going into someone elses dream

My mother and I both shared a strange experience, years apart, and I don't really know what to think of it.

When my mother was little, she lived in the Phillipines. One night, she woke up, crawled out of her bed and went to the living room window. A huge glowing ball of light filled the window and my mom was terrified. She could hear an owl hooting really loudly and she said the light just engulfed the room.

Years later, I'm probably 10 or 11, I wake up to a glowing ball of light shining in my window. In my groggy sleep state, I chalked it up to being a streelight (even though there are no streetlights visible from my bedroom window and the house is surrounded by trees). I turned over and went back to sleep. I woke up again at exactly 4:30 am and the light was still there, but this time I could hear voices. It sounded like laughing and crying. It would get really loud and then fade out and then get really loud again. I started to get scared because the light wouldn't go away and I got this really strange impression that there were people outside my window. I thought I could see bald heads moving around outside on the roof. Freaked out, I pulled the covers over my head and I don't remember anything after that.

My mother didn't share her experience with me until after I told her about mine.

It was weird, probably coincidental, but I still have no idea where the light came from. It filled the whole room and actually reflected off me and the mirrors in my room.

Are we having similar hallucinations, lol?
Sounds like you just wanted to vindicate your mother who was probably ridiculed with some type of derisive bantering. So you took it upon yourself to use an unusual street occurrence to satisfy any doubts you may have had growing up, as to her mental stability. Congrats....you love your mom and you're normal.
Sounds like you just wanted to vindicate your mother who was probably ridiculed with some type of derisive bantering. So you took it upon yourself to use an unusual street occurrence to satisfy any doubts you may have had growing up, as to her mental stability. Congrats....you love your mom and you're normal.



several things...

Well for one, like I said, my mother never told me about her experience until I told her about mine, so I wasn't vindicating her I don't believe. In fact, even when I told her about my experience she didn't tell me about hers until years later. I was really young when I had my experience. And secondly, NO, this wasn't some "street type occurance", this LITERALLY happened to me. It might have a "logical" explanantion, but I have yet to find one. I'm not stupid or irrational. I know what happened to me. The only "logical" explanation I can come up with is that it was a dream, but I feel like that is a fallacy.

All I'm saying is that it is weird that she and I should have such a frightening similar experience, whether most likely dream or not. One of those weird life coincedences, I guess.

i remember hearing about this term "Dream Walking" something about how ancient Greeks used to induce lucid dreams to enter other peoples dreams such as those of their enemies
i personally think it is possible just not as easy as we would wish it to be and most times when it does happen its most likely accidental I have had a few experiences with a close friend of mine he and i have had several dreams that where connected events include just walking about to being brothers in arms and yes all happen at random its something him nor i can induce on command but i do believe it is possible if you know how which is what the ancient Greeks where studying and trying to control they believed in something called a collective sub-conscience brought forth by Jung who believed that all conscience are connected and collect together in the sub conscience world of our dreams and also believed that we could tap into that world at any given time which this is more far fetched but being able to tap into the dream word while conscious you can bring it back with you merging 2 worlds in one hence telekinesis black magic etc. for me this is harder to believe... but entering someone elses dream i can believe
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My mother and I both shared a strange experience, years apart, and I don't really know what to think of it.

When my mother was little, she lived in the Phillipines. One night, she woke up, crawled out of her bed and went to the living room window. A huge glowing ball of light filled the window and my mom was terrified. She could hear an owl hooting really loudly and she said the light just engulfed the room.

Years later, I'm probably 10 or 11, I wake up to a glowing ball of light shining in my window. In my groggy sleep state, I chalked it up to being a streelight (even though there are no streetlights visible from my bedroom window and the house is surrounded by trees). I turned over and went back to sleep. I woke up again at exactly 4:30 am and the light was still there, but this time I could hear voices. It sounded like laughing and crying. It would get really loud and then fade out and then get really loud again. I started to get scared because the light wouldn't go away and I got this really strange impression that there were people outside my window. I thought I could see bald heads moving around outside on the roof. Freaked out, I pulled the covers over my head and I don't remember anything after that.

My mother didn't share her experience with me until after I told her about mine.

It was weird, probably coincidental, but I still have no idea where the light came from. It filled the whole room and actually reflected off me and the mirrors in my room.

