Good job " gang"

I have to admit it's funny and I can see why it would give you people a laugh. And that's about far enough damnit. But calling them pussies for closing a thread, that is for self-improvement, that would lead people (LIKE YOU PATHETIC PEOPLE, Joeman, Adam, Xev ) to believe this site is only for manipulating and using women, and that DJ's are "bad people.", when they really aren't. And here's what Big Bad Wolf posted in there:

I don't think I or any of the others give a rat's arse whether you are manipulating and using women or not. Of course you are. So what?

I don't think any of you are "bad people" - you are simply weak people.

There are dangerous weak people, and there are silly weak people. Silly weak people are good for a laugh. You are.

Thus I say:


Originally posted by Xev
I don't think I or any of the others give a rat's arse whether you are manipulating and using women or not. Of course you are. So what?

I don't think any of you are "bad people" - you are simply weak people.

There are dangerous weak people, and there are silly weak people. Silly weak people are good for a laugh. You are.

Thus I say:


As Doc Love says:

"Why is it perfectly fine in our society for women to have their stacks and stacks of magazines that feature countless articles with titles like "Seven Ways to Make Him Fall Hopelessly in Love with You" or " The Five Secrets to Capturing His Heart"? Yet when men seek to gain a bit of personal empowerment in relationships they're labeled as game playing manipulators!"

And if you call us "weak-people" for finding out our errors in the dating world and becoming successful for it, I'd really hate to see your definition of a strong person.

LoL, you have not made a single valid claim against what I say. You just try to dismiss it as "manipulative and etc. etc." But how is it manipulative? Is it because YOU KNOW women fall for these type of men?

Are you scared Xev? You intimidated by powerful men? You're laughing? Why don't you further your observation and look at the kind of men you are attracted to?

Are they confident? enthusiastic? humourous? non-hesitant? non-desperate?

You just want to keep your power over men, I mean come on, you're a goddess here :D :rolleyes: :p

How many guys here already claim to be "lovers of Xev" LOL :p :eek:
you are too senitive, chosen.
it usually takes me about a week to decode a girl.
if she does not pass, I screw her.
Originally posted by Avatar
you are too senitive, chosen.
it usually takes me about a week to decode a girl.
if she does not pass, I screw her.

Avatar, sensitive? Like how?

Decode...hmm, of course, not all women are angels
I mean that forum...Xev showed it to me...
I got the impression of it being a meeting place for cry-on-my-shoulder males....that's just so sick...
Originally posted by Avatar
I mean that forum...Xev showed it to me...
I got the impression of it being a meeting place for cry-on-my-shoulder males....that's just so sick...

Yes, there ARE males there that have no clue when it comes to dating.

Many AFC's visit it because they have been seriously hurt by women and the tactics they use in their magazines. They want to seek improvement, not sit at home and do nothing about it and whine (nice-guys - "Why doesn't she love me!!"). But you have the wrong impression, that forum is for many others also.

If you think it is sick, or anyone else, then you're basically brainwashed. My first impression was, "they're losers!" But what was my reasons? "They need advice!" Then I realized, I needed it too. I was raised and brainwashed into thinking the wrong things.

SO anyway, good question for you.

Why is it sick?

Will you answer me like a man, or avoid it like the rest of the baseless people here?
it's sick because those males get hurt from such actions taken out on them by their "girlfirends"...
I said---you see she's using you, screw her, and don't think about her anymore. erase her out of your life. it's not so hard...

but those are just crying and asking - why...
get over it, and find smone that is worthly your company.

and no- I haven't got a girlfriend. Maybe it's because I have screwed some 4 of them...but only because they were not my level( well there actually is one I know in real life (not inet) , but she's a girlfriend of my friend and I'd really better keep them both good friends as to risk loose them both)...I don't fall so easy and blindly in love.
(yeah-> don't start a thread about feminism, if I was a girl I would say the same thing about males)

"Why is it perfectly fine in our society for women to have their stacks and stacks of magazines that feature countless articles with titles like "Seven Ways to Make Him Fall Hopelessly in Love with You" or " The Five Secrets to Capturing His Heart"? Yet when men seek to gain a bit of personal empowerment in relationships they're labeled as game playing manipulators!"

I do not care what is perfectly fine in society. Women are game playing manipulators too.

And I am a veritable Empress of manipulation. The difference being - I know what I am, and why I do what I do, and I don't manipulate those I respect.

And if you call us "weak-people" for finding out our errors in the dating world and becoming successful for it, I'd really hate to see your definition of a strong person.

The absolutely strong person does not need other humans. At all.

And you're right, you would hate to see that definition. It would frighten you.

LoL, you have not made a single valid claim against what I say. You just try to dismiss it as "manipulative and etc. etc." But how is it manipulative? Is it because YOU KNOW women fall for these type of men?

