she-demon away, it's rather amusing seeing her put other poor souls through the same torment, because we know what it's like. And I like your idea with the locked room, star. But you're right, she probably wouldn't desist after that, even. If you do decide to follow through with it though, just make sure you de-soundproof the room first, so all of us can listen outside the door.:D
If you do decide to follow through with it though, just make sure you de-soundproof the room first, so all of us can listen outside the door.

Ill be sure to do that!

Hey Joe!

Could you maybe describe Ms. Knox to us all. You know, just in case we see her on the streets someday:D

I for one would LOVE to give her a knuckle sandwich!:D
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Could you maybe describe Ms. Knox to us all. You know, just in case we see her on the streets someday:D

I for one would LOVE to give her a knuckle sandwich!:D

She looks Irish.

It is extremely unlikely you will win a fight against her.
I know she upset you stRgrL, but she was/is an admirable troll. quite funny. I wouldn't hit her.

It is extremely unlikely you will win a fight against her
well , I don't know about me:D, but only if it's a friendly mach with a judge.
I have nothing against her:)
It is extremely unlikely you will win a fight against her.

HaHa! Thanks for the laugh Joey!! I may be very kind and considerate to everyone here, but I am alot different in person. I dont take too well to arguing in person. So, how big is she?? Is she a big ole skallywag? :D Well if she is 200+, she may have an advantage. Got any pics?????????
Originally posted by *stRgrL*

HaHa! Thanks for the laugh Joey!! I may be very kind and considerate to everyone here, but I am alot different in person. I dont take too well to arguing in person. So, how big is she?? Is she a big ole skallywag? :D Well if she is 200+, she may have an advantage. Got any pics?????????

That is why it maybe good to have her back so she can speak for herself. I defend her a lot but she doesn't want or need me to defend her.
Looks to me like this has come in from another thread.

PS: Never fight unless you have to or unless you know the opponent's capabilities.
Congrats on post 3000, fish-boy.

Hey! I just read that forum - where's Mal? WTF? Or is she Justine? :(
Originally posted by Xev
Congrats on post 3000, fish-boy.

Hey! I just read that forum - where's Mal? WTF? Or is she Justine? :(
do a search. case sensitive.
Never fight unless you have to or unless you know the opponent's capabilities.

Well I dont. I havent been in a fight in a few years:p Anyhoo, If someone is in my face, Im not at all good at arguing or walking away. I swing instantly. It has to do with my temper. Very bad temper... I am getting better though:D This place has been very good practice at not getting too angry:)
I couldn't find any either.

She hasn't posted since 7/16. She might be banned. Her account might be deleted. I read her posts. They were nothing comparing to what she posted here and elsewhere. If she is indeed banned, the administrator there is pussy. He has a vagina not penis.
no clue. not me though. It doesn't seem like her either. He/she could be another person from this forum. Maybe Adam? Xenu?