Are we having similar hallucinations, lol?

sounds like an abduction and it is believed that when one family member is abducted the whole family could be too its like tagging ducks/wild life to keep track of them and see where the generations mutate or nicely put change i believe it my grandmother used to claim she was abducted same with my mother and when i was younger nothing more but a small child i believe i was too it was a very vivid dream is what i always told myself who knows it might have been it might not have been i dont know but it seems blue lights are a common similarity both with you your mother my mother and grandmother and all supposed abducties i dont remember seeing a blue light i was just where i was all i remember is waking up in a corridor as though i was fighting an anastasia (Sleep inducer) the feeling of being scared and the commotion that was going on around me mainly a man saying leave him alone hes only a child then next a feeling of something smothering my face then waking up in my own bed... maybe it was just a vivid dream and it was my pillow smothering me but at the age of 6 it seems like a dream a child wouldnt have... anyways i think your blue light dream could be more of an abduction as for the owl maybe you seen the movie about Alaska i forgot the name of it but they all claimed to remember seeing an owl as though its a memory blocker or false implant to cover up what really happened the movie was based on fact and on going studies in this little Alaskan town you should watch it ask someone the name of it like i said i forgot lol
i think you can go into another's dream with permission. i think walls are in place to prevent that from happening accidentally or uninvitedly. but sure you can probably meet someone in a dream. if you both try.

i want to meet someone during an OBE or lucid dream. would be cool.
sounds like an abduction and it is believed that when one family member is abducted the whole family could be too its like tagging ducks/wild life to keep track of them and see where the generations mutate or nicely put change i believe it my grandmother used to claim she was abducted same with my mother and when i was younger nothing more but a small child i believe i was too it was a very vivid dream is what i always told myself who knows it might have been it might not have been i dont know but it seems blue lights are a common similarity both with you your mother my mother and grandmother and all supposed abducties i dont remember seeing a blue light i was just where i was all i remember is waking up in a corridor as though i was fighting an anastasia (Sleep inducer) the feeling of being scared and the commotion that was going on around me mainly a man saying leave him alone hes only a child then next a feeling of something smothering my face then waking up in my own bed... maybe it was just a vivid dream and it was my pillow smothering me but at the age of 6 it seems like a dream a child wouldnt have... anyways i think your blue light dream could be more of an abduction as for the owl maybe you seen the movie about Alaska i forgot the name of it but they all claimed to remember seeing an owl as though its a memory blocker or false implant to cover up what really happened the movie was based on fact and on going studies in this little Alaskan town you should watch it ask someone the name of it like i said i forgot lol

that sounds scary. was it the greys? those numbskulls don't have any decency!:p

omg about the owl. was it 4th Kind? those owls look creepy. :p

But to know that you would have to have explored 100% sometime in the future, gone into a time machine to the time when you wrote that post and communicated to yourself how far you were along, AND EVEN THEN how can you be sure you weren't lying to yourself or that your future self wasn't just an alien disguised as you to fool you?

If not that then what are you basing this percentage on? :confused:
But to know that you would have to have explored 100% sometime in the future
Part of the 98.6% I've explored is what I'll know in the future. Problem solved.

gone into a time machine to the time when you wrote that post and communicated to yourself how far you were along
I complete the other 1.4% just after tea tomorrow night.

AND EVEN THEN how can you be sure you weren't lying to yourself
Because I also said "cross my heart and hope to die, I'm not lying" when I told me. That, combined with knowing I wasn't lying as part of the 98.6% I know already was good enough for me.

or that your future self wasn't just an alien disguised as you to fool you?
Easy: I'm better looking than any alien could possibly hope to be. I mean, have you seen them? Talk about motherf*ckin' ugly!

If not that then what are you basing this percentage on? :confused:
Percentages are out 100. If I knew ALL of reality then that'd be 100%. But I don't know all of reality (until after tea tomorrow).
But you have to have faith that the message you received is true (which is eerily similar to every Abrahamic religion).
I see you have comprehension problems.
If I know what happened yesterday is true (because it happened) then that forms part of my knowledge. If I know what I will know tomorrow then "faith" doesn't come into it.
It's quite simple.
It's not a question of "messages". :rolleyes:
I see you have comprehension problems.
If I know what happened yesterday is true (because it happened) then that forms part of my knowledge. If I know what I will know tomorrow then "faith" doesn't come into it.
It's quite simple.
It's not a question of "messages". :rolleyes:

That doesn't make sense because you're not your future self, you're your present self in this scenario.
Since you appear to be having problems, let me give you TWO clues.
Clue 1) Does any of what I have said above fit with my previous posting record?
Clue 1.5) No.
Clue 2) (this quote and the image taken together constitute the clue).
Originally Posted by stateofmind
quick question dywyd, what percentage of reality have you explored?