going into someone elses dream

But in the same way a scientifically ungifted person can still become a scientist

The gift of science is an open mind. How can one be a scientist without this gift, A skilled technician maybe but a scientist I doubt it seriously.
with respect
Holy shit, riverwind.

1 word to answer all your questions: mathematics.

Explanation: mathematics predict the existence wormholes, theoretical things in physics, but not psi. This is what is up for discussion not general science(such as drug research, where there are grant companies who expect a positive result). I know that there are occasional errors or fraud, as you put it. And I also know, as you apparently do not, is that those frauds were found out, hence you were able to cite them- scientific experiments, procedures and theories are PEER-REVIEWED. Read writings by David Hume, Deutsch, and Kaku, and learn about the basics of science before you discuss them.

This is exactly what Kaku was referring to in Hyperspace - that without knowing the mathematics of the theories and mathematics in science, people can take ideas and do crazy shit with them and never understand why their inane ramblings about psi are false. I hate that.

Later, stream.
dreamer29 said:
Is there a way to go into someone elses dreams do you think; and how?
I don't know if your still intrestied but dream weaving does happen, I don't know how as it has only happened to me once

In my dream I was running in a castle from some knights they had a green cross on their chest as a symoble of the house they represented.I was running on the top of the castle and was almost cornered by them in my dream I felt drawn to run to one of the corners and stay there I felt safe there like they couldn't get me at all as long as I stayed there I was wearing a maroon velvet gown.

That was the end of my dream.

The next morning me and my boyfriend were talking and I started to tell him about my dream and he asked me if I saw him. He called me over to the corner that I was standing at(in my dream) he said He was right on top of me and was fighting the knights which was why none of them could get me . He decribed what the knights were wearing and what I was wearing the castles and the three towers. I never saw him in my dream but he saw me in his. All I know was that in my dream I felt safe in that corned and it wasn't until the next day I knew why.
"Is there a way to go into someone elses dreams do you think; and how?"

I am experiencing this at the moment. I wake in the morning with the "feeling" that someone has been watching my dreams!

If this is possible and if this "feeling" is a real occurence, I know who it is.
It is a living Native American medicine man who passed through my life 12 weeks ago. Since comming into contact with this medicine man the strangest co-incidences, events and thoughts have been occuring in my life.

The hardest part of what I have been experiencing is confirming it as a reality. The probability of the co-incidences that have been happening are tens of thousands to one, that they have happened on numerous occasions at exactly the right time and place make them millions to one, but still they are not concrete facts, just co-incidences.

I feel "locked" in a duality. The more I research and try to learn about what I am experiencing the more I find both for and against the reality of it.

It has proved impossible to ignore, to laugh off or make go away. It feels real and appears to turn up real events.

I'm feel I am experiencing truly amazing phenomena and I am unsure as to whether I should be thrilled at the opportunity or fighting "tooth and nail" against it as a delusional state of mind?

My life has changed, I have changed because of it (all for the better) I have overcome many personal battles on my procrastinated list of "must do's". It also seems that my thoughts have taken on the ability to manifest into reality, though again this could be pure "improbable co-incidence"!

There are a few big drawbacks:

1: I have become obsessed with trying to find out if it is real or delusional and am still unable to prove it with concrete facts either way.

2: If this is real, what's the guy up to?

3: If it is delusional, how does one stop it?

I thought it might help to open this up to other viewponts.
If anyone has any information they would like to share I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say.

Is there a way to go into someone elses dreams do you think; and how?

Maybe it's already happening? Maybe some of the thoughts which we consider to be our own, are sent by others. We will still think they are our own.
Why does every thread have to turn into science and mysticism : The final showdown!
its beyond moronic, and it always, everytime infact leads us away from the original topic of conversation. And so it shall continue on forums throughout the land forevermore..
Astral travel real

Hello everyone,

When you accomplish astral travel, you know it is real. Do you doubt that when you go down the stairs in the morning, that it is real?

What esoterists say that the universe is like a radio, when you turn the dial on a radio, you tune through different frequencies. If, according to Einstein, energy is proportionally related to matter, we can imagine the universe in just such a way too - near the lower end of the dial is our physical world, and as you turn the dial you pass through zones of ever higher frequency, finer energetically, which are the higher dimensions, or heavens, of nature. When you go into the astral world, you are entering the fifth dimension, they say, and there the law of projection exists, that means that if you are not very alert or awake, you project what is in your subconsciousness and see it as if it is real. However, one can also, if one is conscious enough, see what is really there, and in the astral world, all the things exist that exist here, plus other things proper to the astral world. This also explains prophetic dreams, beause in these dimensions you can be given to see the future.
A good website that deals with this and other topics is gnosticteachings.com.