There are no valid claims - it is weak. You are trying to manipulate people, to control them. Yet in the end, you are being controlled.

I do not think there's anything morally wrong with it - being a consummate immoralist, that's unlikely anyway.

And yes, weak women do fall for those types of men. I've never said they didn't.

Are you scared Xev?

Umm....Chosen, if you scared me, I'd be either hitting on you or trying to destroy you. *Smiles*

You intimidated by powerful men? You're laughing? Why don't you further your observation and look at the kind of men you are attracted to?

Silly Chosen, what makes you think I haven't?

Are you asking me to list "turn-ons"? :p

Are they confident?

In the sense that power implies confidence.




Neutral on that. A sense of humour is niether a plus nor minus.




No. Unless in the sense that - how do I put this - one who was able to renounce the need for human companionship is non-desperate.

You just want to keep your power over men, I mean come on, you're a goddess here

Thanks. But I don't. I am in the process of overcoming the urge to dominate others. Nietzsche's contrast between the barbarian and the acetic. I'm somewhere in the middle at the moment.

Basically, I'm seeking power by renounciation.


it's sick because those males get hurt from such actions taken out on them by their "girlfirends"...
I said---you see she's using you, screw her, and don't think about her anymore. erase her out of your life. it's not so hard...


but those are just crying and asking - why...
get over it, and find smone that is worthly your company.

Bingo. Chosen, this is what I mean by a powerful man. Of course, neither Avatar nor I is perfect at this ideal.
Originally posted by Xev

I don't think I or any of the others give a rat's arse whether you are manipulating and using women or not. Of course you are. So what?

Then why the hell did you guys make such a big deal about it when it was first introduce? You people still do give a "lil" amount of rat's ass because you're still talking about it. But the point is we don't want people to believe a DJ is just BAD, you still believe DJ's are just for manipulating and using women. So I rest my case Xevvy :D Some DJ's are losers who use people; knowledge is power, then comes responsibilities. They use it the wrong way.

I don't think any of you are "bad people" - you are simply weak people.

Yes there are some bad people who abuse it. But think about it, women, maybe like Xev :p, manipulate men and make those nice guys feel like shit, feel really sorry for them that is why we share our knowledge. What's better for the person? Making people that made you feel like shit, or letting yourself be treated like shit? It is jsut for understanding so none of this "shit" is shit once they understand life and what is needed for women so they won't treat those men like shit.

There are dangerous weak people, and there are silly weak people. Silly weak people are good for a laugh. You are.

ha, I am not weak. How am I weak? Tell me Xevvy :D

haha, so you laugh at weak people, so you're all omnipotent huh? :bugeye:

I consider weak people to be close-minded people, people that blame things on others because they jsut can't figure out things for themselves, and people that call others weak to make themselves feel strong :D. Ohhh don't get me wrong Xev, you have that "power" aura to you, I sense it, you're strong at mind. You seem so certain and determined of yourself that you can say what you feel is always right. But that is what makes you weak. :p

I am very open-minded and I put myself in others shoes before actually judging anything, although I don't all the time but I do when it is needed to understand the situation as much as possible.
Originally posted by wet1
Dark Master,

I understand why you are upset. When the rascal paid us a visit she was far more slick. Actually took the time to set it up. Before it was over with the whole site was in an uproar.

No matter your arguement it will be blown off with a one or two line quip. If allowed it will spread across your forum until most of the members seemed involved in it.

I would tell you to ignore her but I have seen just how difficult that is. That is where her talent lays. To you, Chosen, and whoever else may be here from your board I wish you the best in this matter; I also know that the only relief you will have will be when the ip is banned. The sooner the step is taken the better you will be.

Nah, I'm just trying to prove a point and to cure the 'bad name' for DJ. Thanks for understanding. And no Mallory doesn't bother me at all, she, or IT is stupid. That post actually gave me a good laugh too. :D
Originally posted by Avatar
it's sick because those males get hurt from such actions taken out on them by their "girlfirends"...
I said---you see she's using you, screw her, and don't think about her anymore. erase her out of your life. it's not so hard...

Avatar, you shouldn't just consider your own perspective.

Not all men are like you, some are raised and brainwashed into thinking the most sweetest and beautiful things about all women, but when they meet the real world, they become doormats and get stomped on all over.

but those are just crying and asking - why...
get over it, and find smone that is worthly your company.

Nice guys whine. Real men look at what they did wrong and improve. Many many nice guys visit that sight, and in turn they become "enlightened" and become real men, instead of letting life and women run them, they take charge of their own world.

They are crying and whining there because they need help, and I don't look at it negatively like you do, I am actually glad they have become open-minded enough to admit their errors and seek improvement and advice. Failing forward is one step to more power.