Ryan O´Rourke
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There are a few big drawbacks:

1: I have become obsessed with trying to find out if it is real or delusional and am still unable to prove it with concrete facts either way.

2: If this is real, what's the guy up to?

3: If it is delusional, how does one stop it?

I thought it might help to open this up to other viewponts.
If anyone has any information they would like to share I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say.


I care about 1 and 2, but not really 3. Yes, I have had dreams about real people that seemed far too lifelike to be my imagination. I'll try to remember bits of conversation in the dreams to surreptitiously sneak in to conversations to catch a reaction, it's a good test.
on the subject of dreams it is not impossible. entering minds has certenly been done in medical sence but dream walking has still not been done. the storys we here might be true or might not i have had personal dreams about people i knew and the same people i dreamed about remebered having a simaler or alike dream days before but for sure in time we can emmit each other in to others dreams might have to wait 1 to 10 centures to find out but time will tell
btw sorry for the spelling errors hard to sprell right on my wii
Why does every thread have to turn into science and mysticism : The final showdown!
its beyond moronic, and it always, everytime infact leads us away from the original topic of conversation. And so it shall continue on forums throughout the land forevermore..

its the sifi forums it all comes down to that and it should
Maybe it's already happening? Maybe some of the thoughts which we consider to be our own, are sent by others. We will still think they are our own.

had to comment on this one

mythical storys of african american people have told its happened so maybe they have some supernatural ability (there race or certain people have the ability) an ability to trasmit their thoughts or dreams into anothers mind

if you have a dream that seems that you cant control anything that happens this dosent mean someone eltes is controling it

P.S: that would be a great activity to have you your relitives and freinds record all of your dreams idk if it would be the greatest meathod but if you think you had dreams like this i would give it a try
"I don't know if your still intrestied but dream weaving does happen, I don't know how as it has only happened to me once

In my dream I was running in a castle from some knights they had a green cross on their chest as a symoble of the house they represented.I was running on the top of the castle and was almost cornered by them in my dream I felt drawn to run to one of the corners and stay there I felt safe there like they couldn't get me at all as long as I stayed there I was wearing a maroon velvet gown.

That was the end of my dream.

The next morning me and my boyfriend were talking and I started to tell him about my dream and he asked me if I saw him. He called me over to the corner that I was standing at(in my dream) he said He was right on top of me and was fighting the knights which was why none of them could get me . He decribed what the knights were wearing and what I was wearing the castles and the three towers. I never saw him in my dream but he saw me in his. All I know was that "

see i have a theroy to this you guys were watching the same dream but you didn't see him because he might of been controling it ask him if this has ever happend to him before becuase he might have entered your mind and controled your dream he might have some supernatural power to enter someone eltes dream its a small theroy but it is a pretty good one in a sence
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my dreams are always about war and fighting, i never seem to learn anything from my dreams. just kind of go to sleep expecting a battle. peace.

Then it is yourself that is in conflict and perhaps those dreams relieve some of your pent up tensions.
No. Astral projection is just your imagination. You think it is real because others claim it to be real.

Dreams cannot be "entered" or "visited" by other people. Dreams are firings of neurons in the brain. Even to transmit information from the brain would be damn near impossible with even today's technology, let alone telepathy. Billions of synapses a second... no way, no how can someone view someone else's dream.

Wow, you are a true pessimists. Sorry, mate, but your imagination runs pretty wild, slow down a bit or you might loose a touch with reality. Anyways, I wish you all the best in the world, you are truly something. Cheers.
I love dreams! I have the most amazing dreams about such incredible things that sometimes I wonder if there might be something more. It's the one area where I question science and my own common sense. I have had dreams about things I couldn't possibly know and then come true. It's weird. Sometimes I think that I must be delusional, but whatever. I always wonder how to go about proving that dreams might actually be something more. If we can't record dreams then we can't prove any of them are real and since someone just saying that their dream came true isn't proof enough, then how do we ever go about finding proof? My mother and I have both had very unique dreams that when we tell eachother about them, they turn out to be the same. Not just stupid stuff, like I was driving in my car when I hit a tree blah blah blah, but strange and almost exact details that have turned out to be the same. Who knows, we will probably never know if dreams are more then what they seem. "What we see and what we seem are but a dream, a dream within a dream" E. A. Poe.
It's slightly improbable for mere mortals to purposely do it

Unless you've already died and came back it would take years to build up this ability...however for I it was merely an inheritence....so visiting someone elses dreams is easy for me....Haaa...to think that mortals such as yourselves would even attempt to use abilities beyond your own comprehension....BLASPHEMY....IMPUDENT SWINES.....WHY YOUR VERY MINDS WOULD CRUMBLE INTO NOTHINGNESS LEAVING YOU LABOTAMIZED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!! Be my guest if you want....it's your own hate and agony that makes us so......