Take this analogy, if you visit a hospital, you would see sick people everywhere. So who's the fool? The one that seeks help or the one that closes his mind and insists that no help is possible? "You are who are you" - you can't help it right? :D

and no- I haven't got a girlfriend. Maybe it's because I have screwed some 4 of them...but only because they were not my level( well there actually is one I know in real life (not inet) , but she's a girlfriend of my friend and I'd really better keep them both good friends as to risk loose them both)...I don't fall so easy and blindly in love.
(yeah-> don't start a thread about feminism, if I was a girl I would say the same thing about males)

Good, but once you become "good friends" with a pretty woman that you like, don't expect anything more than "just friends"

That is the world famous line:

"Let's just be friends"

Originally posted by Xev

I do not care what is perfectly fine in society. Women are game playing manipulators too.

And I am a veritable Empress of manipulation. The difference being - I know what I am, and why I do what I do, and I don't manipulate those I respect.

And can you show me where I mentioned anything about manipulating the people I respect?

Anyway answer the big question:

HOW and WHY is it manipulative?

Anyway Xev, I have a feeling you would break many guys hearts. If a nice and desperate guy trys to hook up with you, you don't respect him, and you would manipulate him, since you don't respect him.

Who respects whiny, needy, clingy, supplicating type of people?

The absolutely strong person does not need other humans. At all.

And you're right, you would hate to see that definition. It would frighten you.

Then live a very lonely life. I agree that the "absolutely strong person" does not need other humans.

11: Learn to keep people dependent on you.

20: Do not commit to anyone.

I do not want to become so powerful that I lose sight of what a human being and love is all about.

Of course I will commit. Commitment is a weakness - I gurantee you that.

That is one weakness that I will gladly take up.

There are no valid claims - it is weak. You are trying to manipulate people, to control them. Yet in the end, you are being controlled.

You might as well say Joeman, Adam, and the rest of everyone elses advice is weak, since they aren't "valid" claims to you.

Once again you make a BASELESS CLAIM Xev.

How am I trying to manipulate? How am I trying to control? Sure I am being controlled, you are loopholing the entire idea.

It's like saying since I got hurt by a sword. Then I train to defend myself against the sword, then I master the sword, you would say the sword is "controlling" me, but in fact it is not.

Since I got hurt, I responded in an act of self-defence, and thus I learned my errors on WHY I got hurt and HOW I got hurt and thus have some control over the sword.

Same thing applies to women.

Xev, basically you have very weak claims against me, thus you are the weak one. I always give REASONS, examples, to my claims. You on the other hand, like everyone else that is "anti-Chosen" have failed.

I come into this site with a very unique and different perspective, and as a result of expressing myself I am insulted at, criticized, and all that.

Remember what Avatar said? When he got into that debate with the Christians and how he totally used logic and out-debated them? All thanks to and how it informed him of "international knowledge/wisdom" and opened his mind? (Avatar, correct me if I am wrong about you)

Apply that situation to how I have visited so many forums, just think about that for a moment.

I do not think there's anything morally wrong with it - being a consummate immoralist, that's unlikely anyway.

And yes, weak women do fall for those types of men. I've never said they didn't.

No, REAL WOMEN fall for those type of men. Confident, humourous, men who KNOW HOW to RESPOND to them and their needs/wants.

Umm....Chosen, if you scared me, I'd be either hitting on you or trying to destroy you. *Smiles* can come wrestle with me on a bed...just ask Xev...:p :D :rolleyes:

Silly Chosen, what makes you think I haven't?

Are you asking me to list "turn-ons"? :p

Why not?

In the sense that power implies confidence.

Women want powerful males.

Sure there.

Neutral on that. A sense of humour is niether a plus nor minus.

Sure there.

Uh huh :rolleyes:

No. Unless in the sense that - how do I put this - one who was able to renounce the need for human companionship is non-desperate.

I'm talking about attraction and not long terms.

Thanks. But I don't. I am in the process of overcoming the urge to dominate others. Nietzsche's contrast between the barbarian and the acetic. I'm somewhere in the middle at the moment.

From what I have observed and from many others, women like to be dominated, not in the sense that you totally run their lives, but in the sense that you are direct, you speak your mind, you aren't afraid and self-conscious, you don't seek approval, etc.
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i find xev to be quite a nice person actully


sorry xev i let your secret out:p
B\W what the hell does DJ stand for?
i thought a DJ was the person who played the music on the radio or at a night club
Originally posted by Asguard
B\W what the hell does DJ stand for?
i thought a DJ was the person who played the music on the radio or at a night club

DJ = Don Juan

DJ = person at night clubs playing music

Means two different things, to me, but I don't know about everyone else...:D
I'm gonna be gooonnnee!!

Originally posted by Squid Vicious
You are one seriously fucked up individual chosen.

Should I thank you? Or is this another baseless claim? :)


I'm leaving!!

People can rejoice and party!! :D :p